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Principles for attracting wealth

Paradoxically, wealth (and happiness) comes most easily to those who forget
themselves in the service of others. The law of giving infallibly returns more to
the giver than they contribute.

When you focus on other people and circumstances as the source of your
prosperity, you tend to lose it. But when you recognize God, a higher power, or the
universe as the source of your supply, money begins to flow. Actual money does
not make you secure; what does is a thorough knowledge of the universe’s power
to provide.

To receive good things you must first cleanse your mind of clutter and negative
emotions. In forming a vacuum, you allow good things to rush in. When you are
resentful, you are bound to the person or situation you resent. In forgiving, you
free yourself and allow the floodgates of prosperity to open.

The universe is perfectly ordered, therefore the person who makes their own
affairs more orderly is attuned to universal riches. To receive more money, you
must first demonstrate that you can manage what you already have well, however
little it is.

The basic law of the universe is that things come into being that did not exist
before. When you create mental pictures of health, wealth, and happiness, you are
not trying to change the laws of nature, but instead fulfilling your unique promise
to bring these things into being.

According to the law of attraction, whatever you put your attention on through
thought or desire becomes reality. You attract to yourself things or people that
are the equivalent of your current state of being, or “vibration.”

The “creative process” is the specific way in which you can use the law of
attraction to obtain what you want. It involves: Asking the universe, and being
very clear about what you want; Believing, acting, and speaking as

though you have already received what you have asked for; and Receiving—
feeling great that it is coming to you, which sets up the necessary vibration to
manifest the desire. This process is summed up in the Bible: “All things
whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye have received them and ye shall
have them.”

Deciding to elevate your mood or feeling in each moment is vital for increasing
your vibration, which in turn attracts things, people, and feelings of a like
vibration. To be both rich and happy, you must make a positive mental attitude a
basic habit of living.

If you are low on funds, praise and bless whatever you have, and imagine it
growing larger. Blessing both what you have and what others have puts the law of
increase into motion.

Gratitude is the key to an abundant life, because it puts you in a state of mind
that attracts even more of what you are grateful for. Love, appreciation, and
thanks are the essence of prosperity. It is right to become a giver, but you must
also learn to be a good receiver.

Principles for creating wealth

The foundation of a prosperous life (combining material wealth, health, and
mental wellbeing) is personal character, formed from self-control and cultivation
of virtue. A person of integrity, trust, and good character is “bankable”; their
riches evolve out of who they are as much as what they do.

Definiteness of purpose is essential to the success of the wealth creator. A clear

purpose enables you to see setbacks as temporary, banishes fear and doubt, and
inspires the help of others.

Do more than is asked or expected of you, “go the extra mile.” Putting in an
extraordinary effort with no guarantee of gain is the basis of most great fortunes.

Whatever you do, provide, or create, make sure you do it in an outstanding way.
Remember the Latin dictum In excellentia lucrum—in excellence is profit.

The fear of failure or embarrassment is the greatest obstacle to achieving wealth.

Fear puts a brake on action, yet if you are not willing to fail you will forever be
bound in circumstances that involve little risk. With little risk there are only small

Learn, don’t blame. It is easy to blame people or events when things are not going
smoothly, but the enlightened wealth creator seeks only to learn in every
situation. Don’t complain, look for opportunities.

Thinking big is the basis of all great enterprises and fortunes. You are constantly
thinking, therefore it takes no more effort to think big instead of small.

Wealth flows to the person who has a high tolerance for uncertainty or

Handle disappointment well, and you will make more attempts to achieve your
goals. By the law of averages, where others have given up you will succeed.

Wealth-minded people do not try to avoid risk or complexity. They even embrace
large problems because they know that solving them can produce significant

It is not enough to want to be rich, you must commit  to it. Providence moves all
for the person who determines to stick it out, doing what they can to make a
venture work. The half-hearted achieve half-success.

Choose your vocation wisely. Love of your work sets up a “circle of excellence”
that cannot fail to deliver great gains over time. But along with love and talent,
you must work hard.

If you think you see the future, act on it. Hunches based on in-depth knowledge
are usually right. If something captures your imagination, chances are it will
capture that of others too.
Everything that you see around you, someone has made a fortune from. All you
need is one idea that can make you your fortune, and it is probably to be found in
your own backyard.

Don’t be afraid to be different. On entering any new field or an industry, aim to

really shake it up and provide new value.

The surest way to wealth is to create a product or service that increases the ease
and speed of results.

Above all, it is customers that create wealth. Have customers before you even
start your business.

The seed of entrepreneurship is a wish to be in control of your own destiny.

The purpose of entrepreneurship is to deliver new satisfaction and value. It is

built on unexpected successes that are quickly capitalized on.

Riches follow ownership. Own something, or at least a part of something.

Have many sources of income. Do not depend on a single wage for your financial

Wealthy people create money-producing systems. Middle-class people work

within and for these systems, and so never get rich.

All wealth is created first in the mind. Therefore, a political-economic system that
fosters and protects the freedom to think, innovate, create, and prosper,

with free and open markets in which to trade the product, is a moral system.

Principles for managing wealth

Live within your means. If you are not wealthy, do not have a wealthy lifestyle.

You will get rich by imitating the mindset of the wealthy, not by imitating their

Poor people are focused on spending money; the wealthy are focused on creating
it, saving it, and investing it.

Most people see money as cash in their hands to be used and spent. Wealthy
people understand money primarily as seeds to be planted that will grow into
money trees.

Plan your spending. Never shop on impulse. The longer you plan a purchase for,
generally the more money you will save.

Document your spending. It is the first step to getting control of your finances.

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