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Part 1: You will hear a short extract about Arctic Ocean.

Write NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each blank.

 The Arctic region has (1) ________________ and _______________________________. Further

conflict in the High North could be avoided by using (2) ______________________.
 Most of the world sees melting North Pole as a (3) _________________________. Yet for Arctic
nations, this means an opportunity.
 It is estimated that the Arctic makes up 30% of undiscovered gas and 13% of oil and becomes
more accessible, which makes this __________________________ captivating.
 ___________________________ are also opening and this formerly frozen ocean is now
 The _____________________ is till complicated and is open for discussion and negotiation.
Except from the default _______________________________ that are 200 miles off the coast of
each country, the rest of the water is up for grabs.
 A part of a country’s landmass covered with ocean is called a ____________________________.
As the ice has been melting, countries send submarines to gather data on it and then the
committee will decide whether the country’s claim is __________________________________.

1. Strategic - economic importance
2. Diplomacy
3. Looming disaster
 Loom (v): to appear serious and and likely to happen soon
4. Desolate region
 Desolate (adj): empty and without people, making you feel sad or frightened
5. New shipping routes
6. Navigable
 Navigable: wide and deep enough for ships and boats to sail on
7. Topic of borders
8. Maritime border
 Maritime (adj): near the sea
9. Continental shelf
10. Scientifically valid

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