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Hello students!

Today we will be exploring an art style based on computer pixels! To get you 
introduced to the concept and its place in art history I want you to skim ​this article 
published by Widewalls and watch the video within it as well.  
Here are some questions you should be able to answer-  
1. What is a pixel? 
2. What other art forms or styles are similar to pixel art? 
Now that you’ve done some research on what pixel art is we can get into some making! 
Watch the following video demonstration to learn how to make pixel art on your 
computer or with traditional materials. You’ll need- 
-Access to google sheets (you’ll need a google account which is free ) 
-Notebook paper  
After watching the video take some time to make your own pixel art! When you 
turn in your art please have your file format as either a pdf or jpeg. Also please name your 
file with as Lastname_Pixel Art.  
Further exploring 
Hungarian cross stitch is translated to sheet music for a “punch card comb music 
More pixels doesn’t automatically make better art 
The Case For Video Games As Art (I highly recommend this youtube channel as 
something to fill your time!) 

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