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Design Thinking Assignment

Deepak tyagi


1)What happened during the course?

Ans)The course is much innovative and interactive where we have to do more practical then theory .The
course give us a new thinking approach during the course there was a demonstration how to manage
the thing in an effective and efficient way of approach where students will be divided into groups and
will do a certain task how to make a use of the problem in the real world scenerio .There we are
depicting the different options of how to solve a particular solutions and know how to make a use in our
real world scenerio and make a use of it in our real life where we make our lifestyle more innovative and
creative.during the given course we are make a new way of thinking and level of creativity will be out of
the box.

2) What were your thinking and feeling about the course?

Ans) The only things we can control in life are our thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors. If we can manage those, we can achieve our goals and gain success
in life.To have this level of control, we need to learn about the science-based
patterns behind our emotions and thoughts, and how to manage them. If we
know how our minds work, we can be intentional about influencing our thinking
and feeling patterns. We can evaluate reality more clearly, make better decisions
and improve our ability to achieve our goals. Thus, we gain greater agency and
the quality of living intentionally.

3)What was good and bad about your experience with the course?

Ans) These courses not only offer a better learning experience to the learners but also
offer flexibility and convenience. However, the success of the training course entirely
depends on the topic, type of content and media you have chosen. There is a thin line in
between a well-developed course and the one that misses the point. Many designers tend
to develop flashy modules, hoping that they will be engaging for learners, but they often
turn out to be quite the opposite. That’s the reason it is important to pay attention to the
details when creating online courses.

Overloading Pages with Text

When designers create online courses, it is important for them to follow the principles of
Cognitive load theory which suggests that people can acquire and retain information well
only if the amount of that information doesn’t overburden their capacity. If your course
contains excess of contextual information, the cognitive load on learners can be increased
to the point where they cannot fully absorb it. That’s the reason it is advisable to avoid
irrelevant information in your course by any means, instead create shorter and easy to
understand concepts.X

Too Many Images

Pictures that are relevant to the learning material should be included in your course.
Cluttering pages with irrelevant images will just distract the learners. Make sure that the
images you choose are appropriate and suits your topic when you are creating a course.

4)What learning could you draw out of this course?

Ans)This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by
experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll
learn about the how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it
encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover of learning, memory techniques,
dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective
in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill
levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your
life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for:
turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and
insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem
5) What else could you have done differently in this course?
Ans) I suggest that you do mid-term evaluations. I found myself needlessly worrying
that things were not going well in my courses. Giving mid-term evaluations allowed
me to see what was really going on. I also suggest you have students fill out surveys
regarding aspects of the course you are concerned about. I have them fill them out
for extra credit points. I write the survey questions so that students will respond with
suggestions on how to make course projects better and I then incorporate many of
their suggestions.It can be very difficult when you first begin teaching, but it gets
easier with time. Teaching is a skill and like most skills it takes time to develop.
6)How do you plan to use the DT skills in personal and professional life?
Ans) Create a schedule and try to stick to it. If your week goes by in a blur
and you are unable to recount which tasks you do on which days, it can be
helpful to spend a week logging everything you do. After this week has
passed, you will have a better idea of how to factor in different work/school
assignments and personal activities or errands into your schedule.
Be inventive. Regardless of how hard you try, there will be some times when
one or the other becomes more demanding in your life. Learn to be creative
and think up possible ways you can meet the urgent priority while still
attending to the other.

Assess your situation. As hard as you try to strike a balance, there may be
some situations where crossover is necessary, especially if you have kids.
Consider your personal and professional lives to identify situations where
some crossover may be necessary. Think about your family members and
your personal responsibilities. 

Shield your passions. When work, school, or relationships become too

demanding, we might give up our hobbies or interests to meet those
demands. The problem is, giving up these things take away our ability to
debrief from professional and personal stress.

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