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Los Angeles County Office of Education Designated Subjects Adult Education Credential Program Mentor Teacher Observation of Candidate (Minimum: One Observation Per Semester For Two Semesters) Candidate Information: Last Name: Mayoral First Name: William Observation Information: Date of Observation; 11/29/18 Districl’Schoot: Bell Gardens Adult School Course Tilo: American Lit 1 Name of Mentor: Henry Fimbres Classroom Teaching Observation Matrix is found on the reverse of this page. Both sides need to be comploted and reviewed with candidate. Observation Summative Information: Areas of Strength: William showed strong skills in being able to interact with his students. He had a well rounded knowledge of his selected reading assignment. All of his students were involved in the learning process. Was engaging with his students and addressed all questions thoroughly. Areas for Improvement: The only thing | would've like William to improve on is making sure that he has his handout organized and ready to handout. CANDIDATE COMMENTS: Signatures below indicate that the observer and candidate have discussed this observation report during a meeting scheduled on (fil in date) 11/30/18. Mentor Candidate A, Signature: if finden Signature: PY Classroom Teaching Observation: Observer, please mark only ONE box for each area. CONTENT. iE | Main ideas are clear and specific Sufficient variety in supporting information Relevancy of main ideas were clear Higher order thinking w: Instructor related ideas to prior knowledge Definitions ware given for vocabulary | ORGANIZATION ie 8 iB a Introduction captured attention SDAIE/EL strategies used_ Effective transitions Giear organizational pian Concluded by summarizing main ideas Reviewed by connecting to previous lessons Previewed by connecting tc [infusion of safety skilis for CTE industry Use of formative/summative assessments = Peep Ped pao Pao INTERACTION — “Exceeds \S al different level Instructor ques Sufficient wait Periodic chocks for understanding ictor feedback was informative [Good rapport with students VERBALNON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Language was understandable Articulation and pronunciation clear _ | Absence of verbalized pauses (um, ah, etc) __ Effactive voice quality ‘Volume sufficient to be heard Rate of delivery was appropriaio [Effective body movements and gestures Eye contact with stude [Confident and enthusiastic ‘USE OF MEDIA | Overheads/chalkboard/whitebcard content clear and wall [organized Visual aids can be easily read Instructor provided an outline and/or handouts [Computerized instruction effective ERALL EFFECTIVENESS RATING Exceeds Mesis | Below [(Check ONE only) _ i Instructions io Mentor: Please provide a cop) at te end of tie semester to the Designates Suojecss Gredentisi Program ‘or the Cendicats's tie. You may scan and email tto Maizek Unde(@lesos.ecy ormai to Linda Matzsk LACOE-CTE Credentials Unt, 9200 Imperiat Highway. Downey. CA 980242-7890,

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