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[Teacher of Principal’s name]

[School name]
[School Address]

Dear [Recipient's name],

I am writing to inform you that I, [Student’s Name], will not be able to attend my classes
today, September 5, 2023, due to sore eyes (conjunctivitis). I noticed some redness and
itching in my eyes yesterday and I went to the doctor. He confirmed that I had
conjunctivitis and he prescribed me some eye drops and antibiotics. He also told me to
avoid contact with other people as much as possible because conjunctivitis is contagious.
I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my absence and I hope you will understand
my situation. I am concerned about my education and I would appreciate it if you could
send me any assignments or homework that I can do at home. I will also study the lessons
that I missed and prepare for any quizzes or tests that I may have.
However, I have a problem. Today is supposed to be my day to report in class about our
group project. I don’t want to let my group mates down and I don’t want to lose points
for our project. Is there any way that I can still do my report without going to school?
Maybe I can do it online via video call or send you a recorded presentation. Please let me
know what you think and what I should do.
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation. If you have any questions or
concerns, please feel free to contact me at [Your Number] or [your email].


[Your Signature]
[Your Printed Name]

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