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A Celebration of Life Announced

The July 9 Barnstead town meeting arose on a variety of topics including increased
budget for road work, an informative Grandparents night, and a Celebration of Life for a
special someone with great ties within the community.
Center Barnstead Highway Department (CBHD) representative Andrew Sylvester
stood before the Barnstead Board of Selectmen to ask for 10,200 dollars to replace the catch
basins on Maple Street. He said the salt and ice from the winter wore away at the bricks
therefore made them collapse. There are a total of 13 catch basins, yet only five need to be
redone. Three of the five are being paid for by the CBHD’s budget, and the last two, the
committee voted to grant Center Barnstead Highway Department the money they needed,
which will be paid for out of the town’s emergency trust fund.
The estimated time period of White Oak Road’s construction is the end of July. With
the closed road, Barnstead townspeople have asked drivers on the detours to remember that
it is a community road and to drive carefully.
The Barnstead Historical Society has canceled their event on July 27 due to insurance
issues. They are hoping to have it next summer.
The Barnstead Christian Church will be holding their weekly Grandparents night
hosted by the Barnstead Helpers Monday July 15 from 6pm to 8pm. They will be offering
support, dinner and also legal advice from certified lawyers.
A celebration of Life will be held for Gordon Preston July 27 at his family home on
North Barnstead Road in Barnstead, New Hampshire. Preston passed away earlier this
Spring and will be honored this evening with multiple events planned; A potluck lunch and pig
roast will be served at 1 pm and his family will lead remembrances at 3 pm.
The Barnstead town meetings are held every Tuesday at 5pm in the Barnstead Town

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