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Signature Assignment // Steroids Safe or Not

Sam Beck

Mr. Broderick


April 13th, 2020

When it comes to drugs there typically isn’t a ton of controversy. Most people are in agreement

that drugs are bad. Simple and plain, drugs are bad. Even drug users typically would agree that drugs are

dangerous and not good for you. Getting into a sub category of drugs, anabolic steroids. There is a lot

more controversy on the topic of anabolic steroids than recreational drugs. Majority of people think of

recreational damaging drugs when they think of the word. Anabolic steroids have such prevalent

misinformation around them that for many the controversy comes from a place of ignorance. Some will

argue that steroids are safe, some will argue that they are dangerous. There is so much more depth to go

into than just a blanket statement. With education of understanding biology and human physiology, how

certain drugs work within the body, which drugs are being discussed, and so much more; I firmly believe

that certain drugs can be used properly and safely.

Side saying steroids are unsafe. This is a subject that receives a lot of criticism and hate from

ignorant people that might not have even the slightest understanding of biology, chemistry, and the

human body. However there are many experts out there that do have a full comprehensive understanding

of how anabolic steroids can work in the body and the effect they have. When these drugs are abused in

high doses like in the sport of bodybuilding, yes, they can wreak havoc on many systems such as kidney,

liver, pituitary, fertility, skin, heart, cholesterol, etc… There is plenty of data out there and experiences to

prove that yes, these drugs are not safe and that is why they are not for human use. This is why they are

banned in sports.

Side saying steroids are safe. If used properly and with minimal dosing a lot of these drugs can

be used safely. Statements made such as not enough research on the human body have been conducted
and so the argument of them being safe is made off of lack of clinical testing. Certain anabolic steroids

were developed as aids to illness or things to promote good in the body.

My conclusion on whether steroids are safe or not is a very tricky answer. Yes, and no. It is not a

simple statement that can be made. My overall thoughts if I am FORCED to take a side would be they

can be used safely with education and under supervision. Where it gets tricky is are we talking about an

anabolic like testosterone? Or a mild drug like oxandrolone? Or a harsh and strong drug like Trenbolone?

Is the argument about oral or injectable? Abuse of a drug is not safe. Taking high doses or many drugs at

a time without doctor supervision is not safe. Running a drug for too long, not safe. Not getting regular

blood work to monitor your body, not safe. Lots of these drugs will lower your HDL and increase your

LDL, shut down your own hormone production system, increase red blood cell count, thicken blood, and

so many more bad things. However, with mild use of certain drugs, they can be safely used.

Understanding what a certain AAS does in your body is crucial along with direct supervision. There are

many bodybuilders, olympic athletes, powerlifters, regular gym goers, etc... out there that can use certain

drugs safely and there are others that might be abusing them and causing lifelong damage or even risk

death. Using the right supplements, the right foods, and the right lifestyle you can safely use a lot of

anabolic steroids. Science has shown with mild use, donating blood, restricted time frame usage,

reviewing blood work and doing all the right things within diet and supplementation certain drugs can be

used safely. Getting the proper micronutrients in your diet which on these drugs can be crucial to using

them the safest way possible. They might not be good for you but yes, they can be used safely if done


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