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Área de formación: Inglés y otras lenguas extranjeras.

4to año

Realizado por: Andrés León.

1) Read the text and answer the questions

Everybody knows that taking care of your health is very important, but What should You do to stay
healthy? There are some things that You should do every day like brush your teeth, wash your hands
and face and get some exercise.

Other things You need to think about are longer term. For example, how much You exercise and What
type of exercise You do. Walking and swimming are two of the Best ways of staying in shape.

Your diet is Also very important. You need to make sure You have a balanced diet and You should eat at
regular times. You should always have something to eat in the morning and You shouldn't eat too much
just before you go to bed. Finally, You need to get enough sleep. Too much sleep can be as Bad as too
little sleep. About seven or eight hours is about right for most people.

What are three things You should do every day? You should brush your teeth, wash your hands and
face and get some exercise every day.

Which two types of exercise are the Best? Walking and swimming are the best types of exercise.

Is What You eat important? Yes, it is.

What does a "balanced diet" mean? It means eating food from all the groups, like proteins,
carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.

Does it matter when You eat? Yes, it does.

Is it important to eat breakfast and why? Yes, it is. Because it gives you all the nutrients you need to
start the day.

When shouldn't You eat a lot? You shouldn’t eat a lot just before you go to bed.

How much sleep do You need? You need around seven or eight hours of sleep every night.

2) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

healthy/should/food/you/eat = You should eat healthy food.

shouldn't/You/too/coffee/drink/much = You shouldn’t drink too much coffee.

get/need/sleep/enough/You/to = You need to get enough sleep.

twice/should/You/brush/least/a/at/teeth/your/day = You should brush your teeth at least twice a day.

3) Are these sentences correct (✓) or incorrect (x). Correct the sentences that are wrong.

You need to exercise regularly. ✓

You have take care of your health. x = You have to take care of your health.

You shouldn't eat healthy food. x = You should eat healthy food.

You need eat breakfast every morning. x = You need to eat breakfast every morning.

You should to go swimming. x = You should go swimming.

You shouldn't to drink too much soda and coffee. x = You shouldn’t drink too much soda and coffee.

4) Write your paragraph. Use about 60-80 words.

What are the disadvantages of telecommuting?

One of the disadvantages of telecommuting or work from home, is that it minimizes physical contact
with other people, given that the communication happens through technologic devices. When this
communication is based on written messages or texts, it can lead to confusions at the moment of doing
the activities or tasks. It is even possible that the results in some of the tasks are not the expected, since
it will depend on the interpretation that the receiver of the message gives to the text. This inconvenient
is minimized by the use of more complete technological mediums, such as video-calling, video-
conferences, among others. Another disadvantage of telecommuting, are the faults in the net’s
connectivity that the workers may suffer, given that the connection is vital to maintain the punctuality
on tasks and an effective communication.

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