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CI and CD with Azure DevOps - Quickstart

In this lab we have an application called PartsUnlimited. We want to set up Continuous

Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) with Azure DevOps (formerly Visual Studio
Team Services (VSTS)). Continuous Integration builds the app and runs unit tests whenever code
is pushed to the master branch. After the CI step succeeds it will trigger a deployment to
a dev deployment slot. The staging slot and production will require an approver before the app
is deployed into them. Once the approver confirms that staging slot is stable, the app will be
deployed to the production site.


 An active Azure DevOps account

 Project Admin rights to the Azure devOps account

 An account in Azure

Lab Tasks:

 Import Source Code into your Azure DevOps Account with Git
 Create local git repo from your Azure Repos using a git repo
 Set up Service Endpoint in Azure DevOps
 Import Continuous Integration Build Definition into Azure Pipelines and kick off a build
 Import Continuous Deployment release definition into Azure Pipelines
 Export Build and Release Definitions from Azure Pipelines and commit changes to Azure
repo to kick off CI and CD
 Confirm successful deployment to Azure
 (Optional) Make a change to PartsUnlimited website and see it being reflected back into

Estimated Lab Time:

 approx. 80 minutes

Task 1: Import Source Code into your Azure DevOps Account with Git
In order to use Build using Azure Pipelines and Azure Repos, you must contain the source code
for the application. For this lab we are using a Git project. The next couple of steps will allow you
to add the PartsUnlimited source to the Git master repository.

1. Go to and under Azure DevOps (formerely VSTS) click on "Get

started for free".
2. Login (please use the lab credentials if provided) and create a new team project in your
Azure DevOps (formerly Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)) account that uses Git for
source control. Click on New, enter project name, select git for Version control and click
on Create project button.
o Note: If you have been provided with Lab credentials, please use those to login to
Azure DevOps, where you will need to complete the initial setup, which will then
take you directly to the new project DevOps page. These same credentials will be
used to login to the Azure Portal at a later stage.
3. Import the PartsUnlimited repo on GitHub by going to Repo > Files and then Import a
repository and clicking Import
4. Obtain the URL to clone by opening a new browser and going to the
URL, then clicking the Clone or
Download button then copying the URL by clicking Copy to clipboard until it
says Copied
5. Return to Azure DevOps and in the Import a Git repository dialogue you opened earlier
enter the values

o Source type = Git

o Clone URL =
6. Wait until the repo is imported and available in Azure Repos, you’ll see status and success
messages, then be able to view the files as in the screenshots below.

Note: You can return and access your project repo files at any time by going
to Repos > Files
Congratulations, your code should now be in Azure DevOps.

Task 2: Create local git repo from your Azure Repos

There are a number of ways to create a local git repo and there are a number of tools which you
can use.

Firstly you need to install git in your local environment, see the page 1.5 Getting Started -
Installing Git for details on how to install git in your local environment.

The steps we outline below will be based on a Windows installation but you could also perform
similar tasks on linux or mac if you needed using the git bash.
1. Download and Install Git on your local machine by going to https://git- and following the steps and prompts in the installation wizard.

2. Once installed, create a local folder where you can place the repo files i.e. C:\Repo

3. Open Git cmd window (e.g. in Windows 10, click on the Start menu and search for the
application called Git Bash) and go to the folder where you want to place the git Azure
Repos files i.e. C:\repo by running the command

4. mkdir /c/Repo
5. cd C:\Repo
6. Return to Azure DevOps and in your project go to Repos > Files and then click on Clone.

7. Click the copy button to copy the URL to clone

Note: In case you have created or modified your repo and are on any other branches,
ensure you are on the master branch on your repo. If you have not modified or added to
the repo it is fine to just take the default values.

8. Return to your local git cmd and in the folder where you want to place the repo run the
command. If you are prompted with crendentials, please use the same one you used to
login to Azure DevOps. For Lab users, please continue to use the lab credentials

9. git clone <the copied URL for your Azure DevOps repo>
Note: A new folder named with your project name is created in your local repo folder and
you will see your files within that folder. i.e. C:\Repo\PartsUnlimited
10. Go to the local folder and view the files present. You can now modify any of the Azure
DevOps repo files locally and push any changes up to the Azure DevOps repo using the
git commands, or variations on them. In later stages, we will be pushing to the Git repo,
but for your reference, the below git commands would execute a git commit followed by
a push on your git repo:

11. git add *

12. git commit -m "<description of your changes>"
13. git push

Task 3: Setting up Service Connection in Azure DevOps

Before we create a release pipeline, we will need to create a connection between Azure DevOps
and our environment within Azure. This will then allow us to deploy our release pipeline into our
resources over in Azure.

1. Click on the Project settings cog

2. Click on Service connections and then on Azure Resource Manager
o Select Service Principal Authentication
o Connection Name: AzureConn
o Scope Level: Subscription
o For subscription, lab users need to select: "Microsoft Azure Internal
Consumption". Otherwise, you would use your own Azure subscription.
o For Resource group, lab users need to select "PartUnlimited-WebApp-LabUserX-
RG" with X being your user number.

Task 4: Import Continuous Integration Build pipeline definition into

Azure DevOps and kick off a build
1. Navigate to the Pipelines > Builds and click on New Pipeline. There will be a message
saying No build pipelines were found. We must create a build pipeline, before we have
the option to import a build definition.

2. Click on the hyperlink use the visual designer

3. Click on New Pipeline accept the defaults and click Continue
4. In the Select a template pane choose Empty job
5. The click the arrow beside Save & queue and choose Save, clicking Save again in the
Save build pipeline dialogue.
6. Now click again on Pipelines > Builds and click on + New and choose Import a
7. Click on Browse and go to your local repo which you created in Task 2, i.e. something
like C:\Repo\PartsUnlimited then go to the folder templates\build definitions and
select the file PartsUnlimited-CI.json and click on Import button.

8. Once the import has done, you will need to update some information. Click on
the Pipeline heading under Tasks and under Agent pool select Hosted VS2017 in the
hosted section. If this is already filled in please select the option with the VS logo beside
9. Now go to Get Sources under Tasks and make sure that that the branch that has been
selected is master and it is using this project.
10. Click on Triggers and ensure Enable continous integration is ticked. Afterwards, change
the value of Branch specification to master.
11. Now click Save & queue, and Save & queue again when prompted. This will kick off a
build and you should see a message saying a build has been queued. You can click on the
link provided to view the build progress. It should run and complete successfully, it may
take up to 10 minutes to complete.
Task 5: Import Continuous Deployment release pipeline definition into
Azure DevOps and kick off Continuous deployment

Note: If you already have at least one release definition then skip to step 2, otherwise you are
going to create one very quickly to be able to access the import a release option.

1. Navigate to the Pipelines > Releases.Click on the + New pipeline button and in

the Select a template pane, select Empty job . This will create an empty release pipeline
with default settings. Click on Save and OK.
2. Click on Pipelines > Releases, click on + button and select Import release pipeline.
3. Click on Browse and select PartsUnlimited.json file in templates\release
definitions of your local repository. Then click on Import button.
4. Click + Add an artifact 

and in the Add an artifact dialogue, select Source Type as Build, and then specify your
the Project i.e. Parts-Unlimted, and specify the Source as your imported build pipeline
i.e. Parts-Unlimited-CI-import, the Source alias will auto populate, and click Add
5. Make sure that the Continuous deployment trigger is enabled, by selecting the
lightning bolt to the top right of the artifact.

and turning on the switch to enable Continuous deployment*

6. Everything that needs your attention will be listed in red.

7. Go to Tasks > Dev, or click on 1 job, 2 tasks in the pipeline graphical display, and select
the Agent Phase you will see that Agent pool is in red. Select the Hosted
VS2017 option.

Then complete these steps again for the Staging and Prod environments. You can access
these environments by clicking on the Tasks > Staging and Tasks > Prod respectively.
8. Now go back to Tasks > Dev and under the Azure Deployment: Create or Update
Resource Group…. task, you will need to update the Azure subscription to the Service
connection that you specified earlier in Task 3 i.e. Azure SP and the Location, you can
specify the Azure DataCenter nearest to you.This only needs to be done in the Dev Task,
as this task only exists under Dev.
9. Under the Azure App Service Deploy…. task, you will need to update the Azure
subscription , again to the service connection value you created earlier in Task 3, and
the Slot. To show the option of the slot, tick the checkbox Deploy to Slot or App
Service Environment and enter the value Dev.

This needs to also be done for the Staging task and the slot value to use there is Staging task. It
does not need to be done for the Prod task, as leaving that value blank there means it will
deploy to production and not to a slot.
There should now be no more red highlighted section under Tasks

10. Navigate back to the Pipeline and you will see some pre- and post- deployment
conditions where you need to select the approvers for the Staging and Prod steps. Add
your name as an approver to these (for lab users, enter labuserX with X being your lab
11. Select the Variables tab, followed by the Pipeline variables. The red highlighted issues
here are the two Password values. You will need to select the Lock icon next to them and
type in a new one, you can use the password of Pa$$w0rd01 if you wish. For the rest of
the values although not highlighted in Red you must change these also to be unique
value by adding "labuserX" (with X being your lab user number) to the end of them. We
are deploying live web services and this is to ensure naming values rae unique as
required by the services. See the bullet notes below when determining the values

For Lab users, please ensure input the name of the preprovisioned Azure resource group, which
would be PartsUnlimited-WebApp-LabUserX-RG where X is your lab user number.
Note: You just need to add your initials to the end of the current values, but you should be aware
of the following in case it is needed.

 The parameter values need to adhere to requirements for the Azure resource they are
deploying. If they do not meet those requirements you may receive an error when
 In general, if you try to make all values unique, lowercase and between the resource
character limits, i.e. if you stay under 24 characters you should be fine.
 You should also not have an underscore or dash in the name, as during deployment
some resources and object names are generated and will append names with other
values with dashes and underscores, and as a result may give errors if used

12. All errors should now have been addressed. Prior to this the Save option was not
available, it was greyed out. However, now that there are no errors present, you can
click Save to save the release.

Note: If you had to define an empty release definition before, then it can be now deleted by
clicking on the dropdown arrow next to the empty definition and selecting Delete if you wish to
do so.
Congratulations, you have imported a release definition successfully.

Task 6: Export Build and Release Pipeline definitions from Azure DevOps

Now that you have configured build and release pipelines specifically for your repository in Azure
DevOps, it’s a good idea to replace the given templates with your own.

1. Navigate to Pipelines > Builds, click on your build pipeline definition

i.e. PartsUnlimited-CI-Import and then click on the ellipsis (…) button next to tab
options and select Export.

This will trigger a download of the build definition in your browser in JSON format.
Click Save as and place this file in the templates\build definitions directory of your
local repository.i.e. C:\Repo\PartsUnlimited\templates\build definitions, you can
append your initials to it if you like or overwrite it, and verify it downloads successfully.
2. Navigate to Pipelines > Releases and click on the elipsis option beside your release
pipeline, i.e. Deployment and select Export.

This will trigger a download of the release definition in JSON format. Click Save as and
place this file in the templates\release definitions directory of your local
repository.i.e. C:\Repo\PartsUnlimited\templates\release definitions, you can append
your initials to it if you like or overwrite it, and verify it downloads successfully.

3. Open the git cmd window and go to your local repo location
i.e. C:\Repo\PartsUnlimited.

4. Commit your changes using the following commands:

5. git add .

Identifies who is making the commit (change X to your lab user number)

git config --global ""

Stages all changes for the next commit

git commit -m "added build and release definitions"

Creates a commit from all current staged changes.

git push

6. This uploads commits to the Azure DevOps repository. Go to your Azure DevOps repo
and verify the files have been pushed up to the Azure DevOps repo as expected.

Congratulations, now you can reuse your templates with other projects or lab tasks if you

Task 7: Confirming successful deployment to Azure

The changes you have just committed will trigger a CI build and a deployment to Azure using
your release pipeline.

1. You can view the release pipeline progress by clicking on the release and viewing the
pipeline progress, as per the below screenshots.

Note: You will not see anything in the release pipeline until the build has completed. You can
view the progress of the build by navigating to Pipelines -> Builds. Upon completion, you will
be able to view the deployment under the respective release pipeline.
2. Once the deployment to the dev slot is completed, the pre-approver for
the Staging environment will receive an email notification about the pending
deployment to the staging slot.

3. To approve or cancel the request, In the release pipeline progress progress pane, click on
the Approve or cancel the deployment button (circle with diagonal line through it) and
choosing it again on the approval pane.

Note: The Staging environment also has a post-approver who must confirm that the app
is stable and ready for the production environment. The pre-approver for
the Production environment must also confirm before this final deployment.
Continue the approval processes until the release pipeline completes successfully.
4. In Azure, find your App Service with the name of the web server you specified, and open
its URL (this is the production site).
Note: In the Deployment slots section you can find the dev and staging slots with their
respective URLs.

Congratulations on successfully setting up Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

with Azure DevOps.

Task 8: (Optional) Make a change to PartsUnlimited website and see it

being reflected back into Azure

This step is optional. If you are interested in making change to your live website, you can make a
change to the homepage.

Upon navigating to the App Service URL (as instructed in Task 7, step 4), you will notice there is
an advert stating a 20% off on tires. We will now change this to 40% instead.

1. In Azure DevOps, click on Repos > Files. In the repo, navigate to


2. Click on Edit, on the 30th line, change "20%" to "40%", click Commit and

then Commit again.
3. The Build/Release cycle will now execute automatically as you have CI/CD enabled. You
can now monitor your build by navigating to Pipelines > Builds.

4. Upon completion of the build, view the release pipeline and perform the approval
process, identical to what was done in Task 7.

5. Once the release was successful, navigate back to the App Service URL to view the latest

6. Well done!

In this lab, you have learned how to push new code to Azure DevOps, set up a Git repo, create a
Continuous Integration build that runs when new commits are pushed to the master branch and
create a Continuous Deployment that deploys an application to environments automatically. This
allows you to receive feedback as to whether your changes contain syntactical errors or break
existing tests, as well as saving time by automating the deployment process.

To learn more in-depth information about CI and CD try out these labs:

 Continuous Integration with Visual Studio Team Services

 Continuous Deployment with Visual Studio Team Services

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