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Yemen: a Forgotten War and an

Unforgettable Country
An Analytical Report Published by the Centre For International Development Issues
(CIDIN)Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands), in Collaboration with Qatar University,
Qatar and AWAM Foundation, Yemen.

© CIDIN, Radboud University

Nijmegen, June 2017

Dr. Moosa Elayah

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen |
Dr. Lau Schulpen
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen |
Dr. Bilqis Abu-osba |
AWAM Foundation & Sanaa University
Dr. Bakeel Al-zandani |
Qatar University
In Yemen, the Sectarianism was not Originally
goal of the religion did not
mainly a cause of the
Revolution in 2011 revolution in play a major role
current war
2011 was to in the revolution.
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unite the Pre-revolutionary parties were not religion- 1
people's bound. The opposition party was a
wishes for restructuring of the dominant combination of a lot of smaller parties with all
system in Yemen in all its aspects: corruption, different social backgrounds. The ruling party
nepotism, tribalism, etc. This movement, was not religion-based either. Influenced by
where the mobilization came from the the developments in Egypt, a stronger
bottom up, was a threat for the ruling polarization emerged between Sunnis and
political, tribal and military classes. The Shiites. This was further brought about by the
Yemeni Spring united all those forces that had Houthi struggle, which was named a Shiite
had enough of the dominant manipulators. group internationally, versus the government
Like many movements the spirit was high supported by the Saudis that now became a
when the revolution started and the National Sunni party. The north-south polarization
Dialogue was established. Many young, became less clear: the Shiites got support
creative Yemenis put their hearts in it. But from Iran and the government from the
over time a tiredness emerged and that was Saudis. It became a game between two
the time when the old elite stepped in: the foreign countries who could occupy most of
military, the politicians and parties, Yemen. The Iran supported the Houthis on
demanding to be paid by UN for their advice the ground, and the Saudis supported the
and slowly bringing back the old system government from the sky. The Yemeni answer
again. to all this violence became less and less clear,
The Yemeni answer to all this and that is still
The initiators of the revolution were slowly violence became less and less true today.
clear, and that is still true
removed from the decision-making levels and today.
the old struggle between the rulers resumed.
They all claimed that they were presenting On 25 March 2015, a Saudi-led international
revolutionary thoughts. In essence, only coalition launched air strikes targeting the
President Saleh was removed. His clique was armed Houthi group under the title of fighting
still there, through which Saleh could Shiites in Yemen, which sparked a full-scale
undermine the new president's power. The armed conflict. The conflict expanded in the
new President, who was the Vice-President next two years and drew fire across the
under Saleh, was just part of the same old country. There have been horrific human
system, according to the revolutionaries. rights violations and war crimes in various
Consequently, in the end nothing changed in parts of the country, causing unbearable
the way foreseen during the Yemen Spring. suffering for civilians. In addition to relentless
Corruption, nepotism, tribalism still aerial bombardment by coalition forces, rival
dominated the system. factions are engaged in fierce fighting on the
ground between the Houthis, an armed group limited access to basic services. The
whose members belong to the Shiite Zaydi humanitarian crisis has escalated and 10
sect, allied with supporters of former million people are hit by famine. Seven
President Saleh, and the Houthi forces allied million people do not know where their next
with the forces of the current President Abed meal will come from, and one in two children
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Rabbo Mansour Hadi and the coalition forces suffers from severe food shortages. 2
led by Saudi Arabia.
Yemen's conflict and the Saudi-led blockade
Most of the victims Civilians have have hampered the import of basic
are civilians been caught in commodities. Imports are estimated to
the midst of this account for 80-90 percent of food, fuel and
fighting - more medicines in the country. Yemen's main port,
than 42,000 of them have been killed or Hodeida, operates partially, and it is where
injured. According to UN statistics, up to the the basis of life for 60 percent of the food-
end of May 2017, Yemen received about insecure population comes from. Medical
90,000 air strikes by coalition forces, meaning supplies in Yemen have fallen seriously, and
an average of one air strike every 12 minutes. many doctors and nurses work for free or get
The cost of air raids, strikes and ground-force reduced wages. Humanitarian workers
operation was 250 billion. If this much was estimate that a child under five dies of
spent on development—or even a quarter of preventable causes every 10 minutes, and
it—the declared and undeclared war more than 63,000 children under the age of
objectives would be met. The United Nations five have died as a result of the humanitarian
says that at least 10,000 people are the disaster. More than 8 million people suffer
victims of aerial bombardment and war, but if from lack of clean water and sanitation,
we count that each air strike killed a person putting them at risk of outbreaks of diseases
(directly or indirectly), there must be ninety such as cholera and scabies.
thousand victims. The numbers of the victims
by air strikes or military operations in the The Yemeni crisis has cast a heavy shadow on
ground by the Houthi-Saleh Front and other girls and women. They are subjected to
opposing fronts was not yet considered and abuse, exploitation and forced marriage.
needed specialized teams throughout Yemen, UNFPA estimates that violence against
in both the south and north. women has increased by more than 63%
since 2015, which means that some 2.6
The war in Yemen is random and arrogant million women and girls are at risk. The World
from all parties involved, whether the internal Health Organization (WHO) has announced
fronts or external Saudi led-front. A desperate that a million pregnant women are at risk of
toll is being paid by the poor and other cholera, a month after the outbreak of the
displaced people, who are starving. In Yemen, epidemic on 27 April 2017. The number of
there are 3 million refugees or displaced 'people who have died from cholera is almost
people. Many of them have moved into 1,073. There are almost 155,000 suspected
schools or made informal settlements, with
cases, and around 55,000 confirmed cases, in Europe. In an unpublished study by Elayah et
19 of Yemen's 21 governorates. al. (2017) entitled: “Agenda-setting theory
and the role of the Western media in shaping
Already, this struggle Throughout the public opinion for the Yemen war”, the
is called: The twenty-six researchers examined the coverage of the
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Forgotten War months of Saudi-Yemen war by the European media for 3
Saudi-led war two years (March 2015 to March 2017). The
on Yemen, the main question of this study was to find out
world has ignored the conflict, with little the extent to which the Saudi-Yemen war is
mention about its devastating consequences important in the agenda of international
in many media policymakers, especially in Europe, and what

Source: Elayah et al (2017)

frames are used to present the Saudi-Yemen
conflict. This study initiated research into the
outlets, relevant international organizations,
nature of news coverage of the Saudi-Yemen
and in the world's political industry. It is clear
war by the European media. Its objectives
that international politicians are only
were as follows: (1) to identify the amount of
interested in the way Al-Qaida and other
coverage of Saudi-Yemen war by the
terrorist groups are growing but as long as
following media outlets: The Independent
they limit themselves to Yemen, no urgency is
(the UK), NRC Handelsblad (the Netherlands),
shown in peace-keeping or enforcement
France24 (France), and SWI
efforts to stop the killing of Yemenis. Already
(Switzerland); (2) To identify the primary
this struggle is called: The Forgotten War in
frames used in reporting the Saudi-Yemen
many outlets sources. Once in a while, a
war by the four media outlets; and (3) To
small article appears on page 6 of a
identify whether these media outlets differ in
newspaper, but all attention is focused on the
their news coverage on the Saudi-Yemen war.
problems of how to house Syrian refugees in
Based on content analysis, as the figure for some
below shows, this study collected 605 articles
Yemen is not a time
reporting on the Saudi-Yemen war. It was forgettable country been
found that SWI devoted the affected
largest amount of coverage (410 articles), by Saudi Arabia according to the economic
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followed by The Independent (160 articles), variable. Saudi Arabia is a rich nation and 4
France24 (141 articles), and NRC (94 articles). Yemen is a poor nation, yet they are
neighbours. They have wide common land
The results of this review were not surprising- and sea borders and even tangled frontiers.
we found poor media coverage of the Saudi- There were disputes between the two nations
Yemen war, both in terms of the operations on Yemeni territories possessed by Saudi
of the war itself or its complications or Arabia after the foundation of the second
humanitarian consequences. There have been kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the early
major differences in the nature of coverage. nineteenth century. Yemen has gone into a
SWI (Switzerland) concentrated few wars with Saudi Arabia, yet could not
intensely on the consequences of war, take back its lands controlled by Saudi Arabia.
particularly in 2016 and 2017 after the raised From that point forward, Saudi has made
voices of the United Nations and other considerable endeavours inside Yemen itself,
relevant organizations for the importance of or in the area, to prevent the existence of a
avoiding the humanitarian catastrophe in strong and capable Yemeni state, because it is
Yemen. The Independent (UK) and France24 well known that a strong Yemen can
(France), both in nations in which the destabilize the Saudization of the Arabian
governments are supporting Saudi Arabia in Kingdom.
this war, have been more delicate about the The presence in Yemen of Iran, Saudi Arabia's
conflict and marking it as a conflict amongst biggest enemy, is via the al-Houthi
Shiites and Sunnis or a sectarian Saudi-Yemen movement, which is one of Iran's backbones
war. With respect to the coverage of the NRC in the region. The Houthis taking control of
(Netherlands), there was surprisingly poor Sana'a on 21 September 2014 stunned the
coverage, despite the fact that the Saudi administration and it was important to
Netherlands is one of the primary promoters keep Iran from getting a position close to the
of human rights on the planet. The Saudi land and sea borders. Particularly since
International Court of Justice is situated in the Iran plans to have a solid state neighboring
Netherlands, which is responsible for Saudi Arabia in its grasp to be used against
investigating human violations in wars and Saudi, or if nothing else, to make the second
conflicts. The NRC was balanced on the Hezbollah in the Arab peninsula against Saudi,
introduction of the course of the war and its like the first Hezbollah in Lebanon against
humanitarian consequences. Israel.

While the war in Yemen is globally forgotten, Through the incendiary map in the Middle
the country is unforgettable in regional and East, it is conceivable to elucidate the
the international political circles. Yemen has strategic equation drawn by Iran and its
security structure and strength in the area.
For the last few years, Iran has turned out to Yemen, under the control of al-Houthi, would
be ready to control four Arab capitals - Beirut, be a burning barrel alongside the oil wells in
Damascus, Baghdad and Sana'a, and so the Saudi, and close to areas where more than
Saudi Kingdom has been forced to work to two-thirds of the world's oil reserves are Page |
stop the expansion of Iran in the Arab region. located. What's more, in this manner a state 5
Saudi began a proxy war against Iran in loyal to Iran and possessing ballistic weapons
Yemen and to destroy the Yemeni military may pose a major threat to the Saudi
force that was built during the rule of Saleh of economy, and to the global economy reliant
Yemen and before that by ex-president Al- on the oil and gas originating from the Middle
Hamdi. East.

Israel has its interest in the

Saudi war in Yemen, as
controlling Yemen by the
militias of al-Houthi will give
Iran the ability to control the
Strait of Bab al-Mandab. In
such a manner, Iran can keep
the Israeli military
constrained from effortlessly
entering the Indian Ocean
through the Red Sea to strike
Iran if there is a war between
the two countries.
Houthis’ control of Yemen means much for
Saudi Arabia from the economic side. Yemen
is situated in the Strait of Bab al-Mandab in The United States of America and the other
the Red Sea. The Bab Al-Mandeb is a Western countries allied with it also have
chokepoint for worldwide maritime trade and their own geopolitics behind the war in
energy shipments, as it connects the Yemen. The Western alliance, especially
Arabian/Persian Gulf via the Indian Ocean America, believe that the security of Israel
with the Mediterranean Sea via the Red Sea. and Saudi Arabia is part of their national
It is similarly as vital as the Suez Canal for the security and thus the prejudice of these two
sea shipping paths and exchange between countries is a serious threat to global peace
Africa, Asia, and Europe. For instance, 3 and security. America believes that Iran's rule
million barrels of oil a day go through the Gulf and control over Yemen will be catastrophic
of Aden and the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait to for American influence in the world. Iran's
Europe. A large portion of this oil originates control of Bab al-Mandab via the Houthis
from Saudi Arabia and other Arabian gulf means giving Iran's allies, Russia and China, a
countries, as the map below shows. position in this important chokepoint for the
whole world. Hence the global competition need for a serious direct regional dialogue in
and the proxy war is occurring again in which Iran and its allies, Russia and China, as
Yemen. well as Saudi Arabia and its allies from the
USA and other Western countries, are directly
Accordingly, there has been a convergence of involved. Dialogue must be in accordance
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interests among many countries in the with convictions by all parties to solve the 6
importance of destroying the power of problems of Yemen and motivate the
Yemen, especially after Houthi militias’ conflicting parties to engage in a direct and
control of Sana'a, and to prevent the serious dialogue at local levels, and to come
occurrence of security hurdles in Bab al- up with a clear vision and peace road map.
Mandab, which could threaten international
shipping traffic. Yemen is forgotten in the The international parties must prevent
international media, but the country is not military and weaponry support by the
forgotten in the strategic calculations and the concerned regional parties to the conflicting
national security patterns of most of the parties in Yemen. There must be full respect
Western countries and some of the Arab for Yemen and non-interference in its internal
countries. The media totally concur that Iran's affairs from both Saudi Arabia and Iran. It
malicious activities in the area and its support should be there a clear policy to overcome
of guerilla movements by all means is the Saudi-led blockade of the country.
unsuitable and unacceptable. However, they
The United Nations must find an effective
are overlooking an entire people who are
relief programme with coordination with
dying of hunger. The economic and media
regional and international forces involved in
blockade has been suffocating over the past
stifling and starving the Yemeni people.
two years of Saudi war on Yemen and
However, already long before the start of the
efficient annihilation of the Yemeni society.
revolution, the overseas Development
Program had already focused its interest in
By analyzing the
What is the selling their expertise and materials to Yemen
conflict in Yemen, it
solution? in the form of water and related programs,
seems that the
ornamented by some gender projects. Little
prospects, hopes
interest was shown in the revolution: most
and solutions of the Saudi war in Yemen are
funds went through UN sources, and most aid
not clear, as a result of the complexity of
programmes were suspended, waiting till the
global interests and link of the war with
old system was reestablished. Alternative
global geostrategic issues and conflicts, in the
programmes proposed during the National
sense that there is interdependence in global
Dialogue were not taken into consideration.
political conflicts. Yemen cannot be taken in
isolation from the global accounts of the
international superpowers.

It can be said that the solution is not in the

hands of the Yemenis, but there is a great

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