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Script: lesson 5 (house and city vocabulary, prepositions of place)

Jhonny: Hello! This is Jhonny! Welcome back to another lesson, and for today’s class, we
have prepared some funny activities that I know you are going to enjoy a lot.
Jhonny: But before, I am going to show you some pictures of the parts of the house.
* The pictures of the parts of the house appear on the screen
Jhonny: now below the pictures, I am going to show some words which you are going to
repeat after me. If you want, you can pause the video and repeat the pronunciation the times
you want to.
* The words appear below of the pictures of parts of the house
Jhonny: now, what I want you to do is to associate the words with the pictures, again if you
want, you can pause the video and write the answers in the comments below.
Jhonny: very good, now we are going to see the answers
* The words are now associated with the parts of the house as it corresponds
Jhonny: well, now you imagine what is today’s topic, right? Because we were talking about
different places of the house and the city. But well if not, don’t worry because today we are
going to learn the preposition of place. Awesome, right?
Jhonny: surely, you are wondering what a preposition of place is, but let me do it simpler
for you to understand.
* A short definition appears on the screen
* Also three examples of in, on, at appear on the screen
Jhonny: A preposition of place is a word which helps the speaker to describe where
something or somebody is. Therefore, a preposition of place describes the location of
something; here we are talking about things and people concretely. Furthermore, in the
daily spoken English, there are many prepositions of place and each of them has several
uses taking into account as I said before the location of the thing or the person we are
referring at the moment of speaking. But if you want, you can again pause the video and go
to google and search the definition in Spanish if you want to!
* A list of the prepositions of the lesson appear on the screen
Jhonny: now, for this first part, you are going to learn to use the three main prepositions of
place in English, they are in, on, at.
* The three prepositions appear on the screen
Jhonny: so let’s start with the preposition IN. this word or preposition is used in English to
express within a sentence that a person or a thing is inside something; it is to say that a
thing is surrounded by let’s say a box, as for example.
* A picture with an example appear on the screen*
* Also the sentence of the example appear below the picture*
Jhonny: you can see in the picture in the example that the cat is inside the box, right? Now
what I want you to do is to repeat the pronunciation after me, if you want, you can pause
the video.
* I read the sentence with the pronunciation making emphasis on the preposition*
Jhonny: now, let’s pass to the following preposition ON. In English, the preposition on is
used to talk about the surface on which something is; it is to say that this preposition
conveys the contact that there is between something and a surface
* A picture with an example appears on the screen*
* Also the sentence of the example appears below the picture*
Jhonny: now you see in the picture that the cat is not already inside the box, but rather the
cat is sitting on the box, right? Now I want you to repeat after me the pronunciation, pause
the video and practice it.
* I read the sentence with the pronunciation making emphasis on the preposition*
Jhonny: finally, in this first part, we have the preposition AT. In this case, the preposition
of place at is used when we talk about a specific location or point where something or
somebody is. Here, we don't talk about being inside something, but rather we talk about
being at a specific location that indicates the exact point of something.
* A picture with an example appears on the screen*
* Also the sentence of the example appears below the picture*
Jhonny: as you can see in the example here, the cat is now next the bow, which indicates
that is at a specific point, that is why the preposition at is used in English, you we are going
to practice the pronunciation, pause the video if you want to.
* I read the sentence with the pronunciation making emphasis on the preposition*
Jhonny: now it is time to practice, here you are going to see a list of exercises, you are
going to complete the exercises in the comments below, pause the video and good luck!
* A list of exercises of the in/on/at at preposition with images appear on the screen
1- The plant is _____the table.
2- The picture is _____the wall.
3- The dog is_____ cage
4- The boy is____ the house
5- The snake is____ window
6- The postman is_____ door
(Karla continuous)
Karla: Hi! I’m Karla and after explaining the three main prepositions, we will take a virtual
tour of Ireland. While you see the amazing images of this country, I will show you the top 5
of the most famous places in this country.

*The title "Top 5 of Ireland's most famous places" appears*

Karla: So, hold on tight and, let’s go to Ireland.

*Air take-off sound and welcome to Ireland*

*Images from Ireland with subtitles of spoken information appears*

Karla: Ireland is a country located in Europe whose capital is Dublin. They speak English
and Welsh there. And its most famous festival is St. Patrick's Day which is celebrated on
March 17 in many countries of the world.

1. Our first stop is Killarney National Park and Muckross House & Gardens, a
spectacular place full of history, nature and lakes dating from 19th century.

2. Our second stop is Trinity College located in Dublin and it is one of the largest
bookstores in the world, containing texts dating back to 800 A.D. including The
Book of Kells, the most significant book in this place.

3. Our third stop is The Ring of Kerry, a perfect place to vacation and do all kind of
activities you imagine.

4. If you like castles, the last two stops will surprise you. The Rock of Cashel, also
known as Saint Patrick's Rock, is a historic site of the fifth century. And finally,
Blarney Castle and the Blarney Stone dating from 1446 and the story says that if the
stone is kissed, the person will be able to receive in return the gift of eloquence.

*Air take-off sound*

Karla: journey is over, and it's time to return to our study sites. But before we continue with
the lesson, I want to know if you remember what the capital of Ireland is.

*The question What is the capital of Ireland appears with three options: a) Dublin, b)
Galway, c) Blarney* *The question and the response questions are read*

*5 seconds later*

Karla: If you chose option A, you're right. Dublin is the capital of Ireland and is the most
populous city in this country.

*Dublin’s images are shown*

Karla: Since we are talking about cities, let's enrich our vocabulary with the main parts of a
city. Next, I'll show you some images with its respective name and you will repeat after me.
*Twelve images appear: cinema, museum, park, church, bank, restaurant, drugstore,
library, mall, school, hospital and post office*

Karla: Now, how can we use this vocabulary? Well, we'll use it with the help of other
prepositions of place to express the location of people and things.

Karla: The first preposition is between. Repeat with me BE – TWEEN

*Students see the preposition between while they repeating once*

This preposition is used to refer two specific objects are on each side of something else.

* An image appears with two beach balls and in the middle a child*

Karla: For example, in the sentence “The boy is between two beach balls” it describes that
there are two balls and a boy is in the middle of them.

*A restaurant appears in the middle of the museum and school *

Karla: Another example is “The restaurant is between the museum and the school”.

Karla: The second one is in front of. Repeat with me IN FRONT OF.

*Students see the preposition while they repeating once*

Karla: We use this preposition in a position where you can see a particular thing when you
look forward.

* A car appears in front of a house* For example, “The car is in front of my house”, it
describes that a car is in a position just ahead the house.

*A park appears in front of a school*

Karla: Another example is “The park is front the school”

Karla: The third one is next to. Repeat with me NEXT TO.

*Students see the preposition while they repeating once*

Karla: It refers to a thing or person that is at the side of another thing.

*An image appears with an elephant together with a chair*to

Karla: For example, “The elephant is next to the chair”, in this case we are saying that
beside the little elephant we can find a chair.

*An image appears with a church and a hospital*

Karla: Another example is “The church is next to the Hospital”.


Karla: Doubts? All right, let's do an exercise. I will show you a map of different parts of the
city and ask you four questions. You will answer them taking into account the prepositions
of place. For example:

*Where is the hospital? = The hospital is between the Police Station and the Shopping

Karla: Now is your turn but don’t worry, I’m going to give you some clues! To answer the
questions, you need to pause the video and, when you are ready, you can play it to continue

1-Where is the library? (between) = The library is between the Chinese restaurant and the
School. / The library is between the School and the Chinese restaurant.
2-Where is the museum? (in front of) = The museum is in front of the park.
3-Where is the Cinema? (next to) = The Cinema is next to the museum.

Ksrla: How did it go? Was everything right or are there things to improve? Let us know in
the comments.

Karla: Well, guys, that’s all for today's lesson. We hope you have enjoyed this as much as
we did and remember guys that in the description below you will find the complementary
material of these topics and also for you to develop some activities.

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