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Symtomps of Thalassemia

Signs and symptoms of Thalassemia are caused by lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. This
happens because the body does not make enough red blood cells and hemoglobin. The severity
of symptoms depends on the severity of the disorder. No symptoms Alpha Thalassemia silent
carrier generally has no signs or symptoms. This happens because the deficiency of alpha globin
protein is so small that hemoglobin in the blood can still work normally.

 People who have suffered from alpha or beta Thalassemia can experience mild anemia. However,
many people with this type of Thalassemia do not have specific signs or symptoms. Mild anemia
can make people feel tired and this is often mistaken for iron deficiency anemia.

 People with beta Thalassemia intermedia can experience mild to moderate anemia. They may also
have other health problems, such as:
a) Slows growth and puberty.
 Anemia can slow a child's growth and development.
b) Bone problems, Thalassemia can make bone marrow (sponge material in making
blood cells) do not develop. This results in wider bones than usual. Bones can also be
brittle and break easily.
c) Spleen enlargement.
The spleen is an organ that helps the body fight infection and removes unwanted
material. When a person has Thalassemia, the spleen must work very hard. As a result,
the spleen becomes larger than usual. This makes the sufferer experience severe anemia.
If the spleen becomes too large, it must be removed.

People with hemoglobin H disease or beta major Thalassemia (also called Cooley's
anemia) will experience severe Thalassemia. Signs and symptoms appear within the first 2 years
of life. They may experience severe anemia and other serious health problems, such as:
 Pale and listless appearance
 Decreased appetite
 The urine will become dark
 Slows growth and puberty
 Yellowish skin
 Enlarged spleen and liver
 Bone problems (especially bones on the face)
 Weakness

Current treatment is only to help people with severe Thalassemia to live longer. As a result, these
people have to face complications from the disorder that occurs from time to time.

1. Heart and Liver Disease

Blood transfusion is the standard treatment for thalassemia sufferers. As a result, iron content
increases in the blood. This can damage organs and tissues, especially the heart and liver.
Heart disease caused by excessive iron is the main cause of death in people with thalassemia.
Heart disease includes heart failure, heart rate arrhythmias, and even more heart attacks.
2. Infection
Among people suffering from thalassemia, infection is the main cause of the disease and the
second most common cause of death. People whose spleens have been removed are at higher
risk, because they no longer have organs that fight infection.

3. Osteoporosis
Many people with thalassemia have problematic bones, including osteoporosis. This is a
condition in which bones become very weak, brittle and break easily.

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