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Subject : Physcs (Circular Motion) Concept - 3 Class : C4

1. In uniform circular motion [ ]
a) acceleration is non-uniform b) acceleration is uniform
c) speed is constant d) a and c
2. A particle moves with a constant angular acceleration  in a circular path. The time at which the
magnitudes of tangential and radial acceleration are equal is [ ]
1 1
a) b)  c) d) 
 
3. Average angulr velocity is given by [ ]
1  2 1  2 1  2 1  2
a) b) c) 2  d) 2 
2 t 1 2 1 2

4. A prticle moves in a circle of radius 0.5m with an angular speed of 4 rad s–1. It's linear speed is
a) 20 ms–1 b) 2 ms–1 c) 8 ms–1 d) 0.2 ms–1 [ ]
5. Two bodies are moving along a circular path with different speeds 2ms–1 and 4ms–1. Ratio of
their angular speed is [ ]
a) 2 : 1 b) 1 : 2 c) 1 : 1 d) 2 : 3
6. In a uniform circular motion, if the radius decreases to half of it's initial value. Angular velocity
becomes [ ]
a) 2 times b) 4 times c) 3 times d) 5 times
7. A fan is rotating with 10 rpm which has 1m length petal from the centre. The linear velocity of a
fly on its tip is [ ]
  1 
a) m / min b) ms c) rad s 1 d)  rad s 1
3 3 30
8. A motor car is travelling at 30ms–1 on a circular track of radius 450m. It is increasing its speed at
the rate of 2ms–2. Then its acceleration is [ ]
a) ms 2 b) 2 ms–2 c) 2 ms 2 d) 2 2 ms 2
9. The speed of the wheel of an engine changes from 600 rpm to 1200 rpm in 5s. Then its angular
acceleration is rad s–2 1s [ ]
a)  b) 2 c) 8 d) 4
10. A man is running on a circular track of radius 4m with a speed of 10 ms–1. It angular speed is
a) 2.5 rad s–1 b) 25 rad s–1 c) 0.25 rad s–1 d) 20 rad s–1


Sri Chaitanya School 1 No. 1 School in India

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