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Chapter 43.

Nursing Care of the Child with an Infectious Disorder

1. Catarrhal Stage - inflammation of the nose and throat during infectious diseases
2. Chain of infection - method by which organisms are spread and enter a new individual to cause disease
3. Complement - a special body protein that is capable of lysing cells; compromised of 20 different proteins that are normally
nonfunctional molecules but become active with the immune response
4. Convalescent period - interval between when infectious symptoms begin to fade and the child returns to full wellness
5. Enanthem - rash on the mucous membrane
6. Exanthem - a skin rash
7. Exotoxin - poison produced by some bacteria
8. Fomites - inanimate objects, such as soil, food, water, bedding, towels, combs, or drinking glasses that provide a means of infection
9. Incubation period - time between the invasion of an organism and the onset of symptoms of infection
10. Interferon - a protein that protects against viruses
11. Koplik’s spots -small irregular bright red spots with a blue-white center point, appearing on the buccal membrane with measles
12. Means of transmission - method of spread of pathogens that cause infectious disease
13. Portal of entry - means by which a pathogen can enter a person’s body
14. Portal of exit - method by which organisms leave an infected person’s body to be spread to others
15. Prodromal period - a time between the beginning of non-specific symptoms and specific infectious symptoms
16. Reservoir - container or place in which organisms grow and reproduce
17. Septicemia - pathogenic organisms in the blood stream
18. Susceptible host - individuals more prone to infection than others
19. Toxoid - extract of a toxin with reduced virulence

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