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the range 300mV to 3V peak-to-peak data to an asynchronous serial bit coding routine then can determine

(100mV to TV rms). The square wave stream at 300 Baud, and vice-versa, is which column went LOW, then reverse
output from the 741 triggers a one shot done by software in CHIPOS. Thus the the roles (ie data directions) of the
whose period is 3/4 cycle at 2400Hz, ie tape modem may be disconnected, and rows/columns to determine which row
312 usec. The same square Wave is PBO,PB7 used as a serial data com- is active. This program incorporates
sampled by a D-type flip-flop when the munications port, if such an application debounce and error-checking se-
one-shot times out. If the signal was is envisaged (eg "smart" terminal). quences, ensuring ultra-reliable func-
low at this instant, then it must be Operation of the hex keypad is very tioning.
2400Hz, but if it was still HIGH, it must simple from a hardware point of view. The [FN] key posed a special
be 1200Hz (see diagram). Hence the Normally, the rows (PA4 to PA7) are problem: how to detect closure of an
demodulated signal is the inverse out- outputs, held LOW, while the columns SPST contact without getting bounce or
put from the. flip-flop. Note that the (PAO to PA3) are inputs, held HIGH by noise, and without introducing an extra
Schmitt-trigger facility of the 74121 is internal pullups. If any key is pressed, chip. The final solution was a
exploited, for added noise immunity. one column must go LOW causing a ris- Schmitt-trigger made from a spare
The task of converting 8-bit parallel ing edge at CAT. The software en- AND-gate with feedback.

ACIA: Asynchronous Communications Interface Adaptor.; D-TYPE: a particular type of flipflop which, when a clock
Motorola's answer to the UART, or Universal Asynchronous pulse arrives, stores or latches the logic level at its D-input.
Receiver Transmitter; it provides the data format and con- DEBUG: A diagnostic program which helps locate hardware
trol to interface serial asynchronous data to bus organised malfunctions in a system or to identify coding errors in new-
systems. ly developed programs.
ADDRESS: The label, name or binary number specifying a DISABLE: Use a control voltage to halt system operation.
particular location in mem -TOTy. ENABLE: Use a control voltage to start a system or circuit, or
ALPHANUMERIC: Refers to numbers and letters of the to allow it to function.
alphabet; ie, an alphanumeric code represents numbers and ENCODER: A digital circuit which accepts information in
letters. uncoded form and generates corresponding coded data.
AND-GATE: A digital logic element with output logic value FLAG: An indicator, usually a single binary bit, used to in-
related to the AND logical function; ie, with all inputs 1, the dicate a condition for a peripheral device or a later stage in a
output is 1 but all other input combinations result in 0 out- program.
put. FLIPFLOP: A family of digital circuits capable of assuming
ARRAY: A named group of related variables or constants. either of two stable states and therefore capable of storing
Items in the array may be located in consecutive memory one bit of information.
locations or they may binked. FIELD: Refers here to one vertical scan of a television pic-
ASYNCHRONOUS: Refers to a system or circuit whose ture, which occurs 50 times a second.
elements are not arranged to change state in synchromism. FSK: Frequency-shift keyed; refers to a digital mode of data
BASIC: One of the ligh-level programming languages which transmission wherein the two logic levels are transferred as
is user-readable. two distinct frequencies. In the case of the "Kansas City
BAUD: Used as a measure of serial data flow. 10 baud nor- Standard" which resulted from a symittosium organised by
mally equals 10 bits/second. USA magazine BYTE, logical 1 is a 2400Hz tone while logical
BINARY: Refers to the number system with base 2 and ex- 0 is 1200Hz.
pressing all quantities by the numerals 0 and 1. GRAPHICS: A system of producing pictorial or graphical in-
BIT: Binary digit, either,0 or 1. The minimum amount of in- formation on a video monitor, television screen or chart
formation. recorder.
BRANCH: An instruction in a program which causes the HARDWARE: In this context means the electronic circuitry
processor to execute a step not in the usual sequence. A of the computer and its peripherals.
branch can be unconditional or conditional, based on the HEX: Nasty spell placed on person trying to debug a
magnitude or state of some value. Branch is synonymous program; also abbreviation for Hexadecimal.
with Jump. HEXADECIMAL: A number system with base 16 using
BUFFER: refers to an amplifier which is interposed between numbers 0 to 9 and A,B,C,D,E,F to represent its 16 digits.
two circuits to avoid undue loading effects. "Buffer" can Two hexadecimal digits can be used conveniently to repre-
also refer to an area in computer memory which is used as a sent 8 bits, or a byte.
work area or to store data for an input/output operation. I/O: Input/Output. An I/O Port is connection to a
BYTE: A group of consecutive binary bits, usually eight, processor to provide a data path to or from external devices
which are operated upon as a unit. A byte can also be a sub- suchas keyboard, display or cassette recorder. An I/O port
set of a computer word. Additionslly, byte is a unit of of a microprocessor may be input or output or it may be
memory size: the Dream/6800 has 1K (1024 bytes) of bidirectional.
Memory in RAM. INSTRUCTION: A set of bits which defines a computer
BUS: A circuit or group of circuits which provide a com- operation and is a basic command understood by the
munication- path between two or more devices, such as processor.
between processor, memory and peripherals. The "S100" INTERFACE: A device which transfers data from one system
bus is based on that originally used in the MITS/Altair 8080 to another.
computer and which subsequently became a USA industry INTERPRETER: A program that fetches, translates and con-
standard. trols execution of instructions written in a higher-level
CAI: Computer-aided instruction. language.
CLOCK: kpulse generator which provided timing signals to INTERRUPT: The suspension of a normal program routine of
which all system operations are synchronized. a computer or microprocessor in order to handle a sudden
CONDITIONAL: See Branch. request for service, usually by a peripheral device.
DMA Rog Memory Access; a method of transferring data JUMP: See Branch.
directlSr,between an external device and system memory LANGUAGE: A set of symbols and expressions used to ex-
without iflmeed for processor intervention. This method press a computer instruction or program. More commonly
signifitantly increases the data transfer rate and hence the term is used to describe higher-level languages, or
system efficiency. programs expressed in symbolic form for convenience of
Microprocessors & Personal Computers 91

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