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From here To there
Education frontloaded Learning
in early life throughout life

Blackboard, Whiteboard, digital and

books and papers virtual reality supports

Academic literacy New forms of literacy,

including digital

Lecture-based, Experiential, immersive learning;

theoretical, interactive, participatory courses and
passive learning seminars; labs and simulation games
across all disciplines

Teachers as Teachers as learning

lecturers coaches and mentors

Standardised, mass Customised,

approach to learning individualised learning

Discipline-based, focused Competency-based, multi-

on subjects and expertise disciplinary, project-based
and digitally-enabled learning

Education mainly provided by Diversification of education

a restricted set of state, providers and of training
religious or private actors partnerships

Recruitment based Recruitment based on

on degrees skills, talents and potential

Source: European Political Strategy Centre

Education received in early childhood
often shapes life prospects.

• Pre-school education boosts cognitive, character

and social skills. The educational impact of
early childhood education is already evident in
teenagers: 15-year olds who attended pre-
school for one year or more score higher in the
OECD’s Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA) than those who did not. INCONVENIENT TRUTHS
• Early childhood education also has wider social There are more than 32 million young children
benefits: it increases the likelihood of healthier below the age of compulsory education who could
lifestyles, lowers crime rates and reduces overall access early childhood education in the EU but
social costs of poverty and inequality. It enhances only about 15 million children have access.3
future incomes: full-time childcare and pre-school
programmes from birth to age 5 have been shown to Across Europe, 1 in 4 children under the age
boost future earnings for children from lower-income of six is at risk of poverty or social exclusion
families by as much as 26%.1 and may need specific measures to support their
educational needs.4
• Early childhood education can ease inequality by
enabling mothers to get back to work and support the
household’s budget with a second income. In most
countries, women’s participation in the labour market
is clearly linked to the age of their children. Across Investments in early education have the
Europe, 20% of women declare family responsibilities highest rate of return
as the main reason for not working; lack of available
care provision for young children is a primary reason.2 Programs targeted towards
Rate of return to investment in human capital

the earliest years

Early childhood education can lay the foundations for
later success in life in terms of education, well-being,
employability, and social integration. This is even more Preschool programs
valid for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Schooling
Investing in pre-school education is one of those
Job training
rare policies that is both socially fair – as it
increases equality of opportunity and social mobility
– and economically efficient, as it fosters skills and
productivity. But all these benefits are conditional on the
quality of the education provided. 0-3 4-5 School Post-school
Source: Strong Start for America’s Children Act

Learning how to learn is the most important skill of all.

• Most children entering primary school today are likely

to work in jobs that do not yet exist.
Both younger and older workers stay less
• People change jobs – and even professions – much
more often than a generation ago. The average long with the same employer
European worker has gone from having a job Percentage of workers employed in the same company
for life to having more than 10 in a career. by number of years; breakdown by age
• In an ageing society, with a workforce that is < 4 years 5 to 9 years >10 years
shrinking, Europeans will have to work longer. 25-39 years old 40-64 years old
100 %
This means that those aged 40+ must be given 80 % 29 18
substantial opportunities to update their skills. 60 % 29 67 60
• Less than 11% of Europeans aged between 40 %
20 % 53 13 18
25 and 64 are engaged in lifelong learning. 42
20 22
On average, only 6% of older workers (aged 55 to 0%
1995 2015 1995 2015
64 years old) currently participate in training and
education schemes.5
Source: Eurofound

Demands for competences keep evolving. Investing in lifelong learning, including through more learning on the job, is
the best promise to maximise future employability. Employers are already the biggest contributors to adult learning,
accounting for roughly 50 % of all spending6, and workplace innovation is key to acquiring and updating skills. Education
establishments also need to teach the advantages of continuous learning, and work out more attractive, open and
inclusive ways to bring people in different phases of their life and professional cycles back into education.


Towards universities that continue to educate beyond graduation and majors
A design team from Stanford University’s d.school7 worked with hundreds of students and administrators to
explore how higher education could be reinvented to deal with the potential disruption posed by online learning,
and respond to shifting needs and expectations of future employers and students. Their vision of the university
of the future consisted of the following dimensions:
• Open loop university: instead of limiting access to an academic setting in early adulthood, offer
opportunities to prime-age adults to return, pivot careers and reconnect with the community.
• Paced education: rather than four-year courses structured around semesters and mainly based on lectures,
offer phases of interactive learning, of varied length based on the needs of the students.
• Purpose learning: students would be asked to ‘declare a mission, not a major’ when starting their studies.
For example, instead of saying that she is studying biology, a student would say that she is learning
human biology to cure cancer, or drug addiction. Based on these, faculty and students would tackle societal
challenges through ‘Impact labs’ around the world.
• Competence hubs: Rather than separate academic departments and disciplinary-based teaching, the
university would create multidisciplinary competency hubs mixing faculty, researchers and students in
state-of-the art studio classrooms. Upon completion of their courses, graduates would receive a ‘Skill-Print’
summarising their skills, capabilities, talents, ability to learn and work on projects and with team-members, to
be used with prospective employers, rather than a grade transcript.

Digital skills are becoming a core literacy.
And young people are at an advantage.

• Today, 93% of European workplaces use desktop

computers and there is almost no job that does not
require at least basic digital skills. To illustrate, in
A WORLD OF CHANGE 2016, half of European construction workers needed
basic digital skills to perform their jobs.8
Younger adults outperform older ones on
• And yet, a vast majority of workplaces (88%) have
digital problem-solving
not taken any action to tackle the lack of digital skills
Basic digital Advanced digital of their employees.9
problem-solving skills problem-solving skills
Young adults All adults • For the first time in history, young people
(16-24 year-olds) (16-65 year-olds) are more proficient at a sought-after skill
Sweden than their older peers. This may have profound
Netherlands ramifications for labour markets that are still very
Norway much based on seniority and years of experience.
Canada • Unequal access to digital skills and technologies
England/N.Ireland (UK)
often overlaps with known cracks in social protection
Japan systems. And, with the rise of e-government, online
Flanders (Belgium)
Average shopping, banking and smart mobility, lack of basic
Czech Republic digital skills may lock individuals not only out of
United States work, but also out of society.
Estonia Just as numeracy and literacy skills are fundamental for
Slovak Republic
Ireland every citizen, regardless of discipline and profession, so
too are digital literacy skills. They will become necessary
60 40 20 0 20 40 60
to succeed in today’s society and labour markets where
Source: Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 2012
ubiquitous connectivity is the new normal.


Poland’s digital natives
As part of its ‘Digital Poland’ strategy10, Poland has committed over 170 million euro by 2020 to develop and
promote the digital skills of all Poles and all age groups. The strategy reaches out to people at risk of digital
exclusion (people of 50+ age, from rural areas or with disabilities), while also supporting gifted ICT students/
programmers, through its e-Pionier programme that organises competitions to develop innovative solutions with
wider value for society or public policy. In addition, all pupils starting from their first year of primary education
already have compulsory coding lessons, while all Polish schools will be connected to fast broadband by the end
of 2018.
Poland has the fourth-largest pool of science graduates in the EU and a large workforce that is ‘digitally-
enabled’, or in other words able to perform digitally-related jobs. Poland’s IT sector has been growing fast in
recent years, and the high availability of qualified professionals has drawn in multinational companies operating
in the IT field. Estimates suggest that Poland could increase the economic value added of its economy by 13%-
22% by means of digitisation, so investing in its populations’ digital skills is the smart choice ahead.

Humans will increasingly compete with
machines to gain novel insights.

THE FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE • Advances in high-performance computing are enabling

Digital technologies are becoming ubiquitous an artificial intelligence revolution whereby machines
even in the most traditional sectors can learn and take on ever more complex tasks.
Intelligent devices, such as robots and drones, can • As humans may increasingly find themselves
help farmers to reduce crop losses caused by pests competing with robots – and no longer only on
and diseases, while also decreasing agrichemical use, routine tasks and low-skill jobs – educational
thanks to an earlier and more precise identification systems need to refocus on the very skills and
of crop enemies, enabling more precise chemical competences that have been central to the success of
application or pest removal. Researchers predict the human species in the first place: creativity, problem-
drones, mounted with multispectral cameras, could solving, negotiation, adaptability, critical thinking,
take off every morning before farmers even get up, working together, empathy and emotions, and cross-
to identify pest problems so that the farmer could cultural communication.
immediately address them. Similarly, wearable
devices like those designed to track human health and INCONVENIENT TRUTHS
fitness, are already being used to monitor cow fertility The skills that are easiest to teach are
and detect early signs of illness, alerting the farmer
via smartphone. As these technologies develop, so
also easiest to digitise
too will the role of the farmer, requiring new skills and Routine manual Non-routine manual Routine cognitive
certainly, digital competence. Non-routine analytic Non-routine interpersonal
Machine collaboration, human advantage 65
A recent comparison11 of the ability of expert doctors
and AI software to diagnose cancer found that doctors
continue to perform significantly better than software.
However, it revealed that doctors performed better still
when working with the software. This suggests that
often AI does not replace human labour so much 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2006 2009
as it augments human capabilities. Source: OECD
Human-machine collaborations are also being
investigated within the US Defence Advanced High-performance computing enables
Research Projects Agency, which developed a ‘digital machines to learn faster than ever
tutor’ system to train recruits for IT jobs in the US
Time-to- Desktop 10-node Small Large Largest
Navy. The digital tutor prioritises conceptual learning learn spark GPU GPU GPU
and thinking, only allowing students to move on cluster board cluster cluster
after passing a review test. An assessment of the Face 1 year 4 4 4-5 12
programme found that students assisted by the digital recognition months weeks days hours
tutor outperformed classroom-based graduates – Demand 3 4-5days 12 3 30
including some who trained for twice as long.12 prediction weeks hours hours minutes
Machine 20 2-4
translation years weeks
Notes: GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit. The computational
power of GPUs allows for very fast calculations to be performed.
Source: Gartner


From industrial-era mass education
to individualised, digitally-enabled learning paths.

• The industrial era required large numbers of workers • Personalisation of learning requires a major
with medium-level skills that could be acquired change in the organisation and delivery of
through standardised education systems. The rise education and on-the-job learning, recentring it
of the knowledge-based economy saw a rise in the around personal progress.
share of high-skilled occupations and a hollowing-out • Up till now, high costs were considered as an
of medium-level skilled jobs. insurmountable obstacle to scaling up such
• Modern-day economies are increasingly approaches because introducing a truly individual
built around human capital (rather than approach on a wide scale would mean hiring a
industrial machines), and there is therefore a significant number of teachers or learning coaches.
much stronger need to maximise everyone’s Thanks to the emergence of new technologies and
potential. resources this may no longer be the case.
• One-size-fits-all is unlikely to work in this new Learning can be transformed into a customised
environment. Individualised learning paths can help experience where individuals approach problems in
students and workers to develop their innate talents their own way, acquire knowledge and skills at their
and capabilities. own pace, maximising outcomes not only for the most
talented students, but also helping to bring those
lagging behind up to speed.


Personalising classroom learning using data analytics: the case of Singapore
With the average primary school class consisting of up to 40 pupils, teachers have typically found it hard to
personalise learning for each individual student.
The Government of Singapore is exploring innovative use of emerging technologies to enrich the learning
experience and enhance the quality of teaching, enabling everyone to achieve their full potential.13
A key feature includes personalised learning using analytics, whereby data relating to the student – on school
attendance, test results, participation in class, as well as self-assessments and teacher assessments – is
gathered and combined to draw out crucial insights into students’ learning strengths and difficulties. The goal is
to help teachers build better pedagogical programmes, empower students to take an active part in their learning,
target at-risk student populations through personalised interventions, and assess factors affecting completion
and student success.

Towards interdisciplinary, THE FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE
technology-powered learning.
Phenomenon-based and interdisciplinary
teaching: the case of Finland
For the past 40 years, Finland has been one of the
highest-performing school systems in the world,
consistently ranking among the top scorers in
• Local and global challenges, such as addressing the OECD’s Programme for International Student
climate change, food, water and energy security, Assessment (PISA), which tests and compares the
health, or governing culturally plural societies, global performance of 15-year-olds in reading,
are increasingly complex and require maths and science literacy. PISA does not assess
interdisciplinarity. what students know; it focuses on how students
• Multidisciplinarity is critical to bridging across silos apply theory and thinking in answering questions - so
in order to understand the causes and complexities how they solve problems and apply what they know.
of modern-day challenges and develop innovative Holding this leading position for so long, however, has
solutions. not made Finland complacent. The country is faced
• It is at the intersection of different with fast-paced technological, demographic and socio-
disciplines that novel insights emerge. economic changes that have led to concerns about
Yet, in their overwhelming majority, Europe’s increasing inequality and growing regional disparities.
schools and universities remain organised in silo In 2016, it launched a national programme14
departments that do not sufficiently address the aimed at improving primary and lower secondary
interconnectedness of today’s world. education, further developing the phenomenon-based,
interdisciplinary approach to teaching which the
Technology can contribute to new ways of learning. It
country has been experimenting with since the 1980s.
can be taught not only as a subject but rather used
to convey the material learned in other subjects. For The new core curriculum for basic education
instance, learning about World War II becomes not just a focuses on transversal (generic) competences and
study of history but an all-encompassing analysis of the works across school subjects; with collaborative
sociological and economic angles, using technology to classroom practices, where pupils may work
bring the subjects learned to life. with several teachers simultaneously – thereby
also encouraging Finnish school teachers who
have traditionally focused on a given topic to
work together with their peers in school around
multidisciplinary modules.
‘Finnish schools will continue to teach mathematics,
history, arts, music and other subjects in the future.
But with the new basic school reform, all children
will also learn via periods looking at broader
topics, such as the European Union, community
and climate change, or 100 years of Finland’s
independence, which would bring in multidisciplinary
modules on languages, geography, sciences and
economics,’ Pasi Sahlberg, Adjunct Professor at the
Universities of Helsinki and Oulu, and leading figure
in education policy, explains.

Formal education provision is complemented
by new entrepreneurial ventures.

• The number of actors offering new platforms The growing diversity of actors engaging in education
and methods for training and learning has grown opens up numerous new opportunities for people to
exponantially; it is no longer limited to formal train and retrain at different moments in their lives.
education establishments. They can also help to reach out to individuals that would
• Over 800 universities already offer lectures on otherwise be excluded.
app stores, making it possible to learn anything, New forms of partnerships between school actors,
anytime and anywhere on a smartphone or tablet. as well as between public and private actors
• Digital technologies are a catalyst for personalising are rejuvenating curricula, experimenting with new
learning and making it an increasingly active and intersections between disciplines, and are already
flexible learning experience. having an impact on employability.
• Peer-to-peer platforms enable people from very
diverse parts of society and the world, to engage and
learn from each other.


Tech entrepreneur spearheads Europe’s most successful coding school
In France, École 4215 is a free, teacher-less, self-organised university set up by a tech entrepreneur. It is
schooling thousands of programmers through project-based learning and peer-to-peer learning. Entry is totally
merit-based as students are selected through a one-month, elimination-based test that they must endure to get
a place at the school, and the curriculum is ‘gamified’. Almost 80% of students have a job before they finish the
course and 100% are employed by the end of it.

Going digital: Corporate training as a stepping stone to getting a job or a promotion?

More and more technology and software companies are creating learning platforms that individuals or
companies can use to acquire valuable new digitial skills, providing certification that is globally recognised.
The German multinational software company SAP has set up trainings through Enterprise MOOCs (Massive
Open Online Courses) offering flexible and interactive courses on topics from procurement to how to collect,
process and analyse data.16 Its learning hub provides education content to support self-paced e-learning, as well
as access to a community of learners through expert-led live online sessions and collaborative social learning
rooms. The added value of these trainings is that they offer certification programmes by area of focus and skills
levels that are globally recognised by all SAP partner companies and customers.

The link between formal school education
and work is increasingly broken.

• Formal education used to be a guarantee for a

job. Today, this is no longer the case. INCONVENIENT TRUTHS
• Europe has the most educated workforce in its history. Young Europeans are at highest risk of
Almost 40% of Europeans aged 25-39 hold a tertiary being unemployed
degree; just over a decade ago it was around 25%.17 Unemployment rate persons under 25 years old, 2007-2016
And yet, Europe struggles with persistently high In %
levels of youth unemployment. Even though it has EU28 United States Japan
started falling, it is still more than double the overall 25
unemployment rate, and far higher than in other
developed economies. 20
• The transition from school to work is being jilted as
young graduates have a harder time than ever to find 15
employment and the vast majority of those who get
a job do so in very different fields from what they 10
have studied.
• Lack of skills is a common reason for entry-level 5









vacancies. 40% of European employers report having
difficulty finding people with the skills they need to grow
Source: OECD
and innovate.18 There is a twin crisis of high youth
unemployment and shortage of skills.
Education providers are not engaging sufficiently with
employers, which often makes them oblivious to the THE FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE
realities of the labour market: 72% of them consider It’s a match!
the graduates adequately prepared for the job market,
whereas this view is held only by around 40% of Technology-enabled tools with real-time information
employers and youth. At the same time, employers are already assisting schools and universities in
rarely interact with universities and schools, so their skill offering career advice to their students. Personality
demands have a low chance of being translated into tests can match students with potential university
curricula. In effect, a quarter of youth do not make a degrees and jobs based on their interests and
smooth transition to work.19 personality type. From there, students are able to
digitally map out different career paths and view
information relating to the degrees and education
levels of real people in these fields, average salaries,
fluctuation of demand in the labour market. This
enables them to make more informed decisions
about their future studies and professional
development, thus also contributing to addressing
skills shortages and mismatches.

Critical thinking is needed to make
democracies more resilient.

• Close to 8 out of 10 middle school students

cannot distinguish ‘fake’ news from real news.20 THE FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE
• With the emergence of automated accounts (bots), Teaching kids to think when they swipe
the spread of disinformation has never been easier. and click
• Through the use of algorithms, social media can The Italian government, in cooperation with
create powerful echo chambers, entrenching pre- leading digital companies, has started an
existing beliefs, views, visions and animosities, experiment to train students in public schools
and they can also be used as platforms for the to recognise fake news and conspiracy theories
dissemination of external influence. online.21 Laura Boldrini, the President of the Italian
• The fake news phenomenon is likely not a short-lived lower house of Parliament, who has spearheaded
one and requires media-literate citizens to discern the project with the Italian Ministry of Education,
fact from fiction. asserts that the web cannot be forfeited to the
fringes, and that the government must teach the
Consensus-building, the backbone of democracy,
next generation of Italian voters how to defend
becomes a daunting challenge in such an environment.
themselves against falsehoods designed to play
Some remedies can come from the social media
on their fears.
providers. But more importantly, our educational
systems must integrate critical thinking,
information evaluation and media literacy as
some of the top skills for the 21st century from
very early ages.

Four dimensions of media literacy for the 21st century

Digital Literacy
Able to use digital
technology, soſtware, apps
and networks for work,
creativity and leisure
Critical Mind Visual Savviness
Able to question, challenge,
Able to identify information,
evaluate the meaning and Media literacy in including visual messages,
purposes of written, visual
and oral material and use it the 21st century analyse it, evaluate its
accordingly quality and use it accordingly

The Fundamentals
Able to read, write,
compute, speak and listen
Source: European Political Strategy Centre

Europe may have invented universities, but
now it is time to reinvent them.

• The world’s first universities were set up in Europe.

But today, the highest ranking universities in the INCONVENIENT TRUTHS
world are not European. Dominated by US-based No EU27 universities in the top 25
institutions and a handful of UK universities, no
EU27 university is in the top 25 worldwide. Top 25 1. University of Oxford UK
2. California Institute of Technology USA
• At a time when European universities risk falling Universities 3. Stanford University USA
in the world 4. University of Cambridge UK
behind, bringing more world-leading researchers to 2016/17 5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Europe could bolster European research excellence 6. Harvard University USA
and global competitiveness. 7. Princeton University USA
8. Imperial College London UK
9. ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Zurich Switzerland
10. University of California, Berkeley USA
THE FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE 11. University of Chicago USA
12. Yale University USA
Specialisation as a game changer 13. University of Pennsylvania USA
14. University of California, Los Angeles USA
94% of graduates from the Turin-based 15. University College London UK
Politecnico di Torino find employment within one 16. Columbia University USA
year from graduation.22 17. Johns Hopkins University USA
18. Duke University USA
The Politecnico managed to achieve this important 19. Cornell University USA
result through a careful calibration between 20. Northwestern University USA
specialisation, partnerships and innovation: 21. University of Michigan USA
22. University of Toronto Canada
• It focused on engineering, establishing 23. Carnegie Mellon University USA
strong partnerships with industry and local 24. National University Singapore Singapore
authorities, making the university a laboratory 25. London School of Economics and Political
for experimentation of services; Science UK
• It pursued a policy of internationalisation, Source: The Times Higher Education World University Rankings
establishing exchanges with universities in
other regions of the world and agreements
for interships with national and international
Turin is an example of how specialisation
in institutional advantages - engineering
knowledge as a service - can be turned into a
competitive strength.

1. European Commission.
2. European Commission, ‘Parents at work: Men and women participating in the labour force’, 2014,
3. European Commission, Early childhood and primary education statistics,
4. European Commission, Children at risk of poverty or social exclusion,
5. European Commission, Adult learning statistics,
6. German Institute for Adult Education, ‘Developing the adult learning sector’, 2013,
education/.../adult-learning-g_en .pdf.
7. Stanford,
8. European Commission, 10 May 2017, ‘ICT for Work: Digital Skills in the Workplace’,
9. Idem.
10. Polish Ministry of Economic Development, Digital Poland Programme,; National Centre for Research and
Development, e-Pionier,
11. Knight, W., ‘More evidence that humans and machines are better when they team up’, 8 MIT Technology Review, https://www.technologyreview.
com/s/609331/more-evidence-that-humans-and-machines-are-better-when-they-team-up/, November 2017.
12. US Defense Technical Information Center, ‘Accelerating Development of Expertise: A Digital Tutor for Navy Technical Training’, 2014, http://www.
13. Singapore Infocomm Media Development Authority, Personalised Learning Through Analytics,
14. Finnish National Agency for Education,
15. Ecole 42, ‘Born to code?’
16. SAP Learning Hub,
17. European Commission, Tertiary education statistics,
18. European Commission, A New Skills Agenda for Europe, 2016,
19. McKinsey Centre for Government, ‘Education to employment: Designing a system that works’, January 2013
20. Wineburg, S. and McGrew, S. (2016), ‘Why Students can’t Google their way to the Truth’,
21. New York Times, ‘In Italian Schools, Reading, Writing and Recognising Fake News’, 18 October 2017,
22. Politecnico di Torino and Graduate Employability Rankings 2018,

This publication has been prepared by the European Political
Strategy Centre. The information and views set out in this
publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the official opinion of the European Commission.

© European Union, 2017

Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The
reuse policy of European Commission documents is regulated by
Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39).

The European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC) is the

European Commission’s in-house think tank. It reports
directly to President Juncker and operates under his authority.

The mandate of the EPSC includes: strategic analysis and

policy advice, both short and long-term, to the President
and the College on issues related to the policy priorities of the
Juncker Commission (as defined by the President in his political
guidelines presented to the European Parliament on July 15
2014); and outreach to decision-makers, think tanks and civil
society at large.


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