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IPS Daily Test Question 7th Grade Middle School Social Interaction and Semester 1

21 August, 2016 In CLASS 7 | No Comments
IPS Daily Test Question 7th Grade Middle School Social Interaction and Semester 1
1. How to relate among human beings as social beings is called ....
a. sociology
b. socialization
c. social interactions
d. social process
2. The tendency and desire of someone to be the same as other people
is attitude ....
a. imitation
b. sympathy
c. identification
d. suggestion
3. Roni likes economics because his teacher is good. Roni's attitude is an example
from ….
a. identification
b. sympathy
c. suggestion
d. imitation
4. Below that is not an example of negative suggestion is ...
a. ordered suicide
b. give good advice
c. told to rob
d. inviting evil
5. Imitate good habits such as high discipline of the soldiers is
is a
form of ....
a. positive imitation
b. positive suggestion
c. negative imitation
d. negative suggestion
I. Multiple Choice
6. Contact and social relations are one of the conditions for occurrence ...
a. social interactions
b. sociology
c. socialization
d. social process
7. Fitri meets Tina, the two of them don't get to say hello because of the distance
far across the road. Indirectly Fitri can guess that
Tina is her best friend because Tina has a peculiarity when walking.
The above case is an example ...
a. social interactions
b. social process
c. socialization
d. sociology
8. Imitation activities carried out by children imperfectly occur
in stages ....
a. preparatory stage
b. stage game
c. play stage
d. generalized stage
9. Stages in socialization where someone is considered an adult is ...
a. preparatory stage
b. stage game
c. play stage
d. generalized stage
10. The role of media outreach in the family system at an early stage is very large
because the child is fully in the family environment, especially people
his own parents are the opinions of ....
a. Max Weber
b. Gertredge Jaege
c. Ibnu Sujono
d. Charles H. Cooley
11. Relationships affect each other between humans as social beings
called ....
a. socialization
b. sociology
c. social interactions
d. social process
12. Pay attention to the following table!
The dissociative social process is found in number ...
a. 1 and 2
b. 5 and 6
c. 3 and 4
d. 1 and 3
13. One day Diki saw his two friends Feri and Ilyas arguing. In
between the two there is a conflict or conflict. Diki tried to mediate
the dispute between the two friends. Diki's attitude includes ...
a. accommodating
b. cooperation
c. conflict
d. Assimilation
14. On the first day of entering school, Erlan tried to follow and join
with his new friend, Erlan's attitude included ...
a. accommodation
b. adaptation
c. assimilation
d. contravention
15. The following are not included forms of social interaction.
a. cooperation
b. individualistic
c. competition
d. contention
No. Forms of social interaction
1 Cooperation
2 Accommodation
3 Competition
4 Contravention
5 Assimilation
6 Adaptation
II. Description
1. Explain the difference between social interaction with social processes!
2. Give examples of negative imitations in everyday life!
3. Explain what is meant by socialization!
4. Reveal the stages of the socialization process according to George Herbert Mead!
5. Explain the effect of each of the socialization media on
someone's personality!
6. Mention the factors that encourage cooperation!
7. Explain the driving factors and inhibitors of assimilation!
8. Explain what is meant by cooperation and competition!
9. Explain the impact that a conflict can have!
10. In your opinion, in the learning process in class, which one is better to do,
Is it cooperation or competition?
1. To meet basic human needs, humans create institutions ....
a. Religion
b. The economy
c. Education
d. political

2. The family is one of the important socialization media because the family ....
a. Meet the physical needs of children
b. Ensure child protection
c. The first intermediary is the introduction of values and norms for children
d. Determine the dignity of children

3. The following are not general characteristics of social institutions, i.e.

a. Social institutions have certain immortality that usually lasts a long time
b. Social institutions have certain goals
c. Social institutions have tools
d. Social institutions force to do something

4. Pay attention to the following statement!

1) the place of worship must be well cared for
2) parents teach children to discipline time
3) the administrative officer records the amount of school inventory
4) to meet the needs of capital needed
Statements that indicate the completeness of religious and educational institutions are shown by
number ...
a. 1) and 2)
b. 1) and 3). 2) and 3)
d. 3) and 4)

5. The family gives love and attention to their children is one of the functions of the family
institution that is ....
a. Socialization
b. Protection
c. Affection
d. supervision

6. The role of religious institutions is to regulate human life within

SMP 1 Gabuswetan
Jl. Gabuswetan No.12 Indramayu 45263


LESSON YEAR 2018/2019

Educational Unit: Middle School

Subjects: Social Sciences
Class / Semester: VII / Odd

Name: …………………………………….
Class: …………………………………….

Put an X (Cross) on the answer that is considered correct

1. The reciprocal relationship between individuals and individuals, individuals with groups, and
groups with groups is called ...
A. Social status C. Social processes
B. Social roles D. Social interactions
2. The process of social interaction will occur if two conditions are met, namely the existence
of ...
A. Relationships and consequences C. Action and reaction
B. Processes and actions D. Contact and communication
3. The following is an example of the process of social interaction ...
A. A grandfather is looking at himself through the mirror
B. Two children shake hands with one another and talk to each other
C. A man is watching a girl
D. A child is looking for his mother
4. If a child sees what his parents are doing, then the child tries to do what he has seen. The
child's actions are called ...
A. Imitation C. Sympathy
B. Identification D. Suggestion
5. Social institutions that regulate human relations in their efforts to meet the needs of life are
called institutions ...
A. Education C. Politics
B. Religion D. Economy
6. The form of cooperation in Indonesian society is better known as ...
A. Mutual cooperation C. Acculturation
B. Cooptation D. Assimilation
7. Listed below, the characteristics of informal education are ...
A. Education takes place in government institutions
B. There is clear leadership
C. Education takes place in the family
D. There is a limit on study duration
8. Social institutions which function to instill knowledge and skills in a person are ...
A. Political Institutions C. Religious Institutions
B. Educational Institutions D. Economic Institutions
9. Types of social institutions consisting of fathers, mothers and children, are. . .
A. Politics C. Education
B. Religion D. Family
10. Institutions that function to channel ideas and aspirations of the community through parties,
namely institutions. . .
A. Economy C. Religion
B. Education D. Politics
11. Families play a role in shaping the personality and behavior of children to match the
expectations of parents and the community. This phenomenon shows that the family has a
function. . .
A. Economy C. Socialization
B. Affection D. Supervision
12. The following examples of interactions between individuals and individuals are ...
A. A child greets a mother
B. Ustad lectures in front of pilgrims
C. Guiding speech ceremonies in front of his students
D. The teacher teaches in class
13. The purpose of the accommodation is ...
A. Cause conflict
B. Cause competition
C. Allows cooperation
D. Reducing cooperation
14. Providing help to someone in distress is an example of the attitude ...
A. Simpati C. Suggestion
B. Imitation D. Motivation
15. One example of dissociative social behavior is ...
A. Cooperation reaches consensus
B. Cultural exchange
C. Student-student brawl
d. Mixed marriage

Fill in the answers correctly
1. Explain the meaning of social interaction!
2. Explain the difference between an associative social process and a dissociative social process!
3. Explain the difference between customs (folksway) and customs (customs) in terms of
strength of sanctions!
4. Mention the institutions that are in the community
5. Mention the characteristics of social interaction!


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