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Tutorial 1

Power Plant Engineering

By: Aditya Shukla

Roll no. 160970104003
Mechanical 4th Year
Q.1 How many types of power plants?
A.1 Types of power plants
• Nuclear power plants
Using a nuclear fission reaction and uranium as fuel, nuclear power plants generate high
amount of electricity.
• Hydroelectric power plants
Hydroelectricity is produced by harnessing the gravitational force of flowing water.
• Coal-fired power plants
According to World Coal Association, coal-fired power plants currently account for 41%
of global electricity, with almost half of that coming from China alone.
• Diesel-fired power plants
With diesel as fuel, this type of power plant is used for small scale production of electric
• Geothermal power plants
The three main types of geothermal plants include dry steam power stations, flash steam
power stations and binary cycle power stations, all of which use steam turbines to produce
• Combined-cycle power plants
Using both gas and steam turbines, combined-cycle power plants produce higher amounts
of electricity from a single fuel source compared to a traditional power plant.
• Solar power plants
Solar energy plants convert energy from the sun into thermal or electrical energy using one
of the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy sources.
• Solar thermal power plants
Solar thermal is a system of giant mirrors arranged in such a way so as to concentrate the
sun’s rays on a very small area to create significant amount of heat, thus creating steam to
power a turbine that creates electricity.
• Solar thermal power plants
Solar thermal is a system of giant mirrors arranged in such a way so as to concentrate the
sun’s rays on a very small area to create significant amount of heat, thus creating steam to
power a turbine that creates electricity.
• Tidal power plants
Tidal energy is generated from converting energy from the force tides into power and its
production is considered more predictable compared to wind energy and solar power.

Q.2 Give a short note on power plant.

A.2 A power plant is an industrial facility used to generate electric power with the help of one or
more generators which converts different energy sources into electric power.
Electricity is a secondary energy source, which means that electricity is obtained from the
conversion of other primary sources of energy, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, solar,
or wind energy. The energy sources used to make electricity can be renewable or non-renewable,
but electricity itself is neither renewable or non-renewable. The power plant is the location in
which the energy conversions take place.
Traditionally, large power plants have been located in sub-urban regions away from cities, as they
need a vast area of land and sometimes water. All electricity produced in a power plant is
alternating current (AC). The type of electric current found in your home is direct current (DC)
In general, power plants can be divided into two categories - conventional and non-conventional
power plants.
1. Conventional power plants are[2]:
• Fossil fuel power plants: Generates electric power by burning fossil fuels like coal, natural
gas or diesel.
• Nuclear power plants: Controlled nuclear reaction is maintained to generate electricity.
• Hydroelectric power plants: Electricity is produced by building dams on suitable rivers.

2. Non-conventional power plants are:

• Wind power plants: The kinetic energy of wind is used to create power.
• Solar power plants: Generates power by collecting solar radiation.
• Geothermal power plants: Uses the natural heat found in the deep levels of the earth to
generate electricity.
• Biomass power plants: Natural organic matter is burnt to produce electricity.

Q.3 What are the key points to kept in mind while selecting the plant?
A.3 The key points to kept in mind while selecting the plant are:

i. Availability of Raw Materials:

One of the most important considerations involved in selection of industrial location has been the
availability of raw materials required. The biggest advantage of availability of raw material at the
location of industry is that it involves less cost in terms of ‘transportation cost.

If the raw materials are perishable and to be consumed as such, then the industries always tend to
locate nearer to raw material source. Steel and cement industries can be such examples. In the case
of small- scale industries, these could be food and fruit processing, meat and fish canning, jams,
juices and ketchups, etc.
ii. Proximity to Market:
If the proof of pudding lies in eating, the proof of production lies in consumption. Production has
no value without consumption. Consumption involves market that is, selling goods and products
to the consumers. Thus, an industry cannot be thought of without market.

Therefore, while considering the market an entrepreneur has not only to assess the existing
segment and the region but also the potential growth, newer regions and the location of
competitors. For example, if one’s products are fragile and susceptible to spoilage, then the
proximity to market condition assumes added importance in selecting the location of the enterprise.

Similarly, if the transportation costs add substantially to one’s product costs, then also a location
close to the market becomes all the more essential. If the market is widely scattered over a vast
territory, then entrepreneur needs to find out a central location that provides the lowest distribution
cost. In case of goods for export, availability of processing facilities gains importance in deciding
the location of one’s industry. Export Promotion Zones (EPZ) are such examples.

iii. Infrastructural Facilities:

Of course, the degree of dependency upon infrastructural facilities may vary from industry to
industry, yet there is no denying of the fact that availability of infrastructural facilities plays a
deciding role in the location selection of an industry. The infrastructural facilities include power,
transport and communication, water, banking, etc.

Yes, depending upon the types of industry these could assume disproportionate priorities. Power
situation should be studied with reference to its reliability, adequacy, rates (concessional, if any),
own requirements, subsidy for standby arrangements etc. If power contributes substantially to your
inputs costs and it is difficult to break even partly using your own standby source, entrepreneur
may essentially have to locate his/her enterprise in lower surplus areas such as Maharashtra or

iv. Government Policy:

In order to promote the balanced regional development, the Government also offers several
incentives, concessions, tax holidays for number of years, cheaper power supply, factory shed,
etc., to attract the entrepreneurs to set up industries in less developed and backward areas. Then,
other factors being comparative, these factors become the most significant in deciding the location
of an industry.
v. Availability of Manpower:
Availability of required manpower skilled in specific trades may be yet another deciding factor for
the location of skill- intensive industries. As regards the availability of skilled labour, the existence
of technical training institutes in the area proves useful. Besides, an entrepreneur should also study
labour relations through turnover rates, absenteeism and liveliness of trade unionism in the
particular area.

Such information can be obtained from existing industries working in the area. Whether the labour
should be rural or urban; also assumes significance in selecting the location for one’s industry.
Similarly, the wage rates prevalent in the area also have an important bearing on selection of
location decision.

vi. Local Laws, Regulations and Taxes:

Laws prohibit the setting up of polluting industries in prone areas particularly which are
environmentally sensitive. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 is a classical
example of such laws prohibiting putting up polluting industries in prone areas. Therefore, in order
to control industrial growth, laws are enforced to decongest some areas while simultaneously
encourage certain other areas.

For example, while taxation on a higher rate may discourage some industries from setting up in an
area, the same in terms of tax holidays for some years may become the dominant decisional factor
for establishing some other industries in other areas. Taxation is a Centre as well as State Subject.
In some highly competitive consumer products, its high quantum may turn out to be the negative
factor while its relief may become the final deciding factor for some other industry.

vii. Ecological and Environmental Factors:

In case of certain industries, the ecological and environmental factors like water and air pollution
may turn out to be negative factor in deciding enterprise location. For example, manufacturing
plants apart from producing solid waste can also pollute water and air. Moreover, stringent waste
disposal laws, in case of such industries, add to the manufacturing cost to exorbitant limits.

In view of this, the industries which are likely to damage the ecology and environment of an area
will not be established in such areas. The Government will not grant permission to the
entrepreneurs to establish such industries in such ecologically and environmentally sensitive areas.
viii. Competition:
In case of some enterprises like retail stores where the revenue of a particular site depends on the
degree of competition from other competitors’ location nearby plays a crucial role in selecting the
location of an enterprise. The areas where there is more competition among industries, the new
units will not be established in these areas. On the other hand, the areas where there is either no or
very less competition, new enterprises will tend to be established in such areas.

ix. Incentives, Land Costs, Subsidies for Backward Areas:

With an objective to foster balanced economic development in the country, the Government
decentralizes industries to less developed and backward areas in the country. This is because the
progress made in islands only cannot sustain for long. The reason is not difficult to seek.

“Poverty anywhere is dangerous for prosperity everywhere.” That many have-not’s will not
tolerate a few haves is evidently clear from ongoing protests leading to problems like terrorism.
Therefore, the Government offers several incentives, concessions, tax holidays, cheaper lands,
assured and cheaper power supply, price concessions for departmental (state) purchases, etc. to
make the backward areas also conducive for setting up industries. For example, incentives and
concessions cannot duly compensate for lack of infrastructural facilities like communication and
transportation facilities.

x. Climatic Conditions:
Climatic conditions vary from place to place in any country including India. And, climatic
conditions affect both people and manufacturing activity. It affects human efficiency and
behaviour to a great extent. Wild and cold climate is conducive to higher productivity. Likewise,
certain industries require specific type of climatic conditions to produce their goods. For example,
jute and textiles manufacturing industries require high humidity.

As such, these can be established in Kashmir experiencing humidity-less climate. On the other
hand, industrial units manufacturing precision goods like watches require cold climate and hence,
will be established in the locations having cold climate like Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

xi. Political Conditions:

Political stability is essential for industrial growth. That political stability fosters industrial activity
and political upheaval derails industrial initiates is duly confirmed by political situations across
the countries and regions within the same country. The reason is not difficult to seek.
The political stability builds confidence and political instability causes lack of confidence among
the prospective and present entrepreneurs to venture into industry which is filled with risks.
Community attitudes such as the “Sons of the Soil Feeling” also affect entrepreneurial spirits and
may not be viable in every case.

Q.4 Explain the Carnot cycle.

A.4 The Carnot cycle is a theoretical ideal thermodynamic cycle proposed by French
physicist Sadi Carnot in 1824 and expanded upon by others in the 1830s and 1840s. It provides an
upper limit on the efficiency that any classical thermodynamic engine can achieve during the
conversion of heat into work, or conversely, the efficiency of a refrigeration system in creating a
temperature difference by the application of work to the system. It is not an actual thermodynamic
cycle but is a theoretical construct.

Q.5 How a gas turbine works and draw its cycle.

A.5 Gas turbine engines derive their power from burning fuel in a combustion chamber and using
the fast-flowing combustion gases to drive a turbine in much the same way as the high pressure
steam drives a steam turbine. A simple gas turbine is comprised of three main sections a
compressor, a combustor, and a power turbine. The gas-turbine operates on the principle of the
Brayton cycle, where compressed air is mixed with fuel, and burned under constant pressure
conditions. The resulting hot gas is allowed to expand through a turbine to perform work.
The basic operation of the gas turbine is a Brayton cycle with air as the working fluid. Atmospheric
air flows through the compressor that brings it to higher pressure. Energy is then added by spraying
fuel into the air and igniting it so the combustion generates a high-temperature flow. This high-
temperature high-pressure gas enters a turbine, where it expands down to the exhaust pressure,
producing a shaft work output in the process. The turbine shaft work is used to drive the
compressor; the energy that is not used for compressing the working fluid comes out in the exhaust
gases that can be used to do external work, such as directly producing thrust in a turbojet engine,
or rotating a second, independent turbine (known as a power turbine) which can be connected to a
fan, propeller, or electrical generator. The purpose of the gas turbine determines the design so that
the most desirable split of energy between the thrust and the shaft work is achieved. The fourth
step of the Brayton cycle (cooling of the working fluid) is omitted, as gas turbines are open
systems that do not use the same air again.

Q.6 Write a review on thermodynamics cycles.

A.6 A thermodynamic cycle consists of a linked sequence of thermodynamic processes that

involve transfer of heat and work into and out of the system, while varying pressure, temperature,
and other state variables within the system, and that eventually returns the system to its initial
state.[1] In the process of passing through a cycle, the working fluid (system) may convert heat
from a warm source into useful work, and dispose of the remaining heat to a cold sink, thereby
acting as a heat engine. Conversely, the cycle may be reversed and use work to move heat from a
cold source and transfer it to a warm sink thereby acting as a heat pump. At every point in the
cycle, the system is in thermodynamic equilibrium, so the cycle is reversible (its entropy change
is zero, as entropy is a state function).
Some example thermodynamic cycles and their constituent processes are as follows:

Q.7 Explain Load curves.

A.7 Load curve or chronological curve is the graphical representation of load (in kW or MW) in
proper time sequence and the time in hours. It shows the variation of load on the power station.
When the load curve is plotted for 24 hours a day, then it is called daily load curve. If the one year
is considered then, it is called annual load curve.
The information obtained from load curves.
1. Load duration curve determines the load variation during different hours of the day.
2. It indicates the peak load which determines the maximum demand on the power station.
3. The area under the load curve gives the total energy generated in the period under
4. The area under the curve divided by the total numbers of hours gives the load.
5. The ratio of the area under the load curve of the total area of the rectangle in which it is
contained gives the load factor.
The following are the utility of the load curve.
1. Load curve decides the installed capacity of a power station.
2. It is helpful in choosing the most economical sizes of the various generating units.
3. The load curve estimates the generating cost.
4. It decides the operating schedules of the power station, i.e., the sequence in which the
different generating units should run.
Q.8 What are the different types of alternative energy sources?
A.8 The different types of alternative energy sources
• Hydrogen Gas
Unlike other forms of natural gas, hydrogen is a completely clean burning fuel. Once produced,
hydrogen gas cells emit only water vapor and warm air when in use.
• Tidal Energy
While tidal energy uses the power of water to generate energy, much like with hydroelectric
methods, its application actually has more in common with wind turbines in many cases.
• Biomass Energy
Biomass energy comes in a number of forms. Burning wood has been used for thousands of years
to create heat, but more recent advancements have also seen waste, such as that in landfills, and
alcohol products used for similar purposes.
• Wind Energy
This form of energy generation has become increasingly popular in recent years. It offers much
the same benefits that many other alternative fuel sources do in that it makes use of a renewable
source and generates no waste.
• Geothermal Power
At its most basic, geothermal power is about extracting energy from the ground around us. It is
growing increasingly popular, with the sector as a whole experiencing five percent growth in 2015.
• Natural Gas
Natural gas sources have been in use for a number of decades, but it is through the progression of
compression techniques that it is becoming a more viable alternative energy source. In particular,
it is being used in cars to reduce carbon emissions.
• Biofuels
In contrast to biomass energy sources, biofuels make use of animal and plant life to create energy.
In essence they are fuels that can be obtained from some form of organic matter.
• Wave Energy
Water again proves itself to be a valuable contributor to alternative energy fuel sources with wave
energy converters. These hold an advantage over tidal energy sources because they can be placed
in the ocean in various situations and locations.
• Hydroelectric Energy
Hydroelectric methods actually are some of the earliest means of creating energy, though their use
began to decline with the rise of fossil fuels. Despite this, they still account for
approximately seven percent of the energy produced in the United States.
Hydroelectric energy carries with it a number of benefits. Not only is it a clean source of energy,
which means it doesn’t create pollution and the myriad issues that arise from it, but it is also a
renewable energy source.
• Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is amongst the most abundant forms of alternative energy. It creates a number
of direct benefits in terms of emissions and efficiency, while also boosting the economy by
creating jobs in plant creation and operation.
• Solar Power
When most people think of alternative energy sources, they tend to use solar power as an example.
The technology has evolved massively over the years and is now used for large-scale energy
production and power generation for single homes.
Q.9 What is C.G Method?
A.9 CG method developed specifically for CCS applications. A coal-fired power plant, using a
low efficiency post-combustion capture (PCC) pro cess, may generate a CO, stream that contains
residual impurities such as Sox, Nox, nitrogen, argon, and methane .The physical properties of
CO, mixtures that contain such impurities can be calculated most accurately using the new EoS-
CG model (Gernert and Span, 2016), which is a recently published improvement to the GERG-
2008 Eos model. Figure shows plots of the CO, bulk modulus Kooz and CO, density peoa versus
fluid pressure and temperature calculated using the Eos-CG method, for two realistic end-member
CO, capture cases pure CO, representing an ideal liquid-amine capture process for an LNG plant,
and post-combustion capture (PCC) representing a low-efficiency coal-fired
Power capture PROCESS. INOLEU compressor suability and density of pure CO, can vary as
much as one order of magnitude across the storage reservoir pressure-temperature range. CO, is
much more com pressable than water water 2 GPa) but can have a similar large range of variability
as hydrocarbon oil and gas, and the density of CO, varies from gas-like to oil or water-like
conditions depending on the exact pressure and temperature. Adding impurities such as SOX,
NOX, and methane to pure CO, shifts and blurs the critical point of the CO, mixture properties in
the detailed phase diagram, from ( T) = (7.39 MPa, 31.10°C) for pure CO, to (8.32 MPa, 28.39°C)
for CO, with the PCC impurities listed but the overall range of compressibility and density
variation remains similar
Q.10 Describe Maximum demand, Plant capacity factor and plant use factor.
A.10 Maximum demand
Maximum demand register (kW or kVA). This is the maximum power value, usually the average
of 15 minutes, reached during the billing period (this average time may vary depending on the
country). Once the value is higher than the contracted power, the customer will pay a penalty on
the electricity bill.
Plant capacity factor
Defined as the ratio of the total actual energy produced or supply over a definite period, to the
energy that would have been produced if the plant (generating unit) had operated continuously at
the maximum rating. The capacity factor mainly depends on the type of the fuel used in the circuit.
Plant use factor
It is ratio of kWh generated to the product of plant capacity and the number of hours for which
the plant has been in operation. Suppose a plant having installed capacity of 20 MW produces
annual output of 7·8 × 106 kWh and remains in operation for 2190 hours in a year.
Q.11 What is calorific or heating values of fuels?
A.11 The calorific value of a fuel is the quantity of heat produced by its combustion – at constant
pressure and under “normal” (standard) conditions (i.e. to 0oC and under a pressure of 1,013 mbar).

The combustion process generates water vapor and certain techniques may be used to recover the
quantity of heat contained in this water vapor by condensing it.

• Higher Calorific Value (or Gross Calorific Value – GCV, or Higher Heating Value – HHV)
– the water of combustion is entirely condensed and that the heat contained in the water
vapor is recovered.
• Lower Calorific Value (or Net Calorific Value – NCV, or Lower Heating Value – LHV) –
the products of combustion contain the water vapor and that the heat in the water vapor is
not recovered.

Q.12 What is cost analysis and explain it briefly.

A.12 Completed cost of cycling estimation projects for over a dozen progressive clients worldwide
Cycling Cost Analysis

• Budget Projections
• Asset Evaluations
• Real Time Cost Analysis
• Cost of Ancillary Services
• Future Capital & Maintenance Costs
• Stranded Costs
• Dispatch for True Low Cost

Analyze Plant Costs

To Determine:

• The plant's future costs, budgets, and missions

• The cost of cycling or base loaded operation
• The cost and market value of ancillary services (e.g., automatic generation control, cycling
operations, etc.)
• The new fixed costs with new ownership
• The effect of increased time between overhauls
• The costs in a new or open competitive marketplace
• The origin of the largest costs (e.g., due to cycling operations)
• The plant costs that can be reduced
• To show the PUC or IPP costs incurred by a utility when it is base loaded or cycling
(negative avoided costs)
• The current and expected true costs of hot, warm, and cold starts, and various types of load
follow cycles (e.g., with different ramp rates and depth of cycles)
• Optimal system dispatch using a total cost perspective, including wear and tear costs
• The best energy/capacity/load following trading strategies
• The plant value and its asset valuation
• Stranded costs

Affects Plant Cost

• The degree of cycling versus base loaded operations

• The unit-specific design (e.g., manufacturers, pressure, temperature, size, and fuel type)
• Operator care and maintenance practices
• Past spending and unit reliability trade-off (e.g., EFOR versus dollars)

Unique Products

• Historical and real-time damage and cost model for a power plant
• Specific component damage and remaining useful life models
• CYCLING ADVISOR (patent pending) model for optimal system dispatch and transaction
• Condition assessment of the equipment

We have completed cost of cycling estimation projects for over a dozen progressive clients
worldwide and have studied over 150 generation units of many kinds, including gas, oil, and coal-
fired steam units; combustion turbines/ combined cycle; hydro; and pumped storage. Our database
and experience on generation unit damage accumulation rates and costs (and ways to reduce them)
are invaluable to you if you have an interest in electric generation.
Q.13 Give a short note of every energy sources.

1. Hydrogen Gas
Unlike other forms of natural gas, hydrogen is a completely clean burning fuel. Once produced,
hydrogen gas cells emit only water vapor and warm air when in use.
The major issue with this form of alternative energy is that it is mostly derived from the use of
natural gas and fossil fuels. As such, it could be argued that the emissions created to extract it
counteract the benefits of its use.

2. Tidal Energy
While tidal energy uses the power of water to generate energy, much like with hydroelectric
methods, its application actually has more in common with wind turbines in many cases.
Though it is a fairly new technology, its potential is enormous. A report produced in the United
Kingdom estimated that tidal energy could meet as much as 20% of the UK’s current electricity
The most common form of tidal energy generation is the use of Tidal Stream Generators. These
use the kinetic energy of the ocean to power turbines, without producing the waste of fossil fuels
or being as susceptible to the elements as other forms of alternative energy.
3. Biomass Energy
Biomass energy comes in a number of forms. Burning wood has been used for thousands of years
to create heat, but more recent advancements have also seen waste, such as that in landfills, and
alcohol products used for similar purposes.
Focusing on burning wood, the heat generated can be equivalent to that of a central heating system.
Furthermore, the costs involved tend to be lower and the amount of carbon released by this kind
of fuel falls below the amount released by fossil fuels.
However, there are a number of issues that you need to consider with these systems, especially if
installed in the home. Maintenance can be a factor, plus you may need to acquire permission from
a local authority to install one.
4. Wind Energy
This form of energy generation has become increasingly popular in recent years. It offers much
the same benefits that many other alternative fuel sources do in that it makes use of a renewable
source and generates no waste.
Current wind energy installations power roughly twenty million homes in the United States per
year and that number is growing. Most states in the nation now have some form of wind energy
set-up and investment into the technology continues to grow.
Unfortunately, this form of energy generation also presents challenges. Wind turbines restrict
views and may be dangerous to some forms of wildlife.
5. Geothermal Power
At its most basic, geothermal power is about extracting energy from the ground around us. It is
growing increasingly popular, with the sector as a whole experiencing five percent growth in 2015.
The World Bank currently estimates that around forty countries could meet most of their power
demands using geothermal power.
6. Natural Gas
Natural gas sources have been in use for a number of decades, but it is through the progression of
compression techniques that it is becoming a more viable alternative energy source. In particular,
it is being used in cars to reduce carbon emissions.
Demand for this energy source has been increasing. In 2016, the lower 48 states of the United
States reached record levels of demand and consumption.
Despite this, natural gas does come with some issues. The potential for contamination is larger
than with other alternative fuel sources and natural gas still emits greenhouse gases, even if the
amount is lower than with fossil fuels.
7. Biofuels
In contrast to biomass energy sources, biofuels make use of animal and plant life to create energy.
In essence they are fuels that can be obtained from some form of organic matter.
They are renewable in cases where plants are used, as these can be regrown on a yearly basis.
However, they do require dedicated machinery for extraction, which can contribute to increased
emissions even if biofuels themselves don’t.
Biofuels are increasingly being adopted, particularly in the United States. They accounted for
approximately seven percent of transport fuel consumption as of 2012.
8. Wave Energy
Water again proves itself to be a valuable contributor to alternative energy fuel sources with wave
energy converters. These hold an advantage over tidal energy sources because they can be placed
in the ocean in various situations and locations.
Much like with tidal energy, the benefits come in the lack of waste produced. It is also more reliable
than many other forms of alternative energy and has enormous potential when used properly.
Again, the cost of such systems is a major contributing factor to slow uptake. We also don’t yet
have enough data to find out how wave energy converters affect natural ecosystems.
9. Hydroelectric Energy
Hydroelectric energy carries with it a number of benefits. Not only is it a clean source of energy,
which means it doesn’t create pollution and the myriad issues that arise from it, but it is also a
renewable energy source.
10. Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is amongst the most abundant forms of alternative energy. It creates a number
of direct benefits in terms of emissions and efficiency, while also boosting the economy by
creating jobs in plant creation and operation.
Thirteen countries relied on nuclear power to produce at least a quarter of their electricity as of
2015 and there are currently 450 plants in operation throughout the world.
The drawback is that when something goes wrong with a nuclear power plant the potential for
catastrophe exists. The situations in Chernobyl and Fukushima are examples of this.
11. Solar Power
When most people think of alternative energy sources, they tend to use solar power as an example.
The technology has evolved massively over the years and is now used for large-scale energy
production and power generation for single homes.
Q.14 Explain the present scenario of energy in India.

A.14 India’s energy sector is one of the most critical components of an infrastructure that affects
India’s economic growth and therefore is also one of the largest industries in India. India has the
5th largest electricity generating capacity and is the 6th largest energy consumer amounting for
around 3.4 % of global energy consumption. India’s energy demand has grown at 3.6 % pa over
the past 30 years. The consumption of the energy is directly proportional to the progress of
manpower with ever growing population, improvement in the living standard of the humanity and
industrialization of the developing countries. Very recently smart grid technology can attribute
important role in energy scenario. Smart grid refers to electric power system that enhances grid
reliability and efficiency by automatically responding to system disturbances. This paper discusses
the new communication infrastructure and scheme designed to integrate data.
Q.15 A thermal electric power plant produces 1000 MW of power. If the coal releases 900 x
107 kJ/h of energy, then what is the rate at which heat is rejected from the power plant?
A.15 Energy Released by the coal = 900 × 7 10 kJ/hr = 2500 MW
Heat rejected from the power plant 2500-1000 = 1500 MW
Q.16 In thermal power plants, coal is transferred from bunker to the other places by
(a) Hoists (b) conveyors (c) cranes (d) lifts
A.16 Hoists

Q.17 A thermoelectric engine which consists of two dissimilar electric conductors connected
at two junctions maintained at different temperatures, converts
(a) Electric energy into heat energy
(b) Heat energy into electric energy
(c) Mechanical work into electric energy
(d) Electric energy into mechanical work
A.17 Heat energy into electric energy
Q.18 The correct sequence of factors in order of deceasing importance for location of a
thermal power plant is
(a) load, coal, water (b) coal, water, load
(c) Water, load, coal (d) water, coal, load
A.18 coal, water, load

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