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Dear Band Families,

As mentioned in the previous update, we have been able to recoup most of our trip costs. There were some funds we were
not able to recoup. Namely Red Line Tours in LA and the fees charged by Academic Travel for their services.

The refund will have to be in two installments as the travel company has not yet received all of the money from the
vendors. At this time, we will give you the first installment of your refund which is about 3/4 of your refund. The second
installment, the other 1/4, includes the refunds from the bus company in LA and the hotel. These will hopefully be
available by the end of May.

The trip money designated for airfare will be returned in the form of a voucher with American Airlines. This will be a
voucher in the full amount of the original ticket. They are not offering a cash refund right now. If you are unhappy with
this arrangement, you will need to contact American Airlines directly. This is completely out of the control of the Band
Boosters and Academic Travel.

A breakdown of the refund is below. Each family will receive a written breakdown of their individual refund based on out
of pocket expenses and fundraising amounts. There will also be information about how to redeem the airline voucher. This
will be available when we disperse the checks.

To summarize the refund:

Total cost of the trip - $1370

Less funds lost - $113.60
Total Refund - $1256.40

The $1256.40 includes the airline voucher in the amount of $412.15.

Your cash back will be determined according to how much you actually paid out of pocket for the trip. If you have any
fundraising, the voucher and fees will be taken from that amount first and the rest (if any) deducted from your out of
pocket expense. If there is any fundraising money left over, this amount will stay in your student's band account to be put
toward future band fees and/or other trips. Please understand that money earned through fundraising was not
intended to be redeemed for cash.

In order to make sure that everyone receives their check, we will not send these via snail mail. We will be offering a
curbside pickup in the car rider line at the school for this purpose on Monday, April 20 from 9:00AM-3:00PM.

Thank you very much for your continued patience and understanding.

Bree Welmaker, The Band Parent Association Board, and Mr. Smith

A Word from Mrs. Sellers……

I know we are so saddened this trip could not occur for our Band Students. This has certainly been a year that has taken away many
opportunities and events you have anticipated. This breaks my heart! I would never have imagined we would be in virtual school rather than
having the joy of seeing each other day to day and interacting in life as we have always known. I do hope you and your family are safe during this
time. Please reach out if you need us for anything. We are a Rocket Family and if we are unable to return to school in May, I will do everything
possible to see that we celebrate your achievements in the most creative and harmonious way we can. You deserve it! I also want to also thank Mr.
Smith and Bree Welmaker of our Band Parents Association who have spent many hours in collaboration with Academic Travel to recoup as much
of our expenses as possible for this canceled trip for our students. In addition, the remainder of the Band Parents Board Members who held a
ZOOM meeting to try to determine the fairest way to distribute funds when fundraisers and scholarships were involved for some students. All
have worked very hard to return as much of your costs for this trip as possible in fairness to all.
My best wishes for safety and health for you and your family,
Mrs. Sellers

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