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Student’s Name Jardan Natalia; group EG 184 TR


1. Give the definition of Terminology as a science. (3p.)

Terminology is a sciens dealins with collection, discription and presentation of term, in one or more
language having the aim to optimise comunication amoung specialists and profesionals.

2. Name the characteristics shared by all special languages. (at least 4) (8p.)
Single purpose (specific social setting and for communication);
Limited number of users;
Acquired voluntarily;
Autonomous with respect to general language (variation in special language does not bring
variation in general language)

3. What does the highest degree of abstraction imply? (6p.)

. the highest degree of abstraction imply;
-use artificial symbols for elements and relation;
-scientist to scientist communication;
-belong to fundamental and theoretical science

4. How is the theory developed by E. Wuster called? Why? Enumerate at least 3 principles
from his theory (10p.)
 The Father of Terminology, founder of the Vienna School and the General Theory of
Terminology. His theory is called Consept and consept relations.
1 A concept is a ideally deffined in an intensional definition
2 A concept is referet to by one term and one term only designates ones concept
3 A concept is clearcut and can be asignet and place in a logically or intologically structured
concept sistem .

5. State the types of hierarchical relations. Provide at least one example per each type. (8p.)
1 Are most frequently used to structure kwolledge. There are 2 tipes generic specific and part-whole
In generic-specific relationships, the characteristics of superordinate concepts are inherited by
subordinate concepts.
Eg: Puppy - it's a dog breed

2 In a partitive relationship, there is no inheritance of characteristics between the whole and its parts.

Eg: the solar system consists of 9 planets, satellites, etc.

6. Explain what is a conceptual system and why it is important to identify conceptual

relations. (10p.)
Concepts are units of knowledge identifiable by their stable association with a set of semantic features
and with one or more
It is important to identify conceptual relations, becouse in a given subject field can be structured according
to the hierarchical relationships and associative relationships between the concepts that make up the subject


Read the following text.
Determine the type of scientific text (1p.) - Popular scientific style
the subject field (1p.) - radiation
the sub-field (1p.) – the effect of UV radiation
the degree of specialization (1p.) – low degree
the users (2p.) – this kind of text or terminology can be used by all types of users ( terminologists,
terminographers and neologists, language planners and information scientists, translators, technical
writers, interptreters and users for direct communication )

enumerate, at least 4 clues, that helped you in identifying the above mentioned information (9p.)

Highlight the terms that belong to the identified subject field in the following text and enumerate
the clues that helped you in identifying them (at least 4) (10p.)

Arrange all the terms into a concept system (15p.). State the types of relations involved (5p.)
(You can do this by writing the type of relation and including the terms).
The three types of UV radiation are classified according to their wavelength. They differ in their
biological activity and the extent to which they can penetrate the skin. The shorter the wavelength, the
more harmful the UV radiation. However, shorter wavelength UV radiation is less able to penetrate the
Short-wavelength UVC is the most damaging type of UV radiation. However, it is completely filtered
by the atmosphere and does not reach the earth's surface.
Medium-wavelength UVB is very biologically active but cannot penetrate beyond the superficial skin
layers. It is responsible for delayed tanning and burning; in addition to these short-term effects it
enhances skin ageing and significantly promotes the development of skin cancer. Most solar UVB is
filtered by the atmosphere.
The relatively long-wavelength UVA accounts for approximately 95 per cent of the UV radiation
reaching the Earth's surface. It can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and is responsible for the
immediate tanning effect. Furthermore, it also contributes to skin ageing and wrinkling. For a long
time it was thought that UVA could not cause any lasting damage.
III. a.) State the type of term formation for the following terms and provide the literal meaning
of their constituent morphemes (10 points):
wavelength – wave+ leght
wrinkling – wrinkl + ing (forming the present participle of verbs)
haematologist – Haemo (variant of hemo ) the nonprotein, iron-containing pigment, CHNOFe, that is a
component part of hemoglobin, myoglobin, etc + logist (Suffix –logist - relatively few terms are directly derived
using this suffix.)

hypertension – hyper ( Excessive; )+ tens (abbreviation for body tension) + ion (suffix)
b.) Pick a medical formant. Explain its meaning and provide at least 2 examples of terms.

Laryngitis - a painful swelling of the larynx, usually caused by an infection

Prefix Laryng from larynx (laringe)
Suffix -itis - Inflammation or disease
Eg: laryngeal; laryngectomy; laryngoscope; laryngoscopy; larynx; larynxes

Haemorrhage- a large flow of blood from a damaged blood vessel (= tube carrying blood around the body)

Haemo (variant of hemo ) the nonprotein, iron-containing pigment, CHNOFe, that is a component part of
hemoglobin, myoglobin, etc.
-rrhage-abnormal discharge, excessive flow: menorrhagia also -rrhage or -rrhag′y

Eg: haemolytic; haemophilia; haemophiliac

Gastrointestinal-in or relating to both the stomach and the intestine (= the long tube that food passes through
after the stomach)
Gastro – (of or relating to the stomach.) + Intestinal- (relating to or affecting the intestine.)
Eg: gastroenterologist; gastroenterology; gastroesophageal; gastronome; gastronomic; gastronomy

Points 100- 97 96 - 88 87 - 77 76 - 65 64 - 47 46 - 33 32 - 19 18-10 9-5

Mark 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

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