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1. When it is time for the class to line up everyone must stand up quietly, push in their

chairs, take all necessary items and line up without touching or talking to others. In order

to start this, I will give a cue such as a peace sign in the air that indicates that it is time to

get quiet and organized because we will be lining up soon. I will be sure that there is no

jockeying for position by calling on students using different categories (most quiet table,

boys first, girls first, alphabetical order, order of birthdays etc.)

2. At the end of the day each student must clean off their desks, pick up any trash within

their arm span of their desk, stack their chairs, and wait quietly to be dismissed. I will

indicate a cue by starting the “clean-up song”. Students will join in and begin to clean as

they sing.

3. When handing in finished work/homework, students must make sure their name is on

their paper and place the paper upside down in the “finished work” basket. After every

day I will collect the work to evaluate. I will also be able to see who turned in the

assignment and who did not so I will be able to monitor late work.

4. If a student needs to go to the restroom they must raise their hand with their pointer and

middle finger raised. Then the teacher will be aware of who is leaving class to go to the

bathroom. The student will press a button that lights up to indicate that someone is in the

bathroom. When they come back they will press the button again so the light turns off.

This enables the teacher to acknowledge that someone is in the bathroom. Do not play in

the restroom and return to class before three minutes have passed.

5. During free time, first work on any “Ketchup Work” which is unfinished assignments

that you need to get done. When you finish those, you may do “Pickle Work” which

allows you to pick any activity to do. Some activities may include reading a book, writing
a story, making up math problems, working on a research project, or peer tutoring

someone who needs help. If you have any other ideas for activities, ask your teacher first.

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