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100 24 RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN ‘Entiments he profess, but, forthe other, tke my ‘Word for head any pains of iste by dese, eas capa then withthe eto his ohentanee [Abt any oi rtend, Sir Oliver, wil be deeply morted tren he finds how part of his booty has been mis plied. ow. Tam srry to nd you so violent aginst the young mam becalse this ny Be the most crcl vio of is frtane1 came hier with news that wi Si Pe What! let ne ea Row Sir Olver w amved, and at this moment Sik Pe. How you astonish mel thought you id so expect he thi ont Tow 1 did no, but his passage bas been remarkably uk SuPer. Eg, I shal rejoice to see my old frend, Zi sateen ars snc we tte have bad many 4 day together, but does be stil enjln us Dotto fn form his pps of hsarcval? Rov. Most strictly. He means, before it i known, tome sme tl of tht postions, ‘Sm Par Ab! The needno at fo dzcover thei rmoits-howeve, be sll have bis wayy Bot. pay docs he now Fam maried? Tow, Ye snd wil son wish you joy Sav Pe, What as we dik health to frend in @ consumption! Ab, Oliver wil laugh at me— we ted totale inatrimony together bt he hasbeen steady {his text Well, he ust beat my hose, though Ti instantly pve orders for his seception. But, Master owly, dant drop a word that Lady Tessle and 1 ver dkagre Row. By no means Sur Per Fort should never be able to stand Nols THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL 5 jokes; so Td have him think, Lord forgive mel that treat very happy couple Tow. Tundertand you--but then you mast be ver careful not to difer while e's in the house with you. Sm Prr. Egad, an so we mut—and tate impor sible. AbI Matter Rowley, when an old bachelor mar Ties young wife he detervr--no—the erie cares the punishsent slong with i ‘Exon End of Act at Act It co Seas 1 Sm Penn Tras's howe, Enter Sin Peres ond Laoy Taz Sm Per, Lady Tease, Lady Teasle Il not bear apy Tez Sir Peter, Sir Peter, you may bear itor rot as you pleas, but T ought to have my own way in everything, and whats more, I will too What though Twat educated in the country, I Koow very well that women of fashion in London ae accountable to-nobody ater they are married ‘Sim Par, Very well maar, very well—#o a husban Intohave no lluenee no author? Lapy ‘Teaz. Authority! No to be sure—if yo wanted authority over me, you should have adopte: te, and not married me; I'am sure you were ole ‘Sm Per. Old enough!—aye, there it i!—Wel, well Lady Teale, hough my Ile may be made wnbappy 0 0 2% RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN ‘Sin Per, Oons! madam—if you had been born to he Pathan sls concer alin tev nd dome THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL 87 mens! To draw pattems for ruffles, which T had not the materals to make; to play Pope Joan! withthe curate; o read a novel tomy ant oo be stack down to an old pint y father to alee fonehase. 'Sm Pr. Iam glad you have so good & memory. Yes, madam, thee were the Teceations 1 os and three powdered footmen before your chair and In summers par of white eats to dear you to Ken SingtonGardons-No recollection; I suppor, when You were content to ride double, behind the butls Bhs dicho costs ‘aor Tras, Nol swear I never did that—I deny the butler and dhe coach hrs. Sim Pes. This, madam, was your station—and int Bave 1 not de for you? I have made you a ‘woman of fashion, of fortan, of rank—in shot, T fave made you my it LADY Teas. Well, then, and there is but one thing oan Sm Pex My widow, I suppose? Lor Tea Hem! hem! Sin Pe. Thank yoo, madem—but doit Eater your sels Yor though your conduct may. dtu my fosce sal et real ny T poms yor Fowever, Tam equally obliged to you forthe hing ‘Laoy Teaz Then why wil you endeavor to make yourself so duagecrbe ome, snd thwart mein every Inte elegant expense? : Sin Pr Sife, madam, Icy, bad you any ofthese legut expenter when you nied me? ‘Ehor Team Lud, Si Bete! woul you have me be contol the fashion? ‘Sm Pr. The fashion, indeed! whst had you to do wrth th fashion before you married me? dd tothe obligation and 7 ry 28 RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN Laoy Tear. For my past I should think you would inet have your fe thoght a woman of Sapo Ayer ere apts Zou adam, ity Tear Thats vey te, indeed, Sir Pte! end after having maved you, 1 am sure should never end to taste agin But now, Sir Peter, we have EsShed or day ange I presume T may g0 0 my engagement of at] Lay Sneerwells? "per Aye~theres apoher precious cum stance’ charming set of tequsntance you have Wot Tea Nay, Si Petr, they are people of rank 100 an Tertin, and Yemarkably tnacous of reputation. Mn Pr Yes, gud they are feacous of septation wth vengenen for Tey. dont chow anybody Thotd paves character bur hese! Such a crew! ‘ibys watch he don hard? who bas done 1h tan the etree of forged tals cones {scandal—snd clippers of eptation. Tay Tene, What woul you restrain the of peas? E0Fer on they have made you just as bad a ay 110 one of the society ty Tene Wi, I elev To beara part with a bleu ce Bat 1 oT fv mc els Beene Fabuse; when sy an lated thing he POE on nord Tak it for granted epided acyn the sme manner with me. Bu eS ou Know you promised to come #0 Lady Sneerwels too Sena. Weil, wel 1 eal n just to Took ater my reedom 1 eC nae, ded, you mi make at cee TI te 18 gotye Free la THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL 29 Sm Per, Soo bave gained mach by my intended esponlaton!Yet witht «charming she co frie eveything” Ty, tnd bow pleasing he ‘hows ber contempt oy authonty. Wal ough ok nee oe the iv oat aft in wrth eatin ke meer appear fo ch avenge a when she doing cree i ber power to pigeon ‘ea Sexe It Lavy Swemnweas's Lamy Serene, Mrs. Caxnoun, Caan, Sin Besant Bacxarre, and Jose Sonrace Lapy Swrsa. Nay, positively, we wil ear it Jos: Son. Yes, yeu the epigtm, by all means Sin Bex. Plague on, uncle is mere nonsense Gran. No, 80; Tore gad, very lever for an ex tempore! ‘Sin Be. But, ladies, you should be acquainted with the circumstance —you must know, that one day lst ‘week, at Lady Betty Currcle wae taking the dust in Hyde Park, in a sort of duodecimo’ phatton, she de sired me to write some verses on her ponies; upon 10 ‘whieh, T took out my pocketbook, and in one moment produced the following Sore never were sea two rch best pon Other Kore ow, ad tho macaroni Sayin hte fy et wrong nan, Ther, ladies—done in the smack of a whip, nd on horseback tool ,

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