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s built in the mid-1800s and in 1856 our renowned military commander vojvoda Stepa Stepanović was

born there. The house is a monument to a great man from our recent history. His long military career
comprises the whole narrative of the development and strengthening of the victorious Serbian army.
As an example of vernacular architecture the house where vojvoda Stepa was born possesses
architectural and ethnographic qualities, and due to the fact that there are only a few houses of this
type preserved in the vicinity of Belgrade its importance grows with the time. Vojvoda Stepa Stepanović
(1856–1927) was one of the most significant Serbian military commanders. He obtained the rank of
vojvoda because of the military skills he applied in the wars from 1876 to 1918. He served two terms as
Defense Minister. Together with Radomir Putnik, he was in charge of the establishment and application
of the organizational plan of Serbian military forces. His greatest military success was the breakthrough
of the Salonika Front and he was consequently classified as one of the greatest military commanders of
World War I. A year after the end of the war, he retired and lived quietly in Čačak, until the end of his

41, was turned by the German occupying forces into the place for mass liquidation of prisoners from the
camps at Banjica, Artillery Barracks, Fair grounds and Belgrade prisons. The executions in Jajinci lasted
from July 1941 to December 1943. Common graves were dug by the prisoners who were later also
executed. The burying was performed by grave-diggers; some of them gave testimonies after the war
about the methods of execution and numbers of victims. A high fence of reed-mats closed the space in
order to hide the crimes. In the complex there were two wooden cabins (pulled down after the war) and
a watch-tower. The only authentic segment preserved is a part of the path along which the prisoners
were brought forward. Jews and Romanies were killed at Jajinci out of genocidal motives. The other
victims were revolutionaries and patriots from all Yugoslav nations. About 68,000 people were killed
there in the above mentioned period. In order to hide the traces of the crimes, Gestapo organized
exhumations and burning of the corpses from November 8, 1943 to April 2, 1944. The rifle

ошки локалитет Усек обухвата терен северозападно од aвалског друма, на самом брежуљку, и
простире се до потока који се улива у Бањички поток. На овом терену налази се неолитско насеље
са веома богатим културним слојем у пет хоризоната и као такво једно је од најзначајнијих у
нашем делу Подунавља. Насеље, у почетку привремено, под повољним условима развило се у
стално. Дуго је трајало и неколико пута обнављано после пожара. Почев од најстаријег хоризонта
са земуницама, па кроз остале, опажа се стални развој и напредак у техници градње. Једна од
откривених кућа има димензије чак 20х11 m, што за грађевинску делатност неолитског човека
подразумева високу стручност и технику. Неолитско насеље на Бањици припада винчанској
култури и својом очуваном и изразито богатом архитектуром представља значајно откриће за
проучавање неолитског доба

e archeological site Usek covers the area north-west from the road to Avala to the stream that flows into
the Banjica brook. A Neolithic settlement with a very rich cultural stratum consisting of five layers is
found on this site and represents one of the most important settlements along the Danube river.
Although it was temporary at the beginning, this settlement developed into a permanent dwelling due
to favourable conditions. It existed during a long period and it was reconstructed after several fires.
From the oldest layer with dug-outs one can perceive a continuous development and progress in
building techniques. One of the houses found on the site is 20 x 11 meters large, proving the skillfulness
and building techniques of the Neolithic man. The Neolithic settlement at Banjica belongs to the
Vinčstaviti tekst tri zagonetke sa strane 23:
Dva lončića,
četiri zakloščića. (oči)

u gorici
na jednoj
nožici. (pečurka)

Bele koke
s neba pale,
naša vrata
zatrpale. (pahulje)


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