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🎒 Sophomore Seminar:

Spring 2020 📓

Neyva Gonzalez
Dr. A. Shaw
April 9th, 2020
💉Researching Racism
in Medicine 🙇
• At one point in our lives, we will all need to
visit the doctor, and in going, we expect to
get the utmost care. However, that is not
the case for many people of color who are
being discriminated, misdiagnosed, and
treated poorly by medical professionals
who are overtly or subconsciously being
racist. In conducting this research, I strive to
understand this topic better, be able to
educate others on the problem confidently,
and make sure that I am never in the shoes
of either party.
My Articles 📝
• Article One: Recognizing Racism in Medicine: A
Student-Organized and Community-Engaged
Health Professional Conference

• An article about how educating medical students,

doctors, nurses, and other health professionals on
racism in medicine can benefit them.

• Article Two: White Privilege in a White Coat: How

Racism Shaped my Medical Education

• This is a reflective essay written by a white doctor

about how he has seen racism manifest in his

• Article Three: Racism in Medicine: Shifting the


• This is an article written by a doctor of color as

she reflects on her patient’s racism and how she
dealt with it.
🥅 My Goal 💡
• My goal in doing this research is to
understand this topic more deeply
as well as be able to demonstrate
my knowledge on the subject in
the future.
📚 Interest 🏥
• When I took Traveling Racisms with
Dr. Zeman last semester, I absolutely
fell in love with the subject and have
been striving to continue to learn
more through research.
• Further, I want to become an
emergency medicine physician. In the
emergency department, you meet
people from different backgrounds
every day at their worst moments, so
you can’t let any prejudice get in the
way of treating this patient as quickly
and as diligently as possible.
🥼 Significance 🩺
• This applies not only to my future but to
the past and the present. A patient
should feel comfortable talking to their
doctor about anything and not have to
worry about being judged or mistreated
because of their race, ethnicity, or
anything of the sort.
• Further, I want people to know that this is
a real phenomenon. People of color are
not making these claims merely to file a
lawsuit or get attention. This is a real
issue that must be known to the public.
📊Available Data📈
• There are many, many articles
on racism in medicine! Some
books have been written by
patients and doctors,
conferences are held yearly,
TED talks are available, and
even some documentaries talk
about the topic!
• The available data is very
🧠 Knowledge and
Skill 🔧
• As I mentioned, I took a class about racism,
so I know quite a bit about the topic of
racism, but we never delved very deep into
• I have heard anecdotes, watched a few
videos, and read a few articles, but I’m no
expert. However, I’ve always wanted to
delve deeper into the subject!
⌛ Manageability 🧑💼
• I know that I have plenty of time to
finish my POE thoroughly. I am
going to do a lot of article reading,
but they’re usually not too long, so
I would spend a maximum of two
hours per article.
• Further, if Dr. Zeman wants to
meet face-to-face, I would suggest
a minimum of a one-hour meeting
once per week, so I don’t
overwhelm either of us.
🆓 Funding💰

• Since I am going to be reading

articles mostly, my research
would not require any funding. If
I desperately want to read an
article that I need to pay for, I
could reach out to the English
Department or Honors, but I
really doubt it because most of
the articles I have found are fully
available for free. 
Articles That I Mentioned I May Use

Adelekun, A. A., Beltrán, S., Carney, J., Lett, L. A., Orji, W. U., Rider-Longmaid, E., …
Aysola, J. (2019, August 12). Recognizing Racism in Medicine: A Student-Organized
and Community-Engaged Health Professional Conference. Retrieved April 9, 2020,
Olayiwola J. N. (2016). Racism in Medicine: Shifting the Power. Annals of family medicine,
14(3), 267–269.

Romano M. J. (2018). White Privilege in a White Coat: How Racism Shaped my Medical
Education. Annals of family medicine, 16(3), 261–263.

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