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Founded since 2007, with almost 10 challenging years, APPLE Company has
now been the market leader in IT technology. Their product range consisting of
Iphone, Ipad and Macbook has become the brand name that every market
segment desires to own for themselves. Although APPLE do not use product
endorsement and there is no brand stretching or product placement, their
products have still been consumed successfully. Moreover, annually, thanks to
market research, APPLE always comes up with so many outstanding software,
up-to-date functions and new version with careful product launch to keep brand
loyalty and raise brand awareness. As a result, their brand image seen as
modern, smart, fashionable and reliable has never altered to their customers.
Additionally,with stable product lifecycle, APPLE’s market share has experienced
a great acceleration and surpassed their opponent – SAMSUNG – the market
challenger in almost department.

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