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Marshell Hollins

Philosophy Statement Assignment

Adams State University

My biggest core values and believes are build off of the things I learned from my family

growing up and also through playing sports. I believe that playing sports developed me into the

person I am today and without sports I don't know who or where I would be. Sports has taken me

through so many challenging experiences. Due to my experiences in sports both good and bad, I

would love to have a career in the health field. I have had some of my worst and best days

because of basketball. Basketball along with my family taught me to never give up no matter

how hard something may be. I was also taught how to be strong both mentally and physically

and fight through adversity. One of the biggest things I was always taught is that success doesn't

come easy you have to work for it.

I believe that two of my biggest core value is health and kindness. Playing sports opens

your eyes to a whole different perspective when it comes to health. As an athlete you realize how

important it is to take care of your body and stay healthy. When I was 18 years old I lost my

brother to a heart attack caused by a heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. My

brother knew he had this condition but he was very stubborn an didn't take it serious. In result of

that he passed away after having his third heart attack. This is one of the biggest reasons health is

one of my biggest values in life and main career focuses. One thing I want to be able to do is to

make sure not only athletes but all individuals understand how important your health is. In my

eyes without health you can’t be happy nor successful. Having bad health can take away from

your family and career. You can be rich but if you are rich and sick how can your enjoy life?

Being apart of the cancer and exercise study for my service learning project my focus is health,

and quality of life. One of my favorite quotes is “The quality of life is more important than life

itself.” We as people play a huge role in our quality of life. We can help or harm our quality of
life. At the cancer and exercise study my two biggest values health and kindness play a huge

role, because I am helping people who are trying to better their health. My only goal in life is to

continue to be able to help others with their health. The individuals at the cancer and research

study understand how important health is and they knew that if they continue to exercise they

can have a better quality of life. Exercise is a big key to great health and it is something that we

as people should all take advantage of. In life one thing my mom always taught me is to be kind

to others. This is something that I always want to follow. I believe that being kind to others can

be a key to success along with being resilient and strong both mentally and physically. The way

you treat people is the same way people will treat you. My grandpa is one of the most successful

people I know. He has his own handy man business and he is so kind to people when they need

help and people reflect this kindness to him by bringing him lots of business and giving him

equipment freely. In a career setting if you are kind to people and they are kind back your life

will be so much easier.

Life is all about what you make it. I believe you can make your life harder or easier by

the choices you make. I want my clients/patients to learn the importance of being healthy from

me. I want them to understand that health is one of the most essential components of living. I

would want my co-worker to remember me as resilient and willing to take on any challenge.

They would remember me as being hard working and kind to others. No matter what comes my

way I will always keep a smile on my face. I want them to say I never let any obstacles stop me

from doing my job and being myself. I believe in the health field it’s not about me its all about

my patients. My main goal in life is to help others. This world is full of selfish people and we

don't need anymore. The more people I can help and teach the better I will feel about my life. I

believe helping others is the way that we help ourselves.

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