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If you have done any kind of creative project on your computer, you have most likely run into

hex codes. Whenever you’re adding color for display online, whether it’s for graphic design,
creating a video, or making a website, a hex code is usually needed. We’ve outlined everything
you need to know about hex codes and more, to be an expert in applying color.

What is a hex code?

A hex code is used online to help you select colors. It’s a code that represents a color’s red,
green, and blue components, which tells your computer how to create the color you desire. A
hex code is only 6 characters and has a format like this: #000000.

To keep things simple, this is as far into the technical side of hex codes that we’ll get into.
However, if you’re interested in learning more about how a computer uses hex codes to create
colors, ​Code Conquest​ takes a deep dive into this process. Here’s an example of some colors
with their hex codes:
An example of colors with their corresponding hex code

How do I use hex codes?

Hex codes are applicable to many of the activities that you do online. If you’re designing a
website, email, or graphic, you’ll probably use hex codes to select your color. Usually the app or
website you use in designing will have a box where you can input your hex code. Once the code
is entered, your design will change to the color specified by the hex code.

Ripl makes it easy to use hex codes so that you can get the exact color you want to use. When
creating a Ripl, you can enter the hex code of the color of your choice, and the Ripl template will
update to use that color.
In the Ripl mobile app, you can enter the hex codes in the bottom screen

How do I find a hex code that I want to use?

Most design websites and tools offer color wheels. These allow you to select a color visually;
the hex code is automatically generated for you. Ripl offers this to make finding a color for your
next social media post easy. However, if you’re ever in a situation where you need to find the
hex code for the color you want, here’s a simple hex code ​generator​ you can use.

What if I don’t know what colors or hex codes I want?

There are plenty of sites that can help you decide what colors you want to use for your next
project! In fact, we dedicated a whole​ blog post​ about it. But here’s our number one
recommendation: if you’re struggling for color palettes to use for your next project, try ​Color

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