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8M13–Direct & Indirect Proportions–Subjective Test

Maximum Time: 60 Minutes Total Marks: 30

Marking Scheme: Step marking in each question.

Name: ____________________________________ Roll Number:________________________

1. Is x and y vary directly or indirectly. 1 Mark

X 0.5 2 8

2 8 32

2. Which of the following vary inversely with each other? 1 Mark

(a) speed and distance covered (b) distance covered and taxi fare
(c) distance travelled and time taken (d) speed and time taken

3. Suppose 6kg of salt contains 6 × 107 crystals. How many crystals are there in 2 Marks
(i) 7 kg of salts
(ii) 3.5 kg of salts

4. A bus travels 40km in 30 minutes. If the speed of the bus remains same, how far can it travel in 3 hrs. 2 Marks

5. 5 pipes are required to fill a petrol tank in 2 hours 2 minutes. How long will it take if only 4 pipes of the same type are
3 Marks

6. If x and y are inversely proportional , find the values of x1, x2, y1 and y2 in the table given below: 3 Marks

x 8 x1 16 x2 80

y1 4 5 2 y2

7. 30 men can finish a piece of work in 28 days. How many days will be taken by 21 men to finish it? 3 Marks

8. x and y vary directly, when x = 3 then y = 36. What will be the value of x when y = 96? 3 Marks

9. (a) A car covers a certain distance in 1 hr 30 minutes at 60 km per hour. If it moves at 45km/hr it will takes _________

(b) The weight of 12 sheets of a paper is 50 grams. How many sheets will weight 500 grams? 4 Marks

10. If is given that l varies directly with m.

(i) Write an equation which relates l and m.

(ii) Find the constant of proportion (k), when l is 6 then m is 18.
(iii) Find l, when m is 33.
(iv) Find m, when l is 18. 4 Marks

11. 44 cows can graze a field in 9 days. How many less / more cows will graze the same field is 12 days?

4 Marks

Avanti –8M13 –Direct and Indirect Proportions– Subjective Test

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