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t: ltrc for Historical ~tud~es

. ,anarlal Nehru UmversIty
.Jelhi-JJO 067, India

Date: 3 1 DEC 200i


This is to certify that the thesis entitled "Dreams and Visions in North Indian Sufie

Traditions ea. (1500 - 1800) A.D." submitted by Ms. Meenakshi Khanna for the award

of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of this University has not been previously

submitted for any other degree of this or any other University and is her own work. We

recommend that the thesis be placed before the examiners for their consideration.

~ l~~ I~~
Muzaffar Alam Centre fQt: Historical Studiet
School of Social Sciences
Centre for Historical Studiii Jawaharlal Nehru University
School of Social ScieD~ J New Delhi-ll0067
Jawaharlal Nehru UniveIilt!
. New Delhi·1l0067

CHS Office Phone: Ext. 2-156 at (0 II) 6107676 or (0 t I) 6167557

Gram: JAYENU Telex 031-73167 JNU IN Fax 91-11-6165886

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