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s APRIL 1sS9



1. SCOPE All supplies end aerviecs under the cnn-

tract, whether matmfaetumd or performed
1.1 AppUmbiMJ. Thin specification shall wit.lin the eantractm% plant or at any OthFr- .
apply to all supplka (including equipments, source. shall be contmlted at all potnts. n=-
sub+@euM. and ayatema) or services when eaamy to as-sum conformance to c@mcted
re.famced in the ttem ~flcation, contract requirements. The program shall pmvi& for
or order. . the prevention and ready detection of db
12 Cafietrml Intent. This speeii%etion crepanci- and, for tiinely and poeitive ear.
requiree the estabtiehment of ● quafity p- rectiye action. The enntractor akafl meke
- by the contractor to assure compliance objedtive evidenm of quality coafonnanee
with the requirernenta of the contract. The readily available to the Oovermnent RePre-
P~ and pti- aced to implement aentativ~ Instructions and mcards for qual-
tbia specificationshall be developed by the ity must be contmtled.
matmctor. The quali@ p~ including The. authorib and responsibility of three
Pmcedurm, pmceasea and prwluct shaII be in charge of the desti pmdnctkm teatiag,
doceahented and shall be subj~” tn review and inspection of qtilty eball be ek8rIY
by the Government Representative. The qual- stated. The pmgmm otmll feciitate. deter-
ity pm ia subject to the iliaappmval of -tiona of the ethcta of quality deficiencies
the O&wrnment Representative whentier and quality coata on pti Facilitim and
the contmctor’s pmcaduma do not accOm- standards such ae dralrtng% engineering
pliab their objectives. The Ckwmrmnent, at itc chaageaj meeaurtng equtpment and tbe tike
option, may furntsh written notice of the which are necersery for the creation of the
ameptiwb of the contractor’a quality pm mquked quality ahatt * effectivdy mauaged.
- The program ahitl include an dTc$tlve coa-
Is Summary. An@ective-and-ie6nemical .trol of tXUCbKd DIIIteriafa and mbcootrd-
qtmltm program, Ptmmed -and develod in .e2f work. Manahhwing,’ fabndkm .aad
mnmnanee wtth -the eontractor”a other ad- .mxwmbly work ~ducted wlthtn the coatmc-
ministrative and technieal programe, ia m-~ tor”a plaut shall be eontrolkd camptetely
@=d k *h. @L=IticIn- D=@ of the The qualitv program shalt aleo inclade wf-
program shall be bc+se.dupon coneidemtion of fective ,a-tioa of reaponaiitte3 abared
the technleal and numufacttkng aspecte of jointly with the Oevemmmt or relatedto
pmductton and retated engineating ddgn CWermaent functieoe, eueh M control of
and materials. The progmrn shall amure Oovermnent “property and Oovennnent
adequate qoality thmugfiout all areaa of con- source impectien. .. .
tract perfonnmmx for example, design, de-
velopment, fabricating, pmceaaing, a=embly, 1.4 Math to Other Contract Reqoire-
iaapection, teat, maintenance, packaging, menta. Thie specification ●nd any procedure or
dmument cut~uted in imph%en~~ &e@_
.ahippi-fi storage’and site installation.


of, dud] be in addition to and not in delega- the contractor electi to follow the emended
tion of other contract requirements. The or revised document, he shall notify the Con-
quslity progmrn rm@rcment4 set forth in tracting Ol%cer in writing of this el@inn.
thin specification shall be eatiied in ●ddition When the. contracted elcc~ te follow tbe
to all detail requirements contained in the previsions of an amendment or reviai~ he
statement of work or in other parts of .tbe must follow them in full.
centract. The contractor is reqsensible for
2.3 Ordering (%semment Decument6 CC.F
compliance with atl previsions of the corr- ies of specifications, stsndards and drawings
tmct and for furnishing specifisd supplies required by contrnctora in connection with
and aeswices which mest sill the requirements
specific pmmrementa may be obtained from
of tbe contract. If any inmnsistency exti
the procuring agency, or as otherwise direct-
between tbc contract schedule or its general ed by the Contracting Ofiicer.
pmvtilons and thh speciricatiow the contract
schedule and the general provisions shall 3. QUALITY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT
centrol. The cnntractor”a quality pregram ---
shaR be planned and used in a manner to 3.1 Organisation. EITective management
support reliability effectively. for quality shall be clearly prescribed by the
contractor. Pemonnel psrfomring quality
1.5 Relation to MIL-I-4520S. Thts specifi- functians. shall have sufficient, “welldefrned
cation contains reduirernenta in excess of resprmaibilily. authority and the organisa-
those in spccificati~n MIL-I-45208, Insert- tiomd freedom to identify and evaluate qual-
ion System Requirements, inasmuch aa total ity preblerns and to initiate, recommend or
conformance to contract requirements is ob provide solutions. Mnnagemsnt regularly
tsined beat by controlling work operations, shall review the status and adequacy of the
manufacturing precesses sc well se inspec- quality program. The tsmr “quality Pro2rauI
tions and tests requiramesks” ss used herein identifies the
collective requirements of th~ spacirication.
2 SUPERSEDING, SUPPLEMENTA- It deea not mean that the fulfillment of the
TION AND ORDERING requirements of this specification ia the re
sponsibility of any single contmctor’a Organ-
2.1 Applimble Documents. The following. isotion, function or person.
documents of the issue in etTd on date of
the solicitation form a Part of this sfrecifira- 3.2 Initial Quality Planning. The contrac-
timr to the extent s+ecified herein. tor, during the aariieat practkd pheae of
contract performance, shill conduct a com-
SPECfFICATIONS plete review of the requirements of the con-
MCLCTARY tract to identify and make timely provision
for the special controls, Proca&s, ted eWiP-
MIL-145208 —Inspection Systesn Re ments. fixtures, tecding and skllla requiti
qui renrents for nsauring preduct quality. This initial
MIL-C-It56W --Calibration System pkmning will recognize the need and provide
Requirements. for r~rch, when necessary. to update in-
s tion and testing techniques, inatrrsmenta-
2.2 Amendments ascd Revisions. Whenever
tio and correlation of inspection and teat
this mecification is amended or revised sub- 7
results with manufacturing methnds and
seou~t’ to its tirrtrwtually effectivv dnte,
Pmcasses This ptasrning will also provide
th; contractor may follow ‘or authorize” his
suhcontmctors to follow the amended or re- appropriate review and action to assure com-
patlblhty of manufacturing, inspection, +est-
vised decument provided no incre:w in price
ing and documentation.
or fca is required. The contractor shall nut
3.3 Work Instrurtinns, The quality pro- ::
hs required to follow the amended. or revimcl
document except M n chmrgc in contract: lf gram shall assure lhat :!II work affeclmg’ —


quality (including such things as pur- quality pmgrsm. Corrective action wiU ext-
chnaing, handling, machining, aeaembling, end to the performance of all suppliers and
fabricating, processing, inspection, testing, vandom and wiU be reapenilve to dam and
modification, installation, and any other product fonvamlsd from users. C2mmctive
treatment of pmduet, faciiitics, standards or action shall include os a minimunk
equipment from the ordering of materials to (a) -Iysis of dab end examination cd
dispatch of shipments) shall bs prescribed Pmduet amaPP@ or reworked b deti~ne
in clear and complete documented instruc- extent and cnuses:
tions of a type appropriate to the circum- (b) Analysis of trends in processes or
ntanccs.. Such instructions shall provide the performance of work to prevent noncon-
criteria for pm-forming the work functions forming pmduc~ and
ml thw shrill he m+tk ncceptsnce (c) hi rodnction of required improv-
criteria for workmanship. The instructions ements and correstio~, an initial review of
arc intended also to serve for supervising, the adequacy of such. m~ures and monitor-
inspecting and managing work. The prepara- ing of the effectiven~ of corrective actiow -
tion and maintenance of and compliance with taken.
work instructions shall be monitored as a 3.6 Casta Related to Quslify. llre contrac-
function of the qunlity pm~m. tor shali nwintaiu and use qualiLy cod date
3.4 Records. The contractor shall; as a management element of the q~lity pro-
and use any records of data essential to the gram. These ds~ shall acrve the purpose of
economical and etfective operation of his ulemifymg the cuat of both the prevention
quality progmm. These records shall be and correction of nonconforming auppliea (e.
available for review by the Government Rep. g., labor and material involved in materiil
resentetive and copies of individual records “ spoilage caused by defectise work cmrer.-
shall bs furnished him upon reques~ Records tion of defective work and for quality control
are considered one of the principal forms of exercised by the eontr$ ct.or at aubcontrac-
objcctivc evidence of quality. The q uuli:! tor”s or \;endor’s facilities). The specific qual-
program shall asaure that records are com- ity cost data to be maintained and used will
plete and reliable. Inspection and testing rer- be determined by the conlmctor. These date
ords shall, as a minimum, indicate the smturc shall, on request, be identified and made avail-
of the obses-vatioos together with the nunr- able for “on site” review by the Government
ber of observations made mrd the number Representative.
and type of deficiencies found. Also, rmords
for monitoring work Wrfommnce and for 4. Facilities AND STANDARDS.
inspection and testing shaU indieste the ac- 4.1 Drawings. Documenhli&n and Cb”S
reptabllity of work or products susd the nc- “A pmeedure shall be maintained that ccm-
!i!m ‘mkcn in eonccctim .a+th-defickmck cerns itaclf with..thc~dequacy ;the compact-
The quality pmgrsm aha]l provide for the ness. and the curmntnces of drawings. and
analysis and use of r~cords as a basis for. with the control rd changes in design. With
management action. respect to the currentness of drawings and
3.5 Camecfive Action. The quality program changes, the contractor shall assure that re-
sheU detect promptly and correct eaaignable quirements for the etTectivity ~oint of
conditions adverse b quality. Design, pur- changes are met and that eb.solete drawings
chasing. mnnufacluring, testing or other and chnngc requirements are cwiroved from
operations which crwld result in or Imve re. all points of issue and USC.Some means of
sultcd in defective supplies, services,. facili- rscording the effective poirsta shall be em-
ties, technical data, ctandards or other ployed and be available to the Government.
elsments of contrncf performance which With respect to design drawings nnd A
could crsst.e cxcesaive losses or costs+ must sip spcci Iimtions, a procedure shill tw
be identified msd ch.mrpxl m a ‘result of the mainlined that shall provide for the evalua- –
.,.,. .:
MIL-Q-9t358A ,, ‘1

tion of their engineering adequacy and an established periuds to a.wum continued ac-
evaluation of the adequacy of proposed cucacy. The objective ia. to assure that in-
chmgcs. The evaluation shall enmmpsss spection and test equipment is adjusted,
buth the adequacy in relation to atandacd replaced ur repairsd before it become iasc-
engineering and design practices and the curate. The calibration of measuring and
adequacy with respect to the design and pgr- testing equipment shall be in conformity
POSCof thepmduc.t to which thedrawingre- with mititacy specification MIL-C-45662. In
lates. addition, the cunlmctor shall insure the use
With respect to supplemental speci- of only such subcontractor and vendor
fications, process instructions, production sources thut depend upon calibration systems
which effectively control the. accuracy Of
engineering instructions, industrial engineer-
ing instructions and work instructions re- measuring and testing equipment.
lating to a particular design, the contractor 4.3 Pmdccction Tuuling Used as Media of
shall be responsible for a mvicw of their Inspection. When production jigs, fixtures,
adcqurq, currentnessamf completeness. The ---
tooling masters, templates, patterna and
quality program must provirte,mmplete LWC- such nther devices am used as media of in-
cmge OCall infocmatiuumces.sat? to.produce spection, they sIMII bc ~rovcd f>r accuriw
an article in complete con fornuty “~-ill[ r~- prior w release for use. Thesa devic= shall
quirementa of the design. bc pmi%d” again for accuracy at intcrvnls
T)J: qunlity program shall asiur~ “tllflt formally establisbcd in a rrymner to cause
there ia complete compliance with .~ont~act their timely adjustment, replacement or re-
requirements for proposing, approving, +nd pctir prior to becoming inaccurate.
e~wting of engineering chnn~es. Tllequalit~ .4..1[M or Cnntraclnr’.s Inspecting Eqccip-
program shall provide for monitoring ef- ment. The contractor’s gages, mecsuring and
fectively complimrce with contractual en- testing devices shall be mnde rivailahle for
gineering changes r-squiring approval by use by the Government when required to
Government design authority. The quality tletmrrrine confocrnance with contract re-
pmgmm shall provide for monitoring effcc- qukments. If conditions warmnt, contrac-
Klvely the dcawing changes of lesser impor- tor’s personnel shall be made available for
tance not requiring approval by GOvemment’ opecstion of such devices and for veriticstion
design authorities. of their accuracy and condition.
Delivery of correct drawings and change
4.5 ‘Advancsd Metrology Requirements.
information to the Government in connecLiOn
The quality program shell include timely
with data acquisition shall bean intigcal part
identifiratiun and report to the Contracting
of the quality program. This includes full
Oflicer of any pr@.XOn measurement need
compliance with contcect mquircmcntc con-
exceed@ the known akatcof the art.
cerning rights and data both proprietary nnd
other. -The quality progcam<s res@nnsibility 5. CONTROL OF PUff&fASES ‘
for drawings and changes e~tend tn the draw,-
ings and changes provided by the subcontrac- 5.1 Respuneibiiity. The contmctor is re-
tors and vendols for the’contract. sponsible” for assuring that all supliies and
services fn-ocured fmm his suppliecs (aub-
4.2 Mmsucictg and”’ Testing Equipmrnt. contractics and vendor%) conform to the ,
The contractor shall pcuvide and maintain contract raquircmenta. The selection of
gages and, other m-uring and testing de- sources and the nators rmd axtcnt of control
vices necessary to assure that supplies con- ,execcised by the contractor ahsll be depende-
form ‘to technical requirements. These nt upon the type of supplies, his supplier’s
devices shall be calibmi ed aminst cer+ifiec! demonstrated capability to Perfoml, and the
measummcct standa rcls w!! ich h:wc knfyn qurdity evidcncc made available. Tn as..nre
vnlirl rekdionships:to n:lticmal standards at nn :Ldequstc and erocmmicttl control of such —


material, the cont~ctor shall utilise to the amdiable requimmafs for manufacturing,
fullest extent objective evidence of quality inspecting, testilng, packaging, and any re-
furnished by his suppliers. When the Gov- quirements far” Gavenunent or contractor
ernment elects to perform inspection at a inepcctiona, qualifimtion or apprevak. .Tech-
supplier’s plan~ such inspection sludj not be nicel requiremeuti of tbe fOUOwing nsturs
used by contractma ss evidence of effective must be fncluded by statenqt or reference
contrel of quality by such suppliara. The in- as a part of the required cl= de=ipt.ion:
clusion of a product on the Qualified Prod- all’ psrtiaent dmwinga, eagin~ etXV3e
ucts List only signities that at one time the orders, s*tione ( inctud@ ins~~
manufacturer made a product which met system or quality program =@-ments).
spscifimtion requirements. It doss not refieve rsliaMlity, safety, weighb or other _
the contmctor of his reapensibtlity for funi- requirements, unusual teet or inspection pro-
ishing supplies that meet all specification re cedures or equipm&t and anY specisf revi-
qnirements or for the performanw of sion or model idmtificstion. The description
specified ioapections and tests for such ms- of pmducb ordered &all include a require-
terial. The effectiven,eas and integrity of the ment for contractor “inspection at tbe sub-- - -
control of. quality by his suppliers shall be contractor or vendor source when such actkm
ssaesaed and reviewed by the contractor at is necessary to e.s-?.urethat the contmctm%
intervals consistent with the complexity and qualjty program efftilvely implements the
quantity of product. Inspection of products, . contractor’a responsibility for complete es-
upon delivery to the contractor shall be used surance of product quality. Requirements
for =wssment and review to the extent nec- shaU be included. for chemical and physical
WSIY for adequate saaurance of quali~. testing sad recording in connection with the
Test reports, iaapection records, certiilra~ purcheae of raw Custerials by bis auppliera.
!. and other suitable evidence relating to the The purchase oniers must also contab a m+
I supplier’s control of quality should be used in quimnent for soch suppliers to notify -d
the contrsct.m% sasamment and review. The obtaio approval from the contractor of
contractors responsibility for the control of chs~ in design of the products. Necessary
Pumhs6ee iacludes the establishment of a instructions should be pmvid~ whm prev-
I procedure for (1) the selection of qualified ision @ made for direct ship-t f- We
suppliers, (2) tie tranamtilon of applics- subcontractor to Government activities
b~ design and. quality requirements in the
Gevemmcat contracts and associated tech- 6. MANUFACXIJRIN G CONTROL
nid requirements, (3) the evaluation of the
ad~uecy of procured item% and.(4) @?c- 6.1 Mstexiale and Materials Cantml. SUP-
plier’a materiaki and products shall be sut+
tive provisions for early information feed-
jetted to tnapectfon upon mxipt ta the
bsck and correction of nonconforrasnces.
extent neasaary h, .amure conformance to
-s.2 Purcbing .Jeta. The’. wntractofs .xqu- u-emente. Bec.eiving.inspection
qt@ty .pmgrsm shall not be .-eptable to maybe adjusted upon the baaii cd the quality
the Government unless ‘the contractor re- asaurarw prog-mm exercised by suppliers.
quires of tiia sukntrsctom a q@i@ effort Evidence of the suppliers’ eatkfactory con-
achkving control of the quality of the aarv- trol of quality may be u@d”to adjust the
icea and supplies whkh they provida Tbe amount and hind of receiving inspection.
I contractor shatl assure that ali applicable ~. The qoaiity program shall assure that rsw
quirementa are preperfy inctuded or refer- Inaterild stobeuaa diafabricatiun Orpm ‘
enced in atl pm-chase ordeia for products easing bf pmducta conform to the applicable
,. ultimately to apply en a Gcwernm.ent, con- pbyakaf, chemi~ and other technical re
1 trsc~ l’be purchase order shall contain a quirements. Laborstory t&ting shall be
complete description of the supplies ordered emP1oYed = ne==y. SuPPIiera shall be re-
including, by ststement or reference all quired by the contractor’s quality prognun


toexercfae equfvdant control cd the raw ma- for fnepection aridmonftering shalt be enm-
(. )
teriala utilized inthe production of them plete and cantinuona Correctlva meaaurtm
end iteme which they supply to tbe eote- ehaU be takem when noncomplierm mcma.
trector. Raw material awaking testing must Inspection by maddne opcratare, automk
be eeparctely Identified or segregated frem ed inapwztlon gages, mmiu l~e or 1~ ~-
already tded and approved material but pling, eetup or firct piece appreval, produc-
mu be releaekd for trdtial prediction, p- tien line inepdion cktfou inspection or teat
vfding that identification end control k depertmenk roviag iam=tom-moth=
mafntiined. tested and aPDrOWed type of fmmection — ehall be empleyef in
must be keut identified untff euch tie as iti my combination d4r-ed by tbe contractor
identity ia ~ecesearily obliterated by Precesa— which will adequately and effidently Protect
ing. Catrnle will be e9tabWsbed to prwent preduct quality and the integrib’ of PMC=S-
the inadvertent use of material fniling to ing.
pass teets. Criteria for appreval and rejection shall
be provided for all inepect+on ef product and
6.2 I%eduction Pmceasin g and Fabrication. monitoring of metheda, equipmaok and per- ---
The contractor’s uuatity P- muet =- sonnel. I@ane for identifying appruved end
sure that all rndining,’ wfripg, batching, rejected Preduct ehdl be provided.
ehaping and all baaic production oparatione of Cerhin chemical, metallurgk=l, biological,
my type together with all Pmces@ ad
sonic. electronic, and PMC==S
fabricating of auy type ie accompli+ecJ under are of ae complex and epcdclized a nature
eontrulled condition. Controlled cenditione that much more tlmn the ordinary detding
include documented work inatructiooe, ade- . . of work documentation ie required. In ef-
quate production equipment, and any apcc.w
fd, such proceeding meY reWire an entire
wnrking ‘euvimrunent. Documented work in-
work speMcation ae contracted with tbe.
atructione are cmaidered to be the criteria
normal work operation inatmctiom *
for much of the pmductio~ pmceeeing and
Iished in normal plant-wide standard produc-
fabrimtion work. Thcae inatructione are the
tion centrel iesuances euch ae job operation
criteria for acceptable or unacceptable “work-
muting keks and the like. For these special
rnanahip”. The quality program will effec-
pmmcscs., the contrcctora’ qualiw program
tively rnoniter the iesuance of and compliance
ehall aaaure that the Procees cun~l. P-
with all of theee work instructions.
cedures or epedficatione are adequate and
PhysirA eXaminatic@ ~t or that processing environments ~d tie e@XY-
teats of the mnterial or preducte pmoeeeed ing, i~ction, authoifz.atfon and monitoring
in necesamy for each work operation and of nuch p~ to the special degree neces
must aleo be conducted under controlled cmr- aary for these ultrapmciee and super-eemplex
ditione. If phyeiral hmpe@on of processed work f unctione are provided.
material in impoeeible or dieadvaotageous,
indirect control by monitoring pmceeaing 6.S Completed Item Iremkctinn and ~-
methuds, equipment and personnel shall be ing. The quaMy program ah.d IWSWOtit
previded. Both physical inapdion and proc- there is a ayetem for final inspection and teat
eaa monitoring ehall be provided when con- of completed prr+ucta. Such teeting ehel.1
trol ie imidequate without beth, or when provide a’ m~ure of the overall quality of
contract or aoedfication reoufren both. the completed pruduct and shall be per-
Inanectfon - and monitor&cz of urocmacd formed co that it eimulateq to a aufficknt
materialor pmducta shall be ‘Lzmn&hedin degree, product @d ace and functioning.
MY suitable aystematfc manner aclected by Such eimulatinn frequently involve9 appm
the contractor. Methods of inspection and priate life and endurance teata and q@@
monitoring shall be corrected any time their &ion testing.Final inspection and dg
rmauitabfli& with raaqormble evidence iE shall provide for reporting to deafgncre w , ,:.”
demonstrated. Adhercnm to s+?cted’methods tiueual difficulties, deflcienaes or quectiep-

able renditions. When modithtions, repafra and”pocitive ayutem for controlling noncon-
nrrdeca=lti=emti~ finalin- fohog KIMti inchdhuz P*IW= for
donor tfdinlr. there ahauberefnme lb identifkatio% ~UO& ~d _-
tlcm and ret.astf~ of any cbcuecterfatica tion. Repatr or rework of nonmnfo~
tided. materiale lmllbetnaccol’d== withdaco-
mentcxl Pmcedor= acceptile ~ ~ ~-
6.4 HandI@, Stem d Defhery. me ment The ~ce of rmnconfoM@
lJruJit7 program ddt pmvi& for adequsto supplies ta a prerogative of and ahaU be es
I work and Insp=tion _*OM for ~dl- preedbed bythecovemin=tandx
Lng, StOrsgei prelerv atioqpedmgiw, and involve a monetary adfnxtm=~ ~ n~con-
nhipping to protect the quditv of prodwta fOdng anppliee xhnUbe pc=itive~ titi~
and prevent daniege 10=, deterioration, d- to pmvmt. unrmthorized u- ahfpment ~d
gredatioq or substitution of prcducta With intermingling +it.h COnfO* ~Ph~
~x to Imndlins, the quafity program Holding amhe or Proceclnrea mti am=-
shall require and monitor the ose of Proce eble ta the contractor and the (%v~t
dures to prevent handling damage to tiiclea. Representative shall be provided by the mm . .
Randfing pmcedurea of thin type include the troctor. The contractor shetl make knows
use of special crate9, boxe3, containem, trant- to the Government upon rew=$ the b~
pmtation .vehichm and eny other facilities asmctsted with the coaia ●nd lomes to con-
for meterirde handling. Means eheli be PISI- nection with scrap and wItb -rk ~
vided fo,r any necesmm’ protection against aaw to reproce@ nonconforming material to
deterioration or &e to pmducte in ctor- make it conforrwcompletety.
%%. Peridc inspection for tbe prevention 6.6 Statistical Quaflty tintrot ~ @-
and results of such deterioration or darnure
de. III eddftion to atatktid methh ~
shaU & provided. Products subject to deteri- by the cnntrac\ statistird plenning, andysia,
I oration or cormcirm during fabrication or take and quality eonfrol pmeedurea _ be
interim .stmzwe shall be cleaned and rme-
utilized Wheimver Ialcb pmcedurea Are auit-
served b metiods which will umtect aga:-t
eble to” maintain the reqnired cimtrol of
such d~oration nr corrosion. When nec- quality. Sempling plemn may be mled W&m
~. ~ deigning and packaging @e are destructive< or when the rmo?da,
shall include means for accommodating and
inherent charaderih “ca of the’ prcdnct or
rnaintiining critical emvimnmenti within
the noncritical application of the pmdnct
peckagm, e.g., moisture content levele, gas
Indicate tit a reduction in tnspcstion or
preseums. The quaUtg program shalt aacure
testing W be achieved Wit.hoti j~
that when snch packaging enviroqmenh
quality. The mtitmctor may emPlOY-U
must be meintied, packa~ are tabel@ to
*m in acmrdan~ wttb applicable mU-
indicate this condition. The quality p~
itary atanderdc -d s$=P@? PbmC (-.,
abatl monitor shipping work to e.amre that from MIIATD-105, MXLSTtUMl =
Produd chipped are -panicd with re-
Handbooka H 106107-d 10S). If tbe con-
quir.ahhfppingmxidt edmical.docomeota and tractor uses other .sampliwr Pa *ey ~
that compliance with Interstate Commerce be subject to review by the eognfxant GiIv-
~mmfeekm rulee and other applicable shiP- ernmeot Representative Any IWOP_ P~
IItng regdatiom is effected to aemlre &fe q- ~m~ provide valid conftdena and qud-
rfvcl ●nd identtflcattan at dcatination. In
compftance with mntractuat rcqnirements,
the @ty program ahaU include monitortrw 6.71mUcit10n ofkmpdt0n~ti ‘
pmvisiom’ for protection of the qnality of contractor shall mainbin a fmaidva _
prodltti during tmrmiL .. for identifying the inap=tiou.dx+tua of P~
ucts. Identification may be accomplished by
63 Nonconforming RfatcrieL ‘I’be contrac- means of 8tamp8, taga, muting car@ move
tor shall establish and maintain an elktive tickeh, tote box cm-da or Otbff nomtal oon-

,’ ‘...
MIL-Q-9858A ,&
tml devicca. Such control shall be of a d% All dccmncnd and referenced dab for pur-
sign dtiactly different from Government chaccs applying to a Government contrsct
inspection identification. shall bc available for review by the Govcm-
ment Representative tn determine compli-
ance with the requirements for the control
of such purchases. ~pies of purchasing doc-
7.1 G&emment Im3pccti0n at Subcantrsc- uments rcmrired for Government purposes
tor or Vendor Facititks. The Government re- shall be furnished in accordance with the in-
acc-ves the right to inspect at sauru suppli= stmetione of the Governmca t Representa-
or services not manufactured or performed tive. The contractor shall mske avsilable to
with the contractor’a facility. Government the Government Representative rcpar@ of
inspection shall not constitute acceptance; any nonconf ormsnce found on Government
nor shall it in any way replace contmctOr source in.spectd supplies and shell (when re-
iaspmtion or otherwise reliwe the cantmc- quested) require the supplier ~ cwfiinate
tor of KU responsibility to furnish an accept- with h]s Govermnent Reprcsentstive on cor-
able end itcm The purpose of this inspection rective action. ---
is ta assist the Government Representative
at the contractor’s facility. tu determine the 7.2 Government Property.
conformance of supplies or services with 7-~.I ~m,mmmt.fumished M n.t e r i a 1.
contract requirements. Such inspection can When material is furnished by the Govern-
only bc mquded by or under. authorization ment, the contractor’s firoccdur= shall in-
of the Government Representative. When clude at kast the following:
Government inspection is required, the con- (a) Examination upon receipt, consistent
tractor shall add to his purchasing document with practicability to detect damage in tran-
the following stxdcment: sit;
“Govenunent inspection is required (b) Inspection for completeness and prop-
prior to shipment from your plant. er @v,
Upon receipt of this order, prompt- (c) Periodic inspection and precautions
ly notff y the Government Reprcscn- to a=ure adequate storage conditions and to
titive who normally services your guard against damage from handling and
plant so that appropriate planning deterioration during storsge
for Government inspection can be (d) Functional testing, either prior to or
accomplished.” after insblistion, or both, as required by
When, under authorization of the Gove.ra- contract ta determine satisfactory operation;
ment Representative. copies of the purchas- (e), Identification and protection fmm im-
ing document are to bs furnished directly proper usc or dk.pusition; md
by the subcontractor or vendor to the Gov- “(f ) Verification of quantity.
ernment Rap~tstive at his facitity rather ‘7.2.2 Darnagad Govcrn+futihsd ilfa-
than through Govermnent chsnnets, the con- teriat. The contractor shall report to the
tmctor shall add to hic purchasing document
Government Representative any Govem-
a sLstememtsubstantiality as follows:
ment-fumished materinl found dnmsged,
‘On receipt of thii order, m-omptly
mslfunctiuning, or otherwise unsuitable for
furnish a copy to the Government
use. In the event of damage or malfunctioni-
Representative who normally serv-
ng during or aftkr instnllstilon. the contrac-
ices your ptsnt, or, if none, to the
tor sbsll determine and record probable
nearest Army, Navy, h Force, or
cause and necesaiti for withholding material
Dafease Supply Ageacy inspe&On
.fmm use.
Ofi@. In the event the repmscnts- .
tive or office cannot be located, our 7.2.3 l?ccikd Property. The contractor ahsll,
purchasing agent should be notified ss required by the terms of the %ilment
immediately.” Agreement, establish umcedures for t$e adc-


quate storage, maintenance and inspection of well as inspections and tests. The purpose of
bailed Government property. Records of all this control is not only Leas.suretllatpartic-
inspections and maintenance performed on ular units of hardware conform to contrac-
bailed prupcrty slmll bc maintainccf. These tual requirements, but alsO tO =ure interface
procedures and records shall be subject to compatibility among these units of hardware
review by the Government Repressntiti\-e. when they collccti,vely compriaa majOr QuiP-
ments, sub-systems and systems.
(The following information is provided 8.2 Exemptions. This specification will not
solely for gMUance in using this specification. be applicable to types of supplies for which
It has no contractual significance.) MIL4-45208 applies. The following do not
normally rmuire the amJli=liOn Of this
8.1 Intended Use. This specification will
ripply to cwmpkx $um,lies. coriwonents, equip-
ments and systems for wI) ich the require- (a) Personal services, and
ments of fd m-t-mea arc inadequritc to prO- (b) Research and development studies
vide needed qunlit.y assurance. in such cases. of a thenreticai nature \Aich dO - -
total conformance to contract rcquircmcnta not require fabrication of articles.
.annot be obtaindd elTectivcly and economic-
ally SOMY by controlling inspection and tcst- %3 Order Data. Procurement documents
iny.. Thcrcf &c,
it is essential to control work ‘ should specify the title, number and date of
operations “~nd manufacturin~ processes aS this specification.

C.stOdi*ns: F%cparinr Ac[i$ifr:

Arm Y—M..iti... Command Air Fwr_Hq CSAF
Xa.y-(lttiw “f .\a$.l >1,,.,9.1
Air F.rchHa USAF


8 March 1985



Inactive for new design after 5 September i 995.

For new design use 1S0 “9001, 1S0 9002, ANWASQC Q9001, ANS1/ASQC Q9002 or a
comparable higher-level non-govemmertt quality system.
This amendment forms a ~ of MIL-Q-9858A dated 16 December 1963 and is approved for usc by
all Dep.amrerrta and Agencies of the Department of Defense. M3L-Q-9858A is’ioactive for new
design and is no longer used, except for replacemeql purposes. It will be cntrcclled in October 1996.
Certification or regisbation of a contracto~s quality system or progmm is not required by the
Department of Defense if 1S0 or ANSUASQC standards are used.


● 1.5: Delete and substitute:

“1.5 Relation to Other Quality System Standards. Use of quality program or system
standards and she related practices needs to be flexible, efficient and effective. l%e intent is to
improve process capability, process control and product quality to lower cost while allowing a single
quality system in a contractor facility. 1S0 9001 and ANWASQC Q9001 are alternative model
quality system requirements to this specification for design, development production, installation
and servicing. 1S0 9002 and ANWASQC Q9002 are alternative model quality system requirements
to tits specification for produckn, installation artd servicing. Subject to government nppmval, the
contractor may request to substitute dse nquiremertts of ISO 9L31i, 1S0 9002, ANWASQC Q9001
or ANWASQC Q9002, or smother quality system for the requirements of thk specification.”

● 2.1, lines 9 and 10 Delete “MHX-45662 - Calibration System Requirements”.


“ 4.2. lines 131015: Delete “The calibration of measuring and testing equipment shall be in

1 conformity with military specification MI L-C45662.”

~ :,

~VloN STAT13VlENT ,5. Approvcti fi]r public rclc.asc: dis{rihuti(m is wdimilcd

I [’AGE 7
● 6.6, 1ines13to 19: Delete ``Thccontractor mayemploy,.mmpling" inspection inauordanccwilh
applicable mili@y standards and sampling plans (e.g., from MI L-STD- 105. MI L-sTD4 14, or
~ 14andbooks H 106, 107smd 108). lfthccon[mctor uscs.othcr sampling plans, thcyshall besubjcctto
revicwby thccognizan[ Govemm,eq[ Rcprcscrrtative. ”

Revise to read: '`~econtmc!or mayemploy sampling inspection subjcc[ l0review~thc

I cognizhnl Grwemment Representative.”

1 NOTE: ~emargins ofthisamendment wemarked witi=wrisk loindicate whemchanges from

theprevious amendmertt weremade. Thiswas doneasa cmsvenience only.artd &e Government
a=umesno liabili~wha@&ver formyinaccumcies in fiesenotitions. Bidders and contractors arc
cautioned to evaluate the requirements of thk d~ument based on the entire content irrespective of
ticma~inal nowtions mdmlationship tothel- pmviousmentient. “ s-.
I (Department of Defense activities may obtain copies of lntemational Organization for
Standarxkaion (1S0) 9001, 1S0 9002, AN SUASQC Q9001 or ANSUASQC Q9002 from the
Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA
i 91 I I -5094, The private sector and other government agencies may pu~lsase copies from tic
I American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1I West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036 or from
the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC), Customer Service DcpartmenL, P.O. BOX3066,
Milwaukee, WI 53201 -3066.)

I Custodians: Preparing Activity:

Amsy -AR Air Force -05
Navy - OS
Air Force -05 (Project QCIC-0029)

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