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BPO is not the call centre as people take it in the same way; BPO is the outsourcing specific functions

of any
business to a third party are Business Outsourcing Process. Many people take it as a good priority sector to
work, because it fulfills the primary productivity in humans. Although it’s usually assumed, appearing for a
BPO Interview can lead with a difficult task to face before getting into the final round of the job selection
process. So, here we are lending a helping hand to cross out your BPO Interview Questions and Answers

10 Commonly Questions and Answers in BPO Interview:-

1. Tell me something about yourself?

It is the most basic Question which every Interviewer asks at the time of Interview. So, in this case, the person
who has faced this question should impress the interviewer in a unique way by stating the qualities you hold in
for the particular designation.

2. Why do you want to join in BPO?

You can answer this question by:  As per the increase in technology assessment, every business holder has an
outsourcing department where they can excel with their skills and capabilities towards the work and with that
people can groom themselves up with the massive interaction with different people having different skills and
learn from them.

3. Why should we hire you?

This the question where a candidate gets confused easily, instead of thinking it too much just easily answer it
by defining all the qualities you hold and mention the qualities which will suit best to fit you for this profile.

4. What is the difference between the shore and offshore outsourcing?

You can answer this question by: The difference between shore and offshore is simple when any project or
work is been allotted outside the country and not nearby it is known to be as offshore outsourcing and if
anything is outsourced nearby country then that will be shore outsourcing.

5. What are the different types of BPO?

Most people don’t know about different types of BPO and think it as a call centre one, but the fact is
outsourcing a process hold different aspect which are way helpful and that is why every business hold the BPO
department to go with the flow and easily make it viable and accurate. The different types of BPO are:-

 Administrative Department
 Purchase Department
 Selling Department
 Back Office
 Call Centre

6. Are you Comfortable with the shifts and as well night shifts?

When it comes to the shifts then a person who is willing to work in a BPO Sector and also well prepared to
crack down the Interview should not lack behind by saying the direct answer.
7. Why do you see BPO as your Career?

You can answer this question by: BPO has always been a career opportunity for me as you are exposed to a
new field, wherein a person can develop the personality and communication skills. Apart from it BPO is a
well-diversified Industry.

8. Why Companies Outsource?

Companies outsource because it is cost saving and focus on core activities leading ahead to get quality work
done by the expertise in that domain.

9. Will you be comfortable handling customers on the phone?

 Say Yes! It is the most important thing interviewer wants to know about your ability handle the customers on
call, because the main task involves here is to handle the customers and resolve their queries.

10. Why do you think you will do well in this job?

This is another question wherein an interviewer wants to know about your mindset.  In this situation, mention
several reasons like experience, interest and skills.

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