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International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering

Vol.10, No.9 (2015), pp.1-8

Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Software

Project Time Prediction

WanJiang Han1, LiXin Jiang2, TianBo Lu1 and XiaoYan Zhang1

School of Software Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunication, Beijing 100876, China
Department of Emergency Response, China Earthquake Networks Center, Beijing
100036, China

Software Project Management (SPM) is one of the primary factors to software success
or failure. Prediction of software development time is the key task for the effective SPM.
The accuracy and reliability of prediction mechanisms is also important. In this paper, we
compare different machine learning techniques in order to accurately predict the software
time. Finally, by comparing the accuracy of different techniques, it has been concluded
that Gaussian process algorithm has highest prediction accuracy among other techniques
studied. Experimental results show this prediction approach is more effective.

Keywords: Software time prediction, Software Project Management, Machine

Learning Algorithm

1. Introduction
A software project is more difficult to visually monitor and control than project that
creates a physical product like a building that you can see. For software projects, it
becomes difficult to meet the deadlines and to deliver the product features “as promised”
and within the budget. Before starting a project, software project planning is one of the
most critical activities in modern software development. Without a realistic and objective
plan, a software development project cannot be managed in an effective way [1-2].
When historical project effort data, duration data and other project data are used for
effort or duration prediction, the basic motivation behind this attempt is that the
knowledge stored in the historical datasets can be used to develop predictive models, by
either statistical methods such as linear regression and correlation analysis or machine
learning methods such as ANN (Artificial Neural Network) and SVM (Support Vector
Machine) [3], to predict the effort or duration of projects [4].
In order to develop prediction-based software mechanisms, it is required a high-
accurate prediction function. So, prediction approaches must to be able to predict project
effort and duration, with high accuracy.
Prediction-based approaches require a prediction function that according to the past
data of the project, will predict the future project effort and duration. However, due to the
vast number of machine learning algorithms, there are still different machine learning
algorithms not analyzed.
In this paper, we will compare the performance of several different Machine learning
algorithms to predict Software Project time. At last, we evaluate the algorithms according
to Magnitude Relative Error (MRE), Mean magnitude relative error (MMRE) and
MdMRE [5-7].

ISSN: 1975-0080 IJMUE

Copyright ⓒ 2015 SERSC
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol.10, No.9 (2015)

2. Related Work
In this section, we will briefly describe Neural networks and the main
characteristics of the machine learning algorithms compared [10-17].

2.1. Neural Networks

A neural network (NN) is a model of computing and signal processing that is inspired
in the processing done by a network of biological neurons [16]. The basis for the
construction of a neural network is the artificial neuron. The input of an artificial neuron
is a vector of numeric values.
A neural network learns by adjusting its parameters. The parameters are the values of
bias and weights in its neurons. Some neural networks learn constantly during their
application, whereas most of them have two distinct periods: a training period and an
application period. During the training period a network processes prepared inputs and
adjusts its parameters. In order to improve its performance, it is guided by some learning
algorithm. Once the performance is acceptably accurate, or precise, the training period is
finished. The parameters of the network are then fixed to the learned values, and the
network starts its period of application for the intended task [9].

Figure1 Simple Neural Network

The simplest form of ANN is shown in the Figure 1. It has three layers: Input layer,
Hidden Layer and Output Layer. Input layer has as much number of neurons as number of
input parameters to the ANN model, the next Layer is Hidden Layer, which gets inputs
from input layer neurons and it is fully or partially connected to the input layer. Hidden
Layer is normally fully connected with the Output Layer. Output Layer has one or more
output neurons depending on the output of the model [10].

2.2. Linear Regression

Linear regression (LR) is a method to model the linear relationship between a scalar
dependent variable y and one or more independent variables x [11].

2.3. Least Median Square

Least Median Square (LMS) method is one of the statistical methods for solving the
equations which are more than unknown. This method almost used in analytical
regression. In fact, Least Median Square is a method for fitting the dataset. The least
Median Square must yield the smallest value for the median of squared residuals
computed for the entire data set. It means the residuals, the difference between real data
and predicted data [12].

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International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol.10, No.9 (2015)

2.4. Gaussian Process

In probability theory, the Gaussian process (GP) is realization consist of random values
associated with every point in a range of times. The random variable has a normal
distribution. It has been mentioned that "a Gaussian process is a stochastic process whose
generalization of a Gaussian distribution over a finite vector space to a function space of
infinite dimension".
Gauss algorithm is a method used to solve non-linear least squares problems. The
method is named after the mathematicians Carl Friedrich Gauss and Isaac Newton [17-
Non-linear least squares problems arise for instance in non-linear regression, where
parameters in a model are sought such that the model is in good agreement with available
Given m functions r = (r1,…,rm) of n variables β= (β1,…,βn), with m ≥ n, the Gauss
algorithm finds the minimum of the sum of squares, as in (1).
S ( )   ri (  )

i 1

Starting with an initial guess  (0) for the minimum, the method proceeds by the
iterations, as in (2).
( s 1)
   
, (2)
 S  1    S ( ) 

S (   )  S (
(S ) (S )
)      
  i  2   i j 

Δ is a small step. We then have.

If we define the Jacobian matrix as in (3).
 ri
)  
 j

We can replace
 S 
 
  i  
J r
with r
and the Hessian matrix can be approximated by (4).

1  
S (   )  S (
(S ) (S )
)  J r r   J r J r
2 (4)

(assuming small residual), giving: J r J r .We then take the derivative with respect to
 and set it equal to zero to find a solution as in (5).
 
S ( 
(S )
 )  J r r  J r J r  0
This can be rearranged to give the normal equations which can be solved for Δ as in
 
(J r J r )  - J r J r
In data fitting, where the goal is to find the parameters β such that a given model
function y=f(x, β) fits best some data points (xi, yi), the functions ri are the residuals.
ri (  )  y i - f ( x i ,  )

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International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol.10, No.9 (2015)

Then, the increment  can be expressed in terms of the Jacobian of the function f, as in
 
(J J )  J f r
f f (7)

2.5. M5P
M5P is a tree learner and consists of binary decision tree which learns a "model" tree.
This is a decision tree with linear regression functions at the leaves. It is used to predict a
numeric target attribute. It may be piecewise fit to the target [2].

2.6. REPtree
REPtree (RT) Builds a decision tree using information variance and prunes it using
reduced-error pruning (with back fitting). Only sorts values for numeric attributes once.
Missing values are dealt with by splitting the corresponding instances into pieces [2].

2.7. Sequential Minimal Optimization

Sequential minimal optimization (SMO) was proposed as an iterative algorithm. This
algorithm uses SVM for solving regression problem and SVM classifier design. The
SMO algorithm has two worthy aspects: implementation is easy and computational speed
is fast [14-15].

2.8. Multilayer Perceptron

The multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a very simple model of biological neural networks.
The network is structured in a hierarchical way. Multilayer Perceptron includes some
nodes located in different layers where the information flows only from one layer to the
next layer. The first and the last layers are the input and output. Layers between the input
and output layer are called hidden layers. This network is trained based on back
propagation error in that the real outputs are compared with network outputs, and the
weights are set using supervised back propagation to achieve the suitable model [16].

3. Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Project

The main goal of this paper is to compare the effectiveness of different machine
learning techniques to predict the time of software project.
We have collected lots of software projects. Table 1 describes the attributes of projects,
which are used to build the time prediction model by a machine learning technique.

Table 1. Information of the Projects Collected

Number of Number of Time of Effort of KLOC
projects Workers projects(Month) projects(PM)
59 6-28 3-28 6-220 3-320

From the total 59 project data, as in Table 1, we used 50 randomly selected data points
for training and building the model and the other 9 of them for test and evaluate the
model. Then the same training data and testing data was used for all the models. Figure 1
illustrates the overall flow of the work conducted.

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International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol.10, No.9 (2015)

Collecting Project data

Choose 50 projects of data set for Choose 9 projects of data set for
Fitting Model testing

Build the time prediction model for each

machine learning algorithm

Test and compare the machine learning


Figure 1. Flow Chart of Building Model

It is desired to find time prediction model for software project. We fit the models by
seven kinds of machine learning algorithms. So we can obtain seven time prediction
model, shown as in Eq.(8)-(14), which are fitted respectively by linear regression, SMO,
multilayer Perceptron, M5P, Leastmedsqr, REPtree and Gaussian process.
0 . 38
T  2 . 81  E (8)
0 . 29
T  3 . 12  E (9)
0 . 31
T  2 . 98  E (10)
0 . 39
T  4 . 02  E (11)
0 . 41
T  3 . 62  E (12)
0 . 21
T  2 . 91  E (13)
0 . 35
T  3 . 99  E (14)
Where is project prediction time(Month) ,and is Project effort(Person Month).
These functions are fitted by collected project data shown in Table 1.
In order to evaluate the accuracy of the Model, we use the common evaluation criteria
in the field They are Magnitude Relative Error (MRE), Mean magnitude relative error
(MMRE) and MdMRE [5-7].
1) Magnitude Relative Error (MRE) computes the absolute percentage of error between
actual and predicted time for each reference project.
Actual i
 Estimated i

Actual i

2) Mean magnitude relative error (MMRE) calculates the average of MRE over all
reference projects. Despite of the wide use of MMRE in estimation accuracy, there has
been a substantive discussion about the efficacy of MMRE in estimation process. MMRE
has been criticized that is unbalanced in many validation circumstances and leads often to
overestimation (Shepperd and Schofield, 1997). Moreover, MMRE is not always reliable
to compare between prediction methods because it is quite related to the measure of MRE
spread (Foss et al., 2003).

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Vol.10, No.9 (2015)

 MRE i
i 1

3)Median of MRE (MdMRE): MMRE is sensitive to individual predictions with

excessively large MREs. The median of MREs (MdMRE), is less sensitive to extreme
values and is used as another measure [18]. We adopt median of MREs for the n projects
(MdMRE) which is less sensitive to the extreme values of MRE.
MdMRE = MRE i .

4. Experimental Results
For comparing machine learning algorithms, we use MRE, MMRE and MdMRE to
evaluate the results. Based on this value, we rank the algorithms according to each metric
of interest. At the end, we compute the overall ranked position by the same approach [19-
21]. Presents the result of each algorithm. We can state that predicting values by Gaussian
Process are directly and closely related to training dataset values, comparing other
algorithms. The ranked list of the algorithms will be as follows considering the four
scenarios together: (1) GP, (2) M5P and SMO, (3) LR, (4) RT, (5) LMS and (6) MLP.
This indicates that Gaussian Process algorithm is able to adapt better to different
projects. After analyzing the four performance metrics for all algorithms, we can observe
that GP is the best candidate.

Table 2. The Evaluation for Machine Learning Algorithms

MRE 0.910 0.921 0.897 0.956 0.976 0.898 0.921
MMRE 0.875 0.936 0.934 0.895 0.951 0.921 0.937
MdMRE 0.915 0.899 0.911 0.901 0.960 0.932 0.945

5. Conclusions Second and Following Pages

In this paper, we used different machine learning algorithms to build software
time prediction model, based on lots of project data. Then we comprehensively
compared different machine learning algorithms. Our experimental results show that
Gaussian Process obtains the better overall performance among the studied
algorithms. As a future work, it would necessary to compare the algorithms under
more complex projects.

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Grant No. 61170273).

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Wan-Jiang Han, was born in Hei Long Jiang province, China,
1967. She received her Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from
Hei Long Jiang University in 1989 and her Master Degree in
Automation from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1992.
She is an assistant professor in School Of Software Engineering,
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication, China. Her
technical interests include software project management and software
process improvement.

Li-Xin Jiang, was born in Hei Long Jiang province, China, 1966.
He received his Bachelor Degree and Master Degree in physical
geography from Beijing University in 1989 and 1992.
He is a professor in the department of Emergency Response of
China Earthquake Networks Center. His technical interests include
software cost estimation and Emergency Response software

Copyright ⓒ 2015 SERSC 7

International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol.10, No.9 (2015)

Tian-Bo Lu, was born in Guizhou Province, China, 1977. He

received his Master Degree in computer science from Wuhan
University in 2003 and his PH.D Degree in computer science from
the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences in 2006.
He is an Associate professor in School of Software Engineering,
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. His
technical interests include information and network security, trusted
software and P2P computing.

Xiao-Yan Zhang, was born in Shandong Province, China, 1973.

She received her Master Degree in Computer Application in 1997
and her PH.D Degree in Communication and information system
from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication, China, in
She is an Associate professor in School of Software Engineering,
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China.
Her technical interests include software cost estimation and software
process improvement.

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