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If the object is a pronoum the particle has to be placed after the pronoum object (write IT down)
After preposition, verbs ends in -ing
# Are you good at painting things?
# I´m fed up wuth doing the same thing every day
# I´m thinking of buying a new car
# I´m sorry for being late

Accused (me) of
Advise (you) about
Be ahead (of) Llevar la delantera / Estar adelante
Be named after Llevar el nombre de / Llamarse como
Break down Romperse / Perder el control (emoción) / Derribar / Deprimirse
Break into Entrar sin permiso
Break out Escapar
Break up Romper
Bring up Start to talk about / Criar a / Educar / Vomitar / Devolver / Raise
Call (sb) up Communicate
Call off Suspender, cancelar
Carry on Continuar
Catch up Ponerse al día / Catch up WITH: alcanzar
Caught up Atrapado
Check out Verificar / Comprobar
Clean (sb/sth) up Limpiar
Come across Met / Encontrarse de casualidad
Come back Return to a place where the speaker is
Come down Descender, derrumbarse, bajar
Come into Entered a place where the speaker is
Come off Salir
Come out Happend / Salir con alguien / Appear from a place
Come over Visit me
Come up with Think of an idea
Cross out Make disappear
Close down Stop completely
Cut down on (sth) Reduce (I need to cut down on smoking)
Cut off Cortar / Distanciarse
Cut out Cortado
Dig up Desenterrar
Dress up Vestirse elegante
Drop off Caer / Llevar
Drop out Abandonar / Dejar / Romper con lo establecido
Earn up Ganar
Eat out Comer afuera
End up Terminar inesperadamente / Acabar
Face up (to) Enfrentar
Fade out Desvanecer
Fall behind Quedarse atrás
Fall down Caerse (cosa)
Fall out (with) Pelearse
Fall over/off Caerse (persona)
Fed up (with) Estar harto
Figured (sth) out Resolver / Descubrir / Comprender
Fill (it) in Rellenar / Completar (formulario)
Find out Descubrir, encontrar / Solving a problem / Get information
Get along with (sb) Get on well with (sb)
Get away (with somenthing) To escape being punished for somenthing
Get ahead Avanzar, progresar, salir adelante
Get back Devolver
Get by Manage / Arreglárselas
Get in llegar (arrive) / Entrar (al auto)
Get off Dejar (leave) / Bajar
Get on Subirse (bus) / Continuar
Get on badly (with) Llevarse mal
Get on well (with) Llevarse bien
Get out Sacarse (ropa)
Get out Salir / Leave a room, building, car
Get out of doing something To avoid having to do somenthing
Get over Recuperarse, recobrar / Aceptar
To get round someone To persuade someone to let you do or having something, usually by flattering (halagándolo) them
Get through Make contact (tel) / Hacer entender algo / Superar
Get up Awake from sleep / stand
Get stuck Atascarse
Get worse Empeorar
Give (it) back Devolver
Give out Dar / Repartir
Give up (on) Abandonar / Dejar / Rendirse (surrender) / Stop
Go ahead (with) To begin to do sth / Ir / Avanzar / Llevar a cabo
Go away Irse (prolongadamente por un tiempo) / Vete!
Go back Volver / Regresar / Remontar
Go down Stopped working temporarily / Move to a lower place
Go forward Avanzar
Go off Exploded / Sonar alarma / Marcharse, irse
Go on Is happening at the moment / Continuar
Go out Go to an even / Salir
Go through Look carrefully at
Go up Increase / Crecer, aumentar (prices)
Grow up Be come an adult
Hand in Perseverar
Hand out Distribuir, repartir
Hang out Pasar el tiempo / Colgar
Hang up Colgar / Detener
Help out Ayudar (más enfático)
Hold on Esperar (a moment, wait) / Mantener
Hurry up Apurate
Is on Está en cartelera o TV
Is over Finish
Keep fit Estar en forma
Leave out Dejar afuera / Omitir / Excluir
Let (sb) down Decepcionar
Let off Dejar
Lie down Recostarse
Look after (no separar) Cuidar
Look around Look at all parts of
Look at Mirar
Look back (on something) To think about something that happened in the past
Look down Regard with contempt (desprecio)
Look for Buscar
Look forward (to) Esperar con ansias / Tener ganas de
Look into Buscar / Investigar
Look like Parecerse a (físico) / Parecer que
Look out for Estar atento / Be careful
Look over Revisar, inspeccionar
Look through Read quicky / Revisar, hecar un vistazo / Ignorar / Mirar a través
Buscar (diccionario, enciclopedia, guía telefónica) / Mirar arriba / To respect and admire someone to have a
Look up very good opinion of someone
Look up to (sb) Admire
Make /sth) into (sth) Transformar algo en otra cosa
Make of Que opinas de…, qué razón le das
Make out Fingir, hacerse pasar por
Make /sth) out Descifrar
Make (sth) up Invent sth (often sth is not true) / Form sth (group)
Make up for Reparar, compensar
Make up (with sb) Become friends again after an argument
Move back Mudarse
Move on Seguir adelante / Start talking about or doing sth
Out of place Fuera de lugar o de contexto
Pass (me) by Pasar por arriba, que no se detiene
Pass out Desmayarse / Graduarse
Pay (sb) back Devolver
Pick up Got sth from a place / Levantar (algo del suelo)
Pick up (activity) Aprender algo de a poco
Plug (it) in Enchufar
Point out Showed / Mencioned
Pull up Para el auto
Push around Mandonear / Tratar mal
Put (something) away Guardar, ordenar
Put off Desalentar, posponer, rechazar
Put on Ponerse (ropa) / (weight) Ponerse en forma / Mover algo
Put on hold Poner en espera
Put up Colgar (cortinas)
Ring up Llamar
Run away Huir / Escaparse = way out
Run into (sb) / across Encontrarse de casualidad (sin with)
Run out of Quedarse sin
Save out Ahorrar
See (sb) off Despedir
Sell-by date Vencimiento
Send back Devolver
Set off Partir (start a journey -duración del viaje de un lugar a otro)
Set up Found / Abrir un negocio / Arrange (a date) / Create
Show off Presumir, mostrar con orgullo, resaltar
Show up Aparecer
Shut up Stop speaking
Slow down Ve más despacio
Split up = Broke up Romper, finish relation
Switch on Encender / Turn on
Switch (sth) off Disconnect / Apagar
Take after Parecerse a (personalidad) / Asemejarse (apariencia o carácter)
Take away Llevarse
Take care (of) Cuidarse
Take in Agarrar / Comprender / Register
Take off Sacarse (ropa)
Take off Despegar (Land: aterrizar)
Take on Become responsible for / Contratar
Take (sb/sth) out Salir con / Sacar / Arrebatar / Invitar a salir / pedir prestado
Take over Take control
Take out Salir con / Invitar a salir
Take to Gustar, encariñarse
Take up Comenzar (tenis) / Empezar ( Start
Talk (sb) into (sth) Convince of doing sth
Tear down Derribar
Tell (sb) off (for doing sth) To reprimand, to speak severely to someone because they have done something wrong
Throw away Tirar (basura)
Tidy (everything) up Ordenar
Try (clothes) on wear / Probarse (ropa o zapatos)
Turn (sth) around / back Darse vuelta / Girar / Cambiar
Turn down Decrease / Rechazar / Bajar (volumen)
Turn into Convertirse en / Transformarse / Volverse
Turn off/on Apagar / Encender (connect)
Turn out In the end we discovered / Resultar
Turn red Ponerse colorado
Turn (it) up Alzar, elevar / Aumentar / Subir el volumen / Aparecer (de manera inesperada)
Turn (it) upside down Voltear boca abajo
Use up Gastar
Walked across Caminar a través
Work out Progress in a good way / To do physical exercise to keep your body fit
Work (sth) out Find the answer, solve / Calculate sth
Write (sth) down Put on paper / Anotar, tomar notas
Accused (me) of
Advise (you) about
Be ahead (of)
Be named after
Break down
Break into
Break out
Bring up
Call (sb) up
Carry on
Catch up
Caught up
Check out
Clean (sb/sth) up
Come across
Come back
Come out
Come over
Come up
Cross out
Close down
Cut down on (sth)
Cut out
Drop out
Earn up
Eat out
End up
Face up (to)
Fade out
Fall behind
Fall down
Fall out (with)
Fall over/off
Fed up (with)
Figured (sth) out
Fill (it) in
Find out
Get along with (sb)
Get away (with somenthing)
Get by
Get in
Get off
Get on
Get on badly (with)
Get on well (with)
Get out
Get out
Get out of doing something
Get over
To get round someone
Get through
Get up
Get stuck
Get worse
Give (it) back
Give out
Give up (on)
Go ahead
Go away
Go back
Go down
Go off
Go on
Go out
Go through
Go up
Grow up
Hang out
Help out
Hold on
Hurry up
Is on
Is over
Keep fit
Leave out
Let (sb) down
Lie down
Look after (no separar)
Look around
Look at
Look back (on something)
Look down
Look for
Look forward (to)
Look into
Look like
Look out
Look through
Look up
Look up to (sb)
Make (sth) up
Make up (with sb)
Move back
Move on
Out of place
Pass (me) by
Pass out
Pay (sb) back
Pick up
Pick up (activity)
Plug (it) in
Pull up
Push around
Put (something) away
Put on
Put on hold
Put up
Ring up
Run away
Run into (sb)
Run out of
Sell-by date
Send back
Set off
Set up
Show up
Shut up
Slow down
Split up = Broke up
Switch on
Switch (sth) off
Take after
Take away
Take care (of)
Take in
Take off
Take off
Take on
Take (sb/sth) out
Take over
Take up
Talk (sb) into (sth)
Tell (sb) off (for doing sth)
Throw away
Tidy (everything) up
Try (clothes) on
Turn (sth) around / back
Turn down
Turn into
Turn off/on
Turn out
Turn red
Turn (it) up
Turn (it) upside down
Walked across
Work out
Work (sth) out
Write (sth) down
Llevar la delantera
Llevar el nombre de / Llamarse como
Romperse / Perder el control (emoción) / Derribar / Deprimirse
Entrar sin permiso
Sacar un tema / Criar a / Educar / Vomitar / Devolver
Ponerse al día
Verificar / Comprobar
Visit me
Appeared / Ocurrirse (una idea)
Make disappear
Stop completely
Reduce (I need to cut down on smoking)
Abandonar / Dejar / Romper con lo establecido
Comer afuera
Terminar inesperadamente / Acabar
Quedarse atrás
Caerse (cosa)
Caerse (persona)
Estar harto
Resolver / Descubrir / Comprender
Rellenar / Completar (formulario)
Descubrir, encontrar / Solving a problem
Get on well with (sb)
To escape being puniched for somenthing
Manage / Arreglárselas
llegar (arrive) / Entrar (al auto)
Dejar (leave) / Bajar
Subirse (bus) / Continuar
Llevarse mal
Llevarse bien
Sacarse (ropa)
To avoind having to do somenthing
Recuperarse / Aceptar
To persuade someone to let you do or having something, usually by flattering (halagándolo) them
Make contact / Hacer entender algo
Awake from sleep / stand
Dar / Repartir
Abandonar / Dejar / Rendirse (surrendered)
Ir / Avanzar / Llevar a cabo
Irse (prolongadamente por un tiempo) / Vete!
Volver / Regresar / Remontar
Stopped working temporarily
Look carrefully at
Increase / Crecer, aumentar (prices)
Crecer (de edad) / Volverse adulto
Pasar el tiempo / Colgar
Ayudar (más enfático)
Esperar (a moment, wait) / Mantener
Está en cartelera o TV
Estar en forma
Dejar afuera / Omitir / Excluir
Look at all parts of
To think about something that happened in the past
Regard with contempt (desprecio)
Esperar con ansias / Tener ganas de
Buscar / Investigar
Parecerse a (físico) / Parecer que
Estar atento / Cuidar / Be careful
Read quicky
Buscar (diccionario, enciclopedia, guía telefónica) / Mirar arriba / To respect and admire someone to have a very good opinion of someone
Invent sth (often sth is not true) / Form sth (group)
Become friends again after an argument
Seguir adelante
Fuera de lugar o de contexto
Pasar por arriba, que no se detiene
Desmayarse / Graduarse
Levantar (algo del suelo)
Aprender algo de a poco
Para el auto
Mandonear / Tratar mal
Ponerse (ropa) / (weight) Ponerse en forma / Mover algo
Poner en espera
Colgar (cortinas)
Huir / Escaparse = way out
Encontrarse de casualidad (sin with)
Quedarse sin
Partir (start a journey -duración del viaje de un lugar a otro)
Found / Abrir un negocio / Arrange (a date)
Stop speaking
Ve más despacio
Romper, finish relation
Encender / Turn on
Disconnect / Apagar
Parecerse a (personalidad) / Asemejarse (apariencia o carácter)
Agarrar / Comprender / Register
Sacarse (ropa)
Despegar (Land: aterrizar)
Salir con / Sacar / Arrebatar / Invitar a salir / pedir prestado
Take control
Comenzar (tenis) / Empezar
Convince of doing sth
To reprimand, to speak severely to someone because they have done something wrong
Tirar (basura)
wear / Probarse (ropa o zapatos)
Darse vuelta / Girar / Cambiar
Decrease / Rechazar / Bajar (volumen)
Convertirse en / Transformarse / Volverse
Apagar / Encender (connect)
Ponerse colorado
Alzar, elevar / Aumentar / Subir el volumen / Aparecer (de manera inesperada)
Voltear boca abajo
Caminar a travez de
Progress in a good way / To do physical exercise to keep your body fit
Find the answer, solve / Calculate sth
Put on paper / Anotar, tomar notas

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