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Título de la obra completa: EVOLVE your English

Primera edición 2020

ISBN: 978-958-52620-0-3

Autor: Stephanie O’Connell

Título de la obra: WORKBOOK.

ISBN: 978-958-52620-2-7

Diseño editorial: Natalia Aguirre

Diseño gráfico: Codyd S.A.S

Editor: Editora Sea Group S.A.S

Cra. 24 # 58-36/40
Manizales- Colombia

Impresión: Capital Graphic

Cra. 19 N° 29-55
Manizales- Colombia

©2020 Prohibida su reproducción o copia total o parcial.

Todos los derechos patrimoniales de la obra son reservados.
Acknowledgements & Credits
Many creative minds and resources contributed to the creation of this material.
The author and publishers would like to thank the following people for their involvement.

Luis Munevar (Co-Author/Sound Editor/Advisor/Recorder)

Your inspiration and guidance through the planning, research and writing phases has been invaluable.
Thank you for the late-night brainstorming sessions, for your innovative concepts and playing a key role
in the completion of this project.
Your support throughout this entire process has been a driving force for everyone involved. Without
you, this wouldn’t be possible.

Justin Anderson (B.A English/Lead Copywriter/Proof-reader)

Thank you for overseeing the curriculum and scaffolding of this project. Your input and constructive
advice has been indispensable.

Clara Vargas (Advisor/Contributor/Editor)

Thank you for your participation in developing plans and assistance with this material and the Evolve
system. Your research, keen eye for detail and feedback was fundamental.

Sebastian Diaz Restrepo (C.E.O Codyd) and his experienced team.

Thank you, Paulo Andres Granados, for all the tireless hours you put towards making the
Illustrations and design of this material. Thank you to everyone at Codyd for your perseverance and
valuable perspectives.

Christian Vergaño, Mariana Trejos, Eliana Hernandez, Nataly Suarez, Tatiana Arevalo,
Angelica Camayo, Yuri Barrios, Hector Serna, Daniel Valencia, William Noth
Thank you for your patience, for your helpful input, grammar corrections and wise words. Your
encouragement in Calima was paramount, and your continued support proves you are a tremendously
loyal team.

Jonatan Gomez (Collaborator/Advisor)

Thank you for your unbelievable creativity. The momentum you gave to the beginning stages of this
project was essential.

Arianna Jessica Franco O’Connell (Audio Recorder/Advisor)

Thank you for allowing us to use your beautiful voice for the audios. Your enthusiasm and moral
support throughout this process was encouraging and extremely helpful.
UNIT 1: SUBJECT PRONOUNS: I / You / He / She / It / We / They .................................... 9
UNIT 2: VERB TO BE.........................................................................................................................................................10
UNIT 3: PERSONAL INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................13
UNIT 4: WH QUESTIONS: Who / What / Where / When / Why / Which / Whose............ 13
UNIT 5: POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES: My / Your / His / Her / Its / Our / Their........................ 15
UNIT 6: POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: Mine / Yours / His / Hers / Its / Ours - Theirs............... 17
UNIT 7: POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES VS PRONOUNS ..................................................................................18
UNIT 8: ARTICLES: A / AN / THE.............................................................................................................................19
UNIT 9: POSSESSIVE NOUNS ..................................................................................................................................20
UNIT 10: THIS / THAT / THESE / THOSE ..........................................................................................................21


UNIT 11: PRESENT CONTINUOUS......................................................................................................................29
UNIT 12: TELLING TIME................................................................................................................................................32
UNIT 13: SIMPLE PRESENT .........................................................................................................................................32
UNIT 14: YES / NO QUESTIONS & INFORMATION QUESTIONS..................................................35
UNIT 15: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH DO..................................................................................36
UNIT 16: PRESENT SIMPLE vs PRESENT CONTINUOUS.......................................................................36
UNIT 17: DESCRIBING PEOPLE................................................................................................................................38
UNIT 18: ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY..................................................................................................................40
UNIT 19: PREPOSITIONS OF TIME: IN / ON / AT................................................................. 42
UNIT 20: PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE ...................................................................................................................43


UNIT 21: SINGULAR & PLURAL NOUNS..........................................................................................................53
UNIT 22: ORDER OF ADJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................55
UNIT 23: COMPARISONS OF EQUALITY.........................................................................................................55
UNIT 24: COMPARATIVES............................................................................................................................................56
UNIT 25: SUPERLATIVES................................................................................................................................................56
UNIT 26: EQUATIVE, COMPARATIVE, SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES..................................................57
UNIT 27: THERE IS / THERE ARE.............................................................................................................................58
UNIT 28: COUNTABLE & UNCOUNTABLE.....................................................................................................60
UNIT 29: QUANTIFIERS MUCH & MANY.........................................................................................................61
UNIT 30: QUANTIFIERS SOME & ANY / A & AN.........................................................................................62


UNIT 31: PAST VERB TO BE: (was / were & wasn’t / weren’t)................................................ 71
UNIT 32: SIMPLE PAST....................................................................................................................................................73
UNIT 33: ASK AND GIVE DIRECTIONS..............................................................................................................78
UNIT 34: GERUND & INFINITIVE............................................................................................................................81
UNIT 35: MODALS – ABILITY: (can / could / be able to)........................................................ 86
UNIT 36: MAKING REQUESTS (can, could, would you mind).................................................. 87


UNIT 37: MODALS - PROBABILITY (Might, May, Will, Probably)........................................... 91
UNIT 38: MODALS – ADVICE ...................................................................................................................................92
UNIT 39: MODALS – NECESSITY & OBLIGATION......................................................................................93
UNIT 40: FUTURE WILL & BE GOING TO........................................................................................................94
UNIT 41: SO, TOO, NEITHER, EITHER.................................................................................................................96
UNIT 42: ADVERBS OF MANNER...........................................................................................................................97
UNIT 43: ADVERBS OF TIME......................................................................................................................................99


UNIT 44: THE USE OF ‘WOULD’.............................................................................................................................107
UNIT 45: ZERO CONDITIONAL ............................................................................................................................108
UNIT 46: FIRST CONDITIONAL..............................................................................................................................110
UNIT 47: PRESENT PERFECT.....................................................................................................................................112
UNIT 48: PRESENT PERFECT / SIMPLE PAST...................................................................................................114
UNIT 49: FOR / SINCE.....................................................................................................................................................116


UNIT 50: INTENSIFIERS - TOO, ENOUGH, SO, SUCH..............................................................................123
UNIT 51: REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS.........................................................................................................................124
UNIT 52: RELATIVE CLAUSES....................................................................................................................................125
UNIT 53: PAST CONTINUOUS................................................................................................................................126
UNIT 54: PAST CONTINUOUS / SIMPLE PAST..............................................................................................128
UNIT 55: SECOND CONDITIONAL.....................................................................................................................129
UNIT 56: TAG QUESTIONS ........................................................................................................................................132


UNIT 57: PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS...............................................................................................139
UNIT 58: FUTURE CONTINUOUS........................................................................................................................140
UNIT 59: PASSIVE VOICE & ACTIVE VOICE.....................................................................................................142
UNIT 60: PAST PERFECT...............................................................................................................................................144
UNIT 61: THIRD CONDITIONAL ..........................................................................................................................146
UNIT 62: USED TO............................................................................................................................................................148
UNIT 63: THE USE OF ‘WISH’ ..................................................................................................................................150


UNIT 64: SAY vs TELL.......................................................................................................................................................159
UNIT 65: SAID vs TOLD (Past of say / Tell)............................................................................. 160
UNIT 66: DIRECT & REPORTED SPEECH..........................................................................................................160
UNIT 67: DIRECT AND INDIRECT QUESTIONS.........................................................................................162
UNIT 68: PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS............................................................................. 164
UNIT 69: FUTURE PERFECT........................................................................................................................................166
UNIT 70: FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS..................................................................................................169


WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY......................................................................................................................................177
SUBJECT PRONOUNS: I / You / He / She / It / We / They

1.1 Choose the correct answer

Exercises 9
1.2 Write the appropriate pronoun in the spaces below.

• Mary: she • My car: ____

• My brother & I: ____ • Your cousins: ____
• Paul: ____ • Me and my children: ____
• Jenny and Steven: ____ • You: ____
• Sandra: ____ • Sally’s dog: ____

1.3 Cross out the word(s) that don’t belong with the pronoun.


2.1 Match the pronouns to the proper form of the verb TO BE.

2.2 Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

1. They are happy children.

2. ________ am a pediatrician.
3. You ________ my step-brother.
4. We ________ best friends.
5. Andrea and Theresa ________ not related.
6. The university ________ closed for the holidays.
7. Monica ________ a dedicated user.
8. I ________ happily married to a wonderful man.
9. My children ________ in elementary school
10. Stella and I ________ going to order pizza for lunch.

2.3 Create sentences using the words in brackets.

1. (Christina) Christina is always nice to me.

2. (They) __________________________________________________________
3. (Sally and I) ______________________________________________________
4. (We) ____________________________________________________________
5. (Los Angeles) _____________________________________________________

2.4 Rearrange the words below to build a negative sentence.

1. of the/ isn’t / group / She / part

She isn’t part of the group.
2. my / You / English teacher / aren’t.
3. not / hungry / I’m
4. isn’t / car / my / new
5. married / we / not / are

Exercises 11
6. teachers / helpful / are / the / very / not
7. open / grocery store / the / is / not

8. working / the / remote / isn’t / control
9. aren’t / Christopher / Timothy / and / twins
10. penguin / isn’t / the / flying / capable / of

2.5 Create questions from the sentences below.

1. The dog is big: Is the dog big?

2. Jenny and Paul are very good friends:
3. Judy is studying chemistry.
4. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada.
5. Her hair is brown.
6. The chair is comfortable.
7. They are from California.
8. Donald Trump is the president of the United States.
9. Honeybees are very intelligent insects.
10. Peanut butter is made from peanuts


3.1 Create full sentences introducing yourself using the words below.

Name: My name is Aliyah.

Surname: My __________________ is ____________________
Age: I _______________ years old.
Country: ___________________ from _______________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Nationality: _____________________________________________________________
Birthday: _______________________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________________________________________
Occupation: _____________________________________________________________
Favorite Food: ___________________________________________________________
Hobby: ________________________________________________________________

WH QUESTIONS: Who / What / Where / When / Why / Which / Whose

4.1 Choose the appropriate WH question word to complete the sentence.

1. ____________ is your name?

“My name is Christina.”
2. _____________ is your favorite color?
“My favorite color is Blue.”
3. _____________ do you live?
“I live in New York.”
4. _____________ is your birthday?
“My birthday is on July 2nd.”

Exercises 13
5. _____________ are you from?
“I’m from Tokyo, Japan.”
6. _____________ old is your mother?
“She’s 63 years old.”
7. _____________ is it so cold in your house?
“Because I didn’t pay my gas bill.”
8. _____________ aren’t you coming to the party?
“Because I’m broke! That’s why I didn’t pay my gas bill.”
9. _____________ jacket is this?
“It’s my brothers’ jacket.”
10. _____________ house is yours? The one on the left or right?
“My house is the one on the right.”
11. _____________ color is your dad’s car?
“My dad’s car is orange from all the rust.”
12. _____________ book are you reading?
“I’m reading a book called “Get Rich or Die Trying.”
13. _____________ does school start?
“School starts again in September.”
14. _____________ is that?
“That’s Stacey Monroe.”
15. _____________ don’t you get that girls phone number? She’s cute.
“Because I’m a chicken! Could you get her number for me?”

4.2 Make a question according to the answer.

1. Why are you crying? Because I am sad.

2. ___________________________________________? It’s 1:30 in the morning.
3. __________________________________________________? I’m at the mall.
4. ________________________________________________? It’s Carol´s Jacket.
5. ______________________________________________________________?
Sandra, Melanie and Mike are going to the party.
6. ________________________________________________? This one is yours.

7. ________________________________________________? I got a new bicycle
for my birthday.
8. _____________________________________? My boyfriend’s name is Anthony.
9. _____________________________________________? My flight is at 7:00am.
10. __________________________________________________? I’m fine thanks.

4.3 Choose the best WH word to form a question or sentence.

1. Where do you study English? I study English at EVOLVE

2. Do you know __________ to get to the park? No, I don’t.
3. ___________ does she go to school? She goes by bus.
4. They don’t understand _________ to do the exercise.
5. ___________ is the movie starting? It starts at 9pm.
6. ___________ is your grandmother doing? She’s cooking dinner.
7. I don’t know ____________ the remote control is. It’s on the table.
8. __________ are you going? I’m going to the beach.
9. __________ are your plans for your birthday? I’m going to have a dinner party.
10. Does anyone know _________ purse this is?

POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES: My / Your / His / Her / Its / Our / Their

ITS = Possessive Adjective - The bird stayed in its nest.

IT’S = Contraction (it is) – It’s going to be a great day.
YOUR = Possessive Adjective – Your exams are scheduled for next week.
YOU’RE = Contraction (you are) – You’re a good friend.

5.1 Complete the sentences below with the correct possessive adjective.

1. (I) Can you drive my car?

2. (he) _______ favorite color is blue.
3. (she) _______ dress is beautiful.

Exercises 15
4. (you) You shouldn’t cut _______ hair.
5. (we) _______ house is big.
6. (they) Those are _______ children.
7. (I) I love _______ dog. We play all time.
8. Jane and Bob visit _______ mother every weekend.
9. (you) Is this _______ bag?
10. (I) Yes, that’s _______ bag.

5.2 Fill in the blanks using the appropriate possessive adjective.

1. My name is Jennifer and this is my boyfriend. his favorite movie is “the Notebook.”
2. I love __________ dress! Where did you buy it?
3. What is __________ favorite sport?
4. JK Rowling is an amazing author. I have read all __________ books.
5. When I visit my parents, I stay at __________ place.
6. Sparky is the name of __________ family dog.
7. Tell George I found __________ wallet.
8. The dog is chewing __________ bone.
9. The children are playing with __________ toys.
10. __________ head hurts. I have a headache.
11. What’s your phone number? __________ phone number is 416-937-5740.
12. Canada is the second largest country in the world, but __________ population
is only 37 million.
13. I bought that painting for my parents. It’s hanging up in __________ living room.
14. Is that your brother? What’s __________ name?
15. What do you like to do in __________ free time?

5.3 Write the correct possessive adjective according to the picture.

POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: Mine / Yours / His / Hers / Its / Ours - Theirs

6.1 Rewrite the sentences below using the appropriate possessive pronoun.

1. This is my blue car. The blue car is ___________________________________.

2. She has a red jacket. The red jacket __________________________________.
3. That is Steven’s cellphone. _________________________________________.
4. Those are Rebecca’s shoes. _________________________________________.
5. These are my father’s drones. _______________________________________.
6. It’s your book. ___________________________________________________.
7. It is their dog. ____________________________________________________.
8. That’s my ball. ____________________________________________________.
9. Those are grandma’s spoons. _______________________________________.
10. We own that apartment. ___________________________________________.

Exercises 17

7.1 Complete the sentences below using the proper possessive adjective or pronoun.

1. May I please use your phone? I lost mine.

2. You’re sitting in the wrong seat. This is my seat, and that one is ___________.
3. We are new homeowners. We bought ____________ first home and we are
moving in next week!
4. Your engagement ring looks exactly like ___________. Maybe ___________
husbands went ring shopping together.
5. Is this ___________ car? It’s parked illegally. You must move it.
6. Half of the class didn’t study for ___________ Science exam.
7. The Olson brothers are in High School, but ___________ little sister is still in
8. Let me introduce you to ___________ cousins. ___________ names are Paul
and Frank.
9. Alex bought the car for Stacey. The car is ___________.
10. We were in line first, so it’s ___________ turn.
11. The boat is finally ___________. We saved up enough money to buy it.
12. We have 5 puppies in the house so ___________ house is a little noisy.
13. The kitten is ___________ to keep. Please take good care of it.
14. I slept in Brandon’s bed last night. ___________ bed is so comfortable.
15. ___________ boyfriend is so kind. Does he always buy you flowers?


8.1 Fill in the blanks below the images. Using the articles A or AN.

8.2 Fill in the blank spaces using either a, an, the or no article.

1. Do you live in ______ Spain?

2. I have ______ new book.
3. My dog Clifford is ______ most loving pet.
4. My best friend is ______ vegetarian.
5. I’ll be there in ______ hour.
6. ______ ducks quack doesn’t echo and nobody knows why.
7. ______ biggest eye on ______ planet, belongs to ______ giant squid. It is ______
size of ______ watermelon.
8. Sugar can cure ______ burnt tongue.
9. I bought this book at ______ city library.
10. She is using ______ orange backpack.
11. She made ______ breakfast for everyone.
12. The word “plant” starts with ______ letter “P”.
13. There’s no word in ______ English language that rhymes with “Month”.
14. He made us ______ nice dinner.

Exercises 19
15. Over half ______ body’s bones are in ______ hands and feet.
16. ______ average lifespan of ______ taste bud is 10 days.
17. We went on ______ romantic date.
18. We need one more ______ apple.
19. We all had ______ amazing time at the festival.
20. The concert will start in ______ hour.


9.1 Complete these sentences using the possessive noun.

1. This is Jenny’s book ( Jenny)

2. Let’s go to the _________________ room. (baby)
3. Those are _________________ glasses. (my brother)
4. Is that _________________ sister? (Samuel)
5. It’s ________________ turn to sit in the front seat. (Tony)
6. Do you know where the _________________ leash is? (dog)
7. I was impressed with the _________________ speech. (president)
8. There was something wrong with the _________________ engine. (car)
9. Do you have the _________________ address? (security guard)
10. We need the _________________ number. (bank account)

9.2 Change these sentences using the possessive noun.

1. Mary has a blue car. The blue car is Mary’s.

2. Erica and Timmy have a big house. The big house is _____________________.
3. Jonathan has a girlfriend. That’s _______________________________ girlfriend.
4. Jessica has an orange jacket. ________________________________________.
5. Michael and Joe have a big farm. _____________________________________.

9.3 Rewrite the sentences using the correct possessive form of the noun.

1. The book of Samantha: Samantha’s book.

2. The ring of my mother: ___________________________________________.
3. The classroom of the student: ______________________________________.
4. The eraser of the pencil: ___________________________________________.
5. The feathers of the bird: ___________________________________________.
6. The diaper of the baby: ___________________________________________.
7. The password of the computer: ____________________________________.
8. The last name of my husband: ______________________________________.
9. The memory storage of the phone: __________________________________.
10. The speech of my maid of honor: ___________________________________.


10.1 Complete the sentences below. (long arrow implies the object is far. Short arrow
implies the object is close) Create questions where you see question marks.

Exercises 21
10.2 Write a sentence in the spaces below using “THIS or THESE” according to the
images in the box


A. Circle the subject that could replace the highlighted pronoun.

1. She
a. Julio
b. Skip, Elly and Fanny
c. Marcela

2. They
a. Ellie
b. Alberto
c. Francine, Robert & Antonio

3. We
a. John, Jairo and I
b. My sister and her husband
c. Osvaldo

4. It
a. Bananas
b. Ball
c. Anthony

5. They
a. Carl and his brother
b. Dr. Smith
c. Shoes

Exercises 23
B. Fill in the blanks for each sentence with a subject pronoun.

1. _____ (my dog) is happy.

2. _____ ( Jon and I) are scared of the dark.
3. _____ (Alicia) always wears nice clothes.
4. _____ ( Jose) is quite strong.
5. _____ (Skip and Nicole) look great as a couple.


C. Fill in the appropriate form of ¨to be¨ for each subject

6. I _____ working all afternoon.

7. He _____ strong.
8. We _____ very happy today.
9. She _____ never sad.
10. You _____ not invited to the party.
11. Jonathon and Billy _____ mean to me sometimes.
12. Alison and I _____ moving to Alaska.
13. The doctors _____ busy now.
14. Andrew’s car _____ always dirty.
15. I _____ really happy today.


D. Fill in the following blanks to introduce yourself.

Alicia: Hello.
You: ______________________
Alicia: What is your name?
You: My name is ______________________, What’s ______________________?
Alicia: Alicia. Where are you from?
You: _________________________________________.
Alicia: What do you do?

You: _________________________________________.
Alicia: How old are you?
You: ______________________, and my birthday is ______________________.
Alicia: Do you have a favorite color?
You: _________________________________________.
Alicia: What is your phone number?
You: _________________________________________.
Alicia: And what is your favorite food to eat?
You: _________________________________________.

WH WORDS (Who, What, Where, Why, When, Which Whose)

E. Choose the correct WH word to complete each question.

1. _______ of these two motorcycles do you think is faster?

2. _______ is that girl over there?
3. _______ is Berlin? Is it in Germany or Russia?
4. _______ shoes are these?
5. _______ did you do that?
6. _______ does your mom get home from work?
7. _______ do you want for dinner tonight?
8. _______ does Paul feel today?
9. _______ do I have to do?
10. _______ did you travel from New York to Boston?


F. Match the possessive adjectives to their subject pronouns.

1. Her ____ a. I
2. His ____ b. You
3. Our ____ c. We
4. Their____ d. They

Exercises 25
5. Your ____ e. He
6. Its ____ f. She
7. My ____ g. It


G. Match the possessive adjectives to their possessive pronouns.

1. My ____ a. Yours
2. Your ____ b. Ours
3. Our ____ c. Mine
4. Their____ d. Theirs
5. Her ____ e. Hers

H. Finish the second sentence with the correct possessive pronoun.

1. My car is red. The red car is _______
2. His dog is a beagle. The beagle is _______
3. Our cat is very mean. The mean cat is _______
4. Your meal is on the table. The meal on the table is _______
5. Their apartment is big. The big apartment is _______
6. His house is beautiful. The beautiful house is _______
7. Her motorcycle is so fast. The fast motorcycle is _______
8. Our food is spicy. The spicy food is _______
9. Their cheese smells bad. The smelly cheese is _______
10. My apartment is clean. The clean apartment is _______


I. Choose either the possessive adjective or the possessive pronoun to complete each
1. This pizza is _______, so go buy your own.
2. He loves _______ dog more than anything.

3. Stop telling me what to do, it is my life not _______.
4. The family said that the dog was _______.
5. We can share _______ love with the world.


J. Fill in the sentences with the correct article.

1. I want _______ new car. (not specific)
2. He is _______ taxi driver. (not specific)
3. _______ horse was very fat. (specific)
4. He rides _______ old horse. (not specific)
5. I was walking with _______ girl. (not specific)
6. _______ ring was very expensive. (specific)
7. I want _______ art thief caught. (specific)
8. Do you want _______ last piece of cake? (specific)
9. Where is _______ hotel that we booked? (specific)
10. _______ man took my bag and ran away (not specific)


K. Fill in the sentences with the possessive form of the noun in parentheses.
1. This is ____________ (Robert) house.
2. I will buy ____________ (my mom) car.
3. We need ____________ (the teacher) keys to open the door.
4. ____________ (Paul) bedroom is so disorganized.
5. ____________ (her lawyer) are working on the case.

Exercises 27
L. The sentences below are incorrect. Rewrite each sentence in the correct order using
a possessive noun.

1. This is the car of my brother. ________________________________________

2. I saw the house of Alice. ___________________________________________
3. I hurt the leg that is mine. ___________________________________________
4. Can you see the house of my sister? __________________________________
5. I ate the lunch that was of my brother. ________________________________


M. Choose the correct word for each scenario.

1. One apple that is close to me.

________ apple is good.
2. Many apples that are close to me.
________ apples are very big.
3. One apple that is far from me.
________ apple is bad.
4. Many apples are far from me.
________ apples are going to be made into pie.


I + am = I’m
he, she, it + is = he’s, she’s, it’s
we, you, they + are = we’re, you’re, they’re

11.1 Write the correct form of the verb in the spaces below

1. She ___________________ (cut) my hair.

2. They ___________________ (make) the cakes.
3. We ___________________ (go) shopping.
4. It ___________________ (rain) outside and I don’t have an umbrella.
5. _________ he ___________________ (come) to the movies with us?
6. _________ you ___________________ (eat) my dessert?
7. He ___________________ (do) the laundry.
8. My dad ___________________ (do) the dishes.
9. She ___________________ (cry) in her room.
10. Jonathan ___________________ (act) ___________________ in a play.
11. Tracey _________________ (decorate) _________________ her new apartment.
12. Ariel ___________________ n’t (work) ___________________ at the moment,
so she’s (look) ___________________ for a job.
13. The glaciers ________________ (melt) ________________ at an alarming rate.
14. The price of Bitcoin and Ethereum ________________ (drop) ________________
lower every day.
15. Joanna and Tina are (fight) __________________. They ___________________
(speak)___________________ to one another.

Exercises 29
11.2 Negative form. Fill in the blanks with “isn’t or aren’t + ing verb”

1. The Gypsies aren’t (sing) singing at the concert.

2. My mom ___________ (cook) ____________ dinner tonight.
3. Tony Jam ____________ (dance) ____________ tonight.
4. The Twin Towers ___________ (be) ___________ rebuilt.
5. Ellen ___________ (perform) _____________ at the Grammys.

11.3 Create questions from the following sentences.

1. The average human will spend approximately 35 days brushing their teeth in
their lifetime. How much time do people spend brushing their teeth?
2. Jenny and Paul are talking to their teacher. ______________________________
3. Christian is being a good boy. _______________________________________
4. They are going to the movies at 9pm. _________________________________
5. Arthur is traveling to Spain this summer. _______________________________
6. I am reading a John Maxwell book. ___________________________________
7. I’m going to the store, I’ll be right back. ________________________________
8. I’m working at the bank.____________________________________________
9. They’re building it with concrete. ____________________________________
10. We’re studying drama at Juilliard. ____________________________________

11.4 Rearrange the words to create sentences.

1. sleeping / are / on the / the babies / floor

2. drinking / You / my / grape juice / are
3. Sandra / kissing / my / boyfriend / is
4. is / mom / calling / your / me
5. fun / you / are / having
6. studying / she / is / test / for the
7. we / to the / are / going / party
8. are / you / eating / spaghetti
9. cooking / pizza / they / are / delicious / a
10. brother / is / your / picking / nose / his

Exercises 31

12.1 Write the time according to the time on the clock.


13.1 Choose the best option to complete the sentences below.


1. Mary dances salsa during the show.

2. We ___________ for a big company.
3. Bob ___________ English all day.
4. The baby ___________ three times a day.
5. He ___________ to the bus stop every morning.
6. Luis doesn’t ___________ at the pool on Fridays.
7. David ___________ soda with his lunch.
8. My cat doesn’t ___________ on the bed with me.
9. She ___________ my house on weekends.
10. I love to ___________ candies.

13.2 Complete the sentences below.

1. My sister _______________ dancing every weekend.

a. Go
b. Goes
c. Going

2. Our family _______________ to travel during the holidays.

a. Likes
b. Like
c. Want

3. We _______________ a very big family.

a. Haves
b. Have
c. Are having

Exercises 33
4. My teachers are very creative. They _______________ in a different way.
a. Are teaching
b. Teaches
c. Teach

5. I live in California. Where _______________ live?

a. Are you
b. You
c. Do you

6. Liliana always _______________ when she watches romantic movies.

a. Crys
b. Crying
c. Cries

7. The principal is keeping an eye on me. He always _______________ what I’m

a. Watching
b. Watches
c. Looks

8. I _______________ my teeth three times a day.

a. Brush
b. Brushes
c. Brushing

9. My class _______________ at 9am.

a. Start
b. Starting
c. Starts

10. Jorge _______________ eating fast food.

a. Don’t like
b. Doesn’t like
c. Not like


14.1 Highlight the correct answer to the questions below.

14.2 Answer the following questions according to your own personal information.
(Make complete answers)

1. What’s your name?

My name is Stephanie Smith
2. Where do you work?
3. What do you do?
4. How old are you?
5. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
6. Where were you born?
7. What is your mother’s name?

Exercises 35
8. What’s your phone number?
9. Are you married?
10. How many languages do you speak?


15.1 Circle the correct option to construct questions and answer in short form.

1. Do / Does you drink coffee? Yes, I do.

2. Do / Does your sister read the bible? _________________________________
3. Do / Doesn’t/ Does she speak German? _______________________________
4. Does / Do they party on weekends? _________________________________
5. Do / Does your teacher know my name? _______________________________
6. Don’t / Do/ Does Isabel like Italian food? _______________________________
7. Does / Do Carlos have a lot of money? _______________________________
8. Do / Does my dogs smell? _________________________________________
9. Does / Do apples grow on trees? ____________________________________
10. Do / Does you like my social media pictures? ___________________________


16.1 Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present simple or present continuous)

1. Look! He (dance) is dancing with Jenny.

2. They normally (drink) __________ a coffee before breakfast.
3. OMG! You’re (get) __________ married?

4. Are the kids (make) ____________ a mess in the room?
5. The birds ___________ (fly) ___________ over the building.
6. The doctor (check) ___________ if you are healthy.
7. Edwin (drive) ___________ an expensive truck.
8. Clara (work) ____________ at a restaurant.
9. Thomas and Jessica ___________ (have) ___________ a great time in Mexico.
10. They’re (give) ___________ blankets to the homeless.

16.2 Complete the sentences (Simple Present or Present Continuous)

1. This is Lisa, she (have) has a nice Job.

2. She (work) ____________ as a teacher but right now she is on vacations so she
(visit)____________ her best friend in paris.
3. Lisa (study) ____________ French, so she (practice) _____________ a lot while
vacationing in Paris.
4. She is (feel) ____________ tired, so she’s (go) ____________ to bed now.
5. They (love) ____________ (eat)___________ sushi.
6. Mrs. Smith (go) ___________ shopping at very high-end retail stores. But, she
always (buy) ____________ tacky clothes.
7. The O’Brians (go) ___________ on vacation every other month! How can they
(afford)__________ to travel so often?
8. Look at that girl. She is (smile) _________ at you. She (look) _________ like she
needs a drink.
9. We (play) ___________soccer on the field while our kids (watch) ____________
from the sidelines.
10. Michael never (wash) __________the dishes after dinner. He always (expect)
___________ me to do it.

16.3 Complete the sentences

1. They always play (play) soccer on Saturdays.

2. We ____________ (study) English every day.
3. The coach often ____________ (make) us run around the field to warm up.
4. We are currently _____________ (follow) a strict diet plan to get in shape.
5. She is _____________ (look) good these days.

Exercises 37
6. I never ____________ (eat) meat because I’m a vegetarian.
7. I’m _______________ (work) on a major project at the moment.


17.1 Guess Who - Match the written description with the correct picture.

1. Hello, my name is Samantha. I am tall and thin. I have a fair complexion. I have
short blonde hair and big blue eyes. I consider my myself stylish. I like to accessorize
with flashy jewelry. I use a big purse to keep all my make-up. I usually wear a belt that
matches my shoes.
2. Hi there! My name is Joanna. I have brown eyes and I wear glasses. I am medium
height with an athletic built. My brown hair is long and wavy. I usually keep it up in a
ponytail. My style is sporty. I like to wear shorts and running shoes.
3. Hello ladies. My name is Christopher. I am a top executive at a very prestigious
law firm. I always wear a suit and tie. I have a goatee that is always groomed. I have short
black hair that I keep combed. My build is average for my height. Not too thin and not
too thick. Just right. However, I do have unusually large feet.
4. Yo! What’s up? My name is Michael. I’m from the Bronx. I’m dark skinned with
light eyes. I play basketball regularly so I’m pretty tall and fit. When I’m not on the
court, I like to wear jeans and a tank top. My hair is short and curly, but I always wear a
baseball hat.
5. My name is Tiffany and I’m 12 years old. I have medium length hair that my mom
puts in pigtails. My eyes are brown. I´m pretty conservative and like to wear dresses
below the knee.

17.2 Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Use the words from the box below.


1. My daughter never cleans her room or washes dishes. She’s lazy.

2. You just won $1000.00! You must be so ________________!
3. Your father never smiles. He’s so ________________.
4. I enjoy going out and socializing with friends. Many people say
I’m _______________.
5. Tony reads a lot of books. He’s very _______________.
6. I don’t appreciate you speaking to me in that tone. You’re being very
7. The doctor was acting very ______________ when he came into the room. he
used such complicated medical terms when explaining our fathers condition.
8. Tina is a comedian. She tells ______________ jokes.
9. The waitress was very ______________. We should give her a good tip.
10. Even though she doesn’t like me, she was _______________.
11. He always looks on the bright side of things. He has a _______________outlook
on life.
12. She would never steal from me. She’s an ______________ woman.
13. He was _______________ when he crashed his car into the pole.
14. I don’t get jealous. I’m a ________________ woman.
15. I love hanging out with Luis because he’s so ______________. We always have
a great time.

Exercises 39

18.1 Fill in the blanks according to your own habits.

1. I always ________________________________________________________
2. I sometimes _____________________________________________________
3. I usually ________________________________________________________
4. I hardly ever _____________________________________________________
5. I never _________________________________________________________

18.2 Fill in the blanks using the most appropriate adverb of frequency to complete the

1. She goes to the library every day.

She always goes to the library.
2. Christina always remembers to brush her teeth in the morning.
She ________________ forgets to brush her ________________.
3. Samuel only eats red meat twice a week.
He ________________ eats ________________.
4. My parents only work on Mondays and Fridays.
___________________________________ work.
5. I drive to work four days a week.
___________________________________ drive to work.
6. Tony has seen a dentist only twice in his entire life!
He ________________ goes to the ________________.
7. I seldom visit my family, so
I ___________________________________ get to see my cousins.
8. We go to the gym on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
We ________________ go to ________________.

9. In April it rains almost every day.
In ________________ it ________________ rains.
10. I’m very punctual. I have only been late for class three times this year.
I’m ________________ late for class.

18.3 Choose the right form of the adverb according to the weekly schedule

1. He ______________ takes a shower in the morning.

2. He ______________ drinks alcohol.
3. He ______________ cooks.
4. He ______________ eats fish.
5. He ______________ goes out drinking with his friends because he’s on a budget.
6. He ______________ eats chicken
7. He ______________ goes to the gym.
8. He ______________ eats hamburgers because he’s on a strict diet.
9. Mr. Smith ______________ takes a shower after 8:00 am.
10. He ______________ eats vegetables.


Exercises 41

19.1 Put the words in the proper circle

January / Noon / Monday / 1991 / weekends / Night / 80’s

19.2 Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition ( IN / ON / AT )

1. I normally have dinner at night.

2. I was born ______ the 90’s.
3. She eats dinner ______ 7pm.
4. We have dinner reservations ______ 8 o’clock.
5. The meeting is ______ Tuesday, ______ noon.
6. My birthday is ______ May.
7. The concert is ______ July 4th, 2019.
8. We are moving to Florida ______ 2 weeks.
9. I usually do my homework ______ weekends.
10. Call me ______ Monday and we can organize the schedule.

19.3 Cross out (X) the one that doesn’t belong.

1. IN: July – 2002 – Monday – August - 1 Month

2. AT: Noon – 1969 – Night - 6 o’clock
3. ON: Tuesday – February - The Weekend - My Birthday – June 30


20.1 Complete the phrases with the proper form of the verb To Be, and answer the
questions according to the picture.

1. Where ___ the lamp? ______________________________________________

2. Where ___ the night table? __________________________________________
3. Where ___ the picture with the number 23? ______________________________
4. Where ___ the pillows? _____________________________________________
5. Where ___ the clothes? _____________________________________________
6. Where ___ the guitar? ______________________________________________
7. Where ___ the alarm clock?__________________________________________
8. Where ___ the rug? ________________________________________________
9. Where ___ the blue picture frame? ____________________________________
10. Where ___ the books? ______________________________________________

Exercises 43
20.2 Fill in the spaces below according to the image.


20.3 Complete the sentences below using the correct preposition.

1. He was in charge _________ the event.

2. We booked our vacation one year _________ advance.
3. After the surgery, he was _________ so much pain.
4. You can’t drink and drive _________ law.
5. I was _________ the impression you worked there.
6. _________ regards to our conversation, I will take your advice and call her.
7. Do you believe in love _________ first sight?
8. We regret _________ inform you, but the wedding has been called off.
9. _________ first I was excited, but I’ve calmed down now.
10. Our room isn’t by the beach, but _________ least it’s close to the pool.
11. She was so upset. She was _________ tears when I saw her.
12. I’m dating a guy online but I haven’t met him _________ person yet.
13. I don’t know where he lives. I haven’t spoken to him _________ a while.
14. We like taking road trips _________ fun.
15. It’s already 10pm. Maria Fernanda should be home _________ now.
16. Don’t be a stranger. Keep _________ touch!
17. She’s really good _________ volleyball. She could go pro.
18. You should care _________ the environment and recycle.
19. I depend _________ my mom to get back and forth to school.
20. I’m so scared _________ spiders!

Exercises 45

20.4 Choose the appropriate phrasal verb from the bank and complete the sentences

1. I can’t find my glasses. I’ve been ______________ them for an hour.

2. He doesn’t smoke anymore. He ______________ smoking for his kids.
3. ______________ the lights ______________ so we can see.
4. Stop fighting so much! Just kiss and ______________.
5. My daughter wants to be a doctor when she ______________.
6. You have been waiting on the line for 45 minutes. Just _____________ the phone.
7. ______________ or we’re going to be late!
8. Why don’t you ______________ the jeans and see if they fit.
9. Our flight is about to ______________ so turn off your phone.
10. My girlfriend and I are going to be together forever. We’re never going to
11. I know I disappointed you and I’m sorry I _____________ you _____________.
12. He was surprised when they sentenced him to life in prison. He thought he was
going to ______________ with murder.
13. I don’t want to see you anymore. Just ______________ of my room!
14. The substitute teacher ______________ the job for the summer.
15. I can’t ______________. I have to ______________ my little sister while my
parents work.


A. Fill in the sentences using the present continuous verbs in parentheses.

1. I ________________ (to run) to the store.

2. He ________________ (to play) with his Nintendo Switch.
3. They ________________ (to kill) the weeds with poison.
4. We ________________ (to push) the cart down the aisle.
5. She ________________ (to fly) to Bogota tomorrow.
6. Robert ________________ (to eat) a pizza.
7. Ana ________________ (to drink) a soda.
8. The baby ________________ (to sleep) in his room.
9. It ________________ (to rain) in my neighborhood.
10. The fruits ________________ (to fall) from the trees.


B. Draw the hour and minute hands on the clocks to display the correct time.

Exercises 47

C. Choose a word below to complete each sentence in the present simple.

Exercise / Washes / Drive / Goes / Live

1. They ________ to school twice a week.

2. He ________ his clothes every weekend.
3. I ________ in the mornings before I go to work.
4. Paola and I ________ next door to you.
5. The baby always ________ to sleep at sunset.

D. The sentences below are incorrect. Circle each mistake, then put the correct form at
the end.

1. I swims with my dog in the lake. _____________________________________

2. He drive his motorcycle in the mountains. _______________________________
3. We calls our grandmother every Tuesday. _______________________________
4. They eats pizza every single night. ____________________________________
5. Dogs loves to eat bones. ___________________________________________


E. Create a question for each answer.

1. _______________________________________________________________
I am 35 years old.
2. _______________________________________________________________
No, she doesn´t know about him.
3. _______________________________________________________________
Yes, I am American.
4. _______________________________________________________________
It is a red car.
5. _______________________________________________________________
Yes, it is my car.

6. _______________________________________________________________
It is spelled ¨C-A-T.¨
7. _______________________________________________________________
No, that is not my name.
8. _______________________________________________________________
Yes, we are sure about it.
9. _______________________________________________________________
No, they are not married.
10. _______________________________________________________________
They study art.


F. Fill in the blanks in each question AND answer.

1. Do you eat meat? Yes, ________.

2. ________ you like pizza? Yes, of course I do.
3. ________ you like my shoes? Yes, I do.
4. ________ my car look dirty? Yes, it does.
5. Does it look like it will rain? No, it ________.
6. ________ she have a pen? Yes, she does.
7. Do teachers ever lie? Yes, ________.
8. Do cats have 5 tails. No, ________.
9. ________ James play soccer No, ________.
10. ________ monkeys eat bananas? Yes, ________.


G. Fill in the blanks.

1. He _________________ (eat) caviar right now.

2. She _________________ (eat) eggs every single morning.
3. They _________________ (clean) their house all day today.

Exercises 49
4. They _________________ (clean) the kitchen every Tuesday night.
5. We _________________ (exercise) three times a week.
6. I _________________ (exercise) until 3 this afternoon.
7. I never _________________ (cook) breakfast.
8. My mom _________________ (cook) a delicious meal for tonight’s dinner.
9. It always _________________ (rain) when we want to go out.
10. It _________________ (rain) cats and dogs!


H. Choose a word from the following list to complete the sentences.



1. Jonathon is so ______________ that he sometimes hits his head on the ceiling.

2. Rachel is very _____________, but she eats a lot. I don’t know how she does it.
3. Alan is tall, but Raul is not. Raul is very _____________.
4. I used to be _____________, but now I always do all my work.
5. They are both very ______________, but they still need to study.
6. She is so ________________. Yesterday, she broke my phone and didn’t even
7. He has a ______________ wife. She is far too pretty for him.
8. Laura is a really _____________ person. She is always willing to help others.
9. Julie is so ____________. She didn’t let me sleep last night with her loud music.
10. Why is he so _____________ today? He is complaining about everything.


I. Put the following adverbs of frequency in order from most frequent to least frequent.



• ALWAYS ---- 100% OF THE TIME
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. ___________
6. ___________

J. Fill in the following sentences with correct adverb of frequency.

1. I _____________ brush my teeth after a meal. I never ever forget to do so.
2. Louis is my best friend, he _________________________ comes to my house,
maybe 2 or 3 times per week.
3. I _______________ eat salad for lunch, almost every day.
4. She _______________ goes home right after work, without exceptions.
5. The dog ______________ barks. I sometimes forget he can!
6. We _____________ go to museums, only when my mother visits once a year.
7. We try to go to church every Sunday, but _____________ it is raining, and we
8. Daniel and I ______________ go to the dentist. We have many cavities.
9. Exercising is a habit! I ___________ do it on Mondays, but ____________ I go
on Tuesdays.
10. The dogs ___________ wake me up for their walk at 6 AM.


K. Match the sentences with the correct preposition.

IN / AT / ON
1. I have class ______ noon.
2. I was born ______ November.
3. I will return the money ______ Friday
4. I was alone in my house ______ 6pm.
5. ______ March I will fly to Cali.

Exercises 51
6. ______ Monday I will move to Alaska.
7. ______ the morning, I will buy another coffee and donut.
8. We will open the presents ______ Christmas morning.
9. ______ the 4th of July U.S.A. citizens celebrate their independence.
10. I love the chocolate eggs that we collected ______ Easter.


L. Fill in the spaces with the correct preposition.

IN / AT / ON

1. I was ______ the train when I saw her.

2. She was ______ her car driving.
3. He was ______ school when he heard the news.
4. Yesterday I was ______ my office the whole day.
5. I bought these apples ______ the market.

M. Draw an image that corresponds to the sentences below.

1. There is a bear next to the car.

2. There is a ball under the table.

3. There is a cat between two walls.

4. There is a bee on the flower.

21.1 Write the plural form of the images below.

21.2 Change the following sentences from singular to plural.

1. A bottle is on the counter.

The bottles are on the counter
2. There is a fly in the house.
3. There’s a man at my door.
4. There is a church in the city.
5. I have a peach in my fridge.
6. There is a leaf on your jacket.
7. I have a cherry tree in my backyard.
8. You need a shelf in your office.
9. There’s a poster on the wall.
10. I have a bunny rabbit as a pet.

Exercises 53
21.3 Classify the following words to Regular or Irregular, then write the plural form in
the appropriate box.

21.4 Search and highlight the plural form of the nouns below.

Quantity / Quality / Size / Shape / Age / Color / Pattern / Origin Material / Noun

22.1 Put the words into the proper order.

1. Tall, Man, Dark, A, Handsome _______________________________________

2. Beautiful, Big, Bouquet, Flowers, Of __________________________________
3. A Bunch Of, Bananas, Big, Yellow ____________________________________
4. Mexican, Wide, Red, Sombrero ______________________________________
5. Old, African, Sick, Grey, Elephant ____________________________________
6. Long, Silk, Expensive, Blue, Gown ____________________________________
7. Platinum, 1 Carat, Diamond Ring _____________________________________
8. Gorgeous, Little, Baby, Girl _________________________________________
9. Old, Oak, Tall, Rotting, Tree ________________________________________
10. Stylish, New, Pair, Of, Leather, Shoes, A _______________________________


23.1 Follow the example provided.

1. Christian and Timothy are the same height.

Christian is as tall as Timothy.
2. Judy and Laura are the same age.
3. Both sofas are equally comfortable.
4. The red and blue shirts are the same size.
5. The two cars are equally as fast.

Exercises 55

24.1 Follow the example provided.

1. Bitcoin is more expensive than Ethereum.

Ethereum is cheaper than Bitcoin.
2. The turtle is slower than the hare.
3. Cities in higher altitudes are colder than cities in lower altitudes.
4. Vegetables are healthier than candy.
5. The Atlantic Ocean is warmer than the Pacific.


25.1 Fill in the blanks using the words in brackets.

1. Mercury is the closest (close) planet to the sun.

2. Syria is the __________________ (dangerous) country in the world.
3. Cristian is the __________________ (high) paid soccer player in the country.
4. The Vatican City is the __________________ (small) country in the world.
5. The Burj Khalifa is the __________________ (tall) building in the world.


26.1 Fill in the blanks. Use the example provided.

1. My hair is not as long as Daniela´s hair (not, long)

2. The green house is as ___________________ (big) as the blue house
3. My little sister is ___________________ (tall) ___________________ me.
4. I am ___________________ (pretty) than my sister.
5. He is the ___________________ (smart) in the class.
6. He is the ___________________ (talent) artist I have ever seen.
7. They are ___________________ (happy) when they are together.
8. Joshua is ___________________ (muscular) and ___________________ (strong)
than his younger brother.
9. Mount Everest is the ___________________ (high) mountain in the world. It is
also the ___________________ (dangerous) mountain to climb.
10. Cindy Branford was once the ___________________ (beautiful) model in the

26.2 Write comparative sentences according to the image provided.

Exercises 57
26.3 Write three sentences to compare these two vehicles.


27.1 Look around the room and create sentences based on what you see.

There is _________________________________________________________________
There are _______________________________________________________________
There isn’t _______________________________________________________________
There aren’t _____________________________________________________________

27.2 Construct sentences according to the images below.

27.3 Answer the questions according to the images above.

1. Are there 3 rabbits in the picture? Yes there are.

2. Is there a red rose? ________________________________________________
3. Are there any cars? ________________________________________________
4. Is there a cow? ___________________________________________________
5. Are there any butterflies? ___________________________________________

27.4 Fill in the blanks to complete the questions.

1. are there 6 students in the room?

2. ______ there a lion at the zoo?
3. ______ there any milk in the fridge?
4. ______ there any chocolates left?
5. ______ there a towel in the bathroom?
6. ______ there flowers in the vase?
7. ______ there chicken in the oven?
8. ______ there any dogs at your house?
9. ______ there rice in the pot?
10. ______ there any paper in the printer?

Exercises 59
27.5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.

1. There are a apple on the counter.

There is an apple on the counter.
2. There is a lot of doctors at the hospital.
3. There are three painting on the wall.
4. There is many car on the road.
5. I don’t know why there is two policemen at my door.
6. Are there a new restaurant on your street?
7. Is there many students in your class?
8. There is two windows in my bedroom.
9. Are there a pharmacy close by?
10. There are one big parks in New York City.


28.1 Put the nouns where they belong

28.2 From this delicious recipe, highlight the countable in yellow and the uncountable
nouns in green.


29.1 Fill in the blanks using ‘Much or Many’

1. ________ Sugar 9. ________ Fruit

2. ________ Milk 10. ________ Coffee
3. ________ French Fries 11. ________ Salt
4. ________ Sauce 12. ________ Women
5. ________ Work 13. ________ Time
6. ________ Information 14. ________ Teeth
7. ________ Money 15. ________ Homework
8. ________ Clothes 16. ________ Stars

Exercises 61
29.2 Complete the sentences using ‘How Much or How Many’

1. ______________ money do you have in your wallet?

2. ______________ chicken is in the pot?
3. ______________ sugar do you take in your coffee?
4. ______________ guacamole would you like on your burrito?
5. ______________ cloves of garlic does the recipe need?
6. I don’t have ______________ time to study.
7. This cazuela doesn’t have ____________ fish.
8. _____________ slices of bread do we have?
9. _____________ pizza is left?
10. _____________ eggs would you like for breakfast?


30.1 Fill in the blanks using ‘Some, Any, A or An’

1. She bought some milk and cookies at the grocery store, but there wasn wasn’t
any bread.
2. Would you like __________ cookie? There are __________ more in the jar.
3. I don’t have __________ money left.
4. Is there __________ more beer in the cooler?
5. I would like __________ more information please. I couldn’t find
__________ online.
6. She needs __________ experience to qualify for the job.
7. I can’t work ___________ more hours, I’m exhausted! I need ___________
power nap.
8. There is ________ more dessert if you want. I couldn’t eat ________ of mine.
9. There are __________ coins in my purse.
10. There is __________ elephant at the circus.

30.2 Test your knowledge of Quantifiers using Some / Any / Much / Many.

1. We saw ____________ animals at the zoo.

2. There were too ____________ people at the park.
3. How ____________ sugar do you take in your coffee?
4. How ____________ oranges did you put in the box?
5. Our wedding was very big. We had ____________ guests.
6. I ate too ____________ chocolate last night.
7. Do you have ____________ advice for me?
8. There was so ____________ dirt on the floor.
9. Susan doesn’t have ____________ milk, but Jillian might have ____________.
10. I have never seen so ____________ snow in my life!
11. We were using too ____________ energy so the power went out.
12. The grocery store didn’t have ____________ cereal so I bought ____________
oatmeal instead.
13. There are ____________ festivals going on in December.
14. How ____________ cars do you have?
15. I don’t have ____________ money at the moment, can you lend me some?

30.3 Write 2 sentences in each box using ‘Some or Any’ according to the sign in each
box. (+ affirmative, - negative, ? interrogative)

Exercises 63


A. Change each of the following words to its plural form.

1. Dog - ___________
2. Fox - ___________
3. Cow -___________
4. Man - ___________
5. Car - ___________

B. Change each of the following words to its singular form.

1. _________ - Robots
2. _________ - Birds
3. _________ - Feet
4. _________ - Teeth
5. _________ - Musicians


C. Unscramble the words below to create statements.

1. woman/American/me/the/yelled/at _________________________________
2. pretty/are/you/so _______________________________________________
3. sick/old/the/man/asked/help/for ___________________________________
4. forgot/I/shoes/my/new ___________________________________________
5. he/expensive/lost/his/phone _______________________________________
6. movie/old/French/saw/an/I _______________________________________
7. was/antique/an/it/small/blue/vase __________________________________
8. a/they/new/processor/bought/fast _________________________________

Exercises 65

D. Rewrite the following sentences using “as ____ as ____” or “not as ____ as ____”

1. Ronnie and Jon are the same height.

2. Alice and Justin are equally smart.
3. Joan is taller than Julio.
4. The red shirt and blue shirt are the same size.
5. Ralph is faster than John.


E. Fill in the missing words.

1. A cat is ________________ an elephant. (small)

2. A car is ________________ a person walking. (fast)
3. A mountain is ________________ a hill. (large)
4. Vegetables are ________________ brownies. (healthy)
5. A Porsche is ________________ a Honda. (expensive)
6. Alice is ________________ Juan. (smart)
7. Robert is ________________ Jesus. (tall)
8. The Discovery channel is ________________ MTV. (interesting)
9. Camila’s explanation was ________________ the professor’s explanation. (good)
10. John Lennon said that The Beatles were ________________ Jesus. (big)


F. Answer each question in complete sentences using superlatives.

1. What is your happiest memory? _____________________________________

2. Who is the tallest person in your family? _______________________________
3. Who is the youngest person in your family? _______________________________
4. Who is the smartest person you know? _________________________________
5. What is your biggest accomplishment? ________________________________

G. Finish these sentences.

1. I am smart, he is smarter, but she is __________________________________.

2. I am older than my sister, but my brother is _____________________________.
3. Anthony Davis is taller than most players, but Boban is ___________________
player in the NBA.
4. Nike shoes are cooler than Puma, but Adidas are ___________________ shoes
on thethe market.
5. I am crazier than you, but Ralph is ________________________ person I know.


H. Fill in the comparatives and superlatives in the following chart.

Exercises 67
I. Fill in the following sentences.
1. I am not ________________ tall ________________ my father.
2. She is smart, but not ________________ than her teacher.
3. They are both tall, but I think Jonathan is ________________.
4. I’m not good at sports, in fact I’m ________________ student in sports class.
5. Tom Cruise is a great actor, but Leonardo DiCaprio is _______________ actor
in Hollywood.


J. Decide whether “There is or There are” is most appropriate for the following
1. ______________ four shirts in my closet.
2. ______________ two cats in the street.
3. ______________ a funny man at my church.
4. ______________ many ways to choose a partner.
5. ______________ a lost dog on the street.

K. Decide whether “There isn’t or There aren’t” is appropriate for the following
1. _______________ anything to eat in the cabinet.
2. _______________ many people who can do that.
3. _______________ a single person who can fly.
4. _______________ many dogs in a restaurant.
5. _______________ many honest politicians now a days.


L. Mark each as either countable or uncountable.

1. Bears __________________
2. Water __________________
3. Liters of Water __________________
4. Fingers __________________
5. Time __________________
6. Hours __________________
7. Trees __________________
8. Bread __________________
9. Tuna __________________
10. Coffee __________________


M. Complete the sentences using either much, many, some or any.

1. There isn’t ________ bread to make sandwiches.

2. Do we have ________ coffee?
3. Would you like ________ sugar in your tea?
4. There are so ________ stars in the sky.
5. I have ________ siblings.
6. It doesn’t cost ________ to travel by car.
7. There is so ________ sand in my car from our trip to the beach!
8. Is there ________ soap to wash the dishes?
9. There is ________ whiskey in the freezer.
10. There isn’t ________ water in the bath.

Exercises 69
PAST VERB TO BE: (was / were / wasn’t / weren’t)

31.1 Fill in the blanks using the past tense of the verb to be.

1. I was very happy to see John yesterday.

2. You ___________ at the mall on Saturday, weren’t you?
3. They called to tell me they ___________ going to make it to the party.
4. There ___________ any dessert after dinner.
5. Why ___________ the children at school today?
6. It ___________ a fantastic party. Everyone had a great time.
7. Christopher ___________ at the bank yesterday. I didn’t see him.
8. When ___________ your sister´s birthday? I thought it ___________ in May.
9. My family and I ___________ on vacation last month. But it ___________ only
a 4 day trip.
10. Most dinosaurs ___________ herbivores.

31.2 Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

1. The Twin Towers were (demolish) demolished on September 11, 2001.

2. The #MeToo movement __________ (create) __________ to raise awarness
about sexual harassment against women in the workplace.
3. Through most of my childhood, I __________ (raise) __________ on a farm.
4. The dog __________ (excite) __________ when he saw me.
5. My aunt and uncle __________ (amaze) __________ to see how much I’ve grown.

31.3 Complete the statements below. Follow the example given.

1. Stacey was at church, but Timothy wasn’t.

2. Alexander was eating pizza, but we ___________.
3. Carol wasn’t downtown last night, but her boyfriend ___________.

Exercises 71
4. My boss ___________ upset that I was late, but my co-workers ___________.
5. The basketball game ___________ amazing, but the traffic outside of the stadium
6. Luis __________ snowboarding on the expert slopes, but his kids ___________.
7. The Grizzly Bears ___________ catching salmon in the river, but the Black Bears
8. I ___________ cooking dinner for the family, but my husband ___________.
9. My friend wasn’t angry, but her father ___________.
10. Tony and Jill ___________ both hungry, but I ___________.

31.4 Write the appropriate questions for the statements below using the past tense of
the verb ‘To Be’

1. Were you at the funeral yesterday?

No, I wasn’t at the funeral yesterday.
2. ______________________________________________________________?
I was at home all weekend.
3. ______________________________________________________________?
The band was playing until 4:00 am!
4. ______________________________________________________________?
The earthquake happened in the middle of the night on August 8.
5. ______________________________________________________________?
No, they weren’t sad. Those were tears of joy.
6. ______________________________________________________________?
The teacher was in the classroom.
7. ______________________________________________________________?
My necklace was on the table.
8. ______________________________________________________________?
The reading class was very good.
9. ______________________________________________________________?
Yes, they were all enjoying the meal.
10. ______________________________________________________________?
Yes, she was wearing a red dress.

31.5 Change the sentences below into past tense.

1. They are a cute couple.

2. Are you feeling sick?
3. He is going to be a famous soccer player.
4. It is a difficult situation for everyone.
5. I swear I’m going to call you.

31.6 Rearrange the sentences below to create negative sentences.

1. yesterday / wasn’t / She / here

2. your / at / parents / weren’t / home
3. the / opened / bank / wasn’t / today
4. funny / a / movie / wasn’t / it
5. students / weren’t / the / prepared / test / the / for


I was, I / you / he / she I / you / he / she

you/we/they were, it / we / they had it / we / they did
he/she/it was

Exercises 73
32.1 Complete the crossword puzzle by changing the words into past tense

32.2 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets and
the words in the box.

1. We ___________ (boil) the water for the ___________.

2. She ___________ (wait) all night for him to ___________ her.
3. He ___________ (pour) the wine into her ___________.
4. Cassandra ___________ (buy) everyone coffee this ___________.
5. The race ___________ (require) everyone to ___________ (swim) 2 miles in the
cold ___________.
6. My boss ___________ (give) me a raise for the first time in 3 ___________.
7. Isabel ___________ (tell) me she was going to quit her ___________.
8. I ___________ (sleep) the entire flight ___________.
9. I have already ___________ (read) all her ___________.
10. We ___________ (are) all at the ___________ together.

32.3 Complete the sentences by putting the verb into the correct form.

1. The play wasn’t as good as I expected it to be. I didn’t enjoy it. (enjoy)
2. The dinner bill wasn’t too expensive. It __________________ too much. (cost)
3. I was able to carry all the boxes to the storage They_______________________
much. (weigh)
4. The van was packed. We ___________________ any space for more passengers.
5. It was cold outside, so they _________________ to the Santa Claus parade. (go)
6. I wasn’t tall enough, so I ______________________ basketball with them. (play)
7. Someone stole my purse last night. I ____________________ who it was. (see)
8. I didn’t ____________ (forget) to call you. I just ___________ (lose) your number.
9. I put my sweater in the dryer. Luckily it ___________________ (shrink)
10. My mom was disappointed that I didn’t _______________ (pass) the exam.

Exercises 75
32.4 Answer the following questions.

1. Did you brush your teeth this morning?

yes I did.
2. Did your mom help you with your English homework?
3. Did you program your class for tomorrow?
4. Did you have breakfast this morning?
5. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

32.5 Change the statements below from affirmative to negative.

1. She drank two cups of coffee yesterday morning.

She didn’t drink two cups of coffee yesterday.
2. They drove a convertible to the event.
3. Tiffany gave me a bracelet at my graduation party.
4. My brother fought with the thief.
5. I spent too much money while I was in Monaco.

32.6 Change the statements below from negative to affirmative.

1. She didn’t steal my credit card.

She stole my credit card.

2. Lance Elmer didn’t lie about using performance enhancing drugs.
3. At the age of 17, Oprah Winfrey didn’t win the Miss Black Tennessee beauty
4. When my sister was a baby, she didn’t cry very much.
5. They didn’t come to my BBQ yesterday.

32.7 Complete the sentences below using the words in brackets.

1. I ___________ (call) my husband last night, but he didn’t ___________. (answer)

2. I ____________ (make) a cake, but nobody ____________ (eat) it.
3. My neighbor ____________ (buy) a refurbished motorcycle, but it didn’t
____________ (have) an engine.
4. She ____________ (blow) a bubble, and it ____________ (burst) in her face.
5. My cousin ____________ (throw) a party, but nobody ____________. (come)

32.8 Check the box that shows the proper sentence structure.

Exercises 77
32.9 Change the following verbs to Past Simple.


33.1 Fill in the blanks with the prepositions given.

1. The Public Library is on the __________________ corner of Queen and Palm.

__________________ the Korean Restaurant and __________________ the
bus stop. (North - West / Beside / Across from)

2. There is an Italian restaurant on Lane Street. It is __________________ the pub

and __________________ the shopping center. (Next to / In front of )

3. If you are on the __________________ corner of Lane Street and Queen Ave,
you can find the pub. The police station is __________________ it. (In front of
/ South - East)

4. You could find the theater __________________ the news agent and the school
__________________ Lane St. (On / Between)

5. To get to the pub from the bank, you have to go _________________ on

Palm Queen Ave. Then go _________________ on Queen Ave to
_________________. The pub will be on the _________________ corner of
Lane St. and _________________ Ave. (Queen Ave / South / Lane St. / South-East)

33.2 Use the map to answer the following questions.

1. Where is the Korean restaurant? The Korean restaurant is between the library
and the bank.
2. How can I get to town hall from the art gallery? __________________________
3. What can we find on the North-East corner of Palm St. and Queen Ave? ______
4. How do you get to the theatre from the park? __________________________
5. What is on Lane St. across from the Italian restaurant? ____________________
6. What is behind the hotel? __________________________________________

Exercises 79
7. If I’m at the church and I want to go to the museum, and then to the art gallery,
what would be the best route? ______________________________________
8. What corner is The police station on? _________________________________
9. Where is the aquarium? ____________________________________________
10. I’m at the music shop and I’m starving! What is the closest restaurant and and
how do I get there?________________________________________________

33.3 Complete the story giving directions using the following map.

Paul is from out of town so he decides to approach a police officer to ask

for directions:

Paul: Good morning officer! Would you mind telling me how I can get to the
cemetery from Lake Park?
Police Officer: Good morning sir. Yes of course! First, you must go __________
(direction) on Oak St. to ____________ (street name). Then turn right and
walk ____________ (direction) on 5th Ave until you get to ____________
(street name) The cemetery is on the North, West corner of ____________
and ____________. (intersecting street names).
Paul: Thank you very much!
Police Officer: You’re very welcome. After you visit the cemetery, you could
check out the community center. It has many exhibits. I think you would
like it.

Paul: Oh that would be great. Thank you for the recommendation. How would I
get there from the cemetery?
Police Officer: It’s simple. Just hop on the 26 south bus. It will take you straight
Paul: I would prefer to ride my bike there.
Police Officer: Ok, then, just go _____________ (direction) on _____________
(street name) to _____________ (street name) past the bus station. Then
go _____________ (direction) on River St. until you get to the bridge. Go
over the bridge and take the first left. Then you will be on the corner of
_____________ and _____________. The Community Centre is one street
_____________ (direction) of Grove St on _____________ (Street name)
and it is directly across from the _____________ (Name of establishment)
Paul: Thank you very much! You have been an excellent help.
Police officer: Anytime! If you really want to thank me, you can bring some
donuts by the police station. It’s located on the _____________ (north
or south) _____________ (east or west) corner of _____________ (street
name) and _____________ (street name)
Paul: Is that close to the County Hospital?
Police officer: Yes. It’s _____________ (preposition) the County Hospital.
Paul: Got it! Perhaps I’ll be seeing you again. Have a great day.


34.1 Select the correct option to complete the sentence

1. I love ___________ when the wind is blowing.

a. To sailing
b. Sailing
c. To Sail
d. Both B & C
e. Both A & C

Exercises 81
2. ____________ on the moon was a ground breaking achievement.
a. To walk
b. To land
c. Landing
d. Walk
e. All of the above

3. Are you ___________ for the test this afternoon?

a. Study
b. To study
c. Studying
d. Studied
e. Both A & D

4. I remember ____________ that book when I was a child.

a. Reading
b. Read
c. To read
d. To reading
e. None of the above

5. I was beginning ____________ you were angry with me because I haven’t heard
from you in so long.
a. Feel
b. Think
c. To think
d. Feeling
e. Both A & D

34.2 Change the Infinitive verb to the Gerund form

1. I like to swim in the mornings.

I like swimming in the mornings.
2. Her passion is to sing.
Singing is her passion.

3. I like to read a book before going to bed.
4. It’s hard for me to read without my glasses.
5. It is dangerous for your health to smoke cigarettes.

34.3 Use the verb to create sentences in the infinitive form

1. (being) I’m happy to be with you.

2. (enjoying) It’s too cold to enjoy the pool in the winter.
3. (realizing) ______________________________________________
4. (looking) ______________________________________________
5. (dancing) ______________________________________________

34.4 Complete the sentences with the correct infinitive or gerund form. (use one of the
options from the words in the brackets)

1. He was willing to testify against the witness. (testify / to testify)

2. John was ___________ for president of congress. (running / to run)
3. I would like ___________ a successful writer. (being / to be)
4. Jessica wants to move out because she wants ___________ free. (being / to be)
5. Arianna doesn’t like ___________ in the pool. (swimming / to swim)

34.5 Select the correct option to complete the sentences below.

1. She is planning on ______________ a get-together next weekend.

a. To have
b. Having
c. To make

Exercises 83
2. Did you send me those documents yet? Oh no! I totally forgot _________ them.
a. To sending
b. Sending
c. To send

3. My parents decided ______________ to Italy for the winter.

a. Going
b. To go
c. None of the above

4. Your wife deserves ______________ a big engagement ring.

a. To have
b. Have
c. Both A and B are correct

5. Do you swear ______________ the truth and nothing but the truth?
a. Tell
b. To tell
c. Say

6. It’s impossible ______________ everything about someone.

a. Knowing
b. Know
c. To know

7. He told me ______________ a doctor as soon as possible.

a. To see
b. Go to
c. See

8. I’m tired of ______________ pasta every day.

a. To eat
b. Eating
c. To eating

9. They are interested in ______________ a part of the club.
a. To become
b. Become
c. Becoming

10. They plan on ______________ to the Bahamas this year.

a. To go
b. Go
c. Going

11. I hate ______________ on holidays.

a. Working
b. To work
c. Both A and C are correct

12. She loves ______________ landscapes.

a. To painting
b. Paint
c. None of the above

13. Stanley prefers ______________ his bike than to walk home.

a. To riding
b. Riding
c. To ride

14. Jennifer likes ______________ comedy movies.

a. Watching
b. To watch
c. Both A & B are correct

15. Your father and I decided ______________ your boyfriend to dinner.

a. Invite
b. To invite
c. Inviting

Exercises 85
MODALS – ABILITY: (can / could / be able to)

35.1 Select the correct option to complete the sentences below.

1. ___________ you swim when you were 10 years old?

a. Can’t
b. Can
c. Could

2. She ___________ participate because she is underage.

a. Can’t
b. Can
c. Could

3. He ___________ take my car if he wants.

a. Couldn’t
b. Could
c. Can’t

4. He lost his license last month, so he ___________ take the car.

a. Could
b. Can
c. Couldn’t

5. The flight was delayed, unfortunately nobody ___________ arrive on time.

a. Couldn’t
b. Could
c. Was able to

6. I looked for my ring everywhere, but I ___________ find it.

a. Was able to

b. Couldn’t
c. Wasn’t able to

7. He’s a fantastic fighter, he ___________ beat anyone.

a. Can’t
b. Can
c. Could

8. The cottage was spectacular. We ___________ see the lake from our room.
a. Could
b. Couldn’t
c. Can

9. The concert tickets were sold out. We ___________ to go.

a. Wasn’t able
b. Couldn’t
c. Weren’t able

10. My friend had connections, so we ___________ to get into the club.

a. Weren’t
b. Could
c. Were able

MAKING REQUESTS (can, could, would you mind)

36.1 Highlight the correct questions.

a. Could you please borrow me the money?

b. Could you please lend me the money?
c. Would you mind lend me the money?

Exercises 87
a. Would you mind get me a donut?
b. Could you get me a donut?
c. Can you getting me a donut?

a. Can you buy me an ice cream?

b. Would you mind buy me an ice cream?
c. Would you mind to buy me an ice cream?

a. Would you mind move over?

b. Could you moving over?
c. Could you move over?

a. Could you help me please?

b. Please can you help me?
c. Would you mind to help me please?

36.2 Make a request according to the pictures below.



A. Fill in the blanks using the past tense of the verb to be.
1. She ___________ happy to see her ex with another woman.
2. It __________ a delicious dinner. Everyone __________ satisfied with the meal.
3. She couldn’t buy the shoes because they __________ on sale and the regular
price __________ too high.
4. There __________ any gas in the car.
5. We __________ excited about our first family vacation.


B. Complete the sentences using simple past.

1. Jennifer ____________ (buy) her sister a dress.
2. The snow ____________ (fall) on her jacket.
3. I ______________ (go) to Italy but I couldn’t understand the people because
everyone _____________ (speak) Italian.
4. My daughter _____________ (play) with her toys all afternoon.
5. Adriana was sick today, so she _____________ (sleep) in and didn’t make it to


C. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive form to complete the sentence
1. She insisted _____________ (speak) with her lawyer.
2. He likes _____________ (read) before going to bed.
3. The joke was hilarious, I couldn’t help ____________ (laugh).
4. We practiced ____________ (speak) English the whole time we were in England.
5. Do you have any space in the car? I would love _________ (come) with you guys.

Exercises 89

D. Fill in the blanks using either; can, could, or be able to in order to complete the
1. Danielle _______________ type almost 60 words per minute on the computer.
2. Don’t hide your keys under the mat. Anyone _________________ find it there.
3. Isabel was ____________________ eat with a spoon when she was 2 years old.
4. Last night there was an eclipse and we __________________ see how the sun
and the moon overlapped one another.
5. I lost my phone last night so I ___________________ call you when I got home.


E. Change the following demands into requests.

1. Make me a sandwich. ______________________________________________
2. Give me some gum. _______________________________________________
3. Call my mom and tell her I’ll be home soon. ____________________________
4. Turn up the volume. ______________________________________________
5. Move over. ______________________________________________________

MODALS - PROBABILITY (Might, May, Will, Probably)

37.1 Change the sentence using the modals of probability.

1. Perhaps England will win the next World Cup.

England might win the next World Cup.
2. I’m definitely going to buy a puppy next year.
3. It’s possible that she will study at our school.
4. It’s very likely that Junior will arrive late.
5. I think the batteries are dead.

37.2 Create sentences of probability according to the images below.

Exercises 91

38.1 Make suggestions for these people according to the images.

38.2 Complete the sentences below using: should, ought to, had better, shouldn’t

1. If you can’t find it in the store, you __________ look online.

2. You __________ call your mom because it’s getting late.
3. You __________ start exercising or you’re never going to lose weight.
4. Your boss __________ treat you like that. That’s workplace harassment.
5. The team worked really hard. They __________ get a good score.
6. He’s a troubled kid and he __________ get some professional help.
7. He spends a lot of money on alcohol. He __________ drink so much.
8. Stephen __________ quit smoking.
9. You __________ tell me the truth or you’re going to be in deep trouble.
10. You __________ go out at night alone. You __________ always have someone
with you.

38.3 Match the picture with the most appropriate sentence.


39.1 Classify these sentences according to what is an obligation and what is a need for
you. Use: MUST / MUSTN’T

1. You _____________ pay your debts.

2. She _____________ get a high score if she wants to get into the university.
3. You _____________ be on time for the meeting tomorrow.
4. They _____________ swim in the river because it’s very dangerous.
5. My mom said I _____________ go to bed early tonight.
6. You look very sick. You _____________ go to the doctors right away!
7. They _____________ go through customs when they travel to the USA.
8. We _____________ leave now if we want to get there on time.
9. If I want to lose weight, I _____________ eat so many cookies.
10. He _____________ be punished for the crimes he committed.

Exercises 93
39.2 Fill in the blanks using “HAVE TO” to complete the sentences.

1. Cornelius has to wake up early tomorrow.

2. Justin and I ___________ go to the bank on Monday.
3. Your sister ___________ call the embassy to make an appointment.
4. The mouse ___________ run on the wheel if it wants the cheese.
5. We ___________ take the car to the mechanic.
6. What time do you ___________ be at school?
7. I __________ go because I have a doctor´s appointment at 6pm.
8. Tony and Chris ____________ submit their thesis by noon today.
9. They ___________ do well on the exam or they will fail the year.
10. She ___________ do her own laundry when her mother is not home.

39.3 Complete the sentences using necessity or obligation.


40.1 Fill in the blanks using Will or Going To.

1. I will call you tomorrow. I promise.

2. He’s ______________ make spaghetti and meatballs for lunch.
3. Luisa is ______________ travel to Canada tomorrow.
4. ______________ you be wearing suit and tie to the event tomorrow?
5. What time ______________ she be arriving?

6. What ______________ you do without your wallet?
7. When are you ______________ move out of this house?
8. She is ______________ have a baby girl.
9. They ______________ always love each other.
10. How old ______________ you be in 5 years?

40.2 Complete the conversation using ‘Will or Going To’

A. Have you made any plans for the summer?

B. Well, I think I’m going to the cottage for a couple weeks, then I will make plans
from there.
A. I love cottages! I ___________ come with you for a few days if that’s alright.
B. Sure! My husband is ___________ come as well. ___________ you be coming
in your own car?
A. Yes, I’m __________ drive up on Sunday, then I ___________ leave on Tuesday.
B. That sounds great.
A. Do you think it ___________ rain while we are there?
B. I’m ___________ check the weather channel, but I don’t think it ___________.

40.3 Use Will in the negative form to complete these sentences.

1. I won’t tell anyone your secret. You can trust me.

2. She _____________ give me back my books.
3. Mary ____________ participate in the competition next year.
4. Why ____________ you speak to me? Have I done something wrong?
5. Is your husband coming? No, he ____________ be able to attend.

Exercises 95
41.1 Show agreement and complete the sentences below

1. She likes fast cars. So does he.

2. They don’t work out. __________________ do I.
3. Vanessa doesn’t do chores at home. __________________ does Michael.
4. Tiffany has great style. I do __________________.
5. Lucy doesn’t know how to cook. I don’t __________________.
6. Christian is a hard worker. __________________ I.
7. We don’t understand the question. __________________ do they.
8. He is a handsome guy.__________________ Daniel.
9. I need a coffee. __________________.
10. I should study more often.__________________.
11. Michael can play the violin. Stewart __________________.
12. I was late for work this morning. __________________ John.
13. Victor and Tom weren’t happy. __________________ I.
14. The guests weren’t comfortable. I __________________.
15. My dog was excited. So __________________ the cats.

41.2 Complete these sentences according to the board.




1. LiIy: I go to school by bike, I love riding my bike.
Ian: So do i.
2. Tom: I love using my skateboard!
Lily: Oh, I don’t like skateboards.
Ian: I don’t like them __________________.
3. Tom: I like milkshakes.
Ian: __________________.
4. Ian: I don’t play hockey very often.
Tom: __________________. But I do enjoy working out.
5. Ian: I like cheeseburgers.
Lily: __________________. They’re delicious!

41.3 Match the sentences with the most appropriate short answer.


42.1 Convert the adjectives below into adverbs and complete the sentences below.

1. We carefully put away the fine china. We didn’t want to break anything.
2. When the teacher walked into the classroom, everyone ____________ put
away their phones.
3. I was concerned when the stranger was acting very ____________ with the kids.

Exercises 97
4. Samuel walked ____________ towards the car because his leg was broken.
5. We were all watching a movie and ___________ there was a knock at the door.
We weren’t expecting company.
6. She ____________ asked if she could have one of my cookies. But, they were
too delicious, and I didn’t want to share.
7. The majority of the class did ____________ on the exam.
8. Joanna ____________ left her cell phone at the restaurant and someone stole it.
9. The chauffeur ____________ drove the car into a utility pole.
10. When we offered the plaintiff $1Million to settle the case, she ____________
took the offer.
11. I got home very late and my parents were sleeping, so I ____________ crept up
the stairs to my bedroom. ____________ they didn’t wake up.

42.2 Use the words in brackets to make sentences according to the image.


43.1 Choose the correct adverb of time.

1. The team _______________ travels to the Rugby matches.

a. Yearly
b. Never
c. Constantly
d. Weekly

2. Universities have graduations _______________.

a. Regularly
b. Every month
c. Yearly
d. Nightly

3. Snakes shed their skin _______________.

a. Every 8 weeks
b. Daily
c. Once a day
d. Sometimes

4. I’m busy at the moment. Would you mind calling me _______________?

a. Later
b. In 2 years
c. Always
d. Soon

5. Your father´s car is broken, you need to call the mechanic _______________
a. Yesterday
b. In a year

Exercises 99
c. Now
d. 2 weeks ago

43.2 Choose the correct adverb.

1. My parents started their Christmas shopping ___________ this year.
a. Always b. Soon c. Early

2. We haven’t started cooking ___________.

a. Yesterday b. Right now c. Yet

3. I need to eat ___________ or I’m going to faint.

a. Immediately b. Often c. Now

4. We ___________ don’t have the results from the pregnancy test.

a. Yet b. Still c. finally

5. They ___________ go swimming on Saturdays, so they bought a monthly pass.

a. Weekly b. Seldom c. Always

43.3 Choose 5 adverbs from the list and create sentences about your personal life.

I walk my dog daily _____________________________________________________




A. Unscramble the words below to make sentences expressing various probabilities.

1. tomorrow / to / mall / I / may / the / go

2. my / father / help / ask / will / you / definitely / if / him / you
3. by / arrive / tomorrow / he / probably / will / noon
4. to / not / might / come / be / tomorrow / I / able
5. come / probably / they / won’t
6. be / phone / fix / able / to / your / he / may
7. will / you / break / probably / it / it / if / drop
8. save / us / superman / will
9. have / tonight / we / good / a / will / party / time / the / certainly / at
10. busy / be / arrive / you / doctor / might / when / the


B. Rewrite each sentence from bad advice to good advice.

1. You should drive your car when you are drunk.


Exercises 101
2. You had better insult and threaten police officers.
3. You should not brush your teeth before going to bed.
4. You ought to put your hand in the bear’s cage.
5. You shouldn’t pay attention in class.

C. Fill in the missing question or answer in each pair below using should, ought to, or
had better.

1. Should I eat all my vegetables?

2. Should I kick a dog?
3. What should I do with this extra food?
4. Should I apologize when I hurt someone’s feelings?
5. Shouldn’t he be studying for the test?


D. Answer each question below using FULL answers.

1. Do you have to take any medication?

2. Do you have to pay taxes?
3. Do you have to wash the dishes in your home, or does someone else do them?

E. Use the correct form of have to or don’t have to to complete each sentence.

1. You _____________ eat if you are not hungry.

2. Ronald _____________ take care of his little sister in the afternoon.
3. I _____________ eat better if I want to lose weight.

F. Use the correct form of must or mustn´t to complete each sentence.

1. You _____________ bother the turtles while they are mating.

2. We _____________ remember to be respectful of other religions.
3. You _____________ study hard to pass the test.
4. He _____________ play video games all night.


G. Unscramble the following sentences.

1. party / I / tonight / to / the / going / am

2. to / he / will / finishes / he / university / until / cali / not / move
3. company / that / going / not / am / to / I / for / work
4. will / he / not / I / insults / even / me / fight / him / if
5. you / to / the / lose / are / game / don’t / practice / going / you / if
6. crazy / going /to / you/ are / if / you / are/ jump
7. sleeping / dragon / will / happy / never / be / poke / if /it /you/ a
8. beach / doesn’t / to / go / never / if / rain / stop / we / will /the /the

Exercises 103
9. you’re / your / if / you / birthday / help / don’t / going / mother / not / to
get / your / anything / for
10. you / doctor / really / will / be / more / if / study / to / want / have / a /
you / to


H. Agree to each sentence with so, too, neither or either.

Note: use as many pronouns in your responses as possible.

1. I like dogs.
2. I hate spiders.
3. My brother is scared of birds.
4. I think he is very smart.
5. I love ice cream.
6. I am not scared.
7. He is not hungry.
8. She isn’t being very nice.
9. I didn’t do my homework.
10. I don’t want to go to the Kingdom of Cats.


I. Fill in the sentences using the word list below.



1. The rabbit runs _______________.

2. They are talking _______________. so the others can sleep.
3. The expert _______________. removed the bomb from the box.
4. The snails moved very _______________.
5. I didn’t do it on purpose; I _______________. dropped the ball.
6. She played her guitar _______________ in front of the teacher while we stood
in the library entrance.
7. He walked away very _____________. I think he thought we were insulting him.
8. That fixes the issue very _______________, I like it.
9. The war negotiations were solved _______________.
10. I would _______________ travel to the Mushroom Kingdom, it would make me
very happy.


J. Fill in the sentences using the word list below.



1. What are you doing _______________?

2. I will go to the bank _______________.
3. He broke his leg _______________.
4. He has lived in Brazil _______________ 1989.
5. I will stay in Miami _______________.
6. I cannot come to see you tomorrow, but _______________ I will be finished
with my exams and then I can come visit.
7. _______________ was a tough year for me, but this year has been much better.
8. I promise to start working out _______________, on the 1st of January.
9. _______________ is Christmas everyone! Merry Christmas!
10. Is it already Christmas? It feels like Halloween was just a few _______________.

Exercises 105

I’d = I would, you’d = you would, he’d = he would, they’d = they would.

44.1 Create sentences using the words in the brackets.

1. (child / mom / pack / lunch) When I was a child, my mom would pack
my lunch.
2. (I / billionaire / buy / mansion) _____________________________________
3. (I / sailboat / travel / around / world)_______________________________
4. (come / tomorrow / but / have / plans) ______________________________
5. (pass / me / jacket?) _____________________________________________
6. (asked / but / not / help / me) ______________________________________
7. (i / like / something / eat) __________________________________________
8. (what / do / if / i / kiss / you?) ______________________________________
9. (like / go / on / date / with / me?) ___________________________________
10. (ever / go / bungee jumping?) _______________________________________

44.2 Change the following requests from informal to formal using ‘would’.

1. I want steak for dinner. ____________________________________________.

2. Can you give me that paper? ________________________________________?
3. Can you tell me the time?__________________________________________?

Exercises 107
4. Can I use your phone? _____________________________________________.
5. Do you want a cup of tea? _________________________________________?
6. Do you want sugar or sweetener? ___________________________________?

44.3 Use your imagination and finish the sentences.

1. Would it be ok if _________________________________________________?
2. Would you mind _________________________________________________?
3. Would you like __________________________________________________?
4. I’d rather _______________________________________________________.
5. When I was a child, by parents would _________________________________.
6. I would never ____________________________________________________.
7. I’d like to know __________________________________________________.
8. I would be happier if ______________________________________________.
9. My mom would like it if ____________________________________________.
10. I’d like to go to __________________________________________________.


45.1 Complete the sentences below by making zero conditional statements.

1. When the sky is clear, you can see the stars.

2. If you eat too much, ______________________________________________.
3. I can’t drive the car if _____________________________________________.
4. When I feel sick __________________________________________________.
5. My students pay attention __________________________________________.
6. If she presses the button ___________________________________________.
7. The ice melts ____________________________________________________.
8. If you don’t use sunblock __________________________________________.
9. If you go to the gym ______________________________________________.
10. If you don’t have a job ____________________________________________.

45.2 Connect the boxes on the left to the boxes on the right.

45.3 Write zero conditional sentences according to the pictures.

Exercises 109

46.1 Choose the best option for these conditional cases.

1. If you walk under a ladder…

a. You will have bad luck
b. You will win the lottery
c. You will feel sad
d. You will cry

2. If we practice…
a. She will kill us
b. We will see the sun
c. We will pass the exam
d. You will buy a car

3. If they go to sleep early…

a. They will be tired in the morning
b. They won’t be tired in the morning
c. He won’t be tired in the morning
d. will be able to relax

4. If he goes on a diet…
a. She will lose weight
b. She will be hungry
c. He will lose weight
d. He will be grumpy

5. If I’m late for work…

a. My boss will be mad
b. My boss will congratulate me

c. I will be promoted
d. She will be late

6. If it snows…
a. We might cancel the road trip.
b. I will be hungry
c. She will go to the doctors
d. You should go home

7. If you don’t prepare for the trial…

a. You will lose
b. You will probably lose the case
c. You might win
d. You should lose the case

8. She will get wet…

a. If she uses an umbrella
b. If she doesn’t go outside
c. If she doesn’t use an umbrella
d. If she stays indoors

9. Many people will lose their jobs…

a. If the company opens up
b. If the company shuts down
c. If the company fires the manager
d. If the company doesn’t hire more people

10. Your car won’t run…

a. If you put gasoline in it
b. If you don’t charge it
c. If you use gasoline
d. If you don’t use gasoline

Exercises 111
46.2 Write first conditional sentences according to the pictures on the board.


I / you / we / they have been, I / you / we / they have had I / you / we / they have done
he / she / it has been he / she / it / has had he / she / it has done

47.1 Are these sentences correct? (Y) or (N) Correct the incorrect ones.

1. I haven’t saw her in a long time. ( N )

I haven’t seen her in a long time.
2. She hasn’t done her thesis yet. ( )

3. He has known him since they were kids. ( )
4. John has broken his leg in 3 parts. ( )
5. I never have been to Rome. ( )
6. They haven’t finish the book yet. ( )
7. She hasn’t visit her grandparents in a long time. ( )
8. I’ve played soccer since I was a child. ( )
9. Have you ever seen the moon with a telescope? ( )
10. Has your electricity bill gone up since the new law? ( )

47.2 Complete the sentences below. Use ‘haven’t or hasn’t’ for negative sentences.

1. I’m so tired because I haven’t slept.

2. It ________________ snowing all afternoon.
3. ________________ you read the book I bought you?
4. She ________________ responded to any of my emails and I ________________
called her multiple times, but she ________________ answered.
5. ________________ you found your wallet yet?
6. I ______________ eaten fast food lately because I _______________ on a diet.
7. They ________________ confirmed if they’re coming to the wedding.
8. I _______________ known Alexander for thirteen years, but I _______________
seen him lately.
9. ________________ you heard about what happened to Joseph?
10. We ________________ been out partying in such a long time.

Exercises 113
47.3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.

1. Mary have been dancing salsa all night.

2. We have work for this company for years.
3. Bob have commute to school by bike since he was 9 years old.
4. The babies have been cry all day.
5. I have broke my cell phone for the tenth time.
6. She have forgot to pick up the mail.
7. They have build a tower right beside my office.
8. She has never saw anything like it before.
9. You hasn’t had any time for me lately.
10. She has been drive a Mercedes around town.


48.1 Complete the sentences.

1. I’ve never ________________ a motorcycle.

a. drive b. ridden c. ride

2. My sisters have finally ________________.

a. arrive b. came c. arrived

3. They haven’t ________________ me yet.
a. called b. phone c. email

4. Have you finished ________________ the book I bought you?

a. read b. reading c. doing

5. I ________________ tennis for 9 months, then I quit.

a. play b. was playing c. played

48.2 Fill in the present perfect or the past simple.

1. I _________________ (see) a great film yesterday.

2. _________________ (you / ever / buy) a cheap laptop?
3. What _________________ (you / do) for your birthday?
4. Stacey isn’t home. She _________________ (go / out) last night and she hasn’t
come home.
5. Linda _________________ worked for this company for nine years.
6. _________________ Valerie _________________ (ever / meet) my brother?
7. He _________________ (play) basketball for 5 years.
8. They _________________ (have / water) their garden three times today.
9. How long _________________ you (know) _________________ him?
10. _________________ you (read) _________________ the A.J Franco series?

48.3 Change the following present perfect sentences to simple past.

1. She has seen a UFO.

She saw a UFO.
2. He has taken 20 sick days this year.
3. They have spent a lot of money on Christmas presents.
4. They have climbed Mount Everest 5 times.

Exercises 115
5. I haven’t worked for the president.
6. Ana hasn´t played Tennis.
7. My mom hasn’t read A.J Franco
8. Serena Jenkins has never played Rugby.
9. I have decided to sell my home.
10. My boss has been very busy.


49.1 Fill in the blanks using ‘for or since’

1. My family has lived in the same house for the last twenty years.
2. We have been waiting __________ three hours.
3. I haven’t spoken with George __________ he finalized his divorce.
4. Your documents have been ready __________ last week.
5. I haven’t eaten __________ yesterday.
6. I have had this car __________ five years.
7. My uncle has been there __________ 7:00 am.
8. We have been happily married __________ ten days.
9. No one has seen Samantha __________ we graduated high school.
10. He has had the same hairstyle __________ 1984.
11. The house has been under construction __________ September.
12. They have been on the phone __________ 3 hours!
13. Sandra has been at the bank __________ 11:00.
14. She’s been living with us __________ three months.

15. I have worked for A.J Motors __________ a very long time.
16. Sandy has been feeling like this __________ yesterday.
17. I haven’t seen my uncle Tom __________ Christmas.
18. We have only been here __________ a few minutes.
19. He has been sailing __________ 2 weeks straight.
20. The public pool has been closed __________ last summer.

Exercises 117


A. Answer each question using a form of the word would.

1. Would you like to live in Germany?

2. Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world?
3. What would you do with 10 billion pesos?
4. Would you like to meet the Pope?
5. How would you survive the apocalypse?

B. Create a question for each answer given.

1. ______________________________________________________________?
I would like the cereal, not the arepa.
2. ______________________________________________________________?
Yes. I think I would enjoy a trip to Japan very much.
3. ______________________________________________________________?
No, I don’t want to go out on a date with you.
4. ______________________________________________________________?
A million dollars? I would give half to charity and spend the rest on candy.
5. ______________________________________________________________?
Yes, I would. The movie Gladiator was very good.


C. Fill in the missing half of each zero conditional phrase.

1. If you want to get better at a sport, __________________________________.

2. _________________________________, you need to eat healthy and exercise.
3. When someone goes too long without sleep, ____________________________.
4. When the light turns green, ________________________________________.
5. Water will boil if _________________________________________________.
6. Dogs wag their tails, ______________________________________________.


D. Fill in each sentence using the words below.



1. If it rains this weekend, we _______________________ a tent to stay dry.

2. If you don’t pay this bill by tomorrow, the company___________________
your gas and water.
3. If you don’t _____________________________ by tomorrow, then I will have
to call your parents.
4. If you take the job, you _________________ a signing bonus of 6 million pesos.
5. If my team ____________________ then I will buy another bottle.
6. If my mother comes to visit, I ____________________ the floor this weekend
while she uses my bed.
7. _________________________ to Canada, I will buy all new clothes.
8. _________________________ “no”, I won’t be allowed to go on the trip.
9. If the premier of the movie is on Tuesday, we ______________________.
10. _________________________ the police, they will get arrested.

Exercises 119

E. Use the correct present perfect form of each verb to complete the sentences.

1. She _______________ (live) in Colombia for 7 years.

2. I _______________ (teach) French since 1999.
3. He _______________ (receive) four packages this week from them.
4. They _______________ (lose) all 5 games this year.
5. We _______________ (earn) our salary and we demand that you pay us now.
6. Don’t act so surprised, I _______________ (be) here this whole time.
7. You _______________ (eat) all of the cake that was for the party!
8. You _______________ (earn) this badge for your hard work, congratulations!
9. The plumbers _______________ (have) to come every day this week.
10. She _______________ (see) that movie a hundred times.


F. Use the correct form of either the present perfect or past simple to complete the
sentence pairs.

1. How long have you lived in Chicago?

I ____________________ there for 6 years.
2. How long did you live in Cali?
I ____________________ there for 2 years.
3. Have you been to Miami?
Yes, I ____________________ there twice.
4. When was your last dentist’s appointment?
It ____________________ last month.
5. How long have they been drinking?
They ____________________ drinking since 9am!
6. When did he start building this palace?
He ____________________ building it in 1645.

7. Where did you learn to speak Italian?
I ____________________ it in university.
8. What kind of music have you listened to lately?
I ____________________ to a lot of rock music.
9. Which instrument did you use to play at school?
I ____________________ play the sax.


G. Fill in each sentence below with either for or since.

1. I have been in Panama ___________ 1998.

2. You have worked here ___________ 10 years.
3. ___________ you’re ready to leave, would you mind driving me to the bus stop?
4. I have had to listen to my boss complaining about his wife___________ the last
8 years.
5. You will have to take care of my dog ____________ five weeks while I am in
6. He has had a limp ___________ his tragic accident with the skateboard.
7. He had been trying to escape __________ several hours, until the warden caught
him red-handed.
8. Carlos has been my boss ___________ the last couple of years.
9. ___________ you got a new girlfriend, you never go out with us.
10. Smoking has been forbidden on commercial flights ___________ the late 80s

Exercises 121

50.1 Complete the story by filling in the blanks using ‘too, enough, so or such,’

I’m so happy, I had _____ a great day. My mother-in-law is _____ sweet. I didn’t
have _____ money to pay for my vacation, so she paid for it. I told her not to,
because it was _____ expensive, but she has _____ a kind heart, and she didn’t
When I got the tickets, I noticed that the hotel was _____ far from the beach.
When I told her about the inconvenience, she was _____upset. I told her, it’s not
_____ late and that we had _____ time to change the reservations. When I called
the hotel, they explained that the beach wasn’t _____ far, and that I could walk
there in 3 minutes. My mother-in-law and I were _____ relieved that we didn’t
have to make any changes. I can’t wait to go. I’m going to have _____ a good time!

50.2 Fill in the blanks using ‘too, enough, so or such

1. That’s ____________ a beautiful dress.

2. I don’t think I’ll pass the driving test because standard vehicles are
____________ difficult to handle.
3. I think i put ____________ much hot sauce on my tacos.
4. I don’t have ____________ time to get dressed for my date. He’s going to be
here here in 5 minutes!
5. Do you think this dress is ____________ short?
6. I’m ____________ a chicken. I’m too scared to go scuba diving.
7. That little boy is _________ a brat. He was hitting his brother _________ hard.
8. I don’t like going to the mall on weekends. It’s ____________ packed and
therethere’s not ____________ parking.
9. Our air conditioner broke, and it’s ____________ hot in our house.
10. The guy was nice, but he was ____________ shy.

Exercises 123

51.1 Choose the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the sentences.

1. I need to take care of _____________ during these cold winter days.

2. She should look at ___________ in the mirror. She has marker all over her face.
3. The chef was careless when he cut _____________ with the knife.
4. My daughter can brush her teeth all by _____________.
5. I painted my house _____________.
6. My oven has a special function and it cleans _____________ with the press of
a button.
7. The lights turned on by _____________. I’m scared.
8. Tony and John bought _____________ a boat.
9. If they don’t want to come, it’s fine. We should just go _____________.
10. I’m not going to do it for them. They can do it _____________.

51.2 Complete the chart.

51.3 Unscramble the words to form a sentence.

1. Feels / Himself / of / Tommy / Really / Proud

2. Did / Project / She / The / Herself / By

3. Yourself / Care / Of / Take
4. I / Spilled / Myself / On / Tea
5. The / Ate / Kids / Candy / All / The / By / Themselves


52.1 Fill in the blanks with the proper relative clause.

1. He’s the guy that I wanted to introduce you to.

2. We went to the mall ___________ has the trampoline park.
3. Kim is the girl __________ has the red car.
4. This is the place ___________ I was telling you about.
5. That’s the guy ___________ the police were looking for.
6. They’re the couple __________ car was vandalized.
7. I watched the movie ___________ you gave me for my birthday.
8. This is the ring ___________ my boyfriend bought.
9. My office is the one ___________ has the big desk.
10. The CN Tower is a tall structure ___________ has 150 floors.
11. Mr. Christie is the man ___________ makes good cookies.
12. India is a country ___________ you can find luxurious fabrics.
13. The woman ___________ I wanted to see wasn’t on TV.
14. Daniel is the manager ___________ has worked for the company the longest.
15. The red jeans __________ she’s wearing are ripped.

Exercises 125

53.1 Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

1. The babies _______________________ with the dolls.

a. Weren’t play
b. Was playing
c. Were playing

2. The dogs _______________________ all night!

a. Were bark
b. Weren’t bark
c. Were barking

3. Sandra and I _______________________ the house.

a. Was cleaning
b. Were cleaning
c. Were clean

4. Tony _______________________ the laundry at his mother’s house.

a. Were doing
b. Was do
c. Was doing

5. The lady _______________________ at the people.

a. Were yelling
b. Was yelling
c. Was yelled

53.2 Unscramble the words to construct a statement or question.

1. was / sleeping / Mary / on the floor / last / night ?

2. they / calling / were / day / all / me .
3. Jennifer / I / were / talking / and / during / lecture / whole / the.
4. we / jogging / park / were / in / the / Saturday / on .
5. wasn’t / town / in / he / weekend / last .
6. online / weren’t / yesterday / you .
7. bed / day / was / I / in / sick / all .
8. brushing / was / his / he / teeth / morning / this ?
9. were / careful / not / they / broke / glass / they / so / the .
10. snowing / was / overnight / it ?

53.3 Fill in the blanks.

1. While you were cleaning the kitchen, I was giving the baby a bath.
2. They ___________ walking on the street when a car drove by and hit them.
3. I didn’t know she __________ working late. I hope I __________ bothering her.
4. We ___________ talking bad about her. We ___________ saying that she has
nice style.
5. The lion ___________ sleeping under the tree, while the lionesses ___________
hunting for food.
6. My friends ___________ (laugh) ___________ at that the kid who ___________
(behave) ___________ poorly.

Exercises 127
7. The tree ___________ (provide) ___________ shade for the cows.
8. The magazines ___________ (fly) off the shelves. Everyone ___________ (buy)
___________ them.
9. The kids ___________ (play) ___________ with the dolls we bought them.
10. Michael ___________ (answer) ___________ the door, so we just left.

53.4 Change the statements into questions.

1. Robin was studying English with his friends.

What was Robin doing?
2. George was following us to the store.
3. They were enjoying the day at the beach.
4. You were going house hunting last week.
5. The cheetah was running towards his prey.


54.1 Complete the sentences using either past continuous or simple past.

1. I broke (break) my leg a long time ago.

2. She was at home ________________ (sleep) last night.
3. They were ________________ (ski) on the mountain all afternoon.
4. We ________________ (repair) the engine in the boat.
5. My little brother ________________ (watch) cartoons on TV.
6. He ________________ (finish) his homework on time.
7. I ________________ (go) to order pizza, but I decided not to.

8. I was _____________ (prepare) supper when I heard my doorbell ring.
9. Little Johnny ______________ (fall) at school today. He ______________ (run)
in thein the gymnasium.
10. The train ______________ (delay) due to weather conditions.

54.2 Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Use your imagination for No. 4 and 5.

1. It ______________ (rain) this morning when I ______________ (wake up)

2. We ______________ (play) chess when my parents ______________ (arrive)
3. They were ___________ (cry) at the game when the team ___________.(score)
4. He was _______________________________ when his sister _____________
5. I was ____________________________________________ when _________

54.3 Circle the correct words in each sentence.

1. I was seeing / saw my boyfriend while I was driving on the freeway.

2. She cooked / was cooking when the fire alarm sounded.
3. Stacey was singing / sang the national anthem at the Super Bowl.
4. While Tony was eating, he talked / was talking on his cell phone.
5. It was raining / rained during the entire game.


The second conditional is used to talk about future events hypothetical or


To form negative sentences, add ‘not’ after ‘would, ‘could’ and ‘might’.

Example: “I might not give it all away.”

Exercises 129
55.1 Answer the questions using the second conditional in your answers.

1. What would you do if you saw a ghost?

If I saw a ghost, I would scream.
2. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
3. How would you feel if you were the last person on Earth?
4. Would you be happy if you married your girlfriend or boyfriend?
5. Who would you resurrect, if you could bring someone back from the dead?

55.2 Choose the best option for these conditional cases.

1. If you spoke English…

a. You would have many English friends
b. You have many English friends
c. You will have English friends
d. You will make international calls

2. If she were taller…

a. She would kill us
b. She would win Miss Universe
c. she will approve the exam
d. she will win Miss Universe.

3. If I were you…
a. I would call him
b. I will call her
c. You would call him
d. You will call her

4. If you were the president of the United States…

a. You would be very powerful
b. You will be powerful
c. You will be crazy
d. I would be rich

5. If they won the lottery…

a. They will buy a house
b. They would bought a house
c. They will be buying a house
d. They would buy a house

55.3 Write second conditional sentences according to the image.

Exercises 131

56.1 Connect the circles to create the tag questions.

1 A

You know
Didn´t you?
the answer

2 B

You did the

Don´t you?

3 C

You didn´t go Did you?

56.2 Complete the sentences with a tag question.

1. She is your teacher, isn’t she?

2. He’s from Spain, _________________________________________________?
3. You’re in love with her, ____________________________________________?
4. They’re the wedding planners, ______________________________________?
5. It’s delicious, ____________________________________________________?
6. We’re best friends, _______________________________________________?
7. Those are fast cars, _______________________________________________?
8. They’re in the military, ____________________________________________?
9. These are expensive shoes, ________________________________________?
10. That’s a bargain, _________________________________________________?
11. Those were gorillas, ______________________________________________?
12. We were a little drunk, ____________________________________________?
13. You were on a diet, _______________________________________________?
14. You never sent the package, ________________________________________?
15. Toronto is the capital city of Ontario, _________________________________
16. New York is cold in November, ______________________________________
17. Andrea and Jessie are going to the concert tonight _______________________
18. That car costs a lot of money, _______________________________________
19. It’s expensive to live in Vancouver, ___________________________________?
20. The coffee needs more sugar, _______________________________________?

Exercises 133


A. Complete each sentence using the following words.


1. This test was far ___________ difficult for me. I missed every question.
2. He is ___________ a nice guy. He even remembered my birthday.
3. Why is this line taking ___________ long? I have a date tonight.
4. He had ___________ time to complete all the tasks.
5. I think she is ___________ serious for me. She only talks about work and politics.
6. He has ___________ a nice car.
7. That is ___________ much ice cream for me to eat.
8. The weather is ___________ much nicer here.
9. Going to class once a month is not ___________.
10. ___________ much sugar is bad for you.


B. Match the subject pronouns to the reflexive partner.

Exercises 135

C. Fill in the blanks with one of the words below to complete each relative clause.

Note: some words can be used twice.


1. My grandpa, ________ survived World War II, died of tetanus from a rusty nail.
2. Can you loan me the book ________ was on the best sellers list?
3. The dense fog, _________ appeared every single morning, was hard to drive
4. Harvard University, __________ I got my first degree, is a very prestigious and
respected school.
5. A smart phone is just a computer ________ fits into your pocket.
6. Next year, ________ I get my new car, I am going to drive to Chile.
7. Carlo, ________ is a racist and a liar, said some more really stupid things today.
8. The doctor recommended some pills, ________ were very expensive.
9. ________ you arrived, the celebration was already over.
10. Napoli is an Italian restaurant ________ delicious pizza is prepared.


D. Choose the appropriate verb and complete the sentences using past continuous.

1. We _______________ (play) basketball when the storm rolled in.

2. I ______________ (go) to go to the beach, but now it is raining.
3. She ______________ (read) the Koran when I peeked in her room.
4. We ________________ (drive) to Mississauga when we saw the accident.
5. He ________________ (wait) for the last train to go home.

Unscramble each sentence below to form sentences in the past continuous.

1. we / class / wasting / time / before / were

2. they / were / pizza / and / playing / cards / eating
3. I / running / saw / the / I / was / when / jaguar / alone
4. studying / was / the / lights / I / out / went / when
5. letter / at / home / waiting / to / she / arrive / was / for / the


F. Decide if either the past continuous or past simple is appropriate for the sentences
using the verbs below.

1. They were __________________ (watch) tv when I came home.

2. We ___________________ (watch) tv and ate pizza all night long.
3. I _________________ (eat) lunch with Alonzo yesterday.
4. Meredith ____________________ (eat) lunch at Il Forno when she got
a call from Shakira.
5. They _________________ (live) in Spain when they learned that he would need
6. I __________________ (eat) a bagel with my friends when I saw the first tower
fall on September 11th.
7. Ronald and Aisha __________________ (film) a movie together when they first
realized they liked each other.
8. Last year Leonardo DiCaprio __________________ (film) a movie with director
Christopher Nolan.
9. I ________________ (write) an email to my boss because there was a problem
at the office.
10. I ________________ (write) and email when the factory exploded.

Exercises 137

G. Fill in the blanks to complete the second conditional phrases.

1. If he won a million pounds, he would _______________________.

2. I would _______________________ if I had 10 billion pesos.
3. If I had a flying unicorn, I _______________________ to work every day on its
back and skip all the traffic.
4. _______________________ 20 kilos lighter, maybe I could do a backflip.
5. If cars weren’t so expensive, I _______________________ one.


H. Complete the negative sentences with a positive tag and the positive sentences with
a negative tag.

1. He is from Detroit, _______________________________________________?

2. She isn’t really 18 years old, ________________________________________?
3. We don’t really have to go to lunch with him, ___________________________?
4. You really love me, _______________________________________________?
5. Gosh, she is so mean to you, _______________________________________?
6. Raul wasn’t late for school today, ____________________________________?
7. Maria Jose is so loud and annoying, ___________________________________?
8. You don’t see the problem, ________________________________________?
9. Jenny is not paying much attention to us, ______________________________?
10. Things need to change here, ________________________________________?


I / you / we / they I / you / we / they I / you / we / they

have been being have been having have been doing
he / she / it has been being he/she/it has been having he/she/it has been doing

57.1 Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences

1. My sister has been (sleep) sleeping all afternoon.

2. Who ___________________ (drink) ___________________ my soda?
3. __________ you ___________ (read) ______________ the book I bought you?
4. We ___________________ (work) _______________ on this project for weeks!
5. You _______________________ (exercise) __________________ a lot lately.
6. She ________________________ (try) _______________ to tell you the truth,
but you won’t listen.
7. How long ______________ she _______________ (stand) ___________in line?
8. They __________________ (wait) _______________for this day for a long time.
9. The babies ___________________ (crawl) _______________ around the house.
10. My family and I ___________________ (relax) _________________ by the lake
all summer.
11. I can’t find my keys. __________________ (see) them?

57.2 Answer the following questions.

1. How long have you been living in the city?

I’ve been living here for 5 years
2. How many months have you been studying English?
3. How have you been feeling lately?

Exercises 139
4. How long have you been at your current job?
5. What restaurants have you eaten at that you would recommend?

57.3 Ask a question using the words in brackets for the scenarios below.

1. You see your friend waiting in line at the bank. You ask:
(how long / wait) How long have you been waiting here ?
2. You meet a famous painter. You ask:
(how many / painting) _____________________________________________?
3. You see a married couple and you ask:
(how many years / marry) __________________________________________?
4. You’re talking to an old friend about your ex.
(has / he / date / anyone else) _______________________________________?
5. You see your boyfriend with another girl and you ask:
(how long / seeing / her) ___________________________________________?


58.1 Fill in the blanks using either ‘will be, will not be or won’t be’ and change the form
of the verbs in brackets

1. I will be (study) studying in Paris next year.

2. George _____________ (work) _____________ on New Years Eve, so he can’t
come to the party.
3. Ryan ____________ (come) _____________ with us because he has other plans.
4. She ______________ (stay) ______________ in the hospital for very long. The
doctors say she will make a quick recovery.
5. I _____________ (arrive) _____________ to the seminar at 10:00 am.

6. They ______________ (fly) ______________ in on the red-eye if they land at
2:00 pm. I believe their flight takes off at noon.
7. Will he _____________ (serve) _____________ the wine anytime soon?
8. Will you _____________ (make) _____________ the speech this evening?
9. Will we be (eat) _____________ with guests tonight?
10. I _____________ be (call) _____________ you later, so you better answer.

58.2 Fill in the blanks using ‘going to be’ and change the form of the verbs in brackets.

1. She’s going to be (email) emailing you about the complaint.

2. It’s ______________ to ______________ (rain) ______________ all afternoon.
3. The school __________ going __________ (close) __________ down for good.
4. Are you __________ to __________ (talk) __________ on the phone all night?
5. They ______________ to be (tan) ______________ on the beach all day.
6. How long are you ______________ to ______________ (be) in the bathroom?
7. He’s ______________ be ______________ (work) all night.
8. Your cousin said he’s ______________ (travel) ______________ for the next
couple months.
9. When ______________ (visit) ______________ again?

58.3 Create questions based on the given affirmative statement.

1. I’ll be waiting for your call this afternoon.

2. You’ll be feeling tired after Zumba class.
3. They will be getting married this summer.
4. Lady G. will be performing at the music festival.
5. My daughter will be napping at 3pm.

Exercises 141

59.1 Choose the right form of the passive voice for these statements.

1. John sent a message.

a. A message has been sent by John.
b. A message was sent by John.
c. A message is being sent by John.

2. Luis will make a cake.

a. A cake was made by Luis
b. A cake has been made by Luis.
c. A cake will be made by Luis.

3. Cassandra will pick up the mail.

a. The mail was picked up by Cassandra.
b. Cassandra will be picking up the mail.
c. The mail will be picked up by Cassandra.

4. Giraffes eat leaves from the trees.

a. The leaves eaten by the giraffes.
b. The leaves were eaten by the giraffes.
c. The leaves are eaten by the giraffes.

5. She sent her resume via email.

a. The email was sent by her resume.
b. Her resume was sent via email.
c. She’s sending her resume via email.

59.2 Rewrite these sentences in ‘Passive Voice’

1. John collects money. ______________________________________________


2. Billy will answer the questions. ______________________________________


3. They broke the washing machine. ____________________________________


4. We washed both cars. _____________________________________________


5. Arianna posted a video on social media. _______________________________


59.3 Rewrite these sentences in “Active Voice”

1. The newborn was swaddled by her mother.

2. The coffee beans were picked by me.
3. The movie was produced by Martin Scally.
4. The surgery was performed by the neurosurgeon.
5. The survey was taken by a group of university students.

Exercises 143

I / you / we / they / he / she / it I / you / we / they / he / she /it I / you / we / they / he

had been had had she / it
had done

60.1 Fill in the blanks using the words in brackets

1. They had (decide) decided not to press charges.

2. She ____________ (forgot) ____________ where she left her car keys.
3. I ____________ (not / see) ____________ the children all week.
4. He ____________ (not / pay) ____________ the electricity bill all year.
5. If we ____________ (not / miss) ____________ the bus, we would have been
there there by now.
6. John ____________ already ____________ (buy) the tickets when we told him
about the discount.
7. Lucy and I wanted to watch that movie because we ____________ (not / see)
____________ it before.
8. The plane __________ just __________ (take-off ) when we arrived to the gate.
9. When my parents go home, we ____________ (already / do) our homework
10. My husband ____________ (prepare) dinner by the time I got home.

60.2 Write a complement for these statements.

1. When she arrived at the house she realized that her dog had escaped.

2. He was awake all night because ______________________________________


60.3 Change the following statements to past perfect using the following structure as
an example

1. Michael prepared coffee when the guests arrived.

Michael had already prepared coffee by the time the guest had arrived
2. The game already started when we finally got to our seats.
3. The tickets sold out when we got online.
4. The ambulance arrived when the police got there.
5. The waiter brought the check before the food came out.

60.4 Create questions using past perfect for the following statements.

1. Mary hadn’t seen her sister before.

Had Mary seen her sister before?
2. I ate at four restaurants last week.
3. John was thirsty because he was running a marathon.
4. I finally arrived to the party after 4 hours of driving.
5. Stanley had never flown in an airplane before today.

Exercises 145
60.5 Fill in the chart of Irregular Verbs


Lend Lent
Deal Dealt

Past perfect + would / could / might + have + past participle

61.1 Complete the sentences below by making third conditional statements. Use your

1. If I hadn’t applied for the new job…___________________________________

2. If Mr. Thompson had been a better husband... __________________________

3. If I had studied harder… ___________________________________________
4. He wouldn’t have gone to jail if… ____________________________________
5. if they hadn’t partied so much… _____________________________________
6. If… ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________, I might have been at that the party.
7. _______________________________________________________________
______________________________________, she wouldn’t have caught me.
8. _______________________________________________________________
______________________________, they might have caught their flight home.
9. _______________________________________________________________
______________________________________, He wouldn’t have married her.
10. _______________________________________________________________
______________________________________, It wouldn’t have caught on fire.

61.2 Connect the dots to complete the sentences.

61.3 Fill in the blanks. Use the words in the brackets using third conditional

1. If you had told me, I could have bought some. (tell)

2. If she ____________________ me, I would have been there. (need)
3. If the garage ______________________ been _______________ (open) I might
_____________________ been able to get in the house.

Exercises 147
4. ____________________ (buy) that dress if it ______________________ (sale)?
5. Our parents wouldn’t _______________________ (angry) If ______________
_____________________ (call) to tell them we were ok.
6. It _______________________ (taste) better if the garlic __________________
_____________. (burn)
7. Would you ______________________________ (purchase) the Range Rover if
__________________________ it? (afford)
8. I __________________________ (forgot) to call him if you ________________
_________________________ me. (remind)
9. If you ____________________________ (close) the window last night, the rain
______________________________________ (flood) the living room.
10. He wouldn´t ____________________ (miss) the bus if he _________________
slept in.


62.1 Look at the pictures and create sentences about what these people used to do

62.2 Complete these sentences using ‘used to’ about your personal life.

1. I used to have Bitcoin in my e-wallet, but I sold it all.

2. My mom used to _______________________ when I misbehaved.
3. My teacher used to ______________________ when I didn’t do my homework.

4. My friends and I used to ___________________________________________.
5. I used to have a ____________________ when I was _____________________.
6. My family used to live _____________________________________________.
7. I used to know how to ____________________________________________.
8. My sibling used to ___________________________________ when we fought.
9. _____________________ used to be my best friend.
10. _____________________ used to be my idol.

62.3 Highlight the correct sentence.

1. He is used to smoke cigars.

He used to smoke cigars.

2. They used to party on weekends.

They are used to party on weekends.

3. It was hard at first, but I’m used to it now.

It was hard at first, but I’m use to it now.

4. It’s not easy, but I’ll get used to it.

It’s not easy, but I’ll get use to it.

5. I used to drive my son to school.

I was used to drive my son to school.

6. I used to live in Toronto for 20 years.

I used to live in Toronto.

7. I lived in Ohio for 4 months.

I used to live in Ohio for 4 months.

8. She was used to study at the university of California.

She used to study at the university of California.

Exercises 149
9. They were used to live on the same street as me.
They used to live on the same street as me.

10. I used to sneak out of the house when I was a teenager.

I use to sneak out of the house when I was a teenager.

62.4 Fill in the blanks and get accustomed to the following statements.

1. My classmates made fun of my hair but I got used to it.

2. The food will be horrible, but _______________________________________.
3. My phone always died but I _________________________________________.
4. It was so hot this summer, but I _____________________________________.
5. I moved to England and was having a hard time driving, but I ________________
6. My new shoes were killing my feet, but I _______________________________.
7. Speaking English was difficult at first, but I am ___________________________.
8. It will be difficult at the beginning, but I ________________________________.
9. It’s hard to wake up at 5:00 am, but I _________________________________.
10. Living in the city will be different than in the country, but you ________________


63.1 Write sentences using ‘wish’ in relation with statements below

1. I don’t have a car.

2. I’m not at the beach, I’m at work.
3. Cassandra wants a new house.

4. George doesn’t want to cut his hair, but he has to.
5. My grandparents really want to visit their grandchildren in Canada.

63.2 What do you think these people are wishing according to the pictures?

63.3 Complete these sentences putting the verb in the right way.

1. I wish my vacations were longer (long).

2. She wishes she__________________________ (be) the president of Colombia.
3. That apartment is too expensive. I ___________ I could __________ (afford) it.
4. His office is too small. _________________________________________. (big)
5. It’s too cold outside for a picnic. _____________________________________
___________________________________________________ (weather, nice)
6. Nobody understands what I’m trying to say. ___________________________
___________________________________________________ (speak English)
7. I’m an only child. _________________________________________. (siblings)
8. She told my classmates about my secret. ______________________________
________________________________________________________ (tell her)
9. It’s a beautiful day outside. ____________________________________. (work)
10. I’m so tired. ________________________________________. (stay up so late)

Exercises 151


A. Complete each sentence with the correct present perfect continuous form of
each verb.

1. She __________________________ (watch) that tv show since it premiered.

2. Alberto __________________________ (feed) my dog since I left the city.
3. We __________________________ (wait) for you all day long.
4. They __________________________ (work) at least 60 hours per week for
the last 6 months.
5. She __________________________ (cook) nonstop since she got home.

B. Make each negative sentence into a positive sentence.

1. I haven’t been thinking about buying another motorcycle.

2. It hasn’t been raining much lately.
3. My mother hasn’t been calling me much lately.
4. She hasn’t been paying attention to her work in the last couple of months.
5. I haven’t been telling them about the problems over the last few days


C. Use the correct form of the verb to be in order to complete each sentence in the
future continuous.

1. I _______________________ (run) for senator next fall.

2. You ________________________ (practice) football all summer.
3. They ________________________ (plant) trees all weekend.
4. I know that she _______________________ (wash) her car when I arrive.
5. They _____________________ (stay) with me when they come to visit.
6. Desmond and Raquel ________________________ (camp) in the mountains
that weekend.
7. Paulina and I _______________________ (fish) with our friends all that week.
8. I ________________________ (rest) in my room if you need me.
9. They _______________________ (wait) for you at 3pm.
10. On the 12th of January he _____________________________ (work) here.


D. Use the phrasal verbs from the list below to complete the sentences.



1. I __________________ my old friend Alicia at the store and we talked for

a few minutes.
2. I will __________________ if you told me the truth or not.
3. You need to __________________ that form very clearly.
4. I told her to __________________ her wedding when she found out that John
was a murderer.
5. __________________ those knives and guns! This is no time for weapons.
6. You can have whichever you want. __________________ your favorite.
7. You have never used a surfboard before? You can __________________ mine
if you want.

Exercises 153

E. Make each passive sentence into an active one.

1. The boy was hit by the ball.

2. The journalists were killed by Israeli troops.
3. The promises were broken by the president.
4. We were attacked by tigers but we survived.
5. The contract was renewed by the company.

F. Make each active sentence into a passive one.

1. I hit Roberto.
2. She killed a bird.
3. We broke the plates.
4. They cleaned the house.
5. They didn’t hear my voice


G. Rearrange each set of words to make a complete sentence using the past
perfect tense.

1. when / buzzer / had / completed / just / the / sounded / I / test / the _______
2. before / decided / bought / already / for / the / we / she / boat/ stay / to
/ summer / us / the / had __________________________________________
3. the / robbed / thieves / and / just / when / everyone / had / left / arrived / we
4. the / on / 5 hours / dog / the / before / had / carpet / I / pooped / found / it
5. we / I / he / when / story / what / through / his / believe / gone / heard /
couldn’t / had___________________________________________________
6. prepared / for / they / had / dinner / but / she / amazing /friends /
arrived / an / her / never _____________________________________________


H. Fill in each sentence with the correct word or words to complete these third
conditional phrases.

1. If I had worked harder, I _______________ finished the project on time.

2. If you had not complained so much, maybe he _______________ invited you
3. We wouldn’t _______________ so late, if there hadn’t been so much traffic.

Exercises 155
4. She would _______________ so much fatter if she had taken that job at the ice
cream store.
5. If they had been available, I certainly _______________ invited them to the
6. I would have told you the truth, if _______________ seen you that night.
7. The teacher would have been very disappointed if ____________ not completed
the assignment on time.
8. If the contractors of the house ______________ a better job, we wouldn’t have
spent all that money.
9. If the doctors hadn’t been so neglectful, they _______________ saved his life.
10. I _______________ fallen asleep if the movie had been more interesting.


I. Complete each sentence using the construction USED TO + VERB.

1. I am no longer any good at basketball, but _________________________ (be)

quite good.
2. He doesn’t sing anymore, but _____________________ (be) a very good singer
3. Did you _________________________________ (play) any other instruments?
4. I ___________________________ (eat) a lot of pizza, but now I am on a diet.
5. Osvaldo ___________________________ (practice) Judo every Friday, but now
he just dances with his girlfriend.
6. Julia and I _________________________ (drink) Lulo juice every morning, but
now we prefer mango.
7. I ____________________ you (love) but you cheated on me with my best friend.
8. We don’t talk anymore, but a few years ago we _______________________
(call) each other every day.
9. You have changed a lot Maria, you are no longer the woman I ______________
__________________. (know)


J. Rearrange each sentence to show the proper use of the verb to wish.

1. alone / you / me / leave / I / would / wish

2. minutes / break / wishes / would / her / five / for / just / that / give / she /
children / her / a
3. a / wish / better / you / job / you / had
4. bit / he / was / little / a / he / wished / taller
5. so / asked / my / help / I / when / for / she / hadn’t / wish / been / I / rude
/ for
6. weren’t / I / wish / you / a / jerk / such
7. their / more / home / kids / at / wish / they / helped
8. weren’t / wish / the / party / every / neighbors / so / I / noisy / time / a /
had / they

Exercises 157

You SAY something and you TELL someone something.

64.1 Say or tell? Choose the correct answer.

1. Can you tell her the answer to this question?

2. She didn’t ____________ anything to her parents before she left.
3. Can you ____________ me your name please?
4. He’s crying. What did you ____________ to him?
5. I asked her why she did it, but she wouldn’t ____________ us.
6. She will not ____________ a word to anyone.
7. I’m on the phone with her now and she is ____________ me what happened.
8. You should ____________ them the truth.
9. I will ____________ you everything I know.
10. They are ____________ us they don’t know anything.
11. I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you. Did you ____________ something?
12. She was ____________ everyone how we met.
13. I have nothing to ____________ to you. It’s over!
14. Boys will ____________ anything to make you go out with them.
15. He won’t ____________ the doctor what’s wrong with him.
16. Could you ____________ me how to get to Lincoln Street?
17. I can’t ____________ you how to do that.
18. Are you ____________ me you can’t come?
19. What are you trying to ____________ me?
20. Why won’t you ____________ what’s on your mind?

Exercises 159
SAID vs TOLD (Past of say / tell)

65.1 Complete the sentences below.

1. I told him to meet me at the train station at 1:00, but he said he might be a
little late.
2. They _________ the food was good at this restaurant.
3. My sister is angry with me. She _________ I took her shirt from her room.
4. He _________ me how to turn on the tv, but I forgot.
5. They _________ everyone to get out of the building.
6. John _________ Samantha that he was feeling sick.
7. I never _________ my parents I had a boyfriend.
8. They _________ goodbye to everyone when they left the party.
9. Do you know what my boss _________ to me?
10. I _________ the electrician what was wrong with the lights.


66.1 The following are some statements that Timothy made. Tell your friend what
Timothy said using reported speech.

1. “I go horseback riding at my farm on weekends.”

He said that he goes horseback riding at his farm on weekends.
2. “I went to the movies last night.”
He _____________________________________________________________.
3. “I’m going to write a book one day.”
She ____________________________________________________________.

4. “I’ve never traveled overseas.”
They ____________________________________________________________.
5. “When will we see each other again?”
My boyfriend _____________________________________________________.
6. “Have you seen my new puppy?”
He _____________________________________________________________.
7. “Do you know who Luis is?”
The girl __________________________________________________________.
8. “Will you be available on Monday afternoon?”
She _____________________________________________________________.
9. “Are you going to dinner with us tonight?”
He _____________________________________________________________.
10. “Where do you live?”
She _____________________________________________________________.

66.2 Rewrite these sentences into reported speech

1. “Is it raining?”
Paul asked if it was raining.
2. “Sammy hasn’t sent me the email.”
Lilly said _________________________________________________________.
3. “Don’t call the house after 10:00 pm.”
She told me ______________________________________________________.
4. “Why didn’t you come to the party last weekend?”
She asked me _____________________________________________________.
5. “How often do you go out partying?”
He wanted to know ________________________________________________.

Exercises 161
66.3 Match direct and reported speech.


67.1 Connect the arrows to make indirect questions.

67.2 Are these sentences correct? (Y) or (N) Correct the incorrect ones.

1. Does she know what time is the dinner party? ( N )

Does she know what time the dinner party is?
2. Who can tell me where Juliana is? ( )
3. Do you know why the dog is barking? ( )
4. Can you tell me when you started working here? ( )
5. Do you know how tall is Michael Brown? ( )
6. Can you tell me where you were born? ( )
7. Could you tell me how do you say ‘mesa’? ( )
8. Can you ask her if she likes me? ( )
9. Does he know when is her birthday? ( )
10. Do you remember when the party is? ( )

67.3 Choose the appropriate letter to complete the sentence.

1. Do you know how far ____?

a. Is the gas station.
b. The gas station is.
c. The gas station be.

2. Can you tell me ____?

a. If this t-shirt is on sale
b. Is this t-shirt on sale
c. this t-shirt is on sale

Exercises 163
3. Who can tell me ____?
a. How old is she
b. How old are you
c. How old she is

4. I wonder why ____?

a. She won’t talk to me
b. Won’t she talk to me
c. She don’t talk to me

5. Do you know why ____?

a. The lights are on
b. Are the lights on
c. The light are on


I / you / we / they / he / she / it I / you / we / they / he / she / it I / you / we / they / he

had been being had been having she / it
had been doing

68.1 Complete the sentences below using the words in brackets.

1. He had been dancing (dance) with Jenny in every competition until last January.
2. I noticed I ________________ (focus) on my work lately, so I ______________
(decide) to take a vacation with my family.
3. I ______________________ (work) there for 3 months before anybody had
___________________ (speak) to me.
4. She __________________ (use) your office while you had been away.
5. They _____________________ (celebrate) all night.

68.2 Rearrange the words to form proper sentences.

1. swimming / been / all / day / the children / had

2. the girls / the / class / whole / been / talking / had
3. turkey / oven / had / the / been / in / the / afternoon / all

68.3 Read the following scenarios and rewrite it using past perfect continuous.

1. The boys came home after playing outside all day.

The boys had been playing outside all day.
2. Michael Anthony performed for his fans since he was a child.
3. The dog slept in his bed until his owner came home.
4. It rained throughout my entire wedding ceremony.
5. The elephant performed at the circus for years until he eventually passed away.
6. Jennifer got a job at a veterinary clinic but two months later, they shut down
7. When we arrived at the party. The guests were already tired from dancing.
8. I was waiting at the wrong bus stop.
9. The car engine overheated because it was running all day.
10. Angela accidentally overdosed on a drug that she wasn’t supposed to be taking.
11. Christian was drinking from 6:00 pm until the next morning.

Exercises 165
68.4 Read the short story below then answer the comprehension questions.

Jesse had been lifting weights for about 2 years. Her fellow peers had been
encouraging her to compete in the Olympics because she had demonstrated a
natural talent for the sport. One day at the gym, an onlooker had noticed Jesse
practicing tirelessly and he wanted to sponsor her. He left his phone number and
told her that if she was interested to call him. Jesse was a little skeptical because
there had been many others who had made false promises in the past. To make
a long story short, Jesse called the man and for the next 5 years trained every
day until she qualified for the Olympics. During her career, Jesse won nine gold
medals and 4 bronze. Last year was her final year competing, but unfortunately,
she wasn’t able to take home any medals. If she had won gold, it would have
been her 10th gold medal.

1. How long had Jesse been lifting weights by the time she had won her 9th gold
2. Why had Jesse’s friends been encouraging her to compete professionally?
3. How many years did Jesse train for the Olympics before she qualified?


I / you / we / they / he / she / it I / you / we / they / he / she /it I / you / we / they / he

will have been will have had she / it
will have done

69.1 Complete using the verb in the right form.

1. I started working at the water plant in 2015, so In January 2018,

I will have worked there for 3 years.

2. I met Sandra on my 20th birthday. Tomorrow is my 35th birthday, so I ________

____________________________________________. (know / her / 15 years)

3. Joanna and I have been running for hours. By the time we finish the race, ______
___________________________________________________. (run/10 miles)

4. When we finally get married next year, ________________________________

________________________________. (know / my husband) for half of my life.

5. By the time I’m 27 years old, I will have ________________________________

_____________________________________________. (graduate / law school)

6. In one hour, we __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________. (travel / 90km)

7. By the time Susan arrives, we ________________________________________

___________________________________. (finish / decorate / Christmas Tree).

8. The movie finishes at 8. If Julian arrives at 8:30, __________________________

___________________________________________________. (movie / finish)

9. If we leave too late, the game __________________________________ (finish)

________________________________________________________. (arrive)

10. Dinner reservations are at 7:00 pm. __________________________________

____________________________________________. (eat / dinner / 9:00 pm)

Exercises 167
69.2 Fill in the chart below

69.3 Complete the sentences below using Future Perfect.

1. When my mother arrives to the party, we will have finished all the decoration.

2. He _________________________ (paint) the house by the time we move there.

3. By 7:00 pm, ____________________________________________ do project.

4. They _______________________________ (travel) around the world by 2020.

5. The poles __________________________ (melt) by 2040 if greenhouse effects

continue increasing.

6. If you continue studying, _______________________ (finish/course) by the end

of the year.

7. You will _____________________________________ (not earn) your masters

degree by next year.

8. The basketball players _____________________________________________
(improve) after practice.

9. My brother ___________________________ (complete) his scuba diving course

by September.

10. Cell phones _________________________________ (drastically / change) their

technology five years from today.

69.4 Make questions for the following statements.

1. Jerry will have planted more than 20 trees before winter.

How many trees will Jerry have planted before winter?
2. I will have finished my show before she arrives.
3. Sea levels will have increased significantly in 10 years.
4. You will have sailed to America by then.
5. An average person will have laughed 15 times by the end of the day.


70.1 Rearrange the words below to form sentences using Future Perfect Continuous.

1. By the end of the month I will have been practicing piano for a year.
For a year / practicing piano / by the end / I will have / of the month / been

2. ______________________________________________________________.
will have been / by the time / the bear / hibernating / spring arrives / all winter

Exercises 169
3. ______________________________________________________________.
drinking / century and a half / by 2080 / Coca Cola / people will have / been /
for a
4. ______________________________________________________________.
for / By 2020 / living / Mexico / i will have been / in / twenty-five years

5. ______________________________________________________________.
end of the session / The therapist / for / by / the / 8 hours / will have been /
listening / to his patient

6. ______________________________________________________________.
eating / BBQ / at the / won’t / have been / i / be hungry / will / so i

7. ______________________________________________________________?
she / will / by then / have / professional athlete / been / considered / a

8. ______________________________________________________________.
have / patient / recovering / the / been / won’t / then / by

9. ______________________________________________________________?
singing / she / all / will / have / day / been



A. Choose either say or tell to complete each sentence.

1. I will _______ her what you said.

2. What did she _______?
3. Did he ______ you the truth?
4. He _______ that he will come over after he finishes his work.
5. You need to _______ me what happened yesterday.
6. If you are hurt, then you need to _______ it out loud.
7. ________ me what happened with Alice yesterday.
8. What did he ________ you about his time in the army?
9. When did you ________ them about the surprise?
10. What did your lawyer _______ about that problem you had with the police?


B. Choose either said or told to complete each sentence.

1. I ________ him to do that.

2. She ________ that she had been insulted.
3. They ________ what they had to say and they left.
4. He ________ the truth even though it cost him his job.
5. Tell me what they ________ about her.
6. He ________ you what you want to know, so let him leave.
7. I don’t care what he ________, his actions are what matters to me.
8. I can’t believe they ________ you about your surprise party, they ruined it.
9. I don’t know why you are screaming at me. You ________ it was ok
if I used your car.
10. Where were you when I ________ you to come to my house?

Exercises 171

C. Make each of the following examples of direct speech into reported speech.

1. John said, “Mom, I want to move out on my own.

2. “Leave me alone,” Scoop screamed.
3. He said, “I cannot allow you to go inside.
4. The new guest asked “where am I supposed to go now?”

D. Make each of the following examples of reported speech into direct speech.

1. He told us he wanted to be left alone.

2. Juancho said that he was feeling somewhat sick.
3. Alice told everyone that they could come inside her house and eat.
4. Margarita said that she didn’t want to eat her vegetables.
5. The chef told us the dinner would be ready in the next 30 minutes.


E. Make each of these direct question into an indirect question.

1. Where are my keys?

2. What time is the show tonight?

3. Who is that guy?
4. Why did your brother take my shoes?
5. How can I get to the post office from here?

F. Make each of these indirect questions into a direct question.

1. Do you know who those people in green shirts are?

2. I don’t know if they are actually going to come.
3. I would like to know if your mother really cooked that from scratch.
4. I wonder if there is anything that I can help you with
5. Do you know why the streets look so empty today?


G. Unscramble each of the following sentences to make a past perfect continuous


1. fell / running / apart / long / his / had / for / so / that / he / shoes / been

2. we / eat / trying / game / had / long / the / been / that / win / forgotten /
to / to / for / so / we / had

3. the / hour / projector / for / movie / been / broke / the / when /

playing / had / an

Exercises 173
4. five / for / minutes / when / had / it / singer / started / singing / been / only
/ the / raining

5. been / had / barking / night / the / all / dogs


6. she / for / an / found / been / keys / when / had / her / hour / them /
looking / for /she


H. Fill in each sentence with the Future Perfect form of the verb in parentheses.

1. I _________________ (to beat) this video game before you even beat the first
2. By the time the movie comes out, I _____________ (to finish) the whole trilogy
of books.
3. My mom __________________ (to clean) the whole house by the time we get
back home.
4. By the year 2100, the sea ____________________ (to rise) almost a meter.
5. The party __________________ (to end) before you get done putting on your
6. They ____________________ (to wait) for 2 hours before they leave on the
7. She ___________________ (to eat) her whole meal by the time you arrive so
hurry up!
8. The mechanics ______________________ (to fix) your car by tomorrow
9. The singer _______________________ (to sing) 3 song before playing your
favorite song.
10. Before the big race the team _________________ (to go) through 12 weeks of


I. Fill in each sentence with the Future Perfect Continuous form of the verb in

1. By the time we reach the monument, we ________________________ (to

drive) for 9 hours.
2. In July, I ______________________________________ (to teach) for four
3. By 2020, she __________________________________ (to sail) the open seas
for 30 years.
4. Rodrigo ______________________________ (to work) at the factory for 17
years come July.
5. Alice ____________________________ (to fly) for over 30 hours by the time
she arrives in Antarctica.
6. The dish is really elaborate; by the time the guests arrive I _________________
_____________________ (to cook) for 5 hours.
7. I _____________________________ (to drink) with my friend all night long
before the sun rises in the morning
8. I think _________________________ (to cry) for over a million years before
you forgive me.
9. By the time the month finishes I ___________________________ (to work)
extra hours for more than 10 days in a row
10. He __________________________ (to work) since we opened and by the time
we close, he _________________________________ (to practice) more than
10 hours.

Exercises 175

UNIT 1 1.3
1.1 1. (The door)
1. She is happy 2. (Sally and Louis)
2. We are twins 3. (Table, Thomas)
3. He is sleepy 4. (The dog)
4. He is my cousin 5. ( Joanna, Cousin).
5. They are brothers
6. It is very hot UNIT 2
7. She is a teacher 2.1
8. He is thinking 1. I AM
9. It is a pony 2. YOU ARE
10. It is an axe 3. WE ARE
11. They are my neighbors 4. HE IS
12. He is a baker 5. THEY ARE
13. It is a wooden table 6. SHE IS
14. He likes to eat popcorn 7. IT IS
15. He is mad
16. We had a nice picnic 2.2
17. He is a pilot 1. They are
18. She always makes my bed 2. I am
19. He has a fever 3. You are
20. She likes to mop 4. We are
21. He plays golf 5. Andrea and Theresa are
22. You are fired 6. The university is
23. She likes her bunny 7. Monica is
24. He can skate 8. I am
9. My children are
1.2 10. Stella and I are
1. Mary (she)
2. My brother & I (we) 2.4.
3. Paul (he) 1. She isn’t part of the group.
4. Jenny and Steven (they) 2. You aren’t my English teacher.
5. Sandra (she) 3. I’m not hungry.
6. My car (it) 4. My car isn’t new.
7. Your cousins (they) 5. We are not married.
8. Me and my children (we) 6. The teachers are very helpful.
9. You (you) 7. The grocery store is not open.
10. Sally’s dog (it) 8. The remote control isn’t working.

Answer Key 177

9. Christopher and Timothy aren’t UNIT 4
twins. 4.1
10. The penguin isn’t capable of 1. What
flying. 2. What
3. Where
2.5. 4. When
1. Is the dog big? 5. Where
2. Are Jenny and Paul very 6. How
good friends? 7. Why
3. Is Judy studying chemistry? 8. Why
4. Is Ottawa the capital 9. Whose
city of Canada? 10. Which
5. Is her hair brown? 11. What
6. Is the chair comfortable? 12. What
7. Are they from California? 13. When
8. Is Donald Trump the president of 14. Who
the United States? 15. Why
9. Are honey bees very intelligent?
10. Is peanut butter made from 4.2
peanuts? Or What is peanut butter 1. Why are you crying?
made from? 2. What time is it?
3. Where are you?
UNIT 3 4. Whose jacket is this?
3.1 5. Who is going to the party?
(Surname) My last name is 6. Which one is mine?
SUAREZ. 7. What did you get for your
(Age) I am 30 years old. birthday?
(Country) I am from ARGENTINA. 8. What is your boyfriend’s name?
(Address) My address is 75 9. What time is your flight?
Cherokee Blvd. Apt 308, 10. How are you?
Vancouver, B.C.
(Nationality) I am German. 4.3
(Birthday) I was born on 1. Where
September 24th. 2. How
(Phone Number) My phone number 3. How
is 305-738-0000 4. How
(Occupation) I work in public 5. When
relations. 6. What
(Favorite Food) My favorite food is 7. Where
pizza. 8. Where
(Hobby) I love to go sailing!. 9. What
10. Whose

UNIT 5 6. The book is yours
5.1 7. The dog is theirs
1. My 8. The ball is mine
2. His 9. The spoons are hers
3. Her 10. The apartment is ours
4. Your
5. Our UNIT 7
6. Their 7.1
7. My 1. Mine
8. Their 2. Yours
9. Your 3. Our
10. My 4. Mine / Our
5. Your
5.2 6. Their
1. His 7. Their
2. Your 8. My / Their
3. All possessive pronouns are 9. Hers
grammatically correct. 10. Our
4. Her 11. Ours
5. Their 12. Our
6. Our 13. Yours
7. His 14. His
8. His 15. Your
9. Their
10. My UNIT 8
11. My 8.1
12. Its 1. a car
13. Their 2. a plane
14. His 3. a baby
15. Your 4. an egg
5. an ice-cream
5.3 6. a cat
1. My racket
2. Your hat 8.2.
3. His ball 1. Do you live in Spain?
2. A
UNIT 6 3. The
6.1 4. A
1. Mine 5. An
2. Is hers 6. A
3. The cellphone is his 7. The / the / the / the / a
4. The shoes are hers 8. A
5. The drones are his 9. The

Answer Key 179

10. An UNIT 10
11. She made breakfast for everyone 10.1
12. The 1.These are birds
13. The 2. That is a frying pan
14. A 3. This is a tree
15. The / the 4. Those are shorts
16. The / a 5. These are pillows
17. A 6. Are those books?
18. We need one more apple. 7. Is this a pen?
19. An 8. Are those jeans?
20. An 9. Is this a girl?
10. Is that a book?
9.1. 10.2
1. Jenny’s 1. These are bananas
2. Baby’s 2. These are grapes
3. My brother’s 3. This is an apple
4. Samuel’s 4. This is a watermelon
5. Tony’s
6. Dog’s UNIT 11
7. President’s 11.1
8. Car’s 1. Is cutting
9. Security guard’s 2. Are making
10. Bank account’s 3. Are going
4. Is raining
9.2. 5. Is he coming?
1. The blue car is Mary’s 6. Are you eating?
2. Erica and Timmy’s 7. Is doing
3. Jonathan’s 8. Is doing
4. The orange jacket is Jessica’s 9. Is crying
5. The big farm is Michael and Joe’s 10. Is acting
11. Is decorating
9.3. 12. Isn´t working / looking
1. Samantha’s book 13. Are melting
2. My mother’s ring 14. Is dropping
3. The student’s classroom 15. Fighting / aren’t speaking
4. The pencil’s eraser
5. The bird’s feathers 11.2
6. The baby’s diaper 1. Aren’t singing
7. The computer’s password 2. Isn’t cooking
8. My husband’s last name 3. Isn’t dancing
9. The phone’s memory storage 4. Aren’t being
10. My maid of honor’s speech 5. Isn’t performing

11.3 UNIT 13
1. How much time do people spend 13.1
brushing their teeth? 1. Dances
2. Are Jenny and Paul talking to their 2. Work
teacher? 3. Studies
3. Is Christian being a good boy? 4. Sleeps
4. What time are they going to the 5. Walks
movies? 6. Swim
5. When is Arthur traveling to Spain? 7. Drinks
6. What are you reading? 8. Sleep
7. Where are you going? 9. Cleans
8. Where are you working? 10. Eat
9. What are they building it with?
10. Where are you studying drama? 13.2
1. A.
11.4 2. A.
1. The babies are sleeping on the 3. B.
floor 4. C.
2. You are drinking my grape juice 5. C.
3. Sandra is kissing my boyfriend. 6. C.
4. Is your mom calling me? 7. B.
5. Are you having fun? 8. A.
6. She is studying for the test. 9. C.
7. Are we going to the party? 10. B.
8. Are you eating spaghetti?
9. They are cooking a delicious pizza. UNIT 14
10. Your brother is picking his nose. 14.1
1. Yes, I do
UNIT 12 2. No, I’m not
12.1 3. Yes, she is
1. Six twenty / twenty after six 4. Yes, they are
2. Ten fifteen / quarter after ten 5. Yes, it is
3. Nine thirty / half past nine 6. Yes, it does
4. Ten twenty-five / twenty-five 7. Yes, he does
after ten 8. Yes, they are
5. Noon / midnight 9. Yes, they do
6. Seven forty-five / quarter to eight 10. No, we aren’t
7. Ten forty / twenty to eleven
8. Ten o’clock 14.2
9. One twenty / twenty after one 1. My name is Stephanie Smith
2. I work at…
3. I…
4. I am…years old

Answer Key 181

5. Yes, I do / No, I don’t 4. Feeling / going
6. I was born in… 5. Love / eating
7. My mother’s name is… 6. Goes / buys
8. My phone number is… 7. Go / afford
9. Yes, I am / No I’m not 8. Smiling / looks
10. I speak… languages 9. Are playing / are watching
10. Washes / expects
15.1 16.3
1. (Do) Yes, I do 1. Play
2. (Does) Yes, she does / No, she 2. Study
doesn’t 3. Makes
3. (Does) No, she doesn’t / Yes, she 4. Following
does 5. Looking
4. (Do) Yes, They do / No, they 6. Eat
don’t 7. Working
5. (Does) Yes, she does / No, she
doesn’t UNIT 17
6. (Does) No, she doesn’t / Yes, she 17.1
does 1. D
7. (Does) No, he doesn’t / Yes, he 2. C
does 3. E
8. (Do) Yes, they do / No, they don’t 4. A
9. (Do) Yes, they do 5. B
10. (Do) Yes, i do / No, i don’t
UNIT 16 1. Lazy.
16.1 2. Happy.
1. Is dancing 3. Serious.
2. Drink 4. Outgoing.
3. Getting 5. Intelligent.
4. Making 6. Rude.
5. Are flying 7. Arrogant.
6. Checks 8. Funny.
7. Drives 9. Friendly.
8. Works 10. Polite.
9. Are having 11. Positive.
10. Giving 12. Honest.
13. Furious.
16.2 14. Confident.
1. Has 15. Fun.
2. Works / is visiting
3. Studies / is practicing

UNIT 18 9. On
18.1 Complete las oraciones de 10. On
acuerdo con sus propios hábitos
18.2 1. Monday
1. Always 2. 1969
2. Never / Teeth 3. February
3. Rarely / Red Meat
4. My parents hardly UNIT 20
5. I usually 20.1
6. Hardly ever / Dentist 1. The lamp is on the night table.
7. Rarely 2. The night table is beside the bed.
8. Often / The Gym 3. The picture with the number 23 is
9. April / Usually between the other pictures.
10. Hardly ever / Almost never 4. The pillows are on the bed.
5. The clothes are in the drawer.
18.3 6. The guitar is on the wall / beside
1. Always the window.
2. Rarely 7. The alarm clock is next to the
3. Sometimes lamp.
4. Rarely 8. The rug is at the bottom of the
5. Hardly ever / rarely bed. / On the floor
6. He usually 9. The blue picture frame is between
7. Often / Usually the football and the books.
8. Rarely / Hardly ever 10. The books are on the shelf
9. Never
10. Never 20.2
1. IN
UNIT 19 2. ON
19.1 3. UNDER
IN: January, 1991, 80’s 4. IN FRONT OF
ON: Monday, weekends 5. BEHIND
AT: Noon, night 6. NEXT TO
1. At 20.3
2. In 1. He was in charge of the event.
3. At 2. We booked our vacation one year
4. At in advance.
5. On / At 3. After the surgery, he was in so
6. In much pain.
7. On 4. You can’t drink and drive by law.
8. In

Answer Key 183

5. I was under the impression you 6. You have been waiting on the
worked there. line for 45 minutes. Just hang up the
6. In regards to our conversation, I phone.
will 7. Hurry up or we’re going to be late!
take your advice and call her. 8. Why don’t you try on the jeans
7. Do you believe in love at first and see if they fit.
sight? 9. Our flight is about to take off so
8. We regret to inform you, but the turn off your phone.
wedding has been called off. 10. My girlfriend and I are going
9. At first I was excited, but I’ve to be together forever. We’re never
calmed down now. going to break up
10. Our room isn’t by the beach, but 11. I know I disappointed you and
at least it’s close to the pool. I’m sorry I let you down.
11. She was so upset. She was in 12. He was surprised when they
tears when I saw her. sentenced him to life in prison. He
12. I’m dating a guy online but I thought he was going to get away
haven’t met him in person yet. with murder.
13. I don’t know where he lives. I 13. I don’t want to see you anymore.
haven’t spoken to him in a while. Just get out of my room!
14. We like taking road trips for fun. 14. The substitute teacher took over
15. It’s already 10 pm. Maria the job for the summer.
Fernanda should be home by now. 15. I can’t come over. I have to look
16. Don’t be a stranger. Keep after my little sister while my parents
in touch! work.
17. She’s really good at volleyball.
She could go pro. UNIT 21
19. You should care about the 21.1
environment and recycle. 1. Cows
20. I depend on my mom to get back 2. Boxes
and forth to school. 3. Babies
21. I’m so scared of spiders! 4. People

20.4 21.2
1. I Can’t find my glasses. I’ve been 1. The bottles are on the counter
looking for them for an hour. 2. There are flies in the house.
2. He doesn’t smoke anymore. He 3. There are men at my door
gave up smoking for his kids. 4. There are many churches in the city
3. Turn the lights on so we can see. 5. I have peaches in my fridge
4. Stop fighting so much! Just kiss 6. There are leaves on your jacket
and make up. 7. I have cherry trees in my backyard
5. My daughter wants to be a doctor 8. You need shelves in your office
when she grows up. 9. There are posters on the wall
10. I have bunny rabbits as pets

21.3 UNIT 25
REGULAR: Cars, pencils, trees, 25.1
rabbits, fingers, chairs, sharks 1. Closest
IRREGULAR: Teeth, mice, feet, 2. Most dangerous
women, leaves, men, children 3. Highest
4. Smallest
21.4 CHART 5. Tallest

22.1 26.1
1. Tall dark handsome man 1. Not as long as
2. Big beautiful bouquet of flowers 2. Big
3. A bunch of big yellow bananas 3. As tall as
4. Wide red Mexican sombrero 4. Prettier
5. Sick grey old African elephant 5. Smartest
6. Expensive long blue silk gown 6. Most talented
7. 1 carat platinum diamond ring 7. Happier
8. Gorgeous little baby girl 8. More muscular / stronger
9. Rotting tall old oak tree 9. Highest / most dangerous
10. A stylish new pair of leather 10. Most beautiful.
UNIT 23 1. The red apple is as big as the
23.1 green apple.
1. Christian is as tall as Timothy 2. The black paint brush is smaller
2. Judy is as old as Laura than the red paint brush.
3. This sofa is as comfortable as that 3. The eraser is softer than the pencil
one sharpener.
4. The red shirt is as big as the blue 4. The giraffe is taller than the zebra.
shirt 5. The feather is lighter than the
5. This car is as fast as that car. weight.
6. The happier guy is cuter than the
UNIT 24 sad guy.
24.1 7. Mount Everest is the tallest
1. Ethereum is cheaper than Bitcoin mountain in the world.
2. The hare is faster than the turtle 8. The first church is as big as the
3. Cities in lower altitudes are third church.
warmer than cities in higher altitudes 9. Dan and Tom are smarter than
4. Candies are not as healthy as Sam / Tom is the smartest
vegetables 10. Tina has darker hair than Gina /
5. The Pacific is colder than the Tina is as tall as Gina.

Answer Key 185

26.3 3. There are three paintings on the
1. The red car is faster than the wall
train. 4. There are many cars on the road
2. The train is louder than the car. 5. I don’t know why there are two
3. The car is more expensive than policemen at my door
the train. 6. Is there a new restaurant on your
UNIT 27 7. Are there many students in your
27.1 Dale un vistazo a la class?
habitación en la que te encuentres y 8. There are two windows in my
crea oraciones con los ejemplos. bedroom
9. Is there a pharmacy close by?
27.2 10. There is one big park in New
1. There are three rabbits York City.
2. There is one cow
3. There are three motorcycles UNIT 28
4. There is a red rose 28.1
5. There is a computer screen COUNTABLE: Car, lemon, apple,
eggs, cat
27.3 UNCOUNTABLE: Rice, sugar,
1. Yes there are ice, milk, coffee, jam
2. Yes there is
3. No there aren’t UNIT 29
4. Yes there is 29.1
5. No there aren’t 1. Much
2. Much
27.4 3. Many
1. Are 4. Much
2. Is 5. Much
3. Is 6. Much
4. Are 7. Much
5. Is 8. Many
6. Are 9. Much
7. Is 10. Much
8. Are 11. Much
9. Is 12. Many
10. Is 13. Much
14. Many
27.5 15. Much
1. There is an apple on the counter 16. Many
2. There are a lot of doctors at the

29.2 30.3
1. How much Escribe dos oraciones en cada
2. How much caja usando “some” o “any” de
3. How much acuerdo al signo correspondiente.
4. How much (+ afirmativo, - negativo, ?
5. How many interrogación)
6. Much
7. Much UNIT 31
8. How many 31.1
9. How much 1. Was
10. How many 2. Were
3. Weren’t
UNIT 30 4. Wasn’t
30.1 5. Weren’t
1. Some / Any 6. Was
2. A / Some 7. Wasn’t
3. Any 8. Was / Was
4. Any 9. Were / Was
5. Some / Any 10. Were
6. Some
7. Any / A 31.2
8. Some / Any 1. Were demolished
9. Some 2. Was created
10. An 3. Was raised
4. Was excited
30.2 5. Were amazed
1. Some / Many
2. Many 31.3
3. Much 1. Was / Wasn’t
4. Many 2. Weren’t
5. Many 3. Was
6. Much 4. Was / Weren’t
7. Any 5. Was / Wasn’t
8. Much 6. Was / Weren’t
9. Any / Some 7. Were / Weren’t
10. Much 8. Was / Wasn’t
11. Much 9. Was
12. Any, Some 10. Were / Wasn’t
13. Many
14. Many 31.4
15. Much 1. Were you at the funeral yesterday?
2. Where were you all weekend?

Answer Key 187

3. What time was the band playing 32.2
until? 1. Boiled / Tea
4. When was the earthquake? 2. Waited / Call
5. Were they crying/sad? 3. Poured / Glass
6. Where was the teacher? 4. Bought / Morning
7. Where was your necklace? 5. Required / Lake
8. How was the reading class? 6. Gave / Years
9. Were they enjoying the meal? 7. Told / Job
10. Was she wearing a red dress? 8. Slept / Home
9. Read / Books
31.5 10. Were / Concert
1. They were a cute couple
2. Were you feeling sick? 32.3
3. He was going to be a famous 1. Didn’t enjoy
soccer player 2. Didn’t cost
4. It was a difficult situation for 3. Didn’t weigh
everyone 4. Didn’t have
5. I swear I was going to call you. 5. Didn’t go
6. Didn’t play
31.6 7. Didn’t see
1. She wasn’t here yesterday 8. Forget / Lost
2. Your parents weren’t at home 9. Didn’t shrink
3. The bank wasn’t open today 10. Pass
4. It wasn’t a funny movie
5. The students weren’t prepared for 32.4
the test 1. Yes, I did
2. Yes, she did / No, she didn’t
UNIT 32 3. Yes, i did / No, i didn’t
32.1 4. No, i didn’t / Yes, i did
1. Broke 5. Yes, it did / No, it didn’t
2. Drove
3. Took 32.5
4. Understood 1. She didn’t drink two cups of
5. Saw coffee yesterday
6. Wrote 2. They didn’t drive a convertible to
A. Read the event
B. Ate 3. Tiffany didn’t give me a gift at my
C. Found graduation party
D. Drank 4. My brother didn’t fight …
E. Talked 5. I didn’t spend a lot of money…
F. Slept

32.6 22. Thought
1. She stole my credit card 23. Cried
2. Lance Elmer lied about using 24. Did
performance enhancing drugs 25. Stole
3. Oprah Winfrey won the miss Black 26. Left
Tennessee beauty pageant 27. Gave
4. When my sister was a baby, she 28. Finished
cried a lot 29. Had
5. They came to my BBQ yesterday 30. Was

32.7 UNIT 33
1. Called / Answer 33.1
2. Made / Ate 1. North-West / Beside / Across
3. Bought / Have from
4. Blew / Burst 2. Next to / In front of
5. Threw / Came 3. South-East / In front of
4. Between / On
32.8 5. East / South / Lane St. / South-
. Did she drive the red car? East / Queen
. Did they eat rice for dinner?
32.9 1. The Korean restaurant is between
1. Caught the Library and the bank.
2. Laughed 2. You cross the street on Queen Ave.
3. Ate 3. The park
4. Flew 4. You go East on Lane St to Queen
5. Spent Ave. Go North on Queen Ave to Palm
6. Fell St. The park is on the North-East
7. Cost corner of Queen and Palm.
8. Saw 5. The Shopping Center
9. Watched 6. The museum is behind the hotel
10. Looked 7. Go West on Palm St to Queen
11. Took Ave. Go South on Queen Ave to Lane
12. Drew St. Make a right / go West on Lane
13. Smiled St and the Museum will be on the
14. Copied South side of Lane Street beside the
15. Spun music shop across the street from the
16. Followed school.
17. Went 8. North-East corner of Queen Ave
18. Visited and Lane St.
19. Knew 9. The aquarium is between the art
20. Chose gallery and the vet, behind the Italian
21. Was restaurant.

Answer Key 189

10. Walk East on Lane St, past 34.4
Queen Avenue. The restaurant will 1. To testify
be on your right-hand-side next to the 2. Running
pub 3. To be
4. To be
33.3 5. Swimming / to swim
1. West / 5 th Ave / North / Main
St / 5 th Ave and Main St 34.5
2. South / 5 th Ave / River St / West 1. B
/ Grove St and 5 th Ave / South / 5 2. C
th Ave / Water Plant 3. B
3. North-East / 3 rd Ave and Main St 4. A
4. Across from 5. B
6. C
UNIT 34 7. A
34.1 8. B
1. D 9. C
2. C 10. C
3. C 11. A
4. A 12. C
5. C 13. C
14. C
34.2 15. B
1. I like swimming in the mornings.
2. Singing is her passion. UNIT 35
3. I like reading before going to bed. 35.1
4. It’s hard reading without my 1. C
glasses. 2. A
5. Smoking is dangerous for your 3. B
health. 4. C
5. C
34.3 6. B
1. I’m happy to be with you 7. C
2. It’s too cold to enjoy the pool in 8. A
the winter 9. C
3. It’s great to realize I’m finally 10. C
learning English
4. You don’t have to look for UNIT 36
someone to love you 36.1
5. Do you want to dance with me? b. Could you please lend me the
b. Could you get me a donut?

a. Can you buy me an ice cream? / 4. Shouldn’t
Could you buy me an ice cream? 5. Ought to
a. Would you mind moving over? 6. Had better
c. Could you move over? 7. Shouldn’t
a. Could you help me please? 8. Should
9. Had better
36.2 10. Shouldn’t / Should
1. Could you please close the door?
2. Can you give me the wifi 38.3
password? 1. 2
3. Would you mind explaining the 2. 3
homework to me? 3. 1

37.1 39.1
1. England might win the next World 1. Must
Cup 2. Must
2. I will buy a puppy next year 3. Must
3. She might study at our school 4. Mustn’t
4. Junior will probably arrive late 5. Must
5. The batteries are probably dead 6. Must
7. Must
37.2 8. Must
1. He’s probably thirsty / I think he’s 9. Mustn’t
thirsty 10. Must
2. She’s probably hungry. / The baby
might be hungry 39.2
3. The dog’s probably tired / The dog 1. Has to
looks tired / I think the dogs sleeping 2. Have to
3. Has to
UNIT 38 4. Has to
38.1 5. Have to
1. You shouldn’t smoke / You ought 6. Have to
to quit smoking 7. Have to
2. You should throw out those burnt 8. Have to
steaks. 9. Have to
3. You shouldn’t drink so much….. 10. Has to
Look at you! Wake up borracho!
38.2 1. You must see a doctor
1. Should 2. You must / have to work to make
2. Should money
3. Had better

Answer Key 191

3. You mustn’t be late 9. So do I
4. You have to take your medicine 10. I should too
11. Can too
UNIT 40 12. So was
40.1 13. Neither was
1. Will 14. Wasn’t either
2. Going to 15. Were
3. Going to
4. Will 41.2
5. Will 1. So do I
6. Will 2. Either
7. Going to 3. So do I / I do too
8. Going to 4. I don’t either
9. Will 5. So do I
10. Will
40.2 1-C
A. 2-A
B. Going to / Will 3-D
A. Will 4-B
B. Going to / Will
A. Going to / Will UNIT 42
B. 42.1
A. Will 1. Carefully
B. Going to / Will 2. Immediately
3. Friendly
40.3 4. Slowly
1. Won’t 5. Suddenly
2. Won’t 6. Politely
3. Won’t 7. Well
4. Won’t 8. Carelessly
5. Won’t 9. Accidently
10. Happily
UNIT 41 11. Quietly / Luckily
1. So does he 42.2
2. Neither 1. Snakes move very quietly.
3. Neither 2. The children played happily.
4. Too 3. The fireman promptly helped us.
5. Either 4. Clowns naturally make people
6. So am smile.
7. Neither 5. The piano sounded perfectly.
8. So is

UNIT 43 3. Would you mind telling me the
43.1 time?
1. C 4. Would you lend me your phone
2. C please?
3. A 5. Would you like a cup of tea?
4. A 6. Would you prefer sugar or
5. C sweetener?

43.2 44.3
1. C Usa tu imaginación y completa las
2. C oraciones.
3. C
4. B UNIT 45
5. C 45.1
1. You can see the stars
43.3 2. You get fat
Escoge 5 adverbios de la lista para 3. It doesn’t have gas
crear oraciones sobre tu vida personal 4. I don’t eat that much
5. If I speak loud
UNIT 44 6. The door bell rings
44.1 7. If you heat it
1. When I was a child, my mom 8. You burn your skin
would pack my lunch. 9. You stay healthy
2. If I were a billionaire, I would buy 10. You don’t have money
a mansion.
3. If I had a sailboat, I’d travel 45.2
around the world. 1. If you expose heat to an ice
4. I would come tomorrow, but I have cube… it melts.
plans. 2. If you buy two… you get one free.
5. Would you pass me the jacket 3. You get the color Orange… if you
please? mix Yellow and Red.
6. I asked but she wouldn’t help me. 4. You pass the exam… if you get
7. I would like something to eat. over 50%.
8. What would you do if I kissed you? 5. If you drink too much alcohol…
9. Would you like to go on a date you get drunk.
with me?
10. Would you ever go bungee 45.3
jumping? 1. If you drink too much coffee, you
will be awake all night.
44.2 2. If you wake up late, you will miss
1. I would like steak for dinner. the bus.
2. Would you pass me that paper

Answer Key 193

UNIT 46 8. Have / Haven’t
46.1 9. Have
1. A 10. Haven’t
2. C
3. B 47.3
4. C 1. Mary has been dancing salsa all
5. A night.
6. A 2. We have worked for this company
7. B for years.
8. C 3. Bob has commuted to school by
9. B bike since he was 9 years old.
10. D 4. The babies have been crying all
46.2 5. I have broken my cell phone for
1. If you call, she will answer. the tenth time.
2. If you eat healthy, you will lose 6. She has forgotten to pick up the
weight. mail.
3. If you cut yourself, you will bleed. 7. They have built a tower right
beside my office.
UNIT 47 8. She has never seen anything like it
47.1 before.
1. I haven’t seen her in a long time. 9. You haven’t had any time for me
2. (Y) lately.
3. (Y) 10. She has been driving a Mercedes
4. (Y) around town.
5. (N) I have never been to Rome.
6. They haven’t finished the book UNIT 48
yet. 48.1
7. She hasn’t visited her 1. B
grandparents in a long time. 2. C
8. (Y) 3. A
9. (Y) 4. B
10. (Y) 5. C

47.2 48.2
1. Haven’t 1. Saw
2. Has been 2. Have you ever bought
3. Have 3. Did you do
4. Hasn’t / Have / Hasn’t 4. Went out
5. Have 5. Has
6. Haven’t / Have been 6. Has / ever met
7. Haven’t 7. Played
8. Have watered

9. Have / Known UNIT 50
10. Have / Read 50.1
I’m so happy, I had such a great day.
48.3 My mother-in-law is so sweet. I didn’t
1. She saw a UFO. have enough money to pay for my
2. He took 20 sick days this year. vacation, so she paid for it. I told her
3. They spent a lot of money on not to, because it was too expensive,
Christmas. but she has such a kind heart, and
4. They climbed Mount Everest 5 she didn’t hesitate. When I got the
times. tickets, I noticed that the hotel was
5. I didn’t work for the president. too far from the beach. When I told
6. Ana didn’t play tennis. her about the inconvenience, she
7. My mom didn’t read A.J Franco. was so upset. I told her, it’s not too
8. Serena Jenkins didn’t play rugby. late and that we had enough time
9. I decided to sell my home. to change the reservations. When I
10. My boss was busy. called the hotel, they explained that
the beach wasn’t too far, and that
UNIT 49 I could walk there in 3 minutes. My
49.1 mother-in-law and I were so relieved
1. For that we didn’t have to make any
2. For changes. I can’t wait to go. I’m going
3. Since to have such a good time!
4. Since
5. Since 50.2
6. For 1. Such
7. Since 2. Too
8. For 3. Too
9. Since 4. Enough
10. Since 5. Too
11. Since 6. Such
12. For 7. Such, so
13. Since 8. Too, enough
14. For 9. So
15. For 10. Too
16. Since
17. Since UNIT 51
18. For 51.1
19. For 1. Myself
20. Since 2. Herself
3. Himself
4. Herself
5. Myself
6. Itself

Answer Key 195

7. Themselves UNIT 53
8. Themselves 53.1
9. Ourselves 1. C
10. Themselves 2. C
3. B
51.2 4. C
5. B

1. Was Mary sleeping on the floor
last night?
2. They were calling me all day
3. Jennifer and I were talking during
the whole lecture
4. We were jogging in the park on
51.3 5. He wasn’t in town last weekend
1. Tommy feels really proud of 6. You weren’t online yesterday
himself 7. I was sick in bed all day
2. She did the project by herself 8. Was he brushing his teeth this
3. Take care of yourself morning?
4. I spilled tea on myself 9. They were not careful, so they
5. The kids ate the candy all by broke the glass
themselves 10. Was it snowing overnight?

UNIT 52 53.3
52.1 1. Were, was
1. That 2. Were
2. That 3. Was / Wasn’t
3. Who 4. Weren’t / Were
4. That 5. Was / Were
5. Who 6. Were laughing / Were behaving
6. Whose 7. Was providing
7. That 8. Were flying / Was buying
8. That 9. Were playing
9. That 10. Wasn’t answering
10. That
11. Who 53.4
12. Where 1. What was Robin doing?
13. Who 2. What was George doing? / Where
14. Who was George going?
15. That 3. What were they doing?

4. What were you doing last week? 3. A
5. Where was the cheetah running? 4. A
5. D
54.1 55.3
1. Broke If you had a lot of money, you would
2. Sleeping buy a convertible.
3. Skiing
4. Repaired UNIT 56
5. Was watching 56.1
6. Finished 1. B
7. Was going to order 2. A
8. Preparing 3. C
9. Fell / Was running
10. Was delayed 56.2
1. Isn’t she
54.2 2. Isn’t he
1. Was raining / Woke 3. Aren’t you
2. Were playing / Arrived 4. Aren’t they
3. Crying / Scored 5. Isn’t it
6. Aren’t we
54.3 7. Aren’t they
1. Saw 8. Aren’t they
2. Was cooking 9. Aren’t they
3. Was singing / sang 10. Isn’t it
4. Was talking 11. Weren’t they
5. Was raining / rained 12. Weren’t we
13. Weren’t you
UNIT 55 14. Did you
55.1 15. Isn’t it
1. If I saw a ghost, I would scream 16. Isn’t it
2. If I won a million dollars, I 17. Aren’t they
would… 18. Doesn’t it
3. I would feel… if I were the last 19. Isn’t it
person on earth 20. Doesn’t it
4. I would / wouldn’t be happy if I
married my…
5. I would bring… back from the UNIT 57
dead 57.1
1. Has been sleeping
55.2 2. Has been drinking
1. A 3. Have you been reading
2. B 4. Have been working

Answer Key 197

5. Have been exercising 3. Is going to be closing
6. Has been trying 4. Going to be talking
7. Has she been standing 5. Are going to be tanning
8. Have been waiting 6. Going to be
9. Have been crawling 7. Going to be working
10. Have been relaxing 8. Going to be traveling
11. Have you seen 9. Are you going to be visiting

57.2 58.3
1. I’ve been living here for 5 years 1. Will you be waiting for my call this
2. I’ve been studying English for… afternoon?
3. I’ve been feeling… 2. Am I going to feel tired after
4. I’ve been at my current job for… Zumba class?
5. I would recommend… restaurant. 3. When will they be getting married?
I’ve eaten there many times. 4. Where will Lady G. be performing?
5. What time will your daughter be
57.3 napping?
1. How long have you been waiting
here? UNIT 59
2. How many paintings have you 59.1
done? 1. B
3. How many years have you been 2. C
married? 3. C
4. Has he been dating anyone else? 4. C
5. How long have you been seeing 5. B
UNIT 58 1. Money is collected by john
58.1 2. The questions will be answered by
1. Will be studying Billy
2. Will be working 3. The washing machine was broken
3. Won’t be coming by them
4. Won’t be staying 4. Both cars were washed by us
5. Will be arriving 5. The video was posted on social
6. Will be flying media by Arianna
7. Be serving
8. Be making 59.3
9. Eating 1. The mother swaddled the newborn
10. Will, calling 2. I picked the coffee beans
3. Martin Scully produced the movie
58.2 4. The neurosurgeon performed the
1. Going to be emailing surgery
2. Going to be raining 5. The group of university students
took the survey

UNIT 60 60.5
1. Had decided
2. Had forgotten
3. Hadn’t seen
4. Hadn’t paid
5. Hadn’t missed
6. Had bought
7. Hadn’t seen
8. Had just taken off
9. Had already done
10. Had prepared

1. She realized that her dog had
2. He had drunk three cups of UNIT 61
coffee. 61.2
1. If my family hadn’t been there, I
60.3 would have been very disappointed.
1. Michael had already prepared 2. If I’d known it was gonna be a
coffee by the time the guests had formal event, I might have worn
arrived. something nicer.
2. The game had already started by 3. If she hadn’t eaten so much, she
the time we got to our seats. wouldn’t have been so bloated.
3. The tickets had already sold out by 4. If I had more time, I would have
the time we got online. finished it a week ago.
4. The ambulance had already 5. My mom would have been so
arrived by the time the police got angry if I had said that to her.
5. The waiter had already brought 61.3
the check by the time the food came 1. Had told
out. 2. Had needed
3. Had / Open / have
60.4 4. Would have bought / had been
1. Had Mary seen her sister before? 5. Have been angry / we had called
2. How many restaurants had you 6. Would have tasted / hadn’t burnt
eaten at? 7. Have purchased / you could have
3. John was thirsty because he had afforded
been running a marathon. 8. Would have forgotten / hadn’t
4. How long had you been driving? reminded
5. Had Stanley ever flown in an 9. Had closed / wouldn’t have
airplane before today? flooded
10. Have missed / hadn’t

Answer Key 199

UNIT 62 4. George wishes he didn’t have to
62.1 cut his hair.
1. They used to play basketball. 5. My grandparents wish they could
2. He used to ride a bike. visit their grandchildren in Canada.
3. He used to play golf.
4. He used to be a fisherman. / He 63.2
used to fish. 1. She wishes she was on vacation.
2. He wishes he was in shape. / He
62.3 wishes he was more muscular. / He
1. He used to smoke cigars. wishes he had abs.
2. They used to party on weekends. 3. He wishes he could go to sleep. /
3. It was hard at first, but I’m used to He wishes he was sleeping.
it now.
4. It’s not easy, but I’ll get used to it. 63.3
5. I used to drive my son to school 1. Were longer
6. I used to live in Toronto. 2. Was
7. I lived in Ohio for four months. 3. Wish / Afford
8. She used to study at the University 4. He wishes it was bigger.
of California. 5. I wish the weather was nicer.
9. They used to live on the same 6. I wish I could speak English.
street as me. 7. I wish I had siblings.
10. I used to sneak out of the house 8. I wish she hadn’t told her.
when I was a teenager. 9. I wish I didn’t have to work.
10. I wish I didn’t stay up so late.
1. I got used to it UNIT 64
2. I will get used to it 64.1
3. I am used to it 1. Tell
4. I got used to it 2. Say
5. I am getting used to it 3. Tell
6. I will get used to it 4. Say
7. I am used to it 5. Tell
8. I will get used to it 6. Say
9. I am getting used to it 7. Telling
10. You will get used to it 8. Tell
9. Tell
UNIT 63 10. Telling
63.1 11. Say
1. I wish I had a car. 12. Telling
2. I wish I was at the beach. 13. Say
3. Cassandra wishes she had a new 14. Say
house. 15. Tell
16. Tell

17. Tell 3. She told me not to call the house
18. Telling after 10pm.
19. Tell 4. She asked me why I didn’t go to
20. Say the party last weekend.
5. He wanted to know how often I go
UNIT 65 partying.
1. Told / Said 66.3
2. Said 1. She said, “I drink coffee.” = She
3. Said said that she drinks coffee.
4. Told 2. She said, “I’m drinking coffee.” =
5. Told She said that she was drinking coffee.
6. Told 3. She said, “I have drunk coffee.” =
7. Told She said that she had drunk coffee.
8. Said 4. She said, “I’m going to drink
9. Said coffee.” = She said that she was
10. Told going to drink coffee
5. She said, “I was drinking coffee.”
UNIT 66 = She said that she had been
66.1 drinking coffee.
1. He said that he goes horseback 6. She asked, “are you drinking
riding at his farm on weekends. coffee?” = She was wondering if I
2. He said that he went to the was drinking coffee.
movies last night. 7. She asked, “have you been
3. She said that she’s going to write a drinking coffee?” = She wanted to
book one day. know if I had been drinking
4. They said they’ve never traveled coffee.
5. My boyfriend asked when we were UNIT 67
going to see each other again. 67.1
6. He asked if I had seen his new 1. Do you know what time it is?
puppy. 2. I was wondering if you would like
7. The girl asked if I knew who Luis to go out with me.
was. 3. Would you mind telling me how to
8. She asked if I would be available get to the library from here?
on Monday afternoon. 4. Do you remember when we met?
9. He asked if we were going to 5. Who knows when the movie
dinner with them tonight. starts?
10. She asked me where I lived.
66.2 1. N – Does she know what time the
1. Paul asked if it was raining. dinner party is?
2. Lilly said he (Sammy) hasn’t sent 2. Y
her the email.

Answer Key 201

3. Y 4. It had been raining throughout my
4. Y entire wedding ceremony.
5. N – Do you know how tall Michael 5. The elephant had been performing
Brown is? at the circus for years until he
6. Y eventually passed away.
7. N – Could you tell me how to say 6. Jennifer had been working at the
‘Mesa’? veterinary clinic for two months when
8. Y they shut down.
9. N – Does she know when her 7. The guests had been dancing
birthday is? when we arrived.
10. Y 8. I had been waiting at the wrong
bus stop.
67.3 9. The car engine had been running
1. B all day when it overheated.
2. A 10. Angela had been taking
3. C the wrong medication when she
4. A overdosed.
5. A 11. Christian had been drinking from
6pm until the next morning.
68.1 UNIT 69
1. Had been dancing 69.1
2. Had been focusing / decided 1. I will have worked there for 3
3. Had been working / spoken years.
4. Had been using 2. I will have known Sandra for 15
5. Had been celebrating years.
3. We will have run for 10 miles by
68.2 the time we finish the race.
1. The children had been swimming 4. I will have known my husband for
all day. half of my life.
2. The girls had been talking the 5. I will have graduated from law
whole class. school.
3. The turkey had been in the oven 6. We will have traveled 90km.
all afternoon. 7. We will have finished decorating
the Christmas tree.
68.3 8. I will have finished the movie.
1. The boys had been playing outside 9. The game will have finished by the
all day. time we arrive.
2. Michael Anthony had been 10. We will have eaten dinner by
performing for his fans since he was 9pm.
a child
3. The dog had been sleeping in its
bed until the owner came home.

69.2 4. Will you have sailed to America by
5. How many times will an average
person have laughed by the end of
the day?

1. By the end of the month I will
have been practicing piano for a year.
2. The bear will have been
hibernating all winter by the time
spring arrives.
3. By 2080, people will have been
drinking Coca-Cola for a century and
a half.
4. By 2020, I will have been living in
Mexico for twenty-five years.
5. The therapist will have been
69.3 listening to his patient for 8 hours by
1. We will have finished all the the end of the session.
decoration. 6. I won’t have been eating at the
2. He will have painted BBQ, so I will she.
3. We will have done our project 7. She will have been considered a
4. They will have traveled professional athlete by then?
5. Will have melted 8. The patient won’t have been
6. You will have finished the course recovering by then.
7. You will not have earned 9. Will she have been singing all day?
8. Will have improved
9. Will have completed his scuba
diving course by September
10. Will have drastically changed

1. How many plants will Jerry have
planted before winter?
2. Will you have finished your show
before she arrives?
3. How much will sea levels have
increased in ten years?

Answer Key 203

Special thanks to the following websites from
which we drew material, ideas,
inspiration and information:

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