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Name and Section:​ Ma. Redalyn A.

Dela Cruz- BSED-MATH(2201)

Title: ​Privacy Issues on the Internet
Author:​ Winnie Chung and John Paynter
Summary narrative:
It is a widely used tool that makes people be interconnected to each other and to the
whole world. Nowadays, it is very easy for people to buy and shop, look for the current
news and communicates to other people through the use of internet. Businesses on the
web are also a trend, these businesses or websites offer us different services that we
We often visits different websites to look for our needs and upon visiting these sites
we are been asked to give some information about our self such as our name, age,
contact number, email address and etc. and we , the consumers excitedly give our
response by giving personal information without further thinking that giving those
information may put us on risk and letting internet to collect and have an access on our
information in an inexpensive and easy way.
We are familiar or maybe some of us are familiar on cookies and web bug. When we
put information on the internet those information will added into cookies and been sent
to user's hard drive that can be used for identity identification while web bug is another
instrument that can also be used to tracked and collect information. Knowing that our
information is not safe consumers privacy concerns arises. Consumers have been built
the feeling of being worry and have the fear that their personal information may used
incorrectly and may put them on danger or unwanted situation. It is also the same
reason that explains why there are people who chose to avoid internet.
To minimize this privacy concerns internet base businesses are been advice and
encourage to care about the privacy concerns of the consumers by providing a privacy
statement that has been approved by third party.
New Zealand has a Privacy Act of 1993, this act hold policies that New Zealand
websites that collect personal information should provide privacy statement that
includes the fact of collection, its purpose , contact details of company collecting and
holding informations, if the collection is authorized by law and the consequences for
people if part of the information is not provided. This law is limited only on New
Zealand's websites and doesn't cover the other countries. Countries should follow the
actions taken by New Zealand, they are adviced to make an act protecting the privacy
of consumers while websites are encourage to take into considerations the privacy
concerns of customers for them catch and meet consumers expectations about the
privacy of their informations.
All in all , privacy issues should not be ignore, it should take into consideration for the
further development of e-commerce. Synergy of legislation, self regulation and technical
solutions is an effective way in responding on this information privacy issues.
What lesson have you learned?:
As consumers we must be aware that putting our personal information in the internet
is a serious matter. We should be very careful in sharing informations , too much
information about ourselves may put as in risk. Sharing information about ourselves
without further thinking also means allowing ourselves to be vulnerable against the
attackers in the internet. In visiting a website a privacy statement was important to gain
the trust of the consumer and for them to know that the informations they'd share are
What suggestion can you offer to address the issue?:
I'm suggesting that:
People​, should be careful and observable when it comes to internet, use trusted sites ,
those trusted sites are sites that can give you a clear details of information about them
and that will assure you that they will hold your information safely and with
Online businesses or websites, build a trustworthy image to the consumers by
considering their privacy issues and rights as consumers and by providing a clear
privacy statements.
Government of different countries​, should make an act that will protect the rights of
the people about their privacy and will set policies on online businesses.

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