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First of all, I would like to say thank to the Almighty God, because I have
finished my thesis. Thanks God for your love, help and guidance ini my lofe without
you, I'm nothing.

My special gratitude goes Drs. Abdul Muthi'im M. Pd and tu Mr. M. Mahjuri.

S. Pd as my second advisor. Thanks a lot for both of you. Thanks for your time, your
valuable critics, your help, and your guidance. I'm proud to be your students.

My thankfulness are also directed to my beloved parents. Thanks for your

love, understanding and your prayer. I also thanks for all my friends who always
bothered me. Thanks for wonderful moments we have shared together, thanks for our
beautiful friendship.

My deepest thank also for all my lecturer of STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin.

Thanks for your guidance during my study. All of you give me the best knowledge.
Without you all I am nothing.

Finally I want to express my thanks for the peoplewho I can not write one by
one. Thanks or your help.

Nuraisah, Lily. 2006. The Implementatiom of Competency Based Curriculum in

Teaching English at SMAN 2 Banjarmasin. A Thesis, English Departement at
STKIP PGRI Banjarmasim. Advisors : (1) Drs. Abdul Muth'im M. Pd, (2) M.
Mahjuri, S. Pd.

In the Competence Based Curriculum, the government decides that the

teachers have a freedom to perform the material developed eited by (Mulyasa 2002 :
27)(Depdikbed 2002). But, it has to be appropriate with the Basic Competence
decided by the government and the syllabus. In developing the syllabus in SMA
Negeri 2 Banjarmasin, there are several Basic Competence delevoped in Lestening,
Speaking, Reading, and Writing namely in Listening, the Basic Competence
developed is undestanding conversations and transaction passage toward various
interpersonal or monolog meaning in the form of descriptive, narrative, anecdote,
analytic exposition and hortatory exposition, in Speaking, the Basic Competence
developed is expressing meaning dealt with transactional text toward various
interpersonal or monolog meaning on the form of descriptive, narrative, anecdote,
analytic exposition and hotatory exposition, in reading, the basic competence
developed isunderstanding meaning and steps of rhetoric delevopment in writing text
in the form of descriptive, narrative, anecdote, analytic expositon and hartatory
exposition with the stressing on idea, and contextual meaning and in writing, the
Basic Competence developed is expressing meaning rhetoric development steps in
writing text in the form pf simple descriptive, narative, anecdote, analytic expositon
and hartatory exposition stressing on idea and textual meaning. It is completed with
indicators. Moreover, there were several steps that the teachers did namely by
arranging the cognitive, psychometric and affective evaluation each basic

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SHEET.........................................................................i

LETTER OF OPPROVAL......................................................................................ii



TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................v


A. Background........................................................................1

B. Problems Limitaton............................................................7

C. Objective............................................................................8

D. Significance .....................................................................8


A. Curriculum.........................................................................9

B. Components of Curriculum................................................10

C. Competence........................................................................11

D. Competence Based Curriculum.........................................13

E. The Characteristics of CBC................................................14

F. Priciple of CBC..................................................................15

G. The Differences Between CBC and Other Curriculum.....15

H. Implementation .................................................................17

A. Subject of Study.................................................................18

B. Method of Data Collecting and Instrument........................18

C. Method of Analysis............................................................19


A. The Curriculum Implementation...................................20

B. Teaching and Learning Process.....................................27

C. Problems in Implementing CBC...................................28


A. Conclusion ........................................................................30

B. Suggestion .........................................................................31


1. Background
Curriculum as a special fixed course of study (s) in school or collage as one
leading to a degree. It is very important in the teaching and learning pf
someone to be success. Harold Albery (1946) give definition curriculum as
follow, " Curriculum is al activities that are provided for students". While
William B. Ragan (1955 : 3) says " The term curriculum...includes all the
expreriences of children for which the school accept responsibility". Tumesia
Tuhulima (1987) says,"Currilculum is a planned and organized series of
learning experiences and activities to be made available to the students to
achieve defined aducation objectives. From the definition above , it is cleary
that in developing a curriculum, the first thing tahta has to be known is
“objectives”. What are the objectives achieved by curriculum or a certain
institution of education ? to achieve the objectives, it is necessary to be
designed the learning experiences and activities done by the students. So the
students can reach the decided objectives.
In Indonesia, the development of curriculum started at1954, the
curriculum iswell known as”Kurikulum Gaya Lama”. Then, in 1962 the
curriculum 1954 had changed into “Kurikulum Gaya Baru”. After that, in
1975, the curriculum 1962 changed into curriculum 1975. Nine years later,
curriculum 1975 has been revised into curriculum 1984. According to the
society’s demand, the curriculum 1984 was altered into curriculum 1994. In
this curriculum,the government did a research about is implementation in the
teaching andlearning process.
In Depdikbed 1999, there are several problems about the
implementation of curriculum 1994. Theproblems involve the components of
GBPP, language skill ini teaching and learning, and the conversion of learning
First, the problems of components of GBPP. The component of GBPP
involve : a) comprehension, b)function, c) general instruction, d) specific
instruction, e)scope, f) teaching program, g) language function, h) theme. If
we see from this component, there are not problems. But, in the
implementation, arisesseveral problems. Firstly, the objective of teaching
namely general instruction and specific instruction are only as a symbol not a
reference in he teachingandlearning.secondly, there isnot a reference out of
learning that can be put in the teaching andlearning in the classroom.
Second, the problems in the language skill in teaching and learning
language skill are objective that want to be achieved inGBPP 1994. The skill
involve : listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each skillhhas to be given
appropriate proportion in its implementation iin teaching and learning process.
In fact, listening skill gets a lack of attention than another skills.
Third, the covert ion of teaching material. In reality, the material of
teaching can be developed / analyzed by the teacher. In fact, many materials of
learning are not suitable with the situational or learning environment where
the students learn. For example, the theme of learning is “Transportation”, and
the subtheme is about “Train”. In fact, in South Kalimantan, there is not
transportation such train. How can students can imagine and express their idea
about “train” ? it means that the item of learning is very specific and evev
strict the teacher to expresshis own way. Moreover, the width and to depth of
learning item is difficult to be decided,and the concept of learning item is not
In addition, the government policy to apply the autonomy in education
where even region can develop its culture and education based on the
characteristic of its region makes the curriculum changes. The government
hopes every region can complete in exploring English widely based on the
characteristic of each region. Through this point of view government alters the
curriculum 1994to be enriched.
According to the government policy in PP No 2000 namely about the
implementation of autonomy in the field of education andculture in which
every province has outonomy to develop its culture and education based on the
characteristic of its region. One example of the application of autonomy ini
education is the implementation of Competence Based Curriculum. In this
curriculum, the central government has decided competence in which it will be
developed by each region based on the condition and characteristic of region
by arranging syllabus and evaluation.
Teaching and learning English in this curriculum ismore detail than
before, because it is stressed on llife skill, knowledge, and life experience, in
which they combined into classroom activities. This, the students are not only
listening to the teacher explanation any more but also doing many activities in
gainng those skills. Competence Based Curriculum stresses on the
The competence involves knowledge, skill, creativity, ability,
autonomy, healthy, morality, and citizenship (KBK, 2004 : 1 ). Those
competences are well known as cognitive, effective and psychomentric.

Gordon(2988:109)explained several aspects contained in competence

concept asfollow :
1. Knowledge : hasthe come meaning as cognitive aspect, such as a teacher
know how to identification the learning need and how to do the learning,
to he student based on their needs.
2. Understanding; namely the deepness of cognitive and affective of students
in individual. For example a teacher who will do the teaching and learning
must have a good understanding about the characteristic and the condition
of the students, in order to get the effective and efficient teaching and
3. Skill; namely something that the student must be obtained by individual, to
do the task that offered to them. For example, the teacher ability in
choosing, and making a simple media to give a smoothness in students
4. Value ; namely a standard behavior which has been agreed and
psychologicslly has collaboratred in the students themselves. For
example : teacher’s behavior standard teaching and learning (honesty open
minded, democrstic, etc).
5. Attitude ; namely to the feeling (happy or un happy, like or dislike ) or
reaction toward an impulse which come from outer side for example. The
reaction toward the economy arises, feeling toward the raisng of salary,
6. Interest ; namely the tendency of someone to do something. For example
the interest to learn or do something.
Based on the concept above, the competence Based curriculum can be
interpreted as a curriculum concept which stress to the development of
students and teacher ability to do the task with certain performance standard,
so that the result can be felt by the students.

Thus teaching and learning English in this curriculum is more detail

than before the difference betaken seen at the following table:

Curriculum Based
No. 1994 Curriculum

1. Using the knowledge mastery approach which Using competence approach

stress to the material, in the form of which stress in the
knowledge, understanding, application, understanding, competence
analysis synthesis, and evaluation which taken in school which relate to the
from field of science. jobs in the society

Academic standard that applied to each student Competence standard which

generally. paid attention to take
individual difference, in the
form of competence,
acceleration, or culture and
social context.

Based on competence, so
Based on conent, so that the students is
that the student are in the
3. considered as a white paper who need to be
devekopment process
written with a large amount of knowledge.
continually from all aspects
of personal, as the
development to the learning
opportunity in the society.

Curriculum development done centralize, so

4. that Depdiknas considered as in the Curriculum development
development of the idea an curriculum done decentralize, so that
concept. the government to the
secretly decide the
education standard which
poured in curriculum.

The material which developedand taught in School given an autonomy

5. schools the potential of schools often is not to arrange and develop the
suitable with the potential at school, need, subject learning so that it
competence of the student, and the society can accommodate the
need. potential of school, need and
ability of the student and the
society need.

Teacher is consideredas
Teacher is conceded as curriculum who decide facilitator who have a duty
everything in classroom. to condition environment to
give smoothness in learning.

Thus the material sources obtained not only limited on special material
or text book, but also from other sources, such as newspaper,magazine, and
even the students experience that they have. Thus, it will create a relationship
between students-students, students-teacher, and student-environment lively.
Learning activity ismore interesting and alive. It is hoped that their
achievement is good too.

On other hand, the teachers still face many problems to implement into
classroom activities, because limited comprehension toward curriculum or the
difficulty of the curriculum it self. The former and the latter even felt by the
handmaster, instructor, supervisor, and book writer.

Through tis research, the writer will explore and to find out about the
problems that are face by the teachers in the implementing of The Competence
Based Curriculum in teaching English in SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin. The
writer choose this school because this school is chosen by Dinas Pendidikan
Kota Banjarmain as the first a trial school for the implementation of
Competence Based Curriculum in Banjarmasin.

2. Problem Limitationth
In this research, writer form states the problems statement as below :
1. How far is the implementation of the Competence Based Curriculum
applied in SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin ?
2. What are the problems faced by English teachers in SMA Negeri 2
Banjarmasin in implementing the Competence Based Curriculum ?

3. Objective

1. To knowhow far the implementation of the Competence Based Curriculum

in teaching and learning English inSMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin.
2. To find out what the problems faced by English teacher in
implementingthe Competence Based Curriculum in SMA Negeri 2

4. Significance
1. Giving information about the implementation of Competence Based
Curriculum in the school, where the researcher does the research and
2. Giving an input for teachers to know in what segment that they have to


A. Curriculum
Curriculum is as a special fixed course of study (s) in school or college
as one leading to a degree. It is very important in the teaching andlearning of
someone to be success. Harold Albery (1941) gives definition of curriculum as
follow “curriculum is all activities that are provided for students. It means the
teacher has to prepare or arrange the amterial and activities that will be taught
to the students and its objectives for students in order the students get the
experience from the lesson the have obtainded. While William B. Ragan (1955
: 3) says “ The accepts responsibility”. The teacher should give the
knowledgeand skills in every subject of learning that has to be learnt by the
students. Then, those skills and knowledge are applied in the form of
performance. Moreover, Tumisela Tuhuma (1987) sys,”curriculum is a
planned and organized series of learning experiences and activities to be nade
available to the students to achieve the educational objectives. It is clearly that
in developing a curriculum, the first thing that has to be know is “objectives”.
To achieve the objectives, it is necessary to be designed the learning
experiences and activities done by the students. So, the students can reach the
objective of teaching and learning.

B. Components of Curriculum
The first step the develop curriculum is by deciding what objectives
that will be achieved. The objectives should base on the students ‘need and
societies’ need. The first thing hat has to be formulated is the National
education objectives. The reference of National education objectives should
refer to the aim of our country generally. The second step is by deciding the
school objectives, thus, the student have to learn several subject of studies.
Every subject of studies must have its objectives.
There are 6 kindsof references that have to be paid in formulating the
educational objectives (Ralph. W. Tyler, 1985 : 5) namely :
1. Learning the students need and condition as the educational objectives
sources. It is a process to change the students behavior. Therefore, in
deciding the aim of education, we have to pay mush attention to the
students need.
2. The educational objectives have to base on the societies life that is stiil
going on out of the school environment. It mans preparing the students in
order to make them independent in the societies. Therefore, the
educational objectives have to be appropriate with societies need.
3. The educational objectives have to base on the educational experts
4. The educational objectives should refer the ideology of the country and
5. The educational objectives have to base on the psychology of learning
6. The educational objectives must have to choose the experience of teaching
and learning.

Moreover, GBPP states there are several components of Curriculum

they are definition, functions, objectives of teaching and learning, scope and
regulations. (GBPP, 1994 : 1)

Competence is a combination of knowledge, skills, value and attitude
which are reflected in the way of thinking and acting. (Mulyasa , 2005 : 37).
Me Ashan (1981 : 45 ) states that competence “…is a knowledge, skill, and
abilities or extent. He or she can satisfactorily perform particular cognitive,
affective, and psychometric behavior. “thus, in this case, competence means as
knowledge, skills and ability mastered by someone that become one part of his
or herself, so that she or he can does cognitive, affective and psychometrics
behaviors well. Moreover, finch and Crunkilton (1979 : 222) interprets
competence as, an assignment, skill behavior, and appreciation mastery
needed for success. It shows that competence involves assignment, skill,
attitude, and appreciation that possessed by learning. The competence involves
knowledge, skill, creativity, ability, autonomy, healthy, morality, and
sitizenship (KBK, 2004 : 1). Those competence are well known as cognitive,
affective and psychometric.
Gordon (1988: 109) explained several aspecrs contained in competence
concept as follows:
1. Knowledge; has the meaning as cognitive aspect, such a teacher know how
to identify the learning need an how to do the learning to his students
based on their needs.
2. Understanding; namely the deepness of cognitive and affective of students
in individual. For example a teacher who will do the teaching and learning
must have a good understanding about the characteristic and the condition
of the students, in order to get the effective and efficient teaching and
3. Skill; namely something that the students must be obtained by Individual,
to do the task offered to them. For example. The teacher’s ability in
choosing, and making a simple media to give a smoothness in students
4. Value; namely a standard behavior which has been agreed and
psychologicslly has collaboratred in the students themselves. For
example : teacher’s behavior standard teaching and learning (honesty open
minded, democrstic, etc).
5. Attitude ; namely to the feeling (happy or un happy, like or dislike ) or
reaction toward an impulse which come from outer side for example. The
reaction toward the economy arises, feeling toward the raisng of salary,
6. Interest ; namely the tendency of someone to do something. For example
the interest to learn or do something.


Deparment of national education (2000) stated that the weakness of our
national education system is lack of attention to the out put national
curriculum national standard, books or material, teacher training are the form
of government controlling that has to be mastered by the learner after
following learning process has not got much attention yet.
Educational system which bases on the input and process considered is
not dynamics. It is also considered has a pedagogical stagnant. If it is changed,
the cost is very expensive and complex, because all of input process,
components such as curriculum, teacher training, and students worksheet have
to be changed. So, educational system defends without expanding to the
output or education competence standard. Thus, the change is difficult to be
In education, there are two kinds of standards namely academic
content standard and performance standard (Mulyasa, 2005 : 25). Academic
content standard reflect knowledge and skills in every subject of learning that
has to be learn by the students. On the other hands, performance standard
shows the form of process or the result of students activity that is
demonstrated by yhe students as academic content standard can be similar
with every student, but performance standard can be different. Standard that
has to be applied in the material education system is minimal competence
standard. The limitation of the competence needs to be formulated explicitly in
the whole national education system.
The create the system above, it its needed a change in curriculum. CBC
is as a form in the application of the system, contains the competence standard
such as ability, acceleration or culture and social context. In CBC the
competence standard is formulated collaboratively between the government
(Depdiknas), professional organization, society figure, religion figure and
educational experts.
“CBC gives a freedom to school to arrange and to develop the syllabus
based on the potential of the school, and societies need. CBC syllabus is
developed by each school, it makes the curriculum between one school to
another is different/ without decreasing the academic standard” (Mulyasa
2002, 27).


The characteristics of CBC involve the appropriate competence
selection, indicators and the development of teachingand learning system.
Beside that CBC has an amount of competence that has to be achieved by a
student. The evaluation is done based on a special standard as the
demonstration of competence showed by the learners. Learning is more
stressed to the individual activity to master the competence. Learners can be
assessed their competence whenever they are ready, andin the learning,
learners can stop forward based on their ability.
Depdiknas (2002)stated the characteristic of CBC is as follows :
1. Stressing on the students competence invidual as classical
2. Learning outcomes
3. Various teaching approach
4. Various sources of material
5. Evaluation process toward competence mastery

CBC uses module as a learning system. In this case, module is an

individual book for the students to study. It involves several learning
experiences systematically to hel the student to achieve the goal of learning.
The primary purpose of module system is to increase the effective and
efficient of learning in school,time, fund, and energy to gain the objectives

F. Principle of CBC
According to the condition of the societies and the development, thus,
the government needs to consider several principles in CBC. The principles
are 1) moral, ii)national integrity, iii) ethics, logic, estethies, and kinesties, iv)
having the same opportunity, v) life skill, vii) students centered by
comprehensive and continue evaluation, viii) total approach (Depdikbud, 2002
; 70)

G. The Differences Between CBC and Other Curriculum

CBC has different in certain sectors from another curriculum. The
difference of CBC from anothercurriculum can be seen at the
following table :
Comepetence Based
No. 1994 Curriculum

1. Usinf the knowledge mastery approach which Using competence approach

stress to the material, in the form of which stress in the
knowledge, understanding, application, understanding, competence
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation which taken in school which relates to
from field of science the societies need.

Academic standard which applied to the Competence standard which

students is generally pays attention to the
individual difference, in the
form of competence,
acceleration, or culture and
social context.

Based on compentence, so
Based on content, so that the students are
that the students are in the
3. considered as a white paper who need to be
development process
written with a large amount of knowledge.
continually from all aspects
of personal, as the
development to the learning
opportunity iin the society

Curriculum development done centralize, so

4. Curriculum development
that Depdiknas considered as in the
donedecentralize,so that the
development of the idea of curriculum concept.
government and society
decide the education
standard which poured in
The material which is developed and taught in
school often is not suitable with the potential at
5. Schoolgives autonomy to
school, need, competence of the students, and
arrange and develop the
the societies need.
subject of learnig so that it
can accommodate the
potential of school, need
and ability of the students
and he societies need.

Teacher is considered as curriculum who

decide everthing in classroom.
6. Teacher is consideredas
facilitator who has a duty to
make a good environment
in school to give
smoothnessin learning.

“Implementation is a set of instruction or plan that usually involves the
activities and interaction in a situation and condition”. (Saylor, 1981 ; 227). It
means curriculum implementation is the written concept of operational
curriculum the change into active form in teaching and learning activities, and
students-students and students-teacher interaction in an educational setting by
using set of instruction of curriculum plan.
Curriculum implementation is influenced by three factors below :
a. Characteristic of curriculum
b. Teaching stategy. The strategy which is used is such as grup discussion,
seminar, and workshop.
c. Knowledge ,skills, value and teaches attitude toward curriculum and their
abilities to implement the curriculum in teaching and learning process.
On the other hand, Mors (1980) stated that there are three factors which
influence curriculum implementation namely the support from
headmaster, support from another teachers and support from the teacher
himself. From those factors, teacher is the primary factor to success the
curriculum implementation.


A. Subject of Study
The subject of the study is all of English teachers of SMAN 2
Banjarmasin numbered 5 teachers. The teachers involve the teachers who
teach at class X and cllas IX because in this school, the Competence Based
Curriculum has been implemented in class X and class XI. Thus, the subject of
study is the teachers who teach class X (3 teachers) and the teachers who teach
in class XI(2 teachers).

B. Method of Data Collecting and Instrument

There are two methods of data collecting used by researcher. First, The
observation technique, second interview technique and third, questionnaire
technique. The observation is done by the writer by using observation sheet to
obtain data about teaching and learning process. The interview technique is
meant to obtain data about the implementation of the Competence Based
Curriculum in SMAN 2 Banjarmasin. In this section, the researcher will use a
tape recorder to record the teacher’s statement. Then, the questionnaire
technique is meant to obtain data about the problems encountered by teachers
in implementing the Competence Based Curriculum in teaching English. Each
instrument can be seen in detail at appendixes.

C. Method ofAnalysis
In arranging the instruments, the writer considers the validity of
instruments. There are two types of validity suggested by Suharsimi Arikunto.
First, is internal validity and second is external validity. The type of this
validity will be justified as follows :
1. External validity is the appropriateness of the data result from the
instrument chosen by the writer with the other data sources
2. Internal validity is the appropriateness of eash part of the instrument can
be said has internal validity if each part of the instrument is suitable with
the whole instruments.
In this research, the internal validity as the validity of data chosen. The
internal validity of the data is obtained by agreeing the themes of discussion
with the curriculum whether the themes used in developing the test suitable
with curriculum or not. In this occasion, the data will be collected from
observation, interview and questionnaire.


In this chapter, the data that is gained from interview, observation n and
questionnaire will be analyzed qualitativaly. The interview is meant to know the CBC
implementation in classroom, observation is meant to know the teaching and learning
process and questionnaire is meant to know the teachers problem in CBC.

A. The Curriculum Implementation

1. Developing syllabus

In the Competence Based Curriculum, the government decides that the

teachers have a freedom to perform the material developed cited by
(Mulyasa,2002,27) (Depdikbud2002) .But, it has to be appropriate with the
Basic Competence decided by the government and the syllabus.

In developing the syllabus in SMAN 2 Banjarmasin, there are several

Basic Competence developed in Listening, Speaking,Reading and Writing.
Moreover, it is competence with indicators. In Listening ,the Basic
Competence developed is understanding conversations and transactional
passage toward various interpersonal or monolog meaning in the form of
descriptive, narrative, anectode, analiytic exposition and hortatory
exposition. The indicators of the Basic Competence are giving expressing of
asking and giving an opinion, such as I think so too, I think... I reckon.
Expressing feeling such as love, sadness, pleasure, anxiety, anger,
embarrassment, pain, relief, fear, annoyance. Giving response to the
monolog text Narrative (orientation > evaluation > complication > resolution
> reorientation). Descriptive (Identification > description), Anecdote
(abstract > orientation > crisis > reaction > code). Exposition abalytic
(thesis > argument > recommendation) with demonstrating the skills such as
completing cloze passages, guessing word meaning in context, guessing
atitlein text content, identification key points and making note taking.
In Speaking, the Basic Competence developed is expressing meaning dealt
with transactional text toward various interpersonal or monolog meaning in
the form of descriptive, narrative, anecdote, analytic exposition and hortatory
exposition. The indicators of speaking are asking and giving information or
opinion such as expressing an opinion, asking an opinion, agreement,
disagreement, pproving, dissapproving, satisfying ,and dissatisfying, further
more, the indicator are also express feeling such as love, sadness, pleasure,
anxiety, anger, embarrassment, pain, relief, fear, annoyance. Giving
response the monolog text Narrative (orientation > evaluation > complication
> resolution > reorientation), Descriptive (Indentification > description),
Anecdote (abstract > orientation > crisis > reaction > code). Exposition
analytic (thesis > argument > recommendation) with demonstrating the skills
such as using stress pattern and rhythm appropriately, correct spelling,
appropriate register, variety of pitch, tone and pace, appropriate grammer and

In Reading, the Basic Competence developed is understanding meaning

and steps of rhetpric developmentin Writing text in the form of descriptive,
narrative, anecdote, analytic exposition and hortatory exposition with the
stressing on idea, and contextual meaning. The indicators developed are
identification of ideas in the text such as main ideas, supporting ideas, and
details. Indentification of rhetoric steps (interpersonal) in the passaged such
as Narrative (orientation > evaluation > complication > resolution >
resolution > reorientation). Dezcriptive (identifications > description).
Anecdote (thesis > argument > recommendation). Reading aloud in the text
Narrative (orientation > evaluation > complication > resolution >
reorientation). Descriptive (identification > description). Anecdote (abstract
> orientation > crisis > reaction > code). Exposition analytic (thesis >
argumentt > recommendation).

In writing, the Basic Competence developed is expressing meaning in

rhetoric development steps in writing text in the form of simple descriptive,
narrative, anecdote, analiytic exposition and hortatory exposition stressing on
idea and textual meaning. The indicators developed are writing various texts
in daily communication such as joint construction, announcement etc.
Demonstrating basic skills such as using appropriate grammar, and writing
constructions. Writing main ideas, claborating main ideas, using appropriate
register, making draft, revising, and editing. Producing texts in the form of
Narrative (orientation > evaluation > complication > resolution >
reorientation). Descriptive (Identification > description), Anecdote (abstract
> orientatiom > crisis > reaction > code). Exposition analytic (thesis >
argument > reccommendation). Reading aloud in the text Narrative
(orientation > evaluation > complication > resolution > reorientation).
Descriptive (Ifentification > description). Anecdote (abstract > orientation >
crisis > reaction > code). Exposition analytic (thesis > argument >

The CBC demands the teachers to stress the teaching and learning
individually, its means the fast, average and show learners have to be suitable
with the material given. Thus, according to SMAN 2 English teachers to
handle this they take several steps such as the clever students were spread in
all groups with the aim they could guide their friends, second by using
discussion and third, grouping from fast learners to slow learners. In order to
group the students based on their intelligence, it can be gained from pre test.
The result of the students achievementor school report as the guidance. In
order to organize the individual creativity, it was used an interesting material
based on their ability.

CBC also demands the teachers to implant honesty, responsibility and

openness to the students. According to the teachers, It could beachieved
through doing the task based on the procedure given, and provided the
consultations if they faced even in outside class.

2. Evaluation

In the characteristic of CBC one of the important factors is evaluation,

because through evalution the teacher and the students could know their
progress. In order to organize the individual assessment, there wereseveral
steps that the teachers did namely by arranging the cognitive, psychometric
and affective evaluation each basic competence.

Cognitive mean the result of students achievement toward the material

given. In this occasion English teacher of SMAN 2 Banjarmasin develop
cognitive from the result of student achievement in Reading and Listening.
For example, in Reading, the Basic Competence developed is understanding
meaning and steps of rhetoric development in writing text in the form of
descriptive, narrative, anecdote, analytic exposition and hortatory exposition
with the stressing on idea, and contextual meaning. The indicator developed
are identification of ideas in the text such as main ideas, supporting ideas,
and details. From these indicators, the teacher wanted to know the students
cognitive (achievement) in finding main ideas though the text. Thus, the
teachers give the students taks and measured them, whether theor cognitive
(achievement) has been in mastery learning lever or not.

psychometric means the result of students achievement in producing

something. Psychometric is gained through the result of students achievenent
in Speaking and Writing. For example, in Speaking, the Basic Competence
developed is expressing meaning dealt with transactional text toward various
interpersonal or monolog meaning in the form of descriptive, narrative,
anecdote, analiytic exposition and hartatory exposition. The indicators of
speaking are asking and giving information or opinion such as expressing an
opinion, asking an opinion, agreement, disagreement, approving,
dissapproving, satisfying, and dissatisfaying. The students are asked ti
practice their speaking with their friends, or course they have to guide first,
such as they are given a manual books first before they practice and the
teacher give the model first how to practice their speaking in front of the
classroom between their friends.

Furthermore, affective means the students attitude, motivation, attetion and

responsibility toward the teaching and learning. Effective developed in
SMAN 2 is through students presentations, tasks, reading the material in
their home, corporation, the neat of the students report. For example, after
the end of English subject, the teacher asked his/her students to collect their
book. It is done in order to know the near of the students report is. Moreover,
In the affective ecaluation, it is developed Likert scale consists of 5 scales
namely 5=very good, 4 = good, 3 = fair, 2 = poor, 1 = very poor. The total of
students score will decide their grade namely D = 1-5, C= 6-10, B=11-13,

These evaluatons mean to know the students progress toward the teaching
and learning English in the classroom individually. In order to know the
students progress individually, it is developed module for the students with
different material based on the students level, fast, average and slow learners.
Then, the result of the students achievement will give immediate feedback
for the teaching and learning. The students who have a mastery learning can
continue their learning, but for the students who do not have a mastery
learning must follow remedial program.

3. Remedial Program

Remedial program means the program for the students whp do not have a
mastery learning per Basic Competence. They cannot continue their learning
if do not have mastery learning. In CBC there are not limitation of students
number in taking the remedial. If they cannot reach SKBM, they have to
follow remedial program. Then , the students who do not follow remedial
program will be given enrichment.

In SMAN 2 Banjarmasin SKBM (Standar Ketuntasan Belajar Minimal)

for English is different is cognitive and psychometric. In cognitive the
students should habe SKBM 65 and SKMB in psychometric is 60. Teachers
take this consideration because the difficulty of producing language skill
such as writing and speaking.

The students who do not reach there SKBM will follow remedial program.
In the remedial program, the material in the learning in not different from
their first material. Remedial program takes place in the morning class or in
the afternoo class.
B. Teaching and Learning Process

Teaching and learning process in identified by the writer by using

observation. The observation resukt can be seen as follows :

Always Often Seldom Never

1 2 Teachers 2 Teachers 1 Teachers -

2 - 2 Teachers 3 Teachers -

3 4 Teachers - 1 Teachers -

4 3 Teachers 2 Teachers - -

5 5 Teachers - - -

6 1 Teachers 2 Teachers 2 Teachers -

7 4 Teachers - 1 Teachers -

8 3 Teachers 2 Teachers - -

9 4 Teachers 1 Teachers - -

10 1 Teachers 2 Teachers 2 Teachers -

11 5 Teachers - - -

12 3 Teachers 1 Teachers 1 Teachers -

13 4 Teachers 1 Teachers - -

14 4 Teachers 1 Teachers - -

In the observation, it cloud be found out that theteachers often

identified the students need in learning (4 teachers). But, the teachers seldom
made media of learning in the teaching and learning process (3 teachers). On
the order hand, the teachers always described the purpose of learning (4
teachers). Based on the purpose, the teachers often decided the material of
learning based on his/her own decision (3 teachers)

The teachers always arranged the lessom plan (5 teachers). The

teachers also developed oppenness to the students by making conversation to
the students about the students condition or their parents (3 teachers). In order
to develop honesty in teaching and learning in the class (4 teachers). The
teacher often opened to his/her students ( 3 teacher). The teacher also
developed a demoratic behavior toward the students (5 teachers).

The teachers also implanted a spontaneous behavior toward the event

out side classroom (3 teachers). The important thing in learning is the teacher
alwaus gave motivation to his/her students (5 teachers). In order to grade the
stusents achievement, the teacher always made a logical conclusion toward the
result of evaluation (5 teachers). If the student failed to reach the achievement,
based on the grade standard, they would be given a remedial by the teachers (5

1. Problems in Implementing CBC

From the data of questionnaire, it is found out that the teachers have
problems in several aspects. It can be seen as follows:

Always Often Seldom Never

1 2 Teachers 1 Teachers 2 Teachers -

2 1 Teachers 1 Teachers 3 Teachers -

3 1 Teachers 1 Teachers 3 Teachers -

4 2 Teachers - 3 Teachers -
5 2 Teachers - 3 Teachers -

6 2 Teachers - 3 Teachers -

7 3 Teachers 1 Teachers 1 Teachers -

8 3 Teachers - 2 Teachers -

9 3 Teachers 1 Teachers 1 Teachers -

From the chart above, it can be fpund out that the teachers had problems
mostly in grouping the students who habe different ability/competence, in
organizing the evaluation per individual, in administering the students
progress, in developing the material based on the students progressing and
in organizing the various studenta in a big class.

This chapter will describe the research conclusion that is gained from the data
collected. Moreover, it also give suggestion.
1. Conclusion

1. Grouping the various competence of students namely by using spreading the

clever students in the group discussion and grouping them from fast learners.
Category to slow learners based on pre test and school report.

2. Organizing the individual creativity by using the appropriate material based

on their ability.

3. Implanting the students honesty responsibility and openness namelly through

providing appropriate material, consultatiom and effective assessment.

4. Creative comfortable learning is done through developing teaching style,

motivation and explain the advantages of English to the globalization era. In
order to do this, the teacher should prepare material syllabus, curriculum and

5. The set of evaluation are arranged in the form of cognitive, effective and

6. The teacher has problems in grouping the students who have different
ability/competence, in organizing the evaluation per individual administering
the students progress in developing the material based on the students
progressing and in organizing the various students in a big class.

2. Suggestion

1. Number of students in a class should be in a small Number such as 20

students, on 25 in more than that in order to make easier for the teacher to
evaluate and administering the students progress.
2. The teacher shoild develop their, evaluation widely. In order to
administerimg the students progress.

3. The material that is used has tp be suitable with the students competence.

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