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History Worksheet

Q.1 Refer to the map below and answer the questions following it

Source A:

1. Which countries made up the Triple Entente or the Allied Powers?

United Kingdom, France and Russia

2. Which countries made up the Central Powers or the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.

3. Germany worried about one day having to fight a war on two fronts or two different borders.
According to the map, was this fear justified?
Both France and Russia were countries which were part of the Triple Entente and therefore opponent
nation’s. Besides both of these countries shared borders with Germany. Thus in case of a war she
would have to face an attack on both sides.

4. If this map were your only evidence how could it be used to describe one possible cause of WWI?
Besides using the map you would observe that the opposing countries are in close proximity to
each other further leading to the possibility of a war and a flare up. Another aspect which is
observant from the map is that only a few countries had access to the coastline which would make
other nations envious. As access to the coastline would mean naval power.

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Q.2 Read the following source and answer the questions following it


By the 1890s, the great land armies of France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia had no equals
on earth except one another. Nicholas warned that ‘the accelerating arms race,’ which was
producing larger armies, more powerful artillery, and bigger warships, was ‘transforming the armed
peace into a crushing burden that weighs on all nations and, if prolonged, will lead to the very war it
seeks to avert.’ Unfortunately, participation in the international court of peace was voluntary. The
next year, in an attempt to compensate for its small empire, Germany enacted the Second Naval
Law, intending to build a navy capable of challenging the British Royal Navy in combat. The British
responded. By 1906, keeping ahead of the Germans in modern battleships was a national priority for
Britain. France, meanwhile, strove to match the German standing army of sixty million men, no small
feat for a nation of forty million people.”

1. According to Nicholas, what was the arms race leading to?

Nicholas warned that ‘the accelerating arms race,’ which was producing larger armies, more
powerful artillery, and bigger warships, was ‘transforming the armed peace into a crushing burden
that weighs on all nations and, if prolonged, will lead to the very war it seeks to avert.’

2. How did Britain and France react to Germany’s military build-up?

The British responded. By 1906, keeping ahead of the Germans in modern battleships was a
national priority for Britain. France, meanwhile, strove to match the German standing army of
sixty million men, no small feat for a nation of forty million people.”

Q. 3 In reference to the newspaper cartoon answer the following questions

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1. What countries do you think represent the figures sitting on the “pot?”
Turkey, Serbia, Austria-Hungary and Russia. (You observe it from their head gear)

2. Why is the cartoon titled “The Boiling Point”?

The cartoon is termed as the boiling point as it tells you about the hostile conditions in the Balkan
region and the possibility of war in that region. There was just need for an immediate cuase for
war to flare up.

***End of worksheet***

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