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Specialty wise K-Nor promotion

Dear Sir/Mam, Avcbvi Patient Gi kidney hLb wVKgZ Functioning K‡i bv, Result
wnmv‡e Potassium Filter nq bv, ZLb Blood-G Potassium Level ‡e‡o ‡h‡Z cv‡i| GB
ai‡bi patient-‡`i Treatment-i Rb¨ i‡q‡Q Avgv‡`i K-NOR.
Medicine Specialist:
Dear Sir/Mam, Avcbvi cªwZw`‡bi Practice-G Ggb A‡bK Patient ‡c‡q _v‡Kb, hv‡`i
Potassium Level ‡ewk _v‡K| GQvov NSAIDs w`‡qI wPwKrmv w`‡q _v‡Kb, Result
Potassium Level May Increase (i.e.: Aspirin, Ibuprofen Naproxen etc. - If taken on a regular basis,
these drugs can harm kidneys and cause potassium levels to raise) . Zv‡`i Potassium Level -‡K
Normal Kivi Rb¨ i‡q‡Q Avgv‡`i K-NOR.

GQvovI, Avcbvi Ggb A‡bK Hypertensive Patient Av‡Q hv‡`i‡K ACEi, ARB,
(Increases serum potassium level by interfering with angiotensin II-receptor & decreasing aldosterone
secretion) Potassium Sparing Diuretic (Drugs do not promote the secretion of potassium into the
urine) w`‡q -Treatment w`‡q _v‡Kb| GB ai‡bi Patient -‡`i Hyperkalemia -‡Z AvµvšÍ
nIqvi m¤¢vebv _v‡K hvi Treatment -i Rb¨ i‡q‡Q Avgv‡`i K-NOR.
Dear Sir/Mam, Avcbvi Ggb A‡bK Hypertensive Patient Av‡Q hv‡`i‡K ACEi, ARB,
(Increases serum potassium level by interfering with angiotensin II-receptor & decreasing aldosterone
secretion) Potassium Sparing Diuretic (Drugs do not promote the secretion of potassium into the
urine) w`‡q -Treatment w`‡q _v‡Kb| GB ai‡bi Patient -‡`i Hyperkalemia -‡Z AvµvšÍ
nIqvi m¤¢vebv _v‡K hvi Treatment -i Rb¨ i‡q‡Q Avgv‡`i K-NOR.
Dear Sir/Mam, Avcwb Rv‡bb, Insulin Cell Gi wfZ‡i Potassium Gi Uptake †K evwo‡q
†`q| ZvB Diabetic Patient -†`i †h‡nZz Insulin Gi NvUwZ _v‡K ZvB Zv‡`i
Hyperkalemia nIqvi Chance _v‡K| A Lack of Insulin Can Cause Hyperkalemia. Zv‡`i
Treatment -i Rb¨ i‡q‡Q Avgv‡`i K-NOR.

Dear Sir/Mam, Avcbvi Practice-G Ggb A‡bK Patient ‡c‡q _v‡Kb, hviv Abortion A_ev
Complicated Labor-G fzM‡Qb hv‡`i Blood-G Potassium Level ‡ewk (Due to significant
abnormal electrolyte changes), Zv‡`i Treatment -i Rb¨ i‡q‡Q Avgv‡`i K-NOR.

Hospital Doctor:
Dear Sir/Mam, Severe burns, Surgical shock, Crush injury, Abortion, Prostatectomy, Acute &
chronic renal failure, Incompatible blood transfusion, Heart Failure -i Patient hviv
Hyperkalemia -†Z fzM‡Qb Zv‡`i Treatment -i Rb¨ Avgv‡`i i‡q‡Q K-NOR.

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