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JMU Elementary Education Program

The following information should be included in the header of the lesson plan:
 Alexis Padgett
 Ms. Zehr – Cub Run Elementary
 11/ 18/ 19


Fact Families 5s and 10s

For this lesson, students will be learning the multiplication facts for 5s and 10s. When starting
multiplication, as a class, we worked on using repeated addition and why this works for multiplication.
In doing so, there was a big stress placed on equal grouping. There were examples for if a problem did
not represent equal grouping, could it become a multiplication problem. Next, the students learned
about arrays and how you are able to form a multiplication problem from an array as well as, how you
are able to form an array based on the multiplication equation. When starting to learn about their
multiplication facts, the first lesson was on 0s and 1s. This is because they are the easiest to grasp
knowing that you either have zero or one group of something. This then will lead straight into this
lesson of learning the facts 5s and 10s. This will align well because the students, in most cases have
already learned to count by 5s as well as 10s. Having this prior knowledge, students will then be able
add it to their knowledge of equal grouping.

Understand – Know – Do –
Student’s will understand Student’s will know the strategy of
multiplying by 5. skip counting to multiply. Student’s will be able to use different
strategies to solve multiplication
Student’s will understand Student’s will understand how to equations.
multiplying by 10. use a number line as a strategy.

Student’s will understand how to

use a number chart as a strategy.

To assess the children and their knowledge, I have created a skoot. On each desk, there will be two
multiplication equations either being a problem with 1s, 5s, or 10s. These facts were chosen for this
skoot because they have been the ones taught so far. There will be one number missing from the
equation. The number that is missing could be a factor or the product. The number that is missing
place has been taken by an emoji. All of the problems have their own emoji. The students will be
given a answer sheet that has all of the emoji’s used in the problems. The students will write their
answer next to corresponding emoji.


3.4 The student will

demonstrate fluency with multiplication facts of 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10; and
Skoot Materials – Me
Crafting balls – Me
Palydough – CT
Notebook paper - Classroom

 We will start this math lesson with a number talk. I will be using the book that my CT typically
uses. We will be subtracting a two-digit number from a three-digit number.
 After the number talk, I will divert their attention to the projector. For this lesson, I have created a
google slides presentation that will go over elements and strategies for multiplying by 5 and 10.
 To begin, we will talk about the 5s.
 I will first introduce the strategy skip counting. I will ask the students to show me how they count
by 5s.
 After the students have shown me that they are able to skip count I will demonstrate using my
hands to represent equal groups in multiplication. For example, when pointing at my thumb, I will
say the number 5 and state that this represents one group of 5, for the pointer finger I will say the
number 10 and how this represents 2 groups of 5.
 The next strategy the students will learn will be using a number line. The number line that will be
shown will have arrows to show the skipping from 0 to 5. Then below it is stated that that jump
represents 1 group of 5.
 Once the number line is explained, I will ask the student where the arrow would be pointing if we
had 6 groups of 5.
 Next, we will have two problems. For each we will talk through one of the strategies for one and
the other strategy for the second. These problems represent the communitive property (5x3 and
3x5) I will then explain that no matter the order, it is still asking the same questions.
 Two more examples will then be place up and the students will be able to volunteer methods that
they used when finding the answer.
 Moving on to multiplying by 10, I will again show 2 strategies the students are able to use.
 The first strategy will be skip counting. With this strategy, I will be using my hand again to show
the groups.
 For the second strategy, I will then show a hundreds chart. I will leave it up there for the students
to sit and think about how it will help them when multiplying by 10. I will show that with each
row the numbers are increasing by 10.
 Next, we will then work through two problems. For the first problem, we will use the skip
counting strategy and then for the next problem we will use the hundreds chart.
 Lastly, I will show the problems 5x10 and 10x5. I will then let the students pick the strategy they
would like to use to solve the problems. This will be interesting to see if they use the strategies,
they learned for the 5s or the 10s.
 Next, I will then explain the emoji skoot. The students will then be asked to go back to their desks,
placing all of their belonging under the desk and push their chairs in.
 I will then come around placing two equations on each desk. I will keep one to be shown as an
explain for the whole class to do together.
 The students will then be given their own answer sheet and have the option to get a notebook
piece of paper the write their work down.
 Starting at their own desk, the students will solve the two problem then have. They will be given
one to two minutes to do so.
 Once that time is up, an alarm will sound, and the students will then move the next desk.
 We will continue this process until the students have been to every desk.
 In the end the students will have the ability to go back to problems that they maybe didn’t have
time to finish.
 If the students did get to finish, they will be able to place their paper in completed papers and if
time allows play pet bingo on their ipads.
 Within this math class there is an aid that works specifically with two students in the classroom.
 Student’s will have the ability to carry manipulatives with them while they are answering the
questions. Using these manipulatives, students will be able to create equal groupings, arrays, or
use a notebook sheet of paper to write the repeated addition problem down.
 There will be a number line shown on the board that they can refer to when they are answer
 Further explain can be given to students who are maybe struggling to understand what is being
asked of them.

 Student’s will not understand what is being asked of them.
o I will save one of the problems that we will all work through together. This will
ensure that all students will know what they will be doing.
 Student’s will not be able to finish the problems on their desk.
o If this is the case, I will give a few minutes at the end to allow the students to go back
to the questions they may need more time with.

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