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Environmental  Science  –  6-­‐7  

Nurma Yunita Indriyanti

Water Chemistry
•  The Hydrologic Cycle
•  Chemical Characters of Ocean, Rivers
and Lakes
•  Types of Water Pollutants
•  Elemental Pollutants
•  Organic Pollutants
•  Trace and Heavy Elements in water
The Hydrologic Cycle
Volume of Water Stored in the Water Cycle's
Reservoir Volume of water Percent
(106 km3) of total
Oceans 1370 97.25
Ice caps & glaciers 29 2.05
Groundwater 9.5 0.68
Lakes 0.125 0.01
Soil moisture 0.065 0.005
Atmosphere 0.013 0.001
Streams & rivers 0.0017 0.0001
Biosphere 0.0006 0.00004
Water moves from one reservoir to
another by way of processes like

•  Evaporation
•  Condensation
•  Precipitation
•  Deposition
•  Runoff
•  Sublimation
•  Transpiration
•  Melting and
•  Groundwater flow
Seawater is a mixture of various
salts and water
•  Most of the water in the ocean basins is
believed to originate from the condensation
of water found in the early atmosphere as
the Earth cooled after its formation

•  Most of the dissolved chemical constituents

or salts found in seawater have a
continental origin
Chemicals were released from
continental rocks through

•  Weathering, and then carried to the


•  Stream Runoff
Only six elements and compounds
comprise about 99% of sea salts
•  Chlorine (Cl-)

•  Sodium (Na+)

•  Sulfur (SO4-2)

•  Magnesium (Mg+2)

•  Calcium (Ca+2) and

•  Potassium (K+)
Relative proportions of dissolved salts in
Major Chemical Processes in water
•  Acid Base phenomena

•  Redox processes

•  Complexation
Acid Base Phenomena
•  Governs pH of water bodies
–  A number of different factors govern the pH of
natural waters which should be around pH 6 – 9.

•  Note, pH of water is rarely 7!!!!

•  Due to solubilization of carbon dioxide.
•  Water is amphiprotic → autoprotolysis yields OH-
and H+
Redox Processes
•  Water’s redox properties define upper &
lower potential limits for redox reactions of
other species in water

•  Oxidation of H2O itself evolves O2

6H2O → O2 + 4 H3O+ + 4e-

•  Achieved in very high pE conditions (later)

•  In very extreme reducing conditions, water
2H2O + 2e- → H2 + 2OH-
•  Many dissolved substances act as ligands

•  E.g. sulfate, amino group molecules,

organic molecules with sites for bonding

•  Hydrated ions in water can have water

replaced by these ligands

•  Possible if ligand—ion complex is stable

•  CO2 is the most important weak acid in

•  Present through:
–  Air
–  Microbial decay of OM
–  Rainfall
•  Acid base chemistry of natural waters is
dominated by the interaction of CO32- ion

•  Dissolution of CO2 in water yields H2CO3

•  This H2CO3 exists in equilibrium with HCO3- and


•  The predominant species existing depends on

the pH.

•  Shown on a distribution of species diagram

Distribution of species with pH as a master
How CO2 is dissolved into water:

CO2 HCO3- CO3=

+ H2CO3 + +
H 2O H+ 2H+

Carbon Carbonic Bicarbonate Carbonate

Dioxide Acid Ion Ion
Buffer reaction helps dissolve CO2
into sea water:

CO2 + CO3= + H2O 2 HCO3-

Buffer reaction helps dissolve CO2 into sea

CO2 + CO3= + H2O 2 HCO3-

This reaction removes CO2 from the

atmosphere, with no change in the amount
of H+ (i.e., no change in pH)

Definition: pH = - log10[H+]

So, low pH = high [H+] ⇒ acidic

high ph = low [H+] ⇒ basic
Types of Water Pollution

•  Microbiological
•  Chemical
•  Oxygen-depleting Substances
•  Nutrients
•  Suspended matter
•  Disease-causing (pathogenic)
microorganisms, like bacteria, viruses and
protozoa can cause swimmers to get sick.
Fish and shellfish can become
contaminated and people who eat them
can become ill. Some serious diseases
like polio and cholera are waterborne

•  A whole variety of chemicals from industry, such

as metals and solvents, and even chemicals
which are formed from the breakdown of natural
wastes (ammonia, for instance) are poisonous to
fish and other aquatic life. Pesticides used in
agriculture and around the home-- insecticides
for controlling insects and herbicides for
controlling weeds-- are another type of toxic
chemical. Some of these can accumulate in fish
and shellfish and poison people, animals, and
birds that eat them.
Materials like detergents and oils float and
spoil the appearance of a water body, as
well as being toxic; and many chemical
pollutants have unpleasant odors. The
Niagara River, between the US and Canada,
even caught fire at one time because of
flammable chemical wastes discharged into
the water.
Oxygen-depleting Substances
•  Many wastes are biodegradable, that is, they can be
broken down and used as food by microorganisms like
bacteria. Too much biodegradable material, though, can
cause the serious problem of oxygen depletion in
receiving waters.
Like fish, aerobic bacteria that live in water use oxygen
gas which is dissolved in the water when they consume
their "food". But, oxygen is not very soluble in water.
Even when the water is saturated with dissolved oxygen,
it contains only about 1/25 the concentration that is
present in air. So if there is too much "food" in the water,
the bacteria that are consuming it can easily use up all of
the dissolved oxygen, leaving none for the fish, which
will die of suffocation.
Once the oxygen is gone (depleted), other bacteria
that do not need dissolved oxygen take over. But
while aerobic microorganisms-- those which use
dissolved oxygen-- convert the nitrogen, sulfur, and
carbon compounds that are present in the
wastewater into odorless-- and relatively
harmless-- oxygenated forms like nitrates, sulfates
and carbonates, these anaerobic microorganisms
produce toxic and smelly ammonia, amines, and
sulfides, and flammable methane (swamp gas).

•  The elements phosphorus and nitrogen are necessary

for plant growth, and are plentiful in untreated wastwater.
Added to lakes and streams, they cause growth of
aquatic weeds, as well as "blooms" of algae, which are
microscopic plants. This can cause several problems.
Weeds can make a lake unsuitable for swimming and
boating. Algae and weeds die and become biodegrable
material, which can cause the problems. If the water is
used as a drinking water source, algae can clog filters
and impart unpleasant tastes and odors to the finished
Suspended matter

•  Some pollutants are dissolved in wastewater, meaning

that the individual molecules or ions (electrically charged
atoms or molecules) of the substance are mixed directly
in between the molecules of water. Other pollutants,
referred to as particulate matter, consist of much larger--
but still very small-- particles which are just suspended in
the water. Although they may be kept in suspension by
turbulence, once in the receiving water, they will
eventually settle out and form silt or mud at the bottom.
These sediments can decrease the depth of the body of
water. If there is a lot of biodegradable organic material
in the sediment, it will become anaerobic and contribute
to problems.
•  Toxic materials can also accumulate in the
sediment and affect the organisms which
live there and can build up in fish that feed
on them, and so be passed up the food
chain, causing problems all along the
way . Also, some of the particulate matter
may be grease-- or be coated with grease,
which is lighter than water, and float to the
top, creating an aesthetic nuisance.
Elemental Pollutants
•  Trace elements is a term that refers to
those elements that occur at very low level
of a few parts per million or less in a given

•  The term trace substance is more general

one applied to both elements and
chemical compounds.
•  Manahan table 7.1
•  And 7.2
Improving  Industrial  Water  Use  :  
Case  Study  for  An  Indian  Dis.lleries  
•  Alcohol  dis.lleries  are  one  of  the  most  industries  an  average  of  
8-­‐15  L  effluent  (“spentwash”)  per  liter  of  
alcohol  produced.  
•  Fresh  water  is  consumed  at  various  stages  of  
alcohol  manufacturing  process.    
•  The  effluent  generated  is  acidic  in  nature,  has  a  high  BOD  
and  COD  value  poses  an  aesthe.c  problem  due  to  its  color  
and  odor.  

•  This  work  aims  to  iden.fy  possible  strategies  that  can  

improve  water  use  in  Indian  dis.lleries.    
Approaches  toward  water  conserva.on  in  

•  Process  modifica.on  or  change  in  raw  materials  to  

reduce  water  consump.on.  
•  Direct  reuse  of  wastewater  
•  In-­‐plant  reuse  of  reclaimed  wastewater  
•  Use  of  treated  wastewater  for  non-­‐industrial  
Questionnaire Distilleries in Northern India
survey on water use (State of Uttar Pradesh was
chosen for the further study)

Detailed water balance and water/wastewater samples

are collected from different points in the plant. The water
Characteristics are determined in the laboratory following
Standard methods. Data on volumes of water consumed
And effluent generated was obtained from the distilleries record.
Results  and  discussion    
•  Ground  water  is  main  water  
•  Significant  volume  of  water  
consumed  for  molasses  
dilu.on,  boWle  washing,  yeast  
Survey  results  on  recycling  technology    
I.  Recircula.on  of  condenser  and  fermenter  cooling  water;  
fermenter  washing  using  spentless;  wash  water  from  
boWling  plant  for  gardening.  
II.  None  
III.  Cooling  water  
IV.  For  treated  effluent  
Case  study  

•  The  unit  uses  1133.5  kL/day  ang  generates  around  668  kL/day  
effluent  (molasses  dilu.on,  yeast  prepara.on,  steam  genera.on,  
fermenter  washing,  and  effluent  treatment).  

•  Op.miza.on  of  the  cooling  tower  opera.on  and  maintenance  

cab  contribute  significantly  to  make  up  water  requirement.    
Distribution of Fresh water consumption
Characteris.cs  of  water/wastewater  in  different  dis.lleries  
•  There  is  significant  scope  to  improve  water  u.liza.on  in  Indian  
dis.lleries  through  conserva.on  and  reuse.    
•  proper  metering  of  water  flow  in  individual  units  and  
maintenance  of  piping  contribute  to  water  savings,  specific  
interven.on  should  also  be  targeted.    
•  ways  to  reuse  segregated  wastewater  streams  and  
replacing  batch  with  semi-­‐con.nuous/con.nuous  fermenta.on  
to  be  appropriate  interven.ons  to  reduce  water  use  in  

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