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Just For You

I ask You to come into my life, fill me with Your love, and give
me lasting peace and security. Teach me how to communicate
with You, so I can find direction and answers.
If you take this first step, you’ve got a friend forever. I’ll never
leave you, and we’ll begin a wonderful new life together. I’ll Do you ever feel you could use a little “oomph” in your
also show you how you can share this wonderful love and life? A little pick-me-up? Some type of enhancement? Maybe
happiness and My solutions to life with others. you’ve seen better days. Or, maybe things are just fine and
everything is rolling along smoothly for you. Maybe things
*** have never been better. Or, perhaps you’re in dire straits
Whether you’ve just accepted Me, or whether you’ve right now, desperately grasping for a ray of hope from
known Me for some time now, I want you to spread this somewhere. Whatever the case, whether you’re feeling
good news to everyone you meet! Ask Me how you can down and out, or whether you’re sailing along on top of the
tell your friends, acquaintances and all you meet about this world, I’ve got something for you.
good news—about the “Someone” who can make a dif- Let’s face it, whatever state you find yourself in, there’s
ference in their lives—and I’ll show you how. Remember, always room for improvement. You and I both know that in
everybody has a need of some kind. I want to fill those the world today, more often than not, everyone needs help
needs. Once you’ve found the secret, you can help others in some way, shape or form. When you lay the cards out
find it too. on the table, what do you see? Bottom line: The events of
September 11th have set the course for the future. In a world
Your Special Someone, where anxiety and uncertainty is on the rise, where signs
of gross inhumanity of man to man can be seen daily on
Jesus the 6 o’clock news, something’s gotta give. I have that
Many things occur in your daily lives, whether good or
bad, that I can help you with. Disappointments come. Maybe
For more information: that promised job falls through, a loved one falls sick, or an
unexpected accident shatters your life. Maybe the doctors
Write to:
have no answers and there’s no earthly hope in sight.

Economic worries threaten. Maybe you’re feeling lonely, or discouragement? Someone who will root for you and cheer
you find yourself engulfed in the depths of despair. Sometimes you on, someone who can help your empty life become
you feel forsaken, and that not one soul understands the happy, or turn your good life into a great life? How would
agony of heart that pains you. Maybe you feel trapped by you like to have someone in your life who can make a
what surrounds you and the complexities of living are more difference? Someone to stand beside you, walk with you
than you can bear. Sometimes you feel isolated, so far away and talk with you through life’s good times as well as the
from friends and loved ones. There are times when all your bad times, through all the ups and all the downs? Someone
dreams have fallen apart. Perhaps some mortal danger you can always turn to, someone who will give you solutions
threatens to undo you. When you need direction, you don’t to every difficulty that presents itself. How would you like to
know where to turn, and you can’t make it on your own, I’ve have someone to love you unconditionally, someone to give
got something just for you. you that warm, fuzzy feeling of love, joy and happiness?
Even if one of these scenarios or something similar does Someone who will never leave you, and who will never let
not accurately portray the current state of your life, I’ve still got you down? Someone to give you peace of mind no matter
something just for you. If the going is good for you right now, what is going on around you? How would you like to have
I can make it go even better. someone who always shows faith in you, someone who
Whether your life seems to be going uphill or down, I know is always understanding and compassionate and who
there’s something you need, and I can give it to you. loves you dearly?
How would you like to have a friend that truly sticks by I want to be that Someone in your life, and yes, I will do
you through thick and thin, a companion that will never let all these things for you—and more!
you down? Someone who is always on call to help you when This is what I offer you: I want to give you love, direction,
you’re in need? How would you like to have someone who peace and security both in this life and in the world to come.
can help answer your questions, and help you find the key I can make a difference in your life! And the best part about
or solution to any problem? Do you need someone who will My offer is that it’s free, it’s available, and you can have it
lend you a listening ear anytime you need it, or who will give right now—just for the asking. All you have to do is invite
you a shoulder to cry on, or who will simply listen to that great Me into your heart and ask Me to be a part of your life by
new idea that just popped into your head? How would you saying this simple prayer: Yes, Jesus, I take You up on this
like to have someone who can lift you up out of the depths of offer. Please forgive me for all the wrongs that I have done.
Economic worries threaten. Maybe you’re feeling lonely, or discouragement? Someone who will root for you and cheer
you find yourself engulfed in the depths of despair. Sometimes you on, someone who can help your empty life become
you feel forsaken, and that not one soul understands the happy, or turn your good life into a great life? How would
agony of heart that pains you. Maybe you feel trapped by you like to have someone in your life who can make a
what surrounds you and the complexities of living are more difference? Someone to stand beside you, walk with you
than you can bear. Sometimes you feel isolated, so far away and talk with you through life’s good times as well as the
from friends and loved ones. There are times when all your bad times, through all the ups and all the downs? Someone
dreams have fallen apart. Perhaps some mortal danger you can always turn to, someone who will give you solutions
threatens to undo you. When you need direction, you don’t to every difficulty that presents itself. How would you like to
know where to turn, and you can’t make it on your own, I’ve have someone to love you unconditionally, someone to give
got something just for you. you that warm, fuzzy feeling of love, joy and happiness?
Even if one of these scenarios or something similar does Someone who will never leave you, and who will never let
not accurately portray the current state of your life, I’ve still got you down? Someone to give you peace of mind no matter
something just for you. If the going is good for you right now, what is going on around you? How would you like to have
I can make it go even better. someone who always shows faith in you, someone who
Whether your life seems to be going uphill or down, I know is always understanding and compassionate and who
there’s something you need, and I can give it to you. loves you dearly?
How would you like to have a friend that truly sticks by I want to be that Someone in your life, and yes, I will do
you through thick and thin, a companion that will never let all these things for you—and more!
you down? Someone who is always on call to help you when This is what I offer you: I want to give you love, direction,
you’re in need? How would you like to have someone who peace and security both in this life and in the world to come.
can help answer your questions, and help you find the key I can make a difference in your life! And the best part about
or solution to any problem? Do you need someone who will My offer is that it’s free, it’s available, and you can have it
lend you a listening ear anytime you need it, or who will give right now—just for the asking. All you have to do is invite
you a shoulder to cry on, or who will simply listen to that great Me into your heart and ask Me to be a part of your life by
new idea that just popped into your head? How would you saying this simple prayer: Yes, Jesus, I take You up on this
like to have someone who can lift you up out of the depths of offer. Please forgive me for all the wrongs that I have done.

Just For You

I ask You to come into my life, fill me with Your love, and give
me lasting peace and security. Teach me how to communicate
with You, so I can find direction and answers.
If you take this first step, you’ve got a friend forever. I’ll never
leave you, and we’ll begin a wonderful new life together. I’ll Do you ever feel you could use a little “oomph” in your
also show you how you can share this wonderful love and life? A little pick-me-up? Some type of enhancement? Maybe
happiness and My solutions to life with others. you’ve seen better days. Or, maybe things are just fine and
everything is rolling along smoothly for you. Maybe things
*** have never been better. Or, perhaps you’re in dire straits
Whether you’ve just accepted Me, or whether you’ve right now, desperately grasping for a ray of hope from
known Me for some time now, I want you to spread this somewhere. Whatever the case, whether you’re feeling
good news to everyone you meet! Ask Me how you can down and out, or whether you’re sailing along on top of the
tell your friends, acquaintances and all you meet about this world, I’ve got something for you.
good news—about the “Someone” who can make a dif- Let’s face it, whatever state you find yourself in, there’s
ference in their lives—and I’ll show you how. Remember, always room for improvement. You and I both know that in
everybody has a need of some kind. I want to fill those the world today, more often than not, everyone needs help
needs. Once you’ve found the secret, you can help others in some way, shape or form. When you lay the cards out
find it too. on the table, what do you see? Bottom line: The events of
September 11th have set the course for the future. In a world
Your Special Someone, where anxiety and uncertainty is on the rise, where signs
of gross inhumanity of man to man can be seen daily on
Jesus the 6 o’clock news, something’s gotta give. I have that
Many things occur in your daily lives, whether good or
bad, that I can help you with. Disappointments come. Maybe
For more information: that promised job falls through, a loved one falls sick, or an
unexpected accident shatters your life. Maybe the doctors
Write to:
have no answers and there’s no earthly hope in sight.

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