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Workshop #2 Unit #2 Score

1. The Lumberjack is the job

A best
B Good
C worst

2. a flight
A attendant cooks
B Serves passengers
C works in an office

3. Where do you
A work? I work in an
B I am a
C nurse I don

´t work

4. What do you
A do? I am in an
B I am a doctor
C He takes people on tours

5. What time do you start

A working? I finish at 5:00 p.m
B I sometimes work
C I work in the afternoons
6. What do you do?

I am a professional in health and safety at work; I do inspections in the

processes of the company Orthoplan S.A.S

7. A person who works on weekdays is one who works Saturdays and

T Sundays True
F False

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