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Precision and Sensitivity of a Test for Vegetable Fat Adulteration

of Milk Fat ~


Dairy Foods Program
Department of Animal Sciences
University of Vermont
Burlington 05405-0044

ABSTRACT with less costly vegetable fat. This practice is

A test for routine screening of Moz- acceptable if the product is correctly labeled;
zarella cheese and butter for vegetable fat improperly labeled products, however, have the
adulteration is described. Fat is extracted 13otential to do great harm to the dairy in-
and saponified. The potassium salts of the dustry. A program such as "Real Seal", which
fatty acids are measured through direct makes an implicit promise to the consumer,
gas chromatographic analysis. A ratio, should have some system to verify the au-
calculated from the concentrations of thenticity of products that producers submit as
butyric and oleic acids, is used to evaluate candidates for inclusion in the promotion
the purity of a sample. The test offers and also to monitor compliance with labeling
good precision and can detect less than regulations for products containing imitation
10% partially hydrogenated vegetable fat. ingredients.
Methods to detect misrepresented products
INTRODUCTION include the sterol acetate melting point meth-
In recent years, consumers have shown od, gas chromatographic analysis for /3-sito-
interest in quality, safety, nutrition, health sterol, and the Reichart-Meissl and Polenske
aspects, and the labeling of food products. The values (30). All three methods are recognized as
dairy industry has perceived this consumer official by AOAC (1), and in addition, the
climate as a marketing opportunity and has Reichart-Meissl and Polenske values often are
introduced advertising and promotional cam- considered appropriate for general use as a
paigns such as the "Real Seal" program to help screening method. The official methods,
develop consumer awareness of the natural although very sensitive to the presence of fats
nutrition in dairy products. The controversial of vegetable origin in milk fat (<2%), require
implication of such a promotion is that imita- relatively elaborate sample preparation and
tion products are less desirable than "real" handling techniques and interpretation of the
products. results (35, 36). The Reichart-Meissl and
Imitation and part-imitation dairy products Polenske methods provide empirical data on the
have shown continued, impressive growth over relative concentrations of groups of fatty acids
the past several years (4, 14). This fact alone is (26). Limits of sensitivity for the detection of
enough to cause concern within the dairy vegetable fats could not be ascertained from the
industry. Unfortunately, the problem is com- literature. Other proposed methods include
pounded by the occasional unscrupulous ~-tocopherol (vitamin E) assays (25), analysis
manufacturer who, in an attempt to reduce of various nonsaponifiables (9), analysis of
costs or gain a competitive edge, may substitute thermal properties, various methods and
some or all of the milk fat in a dairy product interpretations of triglyceride analysis (17, 23,
28, 33), and analysis of fatty acids (3, 8, 11,
16, 19, 20, 22, 34, 36). The preferred con-
firmatory regulatory method is the analy-
sis of/3-sitosterol (30).
Current methods that analyze fatty acid
Received June 8, 1987. composition almost invariably require the
Accepted October 5, 1987.
1Research supported by the Vermont Agricul- transformation of fatty acids to either methyl
tural Experiment Station, University of Vermont, or butyl esters (19, 29). These compounds,
Burlington. particularly the short-chain fatty acid methyl

1988 J Dairy Sci 71:574-581 574


esters, are highly volatile, and even with special from retail outlets, and samples were obtained
precautions, losses of the short-chain fatty acids from cheeses and butter manufactured in the
occur (12, 22, 29). University of Vermont dairy plant. The pre-
A method that converts fatty acids to cision of the method was evaluated with five
potassium salts and then analyzes them by gas replicate samples each of pure butter and of
chromatography eliminates many of the prob- Mozzarella cheese. Cheeses were shredded to
lems associated with other methods of fatty obtain representative samples, and the fat was
acid analysis (7, 16). Most notable is the extracted from the cheese and butter by the
elimination of the problem of sample losses due Mojonnier method (27). The extracted fat from
to vaporization. The fatty acid salts are injected each sample was divided into four portions, and
into a gas chromatograph in which the carrier each portion was then blended with one of four
gas is saturated with formic acid vapor. In the types of vegetable fat commonly used in the
acidic environment the salts are converted to manufacture of imitation dairy" foods (pure
free fatty acids and are analyzed as such. soybean oil, two partially hydrogenated soy-
Efficiencies of conversion and recovery have bean oils, and coconut oil) to concentrations of
been documented (7, 16). 0, 5.0, and 10.0% vegetable fat. 2 One-half-gram
Concentrations of individual fatty acids in samples of the fat blends then were saponified
milk fat are highly variable (2, 15, 18, 21, 32). with 6 ml of an isopropyl alcohol-KOH, solution
Ratios of concentrations of selected fatty acids (25 mg KOH/ml) and held at 100°C in a water
or fatty acid groups have shown some success in bath for 20 min (24). A large glass bead was
defining normal milk fat in terms of its fatty placed over the top of the reaction vial to
acid composition (3, 11, 12, 15, 22, 34, 36, moderate the rate of solvent evaporation. At
37); however, none of these references was the completion of the reaction, the excess
primarily concerned with the effect on these alcohol was evaporated under a stream of
relationships of a foreign fat added to the milk nitrogen. Complete saponification was verified
fat; rather they concentrated on describing the by thin-layer chromatography (5). Fifty milli-
relationships as they exist in pure milk fat. In grams of the dried mixture of potassium salts of
addition, use of the short-chain fatty acids, C4 the fatty acids were added to 4 ml of 80%
through C10, in such descriptive relationships (vol/vol) ethanol containing .25 rag/rot of C7
has been largely overlooked, possibly because and 1.0 mg/ml of C17 as internal standards
of the lack of appropriate, quantitative meth- (38). An aliquot of the solution, approximately
odology. 1 ~tl, then was injected into a gas chromatog-
We developed a method that constitutes an raph, Hewlett-Packard model 5790, equipped
improvement over other available methods in with an automatic sampler, Hewlett-Packard
that it eliminates handling problems associated model 3388. The chromatographic operating
with volatile acids, is simple, and has good conditions were the following: 1.83 m glass
sensitivity. The method shows potential for use column, 2 mm i.d., packed with 5% DEGS-PS,
as a routine screening method to identify 100/120 Supelcoport (Supelco); injection port
samples of fat extracted from dairy products temperature 250°C; detector temperature
that may be adulterated with vegetable fat (10). 250°C; helium carrier at 60 ml/min; and oven
This paper reports an evaluation of the pre- temperature 100 to 200°C with an 8C°/min
cision and sensitivity of this proposed method increase programmed after an initial delay of 2
for detecting vegetable fat in milk fat. rain. The chromatograph was modified with a
trap to saturate the carrier gas with formic acid
MATERIALS AND METHODS (7). The concentrations of each of the 10 major
fatty acids, C4 through C18:2, were identified
Commercial brands of butter and Mozzarella
and quantified according to the method of
cheese were purchased approximately biweekly
Wulff et al. (38).
The sensitivity of the test was evaluated with
Mozzarella cheese fat containing each of four
types of vegetable fat in concentrations of 0,
=Vegetable fat samples were provided by Kraft 5%, and 10% vegetable fat. Additionally,
Incorporated, Industrial Foods Division, Mepphis, TN. shredded imitation cheese was blended with

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 71, No. 3, 1988

576 FOX ET AL.

shredded Mozzarella cheese to approximate a The fatty acid compositions of butter and
10% substitution of milk fat with vegetable fat; Mozzarella cheese are similar (Table 3). There
fat was extracted and analyzed as described. were no significant differences in the con-
These data were used to evaluate the various centrations of any of the 10 major fatty acids
relationships and identify the most appropriate among the two sources of fat for 12 mo (P>.5).
ratio to use as an indicator of fat purity or The following discussion refers, except where
adulteration. The dependency of each ratio on noted, to data for Mozzarella cheese only;
the percent added vegetable fat was determined however, it is assumed, based on the data from
by linear regression. The regression coefficients Table 3, that the results can be generalized for
were used to identify the most favorable ratios. both products.
The Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distributions,
Sheffe multiple range test, two sample t tests,
Choice of Ratio and Sensitivity
and correlation analysis were used to evaluate
the various ratios (31). The ratio of choice must adequately satisfy
two important criteria if it is to be used to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION identify an adulterated sample of milk fat.
First, the ratio must be relatively constant
Precision throughout the range of normal milk fat. That
The precision of the test, with regard to is, milk fat should be defined by this rela-
reproducibility of the recoveries of the 10 tionship within an acceptably narrow range of
major fatty acids, are reported in Tables 1 and calculated values for the relationship. Second,
2. Coefficients of variation averaged 2.18% for the ratio must be responsive to the addition of
the fatty acids recovered from Mozzarella vegetable fats, i.e., the observed value of the
cheese and .5, 1.43, and 1.24 for butyric, relationship should increase or decrease at a
capric, and oleic acids, respectively. Coef- significant rate as vegetable fat is added to the
ficients of variation for pure butter averaged pure fat.
2.53%; for butyric, caproic, and oleic acids The short-chain fatty acids (C4 through C12)
individually, they were .77, 1.16, and 2.31%, are not commonly found in vegetable fats
respectively. Quantification of lauric acid (C12) (Table 4). Most notable is butyric acid, which
was compromised to various degrees by an does not occur naturally in any vegetable fat. It
u n k n o w n interfering substance, and linoleic would be advantageous for one or more of
acid (C18:2) was a poorly resolved peak (6). these short-chain acids to compose a portion of

TABLE 1. Precision of the method for five replicate samples of Mozzarella cheese fat and Mozzarella cheese fat
containing 10% vegetable fat.

Cheese fat + 10% partially

Pure cheese fat hydrogenated soybean oil
Fatty acid Total CV Total CV

C4 4.02 .51 3.52 1.04
C6 2.55 .51 2.25 .82
Cs 1.39 .37 1.21 .84
C10 3.17 1.43 2.79 2.68
C12 4.14 4.77 3.68 5.21
C14 12.18 1.87 10.96 2.44
C16 29.20 1.94 26.86 1.40
C18:o 10.99 1.84 10.90 1.92
C18:1 26.23 1.24 31.15 1.37
Cia:2 6.12 7.34 6.66 3.42

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 71, No. 3, 1988


TABLE 2. Precision of the method for five replicate samples of milk fat and milk fat containing 10% vegetable

Milk fat + 10% partially

Pure milk fat hydrogenated soybean oil
Fatty acid Total CV Total CV

C4 4.15 .77 3.60 1.12
Ce 2.69 1.70 2.34 1.88
Cs 1.40 2.04 1.22 1.12
CIQ 3.23 1.16 2.82 1.22
Cla 3.81 3.60 3.32 2.05
C14 12.53 2.18 10.93 1.71
C16 30.57 1.56 28,31 1.43
C18:o 12.79 3.50 12.67 3.48
C1~:1 24.72 2.31 30.49 1.41
C18:2 4.10 6.44 4.28 6.55

t h e ratio b e c a u s e t h e a d d i t i o n of vegetable fat sensitivity, and overall s u i t a b i l i t y for this

will, in effect, d i l u t e t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f t h e a p p l i c a t i o n . T h e e v a l u a t i o n criteria were 1 ) t h e
s h o r t - c h a i n acids b y an a m o u n t equal t o t h e variability of t h e r a t i o and 2) t h e p r e d i c t a b i l i t y
c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f t h e a d d e d vegetable fat. Oleic o f its r e s p o n s e t o t h e a d d i t i o n o f vegetable fat.
acid also is an o b v i o u s c h o i c e because it is t h e S o m e of t h e possible f a t t y acid r e l a t i o n s h i p s ,
largest single c o m p o n e n t of m o s t h y d r o g e n a t e d i n c l u d i n g ratios p r o p o s e d b y o t h e r investigators
vegetable fats a n d is t h e long-chain f a t t y acid (11, 13, 34, 36), are p r e s e n t e d in T a b l e 5. In
t h a t differs m o s t significantly in c o n c e n t r a t i o n m o s t cases, t h e n u m e r a t o r is c o m p o s e d of
f r o m l o n g - c h a i n f a t t y acids f o u n d in milk e i t h e r a single or g r o u p of s h o r t - c h a i n f a t t y
fat. R a t i o s t h a t i n c o r p o r a t e these guidelines acids a n d t h e d e n o m i n a t o r is m a d e u p of a
were evaluated for t h e i r relative precision, single or g r o u p o f long-chain f a t t y acids. T h e

TABLE 3. Fatty acid composition of butter and Mozzarella cheese as percent of total.

Butter 1 Mozzarella cheese 2

Fatty acid Total CV Total CV

C4 4.09 6.06 4.12 4.03
C6 2.64 4.73 2.63 4.52
Cs 1.47 10.82 1.44 7.85
C10 3.35 9.79 3.24 8.67
C12 3.95 12.81 3.92 11.71
C~4 12.21 6.02 12.10 6.15
C~6 30.30 7.29 30.77 7,93
C18:o 11.67 11.31 12.09 9.76
C18:1 25.94 7.75 25.98 8.49
C18:2 4.36 31.88 1.34 39.48

an = 104.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 71, No. 3, 1988

578 FOX ET AL.

addition of a vegetable fat would decrease the

value of the numerator and increase the de-
•--4 ,4- ",O e¢~ nominator. The net effect would therefore be a
decrease in the value of the ratio. The values of
the majority of the ratios for the pure fats were
normally distributed (P<.01, correlation of
.2. normal scores vs. actual scores greater than .99
(N e~ ~0 l~ for all ratios except [C18:1] + [C14]). For
comparative purposes, the ratio values 2 stan-
dard deviations above and below the mean were
considered the upper and lower limits of the
ratio for pure milk fat. These values were used
o. ~. ~ m. ~.
to evaluate the relative sensitivities of the
different ratios.
The concentration of a mildly hydrogenated
soybean oil (Iodine value = 94.3) necessary to
depress the mean ratio by minus 2 standard
deviations, would be considered the minimum
level of detection of the test using a given ratio.
This critical value is used as a comparative
indicator of the maximum sensitivity of the test
for each of the ratios. Of the ratios considered,
the ratio [Ca] + [ C 1 8 : 1 ] varies the least, has an
approximate mean sensitivity of 6.08% added
vegetable fat, and has the best linear fit be-
tween the ratio and percent vegetable fat (r 2
~4 " : " 4 .748). Ratios proposed by Galanos ([C4] ×
100) + ([C12] + [C161 + [C18:1]) (11) and
Treiger ([C18:11 + [C14]) (36) had relative
sensitivities of 14.6 and 9.2% with r 2 of .237
and .418, respectively (Table 5).
o ~.. 2 .tq. The true sensitivity of the test is limited by
r¢~ . . . XO
high normal ratios. A greater concentration of
vegetable fat is required to depress the ratio to
4 the abnormal range if the value is high initially.
High normal values of the ratio are, in almost
all cases, the result of low relative concen-
trations of oleic acid. The observed mean value
for oleic acid was 25.98%, as percent of total,
0 0
with a range of 24.26 to 27.45%. There was
very little observed variability in the con-
centration of butyric acid. The observed mean
value was 4.12% with a range of 4.09 to 4.14%.
As the concentration of native oleic acid
decreases, additional vegetable fat will cause a
large relative change in the concentration of
8 d 4 ~ i Z :
oleic acid and result in an increased rate of
change in the value of the ratio. Adding 10%
vegetable fat to milk fat with an average con-
centration of oleic acid will increase the relative
concentration of oleic acid by about 18.0%,
and adding the same vegetable fat to milk fat
[., r,. ~ 0 0 0 0
with a low concentration of oleic acid will

J o u r n a l o f Dairy Science Vol. 71, No. 3, 1988


TABLE 5. Values of six selected fatty acid ratios and two individual fatty acids used to evaluate the purity of
a milk fat sample. Each ratio was calculated from the collected data and subjected to regression analysis to
determine the r 2 value for increasing vegetable fat concentration in milk fat using that ratio.

Ratio Mean CV R2 sensitivity

(%) (%)
C4/Cls:a .1593 8.16 .748 6.1
C 4 + C6/C1g:1 .2617 9.25 .681 7.8
C4 + Cs/Cls n .2154 8196 .677 7.6
C4 + C1o/C18:~ .2854 11.04 .570 9.3
Ca0/C~2 + C16 + C~s:~ 5.34 9.59 .237 14.6
Clg:~/C14 2.16 13.94 .418 9.2
C4 % of total 4.09 6.06 .551 7.5
C~s:, % of total 25.94 7.75 .499 10.1

increase the c o n c e n t r a t i o n by about 23.0% oil, is the conversion of linoleic acid, which
(Table 6). The slope of the change in the ratio, contains two unsaturated carbon bonds, to
w i t h the addition of vegetable fat, increases oleic acid, a m o n o u n s a t u r a t e d fatty acid.
slightly at higher values of the ratio. The result Therefore, with increasing degrees of hydro-
is that the sensitivity is slightly better for high genation, there is an a c c o m p a n y i n g increase in
values o f the ratio than would be e x p e c t e d by the relative c o n c e n t r a t i o n of oleic acid (Table
assuming a slope parallel to that calculated for 6). The greater c o n c e n t r a t i o n of oleic acid in a
all values. Given a ratio at the e x t r e m e high end highly hydrogenated vegetable fat will have a
o f the normal range o f ratios for pure milk fat, greater effect on the value of the ratio than will
a p p r o x i m a t e l y .19, and assuming a slope equal comparable a m o u n t s of a vegetable fat that is
to that calculated for all normal values, the not as highly hydrogenated when added to milk
apparent m i n i m u m sensitivity w o u l d be about fat (Figure 1).
13.4%. However, the slope calculated for this Data in Table 7 show the change in the value
ratio value is such that the apparent sensitivity of the ratio with the addition of four types of
is actually a b o u t 10.5% added vegetable fat. vegetable fat. With the addition of 10% parti-
Most vegetable fats used in the f o o d and all)" h y d r o g e n a t e d vegetable fat (soybean fat 1)
dairy industries are h y d r o g e n a t e d to produce the value of the ratio decreases f r o m .1577 to
desired chemical and physical properties of the .1219, a - 2 3 . 0 % change. The addition of 10%
fat. One of the consequences of partial hy- of a more highly h y d r o g e n a t e d vegetable fat
drogenation o f a vegetable oil, such as soybean (soybean fat 2) results in a 27.0% reduction.

TABLE 6. Change in relative concentrations of oleic acid with the addition of 10% partially hydrogenated
vegetable fat to milk fats having high, average, and low normal concentrations of oleic acid.

Percent of total
% Vegetable fat Low Average High

0% 23.00 26.92 30.21

10.0% 28.37 31.74 34.47
% Change 23.34 17.90 14.12

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 71, No. 3, 1988

580 FOX ET AL.

TABLE 7. Values of ratios with addition of four types of vegetable fats.

Added vegetable fat

0% 5% 10%
Type of fat Ratio CV Ratio CV Ratio CV

Pure soybean 1 .1577 7.2 .1556 6.9 .1418 6.8

Parti~ly hydrogenated soybean 12 .1577 7.2 .1375 7.2 .1219 6.4
Partially hydrogenated soybean 23 .1577 7.2 .1372 7.1 .1150 6.4
Coconut 4 .1577 7.2 .1562 3.4 .1553 8.7

1 Unhydrogenated soybean fat; iodine value = 130.6.

2 Partially hydrogenated soybean fat; iodine value = 94.3.
3 Partially hydrogenated soybean fat; iodine value = 68.6.
4 Iodine value = 5.1.

T h e effect, o n c e again, is t h a t as t h e degree o f little oleic acid. A m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e r a t i o to use

h y d r o g e n a t i o n increases, t h e slope o f t h e line for screening f o r t h e a d d i t i o n o f c o c o n u t fat
calculated f o r t h e value o f t h e ratio vs. t h e w o u l d possibly i n c l u d e laurie acid (C12).
a d d i t i o n o f vegetable fat also increases. T h e
l o w e r limits o f t h e value o f t h e r a t i o are m o r e CONCLUSIONS
q u i c k l y e x c e e d e d w i t h t h e a d d i t o n o f this t y p e T h e p r o p o s e d test for vegetable fat ad-
o f v e g e t a b l e fat t h a n w i t h t h e a d d i t i o n o f t h e u l t e r a t i o n o f fat in Mozzarella cheese a n d
less h y d r o g e n a t e d vegetable f a t a n d t h e sensi- b u t t e r shows g o o d p r e c i s i o n or r e p r o d u c i b i l i t y
tivity is effectively increased. a n d a c c e p t a b l e sensitivity f o r d e t e c t i n g t h e
A d d i t i o n o f 10% c o c o n u t f a t does n o t a d d i t i o n of less t h a n 10% partially h y d r o -
significantly c h a n g e t h e value o f this r a t i o g e n a t e d s o y b e a n oil a n d v e g e t a b l e oils similar in
( P > . 0 5 ) . This is n o t u n e x p e c t e d , given t h e f a t t y c o m p o s i t i o n to s o y b e a n oil, such as corn a n d
acid c o m p o s i t i o n o f this fat ( T a b l e 4). C o c o n u t c o t t o n s e e d oil. V e g e t a b l e oils such as c o c o n u t
f a t is highly s a t u r a t e d a n d c o n t a i n s relatively oil a n d palm k e r n e l oil w o u l d n o t be easily
d e t e c t e d b y this m e t h o d . T h e m e t h o d w o u l d b e
a p p r o p r i a t e for use as a screening test w h e r e
m u l t i p l e samples are r o u t i n e l y t e s t e d .

This s t u d y was s u p p o r t e d in p a r t b y t h e
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j e c t H a t c h 385, t h e Dairy R e s e a r c h F o u n d a t i o n
~ .~s. ~ . of the United Dairy Industry Association, and
t h e Walker R e s e a r c h F u n d .

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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 71, No. 3, 1988

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