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Riding a bike is always a wonderful experience.

It gives freedom to travel miles

and miles in peace by embracing the beauty of ride and nature. Riding makes you feel
alive and allows you to live your life to the fullest. Enjoying the every moment of ride is
something that everyone expects. But when it comes to riding in cities like Kathmandu
it's all different. Most of us may feel very exhausted and frustrated when it comes to
riding in Kathmandu. The city is blessed with heavy traffic, dusty roads, parking
problems, unpredictable weather and a lot of undisciplined riders. Preparation to such
difficulties is always better.
Kathmandu being the heart of Nepal is blessed with an amazingly unpredictable
weather. Within a very small distance weather keeps on varying. Some places may have
extremely sunny weather and places just nearby to it may have rainy weather. To predict
the weather of Kathmandu is like next to impossible so it's always better to keep a
raincoat in bag. But having rain coat is not only sufficient, your shoes are always prone to
get soaked in mud so it's always better to carry small polythene bags so that you can
cover your shoes while it's raining. Most of the riders use gloves while riding. It's very
difficult to have grip on handle when it's raining so it's suggested to carry a pair of water
proof gloves to have an enjoyable ride while raining.
Just imagine you are riding bike in heavy traffic and suddenly you receive a call
from your boss or your wife. You cannot afford to reject the call, but it's very difficult to
pick up the phone in such cases. So to save your life it's better to have mobile holders
installed in bike. And when you park bike there are high chances that your helmet is
going to be exchanged. To have helmet locks installed in bikes helps to prevent your
helmet of favorite color from being lost or exchanged.
Though most of the roads are black tarred, you still have to face a lot of dirt while
riding a bike, wearing half helmets and a mask is not going to help. Although full helmets
makes you feel uncomfortable, you cannot compromise with your health. Having a full
helmet is always safe.
While riding in Kathmandu during the peak hours, there is high chance you get
stuck in traffic and get late at your work. So being a rider, it's always better to know the
shortcuts in cities. It saves your time and trust me you are never going to be late for your
work. Some people may find difficulty in knowing the shortcuts, in such cases using
traffic police apps to find the route with less traffic is always better. With day to day
increasing number of bikes and vehicles in Kathmandu, it's very hard to get a parking
space. Imagine you are in Teku area and you have to park your bike for a while and visit
a shop nearby road, then you have to keep roaming here and there to find the parking
space. A very simple way is to know some corporate houses nearby so that you get safe
and secured parking without any hassles.
Especially new riders face a lot of issues while changing the lanes. In such cases
you just look at the other vehicles and know what they are doing. Most of the time you
follow the right lane and don’t get in to legal hassles. Along with this while riding in
Kathmandu, the proximity between vehicles is very less. To prevent your bike and others
from getting scratches, maintaining a distance of 3-4 feet's is crucial. Lastly, there are big
highways in Kathmandu which are prone to high risks, so along with the above
mentioned hacks it's always suggested to ride at your own pace and give safety not speed
as priority. It's not about the destination, it's all about the ride.

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