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I believe that to have plants in their house as a decorative purposes has some point in it.

Have a decorative plants that grows and fertile has their own space to relieve stress. In a study, it is
said that to see plants or flowers in hospital will help the recovery of patients. It is same if we have
plants in our house, it can be assumed as our therapy tools.

Surrounded by green plants can add positive feelings and eliminate anxiety, anger and
sadness. Having plants in the house can help you concentrate and focus. Seeing plants that grow and
develop, for example in terrarium, is indeed extraordinary. Having experience in maintaining plants
from seeds to beautiful ornamental plants can teach us to appreciate plants.

Placing ornamental plants can refresh the room. Plants will carry out photosynthesis and
produce food (in the form of oxygen), this is what gives freshness to the room with ornamental
plants in it. So, the more ornamental plants, the fresher and cleaner the room.

Ornamental plants can also reduce indoor dust. Plants have a function to increase the
surrounding humidity. Humidity provided by ornamental plants in the room will make dust in the
room will decrease because humidity can reduce dirt and reduce dust in the air.

There are several types of ornamental plants that have the property of killing bacteria in the
air. One type of ornamental plant that can kill bacteria is Eucalyptus. This type of ornamental plant
can kill bacteria in the air. Cough and flu can also be relieved by inhaling the aroma of this flower.

In addition, ornamental plants can also prevent drowsiness. Sleepiness can be caused by
feeling lazy which whack the body and mind. Drowsiness is also caused by high levels of inhaled
carbon dioxide. With the presence of ornamental plants in the room, the oxygen produced by these
plants can make the body more energized and not easily drowsy.

Some types of ornamental plants such as rubber plants and weeping fig can reduce noise
levels by absorbing sound waves. These broadleaf plants can bring a calm atmosphere from the
hustle and bustle of the city out there.

Ornamental plants can also function as a nerve therapy. The aroma produced from
ornamental plants is naturally fragrant and has benefits as a therapeutic aroma in the room. So
having indoor ornamental plants has many benefits that we can get. In my opinion, choosing the
type of ornamental plants to be placed in the room must be adjusted to the function of these plants.
Some are sensitive to smell, so they can choose the type of ornamental plants that do not smell.
There are also those who want peace in the room, then you can choose ornamental plants that can
absorb sound waves.

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