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Integrated Core II Block

Personal Developmental History Video Project

The intent of this project is to give you an outlet to show-what-you-know after having lived the
Integrated Core II Block for this past semester. Your challenge is to create a 5-7-minute video full of
personal connections to the theorists (and their developmental theories), to typical vs. atypical
development and to the brain research we have learned and experienced. Use this project to really think
about your own development and how experiences, environments, emotions have played a part in the
person you are today. How will these play a part in your future? How will it influence your practice? Push
yourself to your “Zone of Proximal Development” (Vygotsky) either in your thoughts or in the technology.

Theorists connections:

Brain Research:

Multiple Intelligences/Learning Styles

✓ Use digital storytelling to tell your developmental history from birth to now.
✓ Make personal, intentional and meaningful developmental (age-related) connections to the
theories we’ve learned. You should connect to as many theorists as you can. Use this project as
an opportunity to talk to your parents, grandparents, siblings, etc to learn more about your early
developmental years.
✓ Make personal developmental connections to the brain research we’ve studied and
experienced. Don’t forget about Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles.

✓ Find a way to integrate your own experiences with special education. What were/are your
judgments with special education? What stories do you have to tell?
✓ Find a way to integrate your thoughts on some hot-button issues of education (funding, private
vs. traditional public schools vs. charter, IQ-driven instruction, inclusion, technology)
✓ Organize your project so that we can easily follow your story.
✓ Include music.
✓ Include voice-over.
✓ Include how learning about developmental theories, typical and atypical development and brain
research will influence your practice as a therapist, teacher, coach, etc. How will the specific
content of our class help you meet the developmental needs of your future students? This
needs to be integrated into your project…it’s not meant to be an add-on.

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