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(12) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10 ,134 , 151 B2

Liu et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 20 , 2018
(54 ) VERIFICATION METHOD AND SYSTEM 4,874, 063 A * 10 / 1989 Taylor ................. B66B 5/0006
( 71 ) Applicant: VIVOTEK INC., New Taipei ( TW ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(72 ) Inventors: Cheng-Chieh Liu , New Taipei ( TW ); CN
101021949 A
101540892 A
8 /2007
9 /2009
Szu -Mo Chang , New Taipei (TW ) ; CN 101996536 A 3 / 2011
Wei -Ming Liu , New Taipei (TW ) CN 102054167 A 5 / 2011
TW 201118803 A1 6 / 2011
(73) Assignee: VIVOTEK INC .,New Taipei ( TW )
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 C .H . Chen , Y. C . Chang , T. Y . Chen , and D . J. Wang, People
U .S .C . 154 (b ) by 88 days. Counting System for Getting In /Out of a Bus Based on Video
Processing, Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Nov .
(21 ) Appl. No.: 15 /404 ,177 26 -28 , 2008, pp . 565-569, IEEE , Kaohsiung, Taiwan .
(22 ) Filed : Jan . 11 , 2017 (Continued )
(65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Aklilu Woldemariam
US 2017 /0278264 A1 Sep . 28 , 2017 (74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Winston Hsu
( 30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data (57 ) ABSTRACT
Mar. 24 , 2016 ( TW ) ............................ 105109138 A A verification method for people counting includes steps of
displaying a people counting video by a display device ,
(51) Int. CI. wherein the people counting video shows an entry and exit
G06T 7/ 70 ( 2017 .01) boundary and an accumulated number of persons; when at
(52) U .S. Ci. least one person exists in the people counting video , dis
CPC . .... G06T 7 /70 (2017 .01 ); G06T 2207/30196 playing an initial position and a current position of each of
(2013 .01 ); G06T 2207 / 30242 (2013 .01) the at least one person by the display device; determining
(58) CPC
Field .of.... Classification Search
GO6K 9/ 00288 ; G06K 2009 /00328 ; G06K
whether each of the at least one person passes across the
entry and exit boundary according to the initial position and
9 /00677 ; G06K 9 /00248 ; G06K 9 /00261; the current position of each of the at least one person by a
(Continued ) user, so as to determine whether the accumulated number of
persons is incorrect; and when the user determines that the
(56 ) References Cited accumulated number of persons is incorrect , receiving a
modified number of persons from the user by an input
4 ,630 , 110 A * 12 / 1986 Cotton .............. G07G 3 /003
200 / 86 R 17 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets

Input Display
device devicc
US 10,Page
134 ,2151 B2
(58 ) Field of Classification Search (56 ) References Cited
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See application file for complete search history . * cited by examiner
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Input device
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nAcumblaetrd nAcumblaetrd
: persons
atent Nov . 20 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 6 US 10 ,134 ,151 B2




nAcumblaetrd nAcumblaetrd
: persons
atent Nov . 20 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 6 US 10 , 134 ,151 B2

Display a people counting video
by a display device

When at least one person exists in the people

counting video , display an initial position and a
current position of each person by the display device
- S14
Determine whether each person passes across the entry and
exit boundary according to the initial position and the current
position of each person by a user, so as to determine whether
the accumulated number of persons is incorrect
- S16
When the user determines that the
accumulated number of persons is incorrect,
receive a modified number of persons from
the user by an input device

FIG . 4
atent Nov . 20 , 2018 Sheet 5 of 6 US 10 ,134 ,151 B2


< 71221

nAcumblaetrd nAcumblaetrd
: persons
atent Nov . 20 , 2018 Sheet 6 of 6 US 10 , 134 ,151 B2



P2 P4

nAcumblaetrd nAcumblaetrd
of persons
US 10 , 134 ,151 B2
VERIFICATION METHOD AND SYSTEM initial position and the current position of each of the at least
FOR PEOPLE COUNTING AND COMPUTER one person , so as to determine whether the accumulated
READABLE STORAGE MEDIUM number of persons is incorrect. When the user determines
that the accumulated number of persons is incorrect, the
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 input device receives a modified number of persons from the
According to another embodiment of the invention , a
This application claims the benefit of Taiwan Application non -transitory computer readable storage medium for stor
No. 105109138, which was filed on Mar . 24 , 2016 , and is ing a set of computer -executable instructions, when
incorporated herein by reference . 10 executed , causing a display device to perform steps of
displaying a people counting video , wherein the people
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION counting video shows an entry and exit boundary and an
accumulated number of persons ; displaying an initial posi
1. Field of the Invention tion and a current position of each of at least one person
The invention relates to a verification method and system 15 when the at least one person exists in the people counting
for people counting and , more particularly , to a verification video , wherein a user determines whether each of the at least
method and system allowing a user to easily determine one person passes across the entry and exit boundary accord
whether the accumulated number of persons is incorrect. ing to the initialposition and the current position of each of
2 . Description of the Prior Art the at least one person , so as to determine whether the
A system , which counts the number of persons automati- 20 accumulated number of persons is incorrect; and receiving a
cally by analyzing a video content, is now in widespread use . modified number of persons from the user by an input device
To evaluate the accuracy of people counting generated by when the user determines that the accumulated number of
the system objectively and effectively , it usually needs a persons is incorrect.
person to verify the counting result . A conventional manner As mentioned in the above , the user can determine
is to assign a person to a site and then the person counts the 25 whether a person passes across the entry and exit boundary
number of persons by pressing a counter at the site . The according to the initial position and the current position of
problem of the aforesaid manner is that the person cannot the person , so as to determine whether the accumulated
keep his/her attention without distraction for a long span of number of persons is incorrect . When the user determines
time, such that he/shemay make a mistake. Especially, once that the accumulated number of persons is incorrect, the user
there are lots of persons passing through the site simulta - 30 can operate the input device to input the modified number of
neously , the person cannot always count the correct number persons . Accordingly , the input frequency of the user can be
of persons. Furthermore, it is very difficult to verify whether reduced and the user can determine whether the accumulated
the number of persons counted by the person is incorrect. number of persons is incorrect more easily. Furthermore, the
invention may evaluate the accuracy of people counting
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 35 according to themodified number of persons inputted by the
An objective of the invention is to provide a verification These and other objectives of the present invention will
method and system allowing a user to easily determine no doubt become obvious to those of ordinary skill in the art
whether the accumulated number of persons is incorrect , so after reading the following detailed description of the pre
as to solve the aforesaid problems. 40 ferred embodiment that is illustrated in the various figures
According to an embodiment of the invention , a verifi- and drawings.
cation method for people counting comprises steps of dis
playing a people counting video by a display device , BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
wherein the people counting video shows an entry and exit
boundary and an accumulated number of persons; when at 45 FIG . 1 is a functional block diagram illustrating a veri
least one person exists in the people counting video , dis- fication system for people counting according to an embodi
playing an initial position and a current position of each of ment of the invention .
the at least one person by the display device; determining FIG . 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating the display
whether each of the at least one person passes across the device shown in FIG . 1 displaying a people counting video .
entry and exit boundary according to the initial position and 50 FIG . 3 is another schematic diagram illustrating the
the current position of each of the at least one person by a display device shown in FIG . 1 displaying the people
user, so as to determine whether the accumulated number of counting video .
persons is incorrect; and when the user determines that the FIG . 4 is a flowchart illustrating a verification method for
accumulated number of persons is incorrect, receiving a people counting according to an embodiment of the inven
modified number of persons from the user by an input 55 tion .
device . FIG . 5 is a schematic diagram illustrating the patterns
According to another embodiment of the invention , a displayed corresponding to the persons.
verification system for people counting comprises a display FIG . 6 is a schematic diagram illustrating the patterns
device and an input device . The display device displays a corresponding to the persons displayed with different sizes.
people counting video , wherein the people counting video 60
shows an entry and exit boundary and an accumulated DETAILED DESCRIPTION
number of persons . The input device communicates with the
display device. When at least one person exists in the people Referring to FIGS . 1 to 4, FIG . 1 is a functional block
counting video , the display device displays an initial posi- diagram illustrating a verification system 1 for people count
tion and a current position ofeach of the at least one person . 65 ing according to an embodiment of the invention , FIG . 2 is
A user determines whether each of the at least one person a schematic diagram illustrating the display device 10 shown
passes across the entry and exit boundary according to the in FIG . 1 displaying a people counting video 14 , FIG . 3 is
US 10 , 134 ,151 B2
another schematic diagram illustrating the display device 10 current position of the person 04 are 14 and C4 . In this
shown in FIG . 1 displaying the people counting video 14 , embodiment, the invention may label the initial positions
and FIG . 4 is a flowchart illustrating a verification method 11 -14 and the current positions C1-C4 of the persons 01-04
for people counting according to an embodiment of the in the people counting video 14 by analyzing walking paths
invention . The verification method for people counting 5 of the persons 01-04. Furthermore , the display device 10 of
shown in FIG . 4 is adapted to the verification system 1 for the invention may display line patterns L1 -L4 connecting
people counting shown in FIG . 1 . the initial position 11- 14 and the current position C1-C4 of
As shown in FIG . 1 , the verification system 1 for people the persons 01-04. Accordingly , the user can recognize the
counting comprises a display device 10 and an input device relations between the initial position 11 - 14 and the current
12, wherein the input device 12 communicates with the 10 position C1-C4 according to the line patterns L1-L4 .
display device 10 . In this embodiment, the display device 10 Then , a user determines whether each of the persons
may be a computer screen , a monitor, a television , a tablet 01- 04 passes across the entry and exit boundary 140
computer or other electronic devices with display function , according to the initial positions 11 -14 and the current
and the input device 12 may be a keyboard , a touch panel or positions C1-C4 of the persons 01-04, so as to determine
other electronic devices with input function . In practical 15 whether the accumulated number of persons is incorrect
applications, the input device 12 may communicate with the ( step S14 in FIG . 4 ). In this embodiment, the user may
display device 10 by wired or wireless manner. determine whether each of the persons 01-04 passes across
When the verification system 1 is used for verifying the entry and exit boundary 140 according to whether the
people counting , first of all, the display device 10 displays initial positions 11 - 14 and the current positions C1-C4 of the
a people counting video 14 (step S10 in FIG . 4 ) , wherein the 20 persons 01-04 are located at opposite sides of the entry and
people counting video 14 shows an entry and exit boundary exit boundary 140 . As shown in FIG . 3 , the initial position
140 and the accumulated number of persons, and the accu - 11 and the current position C1 of the person 01 are located
mulated number of persons comprises at least one of the at opposite sides of the entry and exit boundary 140 and the
accumulated number of entry persons and the accumulated person 01 walks from bottom (i.e . the initialposition 11 ) to
number of exit persons. In this embodiment, the accumu- 25 top (i.e . the current position C1 ), so the person 01 should be
lated number of persons may comprise the accumulated counted into the number of entry persons. The determination
number of entry persons and the accumulated number of exit manner of the persons O2, O3 is identical to the determi
persons. As shown in FIG . 2 , the display device 10 displays nation manner of the person 01, so the persons O2, O3
the accumulated number of entry persons as 24 and displays should also be counted into the number of entry persons.
the accumulated number of exit persons as 20 . However, in 30 Furthermore , the initial position 14 and the current position
another embodiment, the accumulated number of persons C4 of the person 04 are located at opposite sides of the entry
may comprise the accumulated number of entry persons and exit boundary 140 and the person 04 walks from top
only or the accumulated number of exit persons only accord - (i. e . the initialposition 14 ) to bottom ( i. e . the current position
ing to practical applications. In this embodiment, the number C4 ), so the person 04 should be counted into the number of
of persons means, but not limited to , the number of visitors . 35 exit persons. In an embodiment, the invention may count the
In this embodiment, the accumulated number of entry person when the person leaves the screen boundary , so as to
personsmay be defined as the total number of persons who prevent miscount as the person walks around the entry and
walks from bottom to top in the FIG . 2 and passes across the exit boundary 140 .
entry and exit boundary 140 , and the accumulated number of Then , when the user determines that the accumulated
exit persons may be defined as the total number of persons 40 number of persons is incorrect, the input device 12 receives
who walks from top to bottom in the FIG . 2 and passes the modified number of persons from the user ( step S16 in
across the entry and exit boundary 140 . Furthermore , the FIG . 4 ). In this embodiment, the time point of obtaining the
people counting video 14 is recorded in advance and the accumulated number of entry persons and the accumulated
accumulated number of persons at each time point has been number of exit persons shown in FIG . 2 is prior to the time
analyzed and calculated by an automatic people counting 45 point of obtaining the accumulated number of entry persons
system . It should be noted that how to analyze and calculate and the accumulated number of exit persons shown in FIG .
the accumulated number of persons at each timepoint by the 3 . As shown in FIG . 2 , the accumulated number of entry
automatic people counting system is well known by one persons is 24 and the accumulated number of exit persons is
skilled in the art and it may refer to “ C . H . Chen , Y , C . 20 . In FIG . 3 , since the persons 01-03 should be counted
Chang, T . Y . Chen , and D . J. Wang , “ People Counting 50 into the number of entry persons and the person 04 should
System for Getting In /Out of a Bus Based on Video Pro - be counted into the number of exit persons , the accumulated
cessing," Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, number of entry persons should add 3 to be 27 and the
2008 . ISDA ’ 08 . Eighth International Conference on , vol. 3 , accumulated number of exit persons should add 1 to be 21 .
pp . 565 - 569, 2008 and F . Chen and E . Zhang. A Fast and However, as shown in FIG . 3 , the accumulated number of
Robust People Counting Method in Video Surveillance . 55 entry persons is 26 , so it means that one person is not
IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelli - counted into the accumulated number of entry persons. At
gence and Security , pages 339 - 343 , 2007 ” , so it will not be this time, the user can determine that the accumulated
depicted in detail herein . number of persons is incorrect and then operates the input
Then , when at least one person exists in the people device 12 to input the modified number of persons as “ + 1 ” ,
counting video 14 , the display device displays an initial 60 wherein it means that the accumulated number of entry
position and a current position of each person (step S12 in persons needs to add one person . In an embodiment, except
FIG . 4 ). As shown in FIG . 3 , four persons 01 -04 exist in the to input the modified number of persons as “ + 1 ” , the user
people counting video 14 , wherein the initial position and may also operate the input device 12 to input the modified
the current position of the person 01 are 11 and C1, the number of persons as “ 27” , wherein it means that the
initial position and the current position of the person O2 are 65 accumulated number of entry persons needs to be replaced
12 and C2 , the initial position and the current position of the by 27 persons . It should be noted that if the accumulated
person O3 are 13 and C3, and the initial position and the number of entry persons is 29 , it means that two persons
US 10 , 134 ,151 B2
should not be counted into the accumulated number of entry is short, the automatic people counting system may
persons. At this time, the user can determine that the exchange the tracking blocks of the persons 01, 02 mis
accumulated number of persons is incorrect and then oper- takenly . At this time, the invention may display the patterns
ates the input device 12 to input the modified number of P1-P4 corresponding to the persons 01 -04 with different
persons as “ - 2 ” , wherein it means that the accumulated 5 geometrical patterns or different colors, so as to assist the
number of entry persons needs to subtract two persons. In an user in confirming whether the tracking process is correct.
embodiment, except to input the modified number of per - Moreover, when the person approaches a screen boundary
sons as “ - 2 ” , the user may also operate the input device 12 of the people counting video 14 , the display device may
to input the modified number of persons as “ 27 ” , wherein it display the pattern with an eye -catching effect, so as to
means that the accumulated number of entry persons needs 10 remind the user to count the person . As shown in FIG . 5 , the
to be replaced by 27 persons.Moreover, as shown in FIG . 3 , person 01 has approached the top screen boundary of the
the accumulated number of exit persons is 21, wherein it people counting video 14 and the person 04 has approached
means that the accumulated number of exit persons is the bottom screen boundary of the people counting video 14 ,
correct. Accordingly, the user needs not to do anything and so the display device 10 may display the patternsP1, P4 with
just needs to continue watching the people counting video 15 the eye - catching effect ( e . g . thicken or flash the patterns P1,
14 . P4 ), so as to remind the user to count the persons 01, 04.
Asmentioned in the above, when the user is watching the Referring to FIG . 6 , FIG . 6 is a schematic diagram
people counting video 14 and discovers that the accumulated illustrating the patterns P1-P4 corresponding to the persons
number of persons is incorrect at different time points, the 01-04 displayed with different sizes. The data of the people
user can input the modified number of persons at different 20 counting video 14 may comprise height information of the
time points correspondingly . Then , the invention may evalu - person and the height information may be obtained by a
ate the accuracy of people counting according to one or more stereo camera through a conventional manner. When a
modified numbers of persons inputted by the user. height of the person is larger than or equal to a predeter
In this embodiment, when the number of the persons in mined height, the display device may display the pattern
the people counting video 14 is larger than or equal to a 25 with a first size ; and when the height of the person is smaller
predetermined value, the display device 10 may display the than the predetermined height, the display device may
people counting video 14 with a first speed ; and when the display the pattern with a second size , wherein the second
number of the persons in the people counting video 14 is size is smaller than the first size . For example , the aforesaid
smaller than the predetermined value, the display device 10 predetermined heightmay be set as a criterion for determin
may display the people counting video 14 with a second 30 ing that the person is an adult or child , e . g . 140 cm . As
speed , wherein the second speed is larger than the first shown in FIG . 6 , the person 04 is an adult and the persons
speed . For example, provided that the predetermined value 01-03 are children , so the height of the person 04 is larger
is 10 , the first speed is 1/2 times a normal display speed , and than or equal to the predetermined height and the heights of
the second speed is two times the normal display speed . the persons 01-03 are smaller than the predetermined
When the number of the persons in the people counting 35 height. At this time, the display device 10 will display the
video 14 is larger than or equal to 10 , the display device 10 pattern P4 with larger first size and display the patterns
may display the people counting video 14 slowly with 1/2 P1 -P3 with smaller second size . Accordingly, the user can
times the normal display speed , such that the user can watch know that which one of the persons 01-04 is an adult or
the walking path of each person clearly . On the other hand , child according to the sizes of the patterns P1-P4 .
when the number of the persons in the people counting video 40 It should be noted that the control logic of the verification
14 is smaller than 10 , the display device 10 may display the method for people counting of the invention can be imple
people counting video 14 fast with two times the normalm ented by software. The software can be executed in the
display speed , so as to enhance the efficiency of watching the verification system 1 for people counting of the invention .
people counting video 14 . Needless to say, each part or function of the control logic
Referring to FIG . 5 , FIG . 5 is a schematic diagram 45 may be implemented by software , hardware or the combi
illustrating the patterns P1-P4 displayed corresponding to nation thereof. Furthermore , the control logic of the verifi
the persons 01 -04. As shown in FIG . 5 , when the persons cation method for people counting of the invention may be
01-04 exist in the people counting video 14 , the display embodied by a computer readable storage medium , wherein
device 10 may display patterns P1- P4 corresponding to the the computer readable storage medium stores instructions ,
persons 01 -04 . Accordingly , the user can track the walking 50 which can be executed to generate control command for
paths of the persons 01 -04 according to the patterns P1-P4. performing corresponding function .
The patterns P1-P4 shown in FIG . 5 are identical. However , As mentioned in the above , the user can determine
the invention may display the patterns P1-P4 by different whether a person passes across the entry and exit boundary
shapes (e.g . rectangle , circle , triangle , polygon , etc .), such according to the initial position and the current position of
that the user can recognize the persons 01 -04 easily . For 55 the person , so as to determine whether the accumulated
example , when the number of the persons in the people number of persons is incorrect. When the user determines
counting video 14 is larger than the predetermined value that the accumulated number of persons is incorrect, the user
( e . g . 10 ), the display device 10 may display the patterns can operate the input device to input the modified number of
P1-P4 by different geometrical patterns, so as to assist the persons. Accordingly , the input frequency of the user can be
user in tracking the walking path of each person more easily. 60 reduced and the user can determine whether the accumulated
Furthermore , when the number of the persons in the people number of persons is incorrect more easily . Furthermore , the
counting video 14 is larger than the predetermined value invention may evaluate the accuracy of people counting
( e. g . 10 ), the display device 10 may display the patterns according to the modified number of persons inputted by the
P1 - P4 by different colors , so as to assist the user in tracking user.
the walking path of each person more easily . 65 Those skilled in the art will readily observe that numerous
Still further, when the frame rate of the people counting modifications and alterations of the device and method may
video 14 is low and the distance between the persons 01 -04 be made while retaining the teachings of the invention .
US 10, 134 , 151 B2
Accordingly , the above disclosure should be construed as boundary according to the initial position and the
limited only by the metes and bounds of the appended current position of each of the at least one person , so as
claims. to determine whether the accumulated number of per
What is claimed is : sons is incorrect ; and when the user determines that the
1. A verification method for people counting comprising 5 accumulated number of persons is incorrect, the input
steps of: device receives a modified number of persons from the
displaying a people counting video by a display device , user ;
wherein the people counting video shows an entry and wherein when a number of the persons is larger than or equal
exit boundary and an accumulated number of persons; to a predetermined value, the display device displays the
when at least one person exists in the people counting 10 people counting video with a first speed ; when the number
video , displaying an initial position and a current of the persons is smaller than the predetermined value , the
position of each of the at least one person by the display display device displays the people counting video with a
device ; second speed ; the second speed is larger than the first speed .
determining whether each of the at least one person passes 8 . The verification system for people counting of claim 7 ,
across the entry and exit boundary according to the 15 wherein the accumulated number of persons comprises at
initial position and the current position of each of the at least one of an accumulated number of entry persons and an
least one person by a user, so as to determine whether accumulated number of exit persons.
the accumulated number of persons is incorrect; 9 . The verification system for people counting of claim 7 ,
when the user determines that the accumulated number of wherein when the at least one person exists in the people
persons is incorrect, receiving a modified number of 20 counting video , the display device displays a pattern corre
persons from the user by an input device ; sponding to the person .
when a number of the persons is larger than or equal to a 10 . The verification system for people counting of claim
predetermined value , displaying the people counting 9 , wherein when a height of the person is larger than or equal
video with a first speed by the display device ; and when to a predetermined height, the display device displays the
the number of the persons is smaller than the prede - 25 pattern with a first size; when the height of the person is
termined value , displaying the people counting video smaller than the predetermined height, the display device
with a second speed by the display device, wherein the displays the pattern with a second size ; the second size is
second speed is larger than the first speed . smaller than the first size .
2 . The verification method for people counting of claim 1, 11 . The verification system for people counting of claim
wherein the accumulated number of persons comprises at 30 9 , wherein when the person approaches a screen boundary of
least one of an accumulated number of entry persons and an the people counting video , the display device displays the
accumulated number of exit vit persons
persons.. pattern with an eye -catching effect.
3 . The verification method for people counting of claim 1 , 12 . The verification system for people counting of claim
further comprising step of: 7, wherein when the at least one person exists in the people
when the at least one person exists in the people counting 35 counting video , the display device displays a line pattern
video , displaying a pattern corresponding to the person connecting the initial position and the current position of
by the display device. each of the at least one person .
4 . The verification method for people counting of claim 3 , 13 . A non -transitory computer readable storage medium
further comprising steps of: for storing a set of computer -executable instructions, when
when a height of the person is larger than or equal to a 40 executed , causing a display device to perform steps of:
predetermined height, displaying the pattern with a first displaying a people counting video, wherein the people
size by the display device ; and counting video shows an entry and exit boundary and
when the height of the person is smaller than the prede an accumulated number of persons;
termined height, displaying the pattern with a second displaying an initial position and a current position of
size by the display device , wherein the second size is 45 each of at least one person when the at least one person
smaller than the first size . exists in the people counting video , wherein a user
5 . The verification method for people counting of claim 3 , determines whether each of the at least one person
further comprising step of: passes across the entry and exit boundary according to
when the person approaches a screen boundary of the the initial position and the current position of each of
people counting video , displaying the pattern with an 50 t he at least one person , so as to determine whether the
eye -catching effect by the display device . accumulated number of persons is incorrect;
6 . The verification method for people counting of claim 1 , receiving a modified number of persons from the user by
further comprising step of: an input device when the user determines that the
when the at least one person exists in the people counting accumulated number of persons is incorrect ;
video , displaying a line pattern connecting the initial 55 displaying the people counting video with a first speed
position and the current position of each of the at least when a number of the persons is larger than or equal to
one person by the display device . a predetermined value; and
7. A verification system for people counting comprising : displaying the people counting video with a second speed
a display device displaying a people counting video , the when the number of the persons is smaller than the
people counting video showing an entry and exit 60 predetermined value, wherein the second speed is
boundary and an accumulated number ofpersons; and larger than the first speed .
an input device communicating with the display device ; 14 . The non -transitory computer readable storage medium
wherein when at least one person exists in the people of claim 13 , the set of computer -executable instructions ,
counting video , the display device displays an initial when executed , further causing the display device to per
position and a current position of each of the at least 65 form step of:
one person ; a user determines whether each of the at displaying a pattern corresponding to the person when the
least one person passes across the entry and exit at least one person exists in the people counting video .
US 10 , 134 , 151 B2
15 . The non - transitory computer readable storage medium
of claim 14 , the set of computer -executable instructions,
when executed , further causing the display device to per
form steps of:
displaying the pattern with a first size when a heightof the 5
person is larger than or equal to a predetermined height;
displaying the pattern with a second size when the height
of the person is smaller than the predetermined height,
wherein the second size is smaller than the first size . 10
16 . The non - transitory computer readable storage medium
of claim 14 , the set of computer -executable instructions,
when executed , further causing the display device to per
form step of:
displaying the pattern with an eye -catching effect when 15
the person approaches a screen boundary of the people
counting video .
17 . The non - transitory computer readable storage medium
of claim 13 , the set of computer -executable instructions ,
when executed , further causing the display device to per - 20
form step of:
displaying a line pattern connecting the initial position
and the current position of each of the at least one
person when the at least one person exists in the people
counting video . 25

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