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Syntax | Homework

1. His decision was very unwise.
- His decision – NP | his – specifier [central determiner]; decision – noun, HW
- Was very unwise – VP | was – verb, copula, HW + subject complement [AdjP]
- Very unwise – AdjP |subject complement, very – adverb; unwise – predicative
adjective, HW

2. The young girl was left in absolute misery.

- The young girl – NP | the – specifier [central det.]; young – premodifier,
attributive adjective [AdjP]; girl – noun, HW
- Was left in absolute misery – VP | was left – intransitive verb, left [HW],
was [passive aspect] + verb complement [PP]
- In absolute misery – PP | in – preposition, HW + complement [NP]
- Absolute misery – NP | absolute – attributive adjective [intensifying], premodifier;
misery – noun, HW

3. She looks very attractive.

- She – NP | she – noun, HW
- Looks very attractive – VP | looks – copula, HW + complement [SC]
- Very attractive – AdjP | subject complement | very – adverb; attractive –
predicative adjective, HW

4. This important decision was reached after painful negotiations.

- This important decision – NP | this – specifier [central det.]; important –
attributive adjective [AdjP]; decision – noun, HW
- Was reached after painful negotiations – VP | was reached – intransitive verb, was,
[passive aspect], reached HW + complement [PP]
- After painful negotiations – PP | after – HW, preposition + complement [NP]
- Painful negotiations - painful – premodifier, attributive adjective [AdjP];
negotiations – noun, HW

5. The old Vicar considered their behaviour sinful.

- The old Vicar – NP | the – specifier [central det.]; old – premodifier
[attributive adjective, AdjP]; Vicar – noun, HW
- Considered their behaviour sinful – VP | considered – complex transitive verb,
HW [-ed, tense] + complement [NP]
- Their behaviour – NP | their – specifier [central det.]; behaviour – noun, HW
- Sinful – AdjP | object complement, predicative adjective

6. The idea seems to me rather provocative.

- The idea – NP | the – specifier [central det.]; idea – noun, HW
- Seems to me rather provocative – VP | seems – verb, HW + complement [PP]
- To me – PP | to – preposition, HW; me – preposition [NP]
- Rather provocative – AdjP | subject complement | rather – adverb; provocative –
adjective [AdjP], HW

7. They painted the door dark red.

- They – NP | they – pronoun, HW
- Painted the door dark red – VP | painted – complex transitive verb [-ed, tense],
HW + complement [NP]
- The door – NP | direct object, the – specifier [central det.]; door – noun, HW
- Dark red – AdjP | object complement | dark – adjective; red – HW, predicative
adjective [denoting colour]

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