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Story Unit 6

the work is on the removal van, leave, Maria talks to undress. How could they forget the croc
we don't have anything to eat with. Calm down, honey. Why don't we ask our neighbors to l
some plates, knives, forks, spoons and cups? Good thinking.

It will give us an opportunity to introduce ourselves.

You know what? Let's have a house warming party. This Saturday, we can invite all our neig
That's a great idea. They walked to the neighbor's house and ring the bell. A woman opens t
we're the Fernandez family. We're from next door. My name is Maria.

El, hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Betty. Nice to meet you, too, Betty. I'm Andrius.

Betty. Do you have some spare crockery?

Sure I do. Do you need some? Yes, please. The removal company forgot else. Sure. No proble
second. She goes inside and comes back with a box full of crockery. That's so nice. Thank yo
would you like to come to our house warming party this Saturday? Sure. What time? Around
a ernoon. Can I bring something, a salad, maybe? Yes, please. That's so nice.

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